
32 Reviews
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Elsbeth (2024– )
Surprisingly Very Good
8 May 2024
Gave up on network shows quite a while ago, especially comedies. I did not find the majority of them to be funny and dramas, seemed to me, to be formulaic. Based on the success of The Good Wife and The Good Fight, dramas, not comedies, I will now watch them. Therefore, I was not familiar with Elsbeth as a reoccurring character on either of the shows. I'm familiar with Carrie Preston and I think she is a fantastic actress.

Decided to watch Elsbeth solely because of Carrie Preston and I was pleasantly surprised that I really liked the show and will continue watching it. I like that we are shown how the crime happened at the beginning of an episode. Carrie's voice is unique and I got used to it quickly, it fits the characters personality. There has been terrific actors making guest appearances in each episode to support the great cast. My hope is that the show will be picked up for a second season and that the writing gets better, based on reviewers comments.
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One Day (2024)
If there hadn't been a One Day movie-update to my earlier review 2.29.24*
29 February 2024
Typically I don't like movies that are made into series. That said, with an open mind, I decided I would give this new series a try. The 2011 movie One Day is one of my favorites. Actors Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess were outstanding. Always enjoyed British films, lately more than American films. Not a fan of blockbusters, Super Heroes or Scifi genres. I really hoped I would like the new series. Actors Ambika Mod and Leo Woodall are talented, but, I didn't buy into their relationship, the intensity. I'm happy the series is doing well, really I am. It boils down to this series just isn't my cup of tea.

*2.29.24 Update to my previous review I always watch movies or series twice. After posting the above review I watched the series One Day again. Honestly, I enjoyed it very much. Based on my previous comments, I felt to be fair, I needed to provide this update. While I still feel the actors did not have nearly the chemistry that the actors in the movie had. I wouldn't have chosen the two lead actors for their parts. As I previously stated they are very talented, but, Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess projected a level of intensity in their performances. They owned their roles. Obviously I recognized early on that cosmetic changes, hair color and costumes of supporting actors were quite different from the film, which of course sets it off as different from the film. Overall, the script of the film was followed very closely in the series.

Based on my reevaluation I have raised my rating of the series from a 6 to an 8.
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SHALLOW Documentary
27 February 2024
Social media has become quite the sport. How many followers you have is a testimony to your popularity. Really? Who made up these rules, a 13 year old teenager? Reminds me of middle schoolers discovering that 7th and 8th grade is a big step into the social media arena. You no longer go out for recess or play on the swings and merry go round. You become more focused on who is in your grade. Now you exchange your email address and begin communicating with people in your social media account's. As you become more proficient, you'll start receiving spam emails and communication from people you have no clue who they are. Welcome to social media.

I would be remiss if I didn't include good social media accomplishments. Connecting with old friends and finding lost relatives. But the typical social media user will soon be asking how do I get out of this?

In my opinion this documentary is very shallow. There was an opportunity to share the pitfalls, like stalking and identity theft, and help. Can I tell you a secret? Skip this documentary and create a list of your accounts, who to contact if there is a problem and don't give your email address to just anyone. Consider creating a 2nd email address to use for general inquiries, not linked to any of your financial or personal information. But don't hide behind your social media accounts. Don't be a slave to the notification sound. Go outside, take a walk, enjoy nice weather, visit friends.
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Maestro (I) (2023)
Difficult review for the movie but not for Mulligan & Cooper
20 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wasn't sure I wanted to submit a review on Maestro because my feelings about it were all over the place. There was no doubt about my feelings for Carey Mulligan and Bradley Cooper. They both are outstanding in their respective roles. I've been a fan of Carey Mulligan since I saw An Education 2009, and she continues to shine in every role she plays. Bradley Cooper, in addition to his role as Bernstein, co-wrote and directed Maestro. It's well known he does extensive research for his roles and this film is no exception, plus he spent considerable time learning how to be Bernstein, the conductor. I applaud his commitment to make this film, it isn't going to have broad appeal. He is someone who I'm sure will be offering us many more exceptional films going forward.

And now, to the difficult part of my review. When I'm watching a new movie that I have been longing to see, I admittedly set my expectations high. Not knowing much about Bernstein, beyond his legendary conducting, I didn't learn much more about him beyond his relationship with his wife Felicia Montealegre, how they began, and their three children. The film didn't provide enough for me to say I know more about the man than I knew before. Being bisexual and his wife's losing battle to cancer, are the two things I did learn. The thing is, I don't really know what I was expecting to see but I didn't get whatever it was. I'm a typical movie viewer, so I won't be delving into lighting, camera angles, music or technical details of the film. For me, a great movie pulls me in and I get a feeling that I'm watching a great movie. I didn't get that feeling with Maestro unfortunately.

Maestro starts in black and white and changes to color about 47 minutes in. I suspect that had significance but that had no impact on me nor did the prosthetic nose. Note to * Critics and reviewers, give your comments on the prosthetic nose a rest. Cooper apparently thought he needed it to better resemble Bernstein.

If you're a fan of Mulligan and Cooper I would recommend you watch it.
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Impacts So Many People Suffering in Silence
7 December 2023
Was glued to the TV watching this documentary. It's the first time I have watched a show about family members abusing other family members. It's a discussion that usually doesn't happen in families. These ladies faced it in their family head on. Because of the time lapse of the abuse, memories, in some instances, were from so many years ago but very vivid. The bravery of the ladies to dig deep is admirable. The Grandfather, in my opinion, didn't grasp the severity of what his actions did to the people he abused. His words rang hollow to me. Granted he was close to dying but, his words centered more on how he is going to be greeted upon his death. Recently, I learned my Father tried to abuse his Granddaughters when they were preteens. His actions repulsed me. He has been gone for many years but he was never confronted. Thank you for sharing your experience. I admire you for doing this in a public setting. Hopefully it will start discussion's in families that are currently dealing with this issue.
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Didn't read the book but I read the IMBd reviews before watching the miniseries.
27 November 2023
Thought the miniseries was a little slow in places and could have been done in fewer episodes. I did enjoy Defending Jacob overall and Chris Evans and Cherry Jones were great in their respective roles. Big fan of Chris Evans ever since I saw Gifted. All and all, I thought the acting was pretty good. Jacob's personality as a 15 year old, came across as secretive and naive, or was he? Michelle Dockery did a good job on her American accent and expressing doubt about her son's innocence.

Why the writer changed the ending from the book puzzled me. From what other reviewers stated the book was excellent. Did the writer want to put his own spin on the story? Write your own book and let the original writer have his story told the way he wrote it.
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The Dollmaker (1984 TV Movie)
One of the best representations of Kentucky life in the 40's
19 June 2023
Saw this film when it came out, and the depiction of Kentucky life in the 40's, during WW II was spot on. This could have been the story of my family. They too left Kentucky in the 40's for a better life in Michigan. My dad worked in the coal mines and my mom was caring for her mom who was dying of cancer, and raising 3 children. She too went to work in the factory, Rosie the riveter. Work was dirty and paid little. As so many, they left Kentucky and moved to Michigan where the auto factories paid much more than coal mines. Housing sprouted up to provide a decent living condition for all the workers. They enjoyed running water in the house and electricity for the first time.

I was in awe of how accurately the film displayed their life. The actors did a phenomenal job, and it is the only film I am aware of that depicts that time so accurately. My brother and two sisters were little kids when they moved "up North to Deetriot", I arrived in 1950 and couldn't have experienced a more different upbringing. We would go back every summer to visit our down South relatives. As I became a teenager, I balked at going back down every summer. My cousins wanted me to tell them all about living up North. To them I was someone who could tell them about life outside the Hollers. It was two different worlds.

It was a hard life but they made a better life for their family, at the expense of leaving everything and everyone they knew. Calling them the greatest generation is well deserved.
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The Clinic (I) (2003–2009)
Excellent Irish Series
21 January 2023
The Clinic has 65 episodes, and aired from 2003-2008. Typically I binge watch new programs when they are this good, however, 65 episodes is a tough binge watch so I spread it over 8 day's. It was difficult to stop watching each day because the series has an interesting and diverse story to tell. You get to know clinic employees from the cleaning lady to the doctor's that run the practice. Each character has a unique personality and the writer's create stories that bring out their characters personality. Some characters you will love, one, in particular, you will hate. An attractive, womanizer who lies and manipulates almost every one in his path. The wring is strong as well as the acting. I throughly love British TV and film. Watched Downton Abbey, loved it and was sorry to see it end. The Clinic is an Irish production and it holds its own against British productions. After researching other Irish programs I could watch I found some great ones and I'm looking forward to watching them. You can't go wrong watching The Clinic.
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The End (I) (2020)
An Australian based film focusing on a family of four. Throughly enjoyed it.
11 January 2023
I happened on this film while looking for something new and different. I didn't realize it was the last day it was airing on Showtime (had highly recommended it to my niece only to discover unless she binge watched it that night she would have to wait for Showtime to air it again). The story focuses on an upper middle class family in Australia, mom, Frances O'Connor, is a doctor, dad, Luke Arnold, is in prison and their two daughter's, one, played by Ingrid Torelli, is considered a bully at school and the other daughter is beginning the process of medically becoming transgender. The young lady in this role, Morgan Davies, is phenomenal. But, in my opinion, the star of the film is the grandmother, played by the brilliant British actress Harriet Walter. This dark comedy is complimented by the the dialogue of Ms Walter who does an outstanding job, not only by her spoken words but by her gestures. Her daughter brings her to Australia, from her home in England after the death of her husband and a unsuccessful suicide, and puts her in a upscale senior living facility. From the beginning of the film it's clear mother and daughter have a dysfunctional, difficult relationship. The writer's did an outstanding job identifying each of the three generation's. I definitely recommend The End.

* Note to Showtime, please air this film again and soon.
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Adrienne (2021)
Beautiful film depicting the short life of Adrienne Shelly
21 December 2022
Andy, thank you for sharing Adrienne with us. Your documentary shows us more about Adrienne than we knew. She was such a talented, beautiful and smart woman. I throughly enjoyed her work and fortunately I can watch her films to my heart's content. Of course I wish she was still here. Waitress is a film I've seen at least a half dozen times. Her writing was so on point and the characters were developed perfectly. It was a natural process for you to make a documentary about her since you're in the business. You're expression of love for Adrienne comes through in every scene. I wish for you and your daughter a happy life.
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Reacher (2022– )
Pleasant surprise
26 November 2022
Couldn't sleep so I turned on the TV. Looking for something interesting, nothing really jumped out at me, then I found Reacher. At first, I thought it was a movie that had been out awhile and I had passed it up previously. When I read the details of the movie I discovered it was new, 2022 movie with actors I was not familiar with. Ended up binge watching the miniseries and throughly enjoyed it! The plot is a familiar one, but this was not a formula type movie. Script is fresh, plot is exciting and the acting very good. It is an action movie, which isn't my favorite genre but, I really loved this movie.
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Human Capital (2019)
It's not the best film I've ever seen, but it's not the worst either. Judge for yourself.
27 September 2022
This film is a remake of a 2013 Italian film, and a book. Rarely do I like remakes of films. I didn't read the book or see the original film. My decision to watch this film was solely due to the cast of actors.

It's not the best film I have ever seen, nor is it the worst. Unlike other reviews, I'm not going to give a synopsis because my opinion is subjective and not the point of this review. I will say it had a very good cast for the most part in my IMO.

The purpose of my review is to comment on the alleged "up-voting" of the ratings for this film on IMBd. It angers me that the ratings have been manipulated to give the film a higher rating than it may deserve. I've always enjoyed being able to review a film on a public site, sharing my opinion on a movie was something I enjoyed.

I hope when I read future reviews, that they are true user's reviews, but now I'm always going to be suspect they have been up-voted if they show too many high ratings for a middle of the road movie like this one. But, this is how people roll now. If you don't like the way something is, change it to something better-even lie.
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Elvis (2022)
Here's my 2 cents
23 September 2022
In August 1977, I was in my mid-20's, at work when we heard on the radio that Elvis had died. Enjoyed his music but I wasn't a huge fan. Grew up on Motown, but enjoyed a variety of genres including rock and soul, and full disclosure, I was a huge fan of the Beatles. Since the movie is a biopic, I was looking forward to learning more about Elvis than what was typically available through the media. Baz Luhrmann is a dynamic director. His movies are usually very visually stunning and entertaining. The first 30/40 minutes of the film was very chaotic. My first surprise was that Colonel Tom Parker was figured so prominently. Wasn't a character I really wanted to know more about. And Tom Hanks, please, no. He's a great actor but I didn't like him in this movie, nor did I enjoy his narration. That said, Austin Butler was a phenomenal Elvis. Had hoped to hear more music from Elvis so that was a disappointment to me too. Other musical selections by artists not around during Elvis' time didn't add anything to the production, in fact, it detracted. Also, a number of statements presented as fact, were incorrect. Since those facts were easily verified, why misrepresent them? It's a biopic.
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Echoes (2022)
This is the best writing Netflix can obtain?
23 August 2022
I'm a half-full kind of person but this mini-series is so bad I feel compelled to leave a review. From the beginning, it was so confusing who was Gina and who was Leni. Just changing the clothes a twin wears doesn't clarify the person. The writing is awful and the actor's didn't have much to work with. It had a great cast, in particular, Karen Robinson, is a stand out. But, my two star rating really says it all, skip this one.
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Ben Whishaw worth every award that comes his way
6 August 2022
Not being familiar with actor Ben Whishaw prior to this series, what a tremendous actor. His portrayal of Norman showed a talent not often displayed with all the blockbuster films that utilize mostly high tech graphics to tell their story. The intensity of his characters is on full display. I've seen his most recent series, 2022, This is Going to Hurt, and he embodies his characters. Actors of his caliber are rare, and I look forward to watching him in future films.
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Helen (2009)
Too close to real life, but accurate!
19 June 2022
With the tragic loss from depression of a close family member, Ashley Judd filmed this movie long before the death of her mother. In the movie, her character Helen, suffers from disabling severe depression. The movie does an accurate job of showing how severe depression impacts daily life. Sleeping a lot, negative self talk, little tasks become overwhelming and, wanting to isolate themselves are some of the typical symptoms. It's very hard for someone not familiar with depression to understand how disabling it is. It's hard for someone dealing with severe depression to explain how disabling it is. I would recommend this movie.
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The Staircase (2022– )
Series just began but, so far so good
5 May 2022
Have been following this story since the original trial. My impression so far is the set decorations, especially the house, is spot on. The cast, the always phenomenal Toni Collette and exceptional Colin Firth are excellent. Supporting cast portrays their roles true to their characters. In my mind's eye I'm watching the show unfold as if I'm seeing the actual victims. The writer's had a lot to work with starting with the trial transcripts and the French documentary The Staircase, so the show feels very real.
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Andrew Garfield is Phenomenal!
1 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Learning that Andrew Garfield had no formal singing or piano training, and in the year before production began on Lin Manual-Miranda's, Tick Tick...BOOM, Andrew learned to sing and play the piano, specifically for the film, where he portrayed playwright Jonathan Larson. What a phenomenal performance.

Tick Tick BOOM... was a musical Larson wrote before the multiple award winning musical Rent, that depicted his struggles. Jonathan Larson tragically died the night before the preview of Rent at 36. He didn't live to see his tremendous success.

The popularity of musical theater has declined over the year's, and a Broadway musical turned into a film even less popular. But, Lin Manual-Miranda's debut as a director is a solid hit. And Andrew Garfield IS Jonathan Larson.
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Delightful 2008 movie
4 February 2022
I was searching for something to watch and came across Happy-Go-Lucky from 2008. What a delightful film. The entire cast did a terrific job. Leads Sally Hawkins and Eddie Marsen did an excellent job at conveying the personalities of their respective characters. Don't know how I missed this film for so many years but, I'm so happy I finally found it.
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Masterpiece documentary that tells about the murder of a man and a broken Justice system
3 February 2022
I discovered this documentary on MSNBC shortly after its debut in 2008. Never has a film or documentary touched me as Dear Zachary has. Not only about the tragic murder of a young man but, it also shows how the Canadian Justice system failed so miserably.

Andrew Bagby was a 28 year old man from California, who recently had received his medical degree and was practicing at a hospital in Pennsylvania. He had ended a relationship with an unhinged woman, Shirley Turner, a doctor, 12 years his senior, twice divorced with a couple of children. She would not accept that the relationship was over. So, in 2001, she made an unannounced visit to Andrew in Pennsylvania. He immediately put her on a plane back to Council Bluffs, Iowa. Once home, she got into her car and drove 1600 miles back to Pennsylvania. The next morning Pennsylvania State Police responded to a call that a man was found shot to death in Derry Township State Park. The State Police named Shirley Turner as a person of interest because they discovered she owned the same type of gun that killed Andrew and she had been in Derry Township at the time of the murder. Shirley quickly left the US and returned to her home country Canada. Now, Exhibition papers to return her to the US to stand trial for Andrew's murder had to be filed.

Andrew's parents, Kathleen and David Bagby relocated to Newfoundland in Canada from California to be there while the expedition process proceeded. Andrew had went to medical school in St Johns where he met Shirley. Friends and family immediately noticed that Shirley was more interested in a relationship with Andrew than he was about her.

A news conference was held by Shirley to announce she was 4 months pregnant with Andrew's baby. Now there was not just the expedition to be concerned about, the Bagby's wanted to get custody of the baby, because once back in the US Shirley would be tried for murder, and they were the logical, loving and responsible choice to have custody of the baby. Andrew was an only child. As she appeared before Judge Walsh, it was evident the judge fawned over her. She asked Shirley if she promised not to cause any problems if Shirley was to be let out on bond. Incredibly, the Psychiatrist Shirley saw posted her $75,000 bond.

Once Zachary was born the relationship between Andrew's parents and Shirley was troubled. It was evident to everyone that Zachary preferred to be around Kathleen. The Bagby's consulted a lawyer who drew up an agreement between the parties regarding visitation so there would be mutual consent regarding visitations.

Andrew's closet friend since childhood, Kurt Kuenne, decided to film the ongoing events and, in addition to film he had accumulated of Andrew over the years, he planned on making a film he could give Zachary so he would get to know his father. Kurt did an outstanding job filming, producing, editing and directing the documentary. Zachary would not only get to know his dad, but Kurt traveled to England and met with Andrew's relatives (Andrew's mom was originally from England). Kurt also visited and filmed relatives in various states around the Country.

My heart aches for the Bagby's. In addition to the tragic loss of their beloved son, the drama increased significantly once the Justice system failed, miserably.

To review the documentary further would result in spoilers so I will stop. You will watch the finest documentary put together by loving friends and family.
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A gem
28 January 2022
Unfortunately the World recently lost Sidney Poitier. An actor who possessed superb talent, he received multiple Oscars. He was known as a dedicated family man. We will miss Sidney. Rest In Peace.

The role of Noah Dearborn was played by Mr Poitier to perfection. A man living a solitary life, engrossed in his woodworking abilities, known by townsfolk as an honest, hardworking man, Noah is 91. Greedy developers are trying to force him off his 35 acres to build a shopping center. When Noah stated he had no desire to sell his land, the developer tried to have him declared mentally incompetent. Fortunately, the developers girlfriend, a phycologist, befriends Noah.
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Labor Day (2013)
Great film not to be missed
18 January 2022
I enjoyed this movie very much. Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin did an excellent job. The ending was terrific, a pleasant surprise. It hasn't been available on any platforms recently but luckily, I found it on IMDb.
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Spencer (2021)
Not a biopic
30 November 2021
When I heard Kristen Stewart was playing Diana, I was surprised. Had never seen her in the Twilight sagas, only in independent movies like Speak, which she did a good job. I was not impressed with her Diana interpretation. Voice would have had a better chance with an English actress. Admittedly, I fell asleep about half way in. Since I had a 48 hour rental, I decided to start again. Ended up watching it a total of four times (yes, I have a life but, was home ill). After reading all the positive ratings, I wanted to determine exactly why I didn't like it, analyze the story, scenery, costumes, music and actors. My biggest takeaway was the story its self. At the start of the film displayed on screen was A FABLE BASED ON TRUE EVENTS. Emphasis on the word fable. Dramatic license was taken to portray Diana as a person close to having a nervous breakdown, is mentally ill and talking to Ann Boleyn. I have never heard that Diana did any of those things. It is true she threw herself down a flight of stairs while pregnant. She was a beautiful young woman whose husband was having an affair with a former girlfriend, Camilla. The difference between us and them was she was enduring the public airing of her husband cheating as a member of the Royal family. To make a movie showing her so unstable does a disservice to her, her family and her millions of fan's. Many people that have written reviews on this site are calling the film a biopic and that is a falsehood. The scenery was lackluster. A German mansion was used for Sandringham which was smaller in scale and not as impressive. The costumes were great. All the clothes to be worn over the 3 day Christmas holiday were individually tagged to state what family function each outfit would be worn. The music was soft in some scenes, erratic in others. Jazz? Not a soundtrack I would be interested in. Due to a lot of whispering, and occasionally the English accent, I had trouble hearing at times. For the most part the actors did a good job. Sally Hawkins, Sean Harris, Timothy Spall and the boy's were the standouts. I am curious if the Royals charge staff to chastise another Royal when there is a problem. For the life of me I don't understand why Maggie, Diana's dresser, confessed to being in love with the Princess was even in the script. Again, never heard about that.

In summary, The Crown is a superior show. I anxiously await each season. I've more than paid my dues (4 viewings ) to objectively critique Spenser. Our opinions can vary, as as expressed in different ratings. But, we enjoy the freedom to express ourselves.
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The Nest (I) (2020)
Great film
10 November 2021
Well written and acted. I didn't recognize Carrie Koons as a blind. She is a favorite of mine since Gone Girl. Never heard of The Nest but it was a pleasant surprise. Jude Law plays menacing well.
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Then Came You (2020)
Do something fun for 2 hours and bypass this vanity project.
6 November 2021
Scenery was outstanding, Scotland is so beautiful. The movie, written by KLG, was terrible. A romantic movie with one kiss in the whole movie? Not realistic. Craig Ferguson, the male lead, did a good job but, KLG, the female lead, cannot act. It was uncomfortable to watch her realizing her acting hasn't improved with age.
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