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Willow (2022–2023)
The Characters do a lot of stupid things
29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the original movie Willow watch at least once a year.

I thought since they brought back the original Willow and Sorsha as more then just quick cameo appearances the show might be good.

Not so much.

I admit I have only watched the first two episodes but it took me three sittings for each to get through them. The show so far is so simplistic it seems to be for younger audiences.

The scenes are set in generic open spaces with nothing special giving this show a very low budget look, at least The Lord Of The Rings series has well developed sets and effects.

The point of the original movie was to protect Elora Danan so she could take the throne.

Where is she?

The story says Madmartigan took her somewhere safe, wasn't that why the shield?

This place seemed safe enough for 20 years?

The characters are so hard to like, or take seriously.

The first one to be annoying is Graydon, he is so pampered, if this was set today he would have a gallon of hand sanitizer so he wouldn't get his hands dirty. He has no place on he trip except to whine.

The cook Elora was the second one to be stupid, she goes along to save her lover, and the day they are going through the barrier she leaves the group, loses her horse only to end up right back with the group when they came out. Why?

Was she going to walk to where ever she thought she was going? Did she know where she was going.

They get attack, as expected, and lose the most experienced member of the group so I thought the blond gets another horse, wrong. They leave that horse behind too and now she is a bigger burden having to share a horse.

Then there is Thraxus, Sorsha treats him like a friend but keeps him locked up and has to blackmail him in to helping. He proves to be just a filler in the group so far and I think they could do as well with out him.

I can only hope for improvement but so far this show will be an only if there is nothing else to watch show on my list.
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Another "B" Grade Dinosaur Movie
30 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The CGI was well done, and it was interesting to see the Dino's but....

This is an overrated repeat of things in all the past JP movies. And a lot of things that are WAY beyond belief.

A predator will attack a target of opportunity, but if it gets away the predator moves on to find something else. For example, in the movie, after the new raptor corners Own Clair and Maisie, Maisie gets out and runs in the open, so the raptor chases her and gives up digging out the others.

Why would the big game hunter climb into the cage for?

He would have been smarter reaching through to get his trophy, no sane person would climb into a cage alone with a man-eater, tranked or not

And has anyone else wondered what a 4-ton two-legged Dino is doing climbing to the roof of a 4-story building??? What is the logic?

This movie was a well-planned and any "B" movie about Dinosaurs I have ever seen.

Save your money and watch the originals.
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No Time To Care
26 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this streaming and found myself pausing and skipping ahead ALOT.

Bond movies in general are pretty formulaic.

Hot women, who usually fall for Bonds charmed and half of them die.

Cool car chase scenes, that are hard to believe but fun to watch.

Lots of luck breaks that let Bond escape death and beat the bad guys.

This movie has all that but the back story is so boring and uninteresting I was bored in the first 5 minutes.

It made it very hard to watch the rest of the movie.

Not the best Bond Movie.
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Red Notice (2021)
Not bad just nothing new
5 June 2022
This is an ok movie.

It made me chuckle a few times but it was very predictable because it was the same story we have seen many times before.

Worth looking at once but nothing more.
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Moon Knight (2022)
Just more disappointment from the new owners of Marvel
9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I discovered the Moonknight comics back in the late 70's and absolutely loved the story It was kind of Marvels version of Batman only better.

Spoiler Alert, for those wanting to read the comics

Marc Sector was a mercenary that refuses to follow orders and kill an archaeologist and his daughter so is shot by his leader and left for dead. The archaeologist is then killed anyway but his daughter and Specter are locked in a tomb. When he wakes up Specter gets them out of the tomb and takes on the persona of the moon god to fight crime in New York city.

After it went out of print in the mid 80's I felt disappointment and never heard anything more about this character until this show was advertised and REALLY wanted to like it

I have watched 2 episodes, don't know what this is, but it is not the story from the comic books.

It is nothing even close besides the name of the main character. I will not be watching anymore episodes.
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Roswell, New Mexico (2019–2022)
The original jusmped the shark after season 2, this one did it the in the first episode
20 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the original because it was different and I found the characters interesting. But by the second season the story lines were getting old and repetitive.

This new one is rehashing those old stories with a scaled down cast. they are out of high school and Max is also the town sheriff?

Add all the new PC crap and it has become the most boring and predictable show on TV.

If I feel the need to see this story I will watch the original instead.
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Arrow (2012–2020)
Started Good, But Has Ran Past It's Prime
6 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was an entertaining show for the first 3 years. But after that it got harder to watch and the stories became ridiculous. Like when 3 people are killed to take a hand print from each to beat the Bio metric lock on the vault that holds the internet. ??????????????????????????? First someone has NO IDEA what the internet is. And second if you can beat a Bio metric lock by using a copy of a hand print, it is no lock at all.

That was the last episode I watched, it required removing your brain to watch it. That was the middle of season 6.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
I really tried to watch this show but it is just unfunny.
13 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the first commercials for the Orville I thought "Galaxy Quest Gets A TV Show" I liked Galaxy Quest, but this isn't any were near as good. I like Sci-Fi Shows with humor but this shows humor is on a level of potty jokes.

The first episode was entertaining, less the penis jokes, but it just didn't stay amusing. In the second episode I was so bored, I could tell you what was going to happen 10 minutes before it did, the stories are simplistic and predictable.

I gave up on the show after episode 5.
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So now the Jedi can fly through space and control weather
24 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is just the latest classics that have been remade to capitalize on the past success.

Hollywood can't come up with any new ideas so they take a classic, bring back one or two original cast members only to past the story to the new kids, then they get killed off. They could have left Lea out of this completely, her character did nothing for the story.

As for the story line for this movie it wasted two and a half hours, this was nothing more than a movie of the week on TV.

There is zero background as to where the first order comes from, how they got so strong or why they are using all the trappings of the Empire from 30 years ago. Nothing new here at all.
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Criminal Minds (2005– )
Bad research for a bad show
14 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In the episode The Gathering they come to St. Paul, MN to work a case. In one scene near the end they are looking for the character Peter. They said he is in Rosewood just outside of St. Paul.

Roseville is just outside of St. Paul, you just cross the street and there you are. Rosewood is 332 miles north of St. Paul.

Watching this I wonder if they filmed any part anywhere near Minnesota. You see this in almost every show, most being filmed in Canada. As if no one will notice the mistakes. At least Mary Tyler Moore filmed several locations in the twin cities to cut in to the show filmed on a Hollywood set.

I have watched several episodes in repeats and in every one I was able to identify the killer right away. Just like every horror/murder show done since the first Jason and Freddy movies you can see the formula and see where it's going in the first 15 minutes.
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Criminal Minds: The Gathering (2013)
Season 8, Episode 17
Bad research
14 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode they come to St. Paul, MN to work a case.

In one scene near the end they are looking for the character Peter.

They said he is in Rosewood just outside of St. Paul.

Roseville is just outside of St. Paul, you just cross the street and there you are.

Rosewood is 332 miles north of St. Paul.

Watching this I wonder if they filmed any part anywhere near Minnesota.

You see this in almost every show, most being filmed in Canada. As if no one will notice the mistakes. At least Mary Tyler Moore filmed several locations in the twin cities to cut in to the show filmed on a Hollywood set.
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Stargate: Continuum (2008 Video)
Didn't they do this for the season 8 finally?
20 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't they do this for the season 8 finally?

I swear this is only slightly different Someone goes back in time changes the past to prevent the SGC from being created and the members of SG1 must come together anyway and save the day.

I was a HUGE fan of the first 8 seasons of SG1 but when season 9 started and they totally dismissed the System Lord's as a threat and invented a totally lame new enemy, the Ori, then removed Jack O'Neil, one of the best correctors, the show went in to the toilet. This movie just drove in the final nail.

I know this premise has been used in almost every Sci-fi show that has even one time travel episode.

Here is more proof that there are new ideas in Hollywood. Find a new and original story line for goodness sake.
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Super 8 (2011)
Wow Close Encounters meets ET, mix in a little jaws. Could this look like any more of Spielberg's movies?
25 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Just saw the most boring movie in a long time.

I had a free pass so I decided to try Super 8, even though I was warned I figured what the heck it's free.

I was over charged!

I was bored to sleep; I fell asleep for 15 minutes and still was able to follow this turd. I have seen slow movies but this one moved like a glacier. It wouldn't have been so bad if the story was more involved, or interesting.

I don't know what was dumber the woman at the town meeting blaming the Soviets for stealing her microwaves, or that it killed most people it encountered but took 3 people and hung them upside down in its layer, were they a food supply? No explanation is ever given.

I think the most predictable and most unbelievable point is the fact that 6 kids solved the mystery and their parents, along with the rest of the adult cast were to blind, or dumb, to see the resolution. I half expected to see a ship shaped like a giant Christmas tree ornament at the end.
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The Cape (2011)
1 star for the attempt and 1 for charity, they need it
14 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have read all the comments on this show and agree with most of the bad ones.

When I saw the previews I was hopeful for a new super hero TV show, Smallville has long past its prime, the last good attempt was with Birds of Prey back in 2002 but it to fell short. Unfortunately what we got was pure bad news, when I watched the pilot all I could think was this was another Flash or Robocop from the 90s' but those shows where nowhere near this bad.

I watched the next 3 episodes thinking if they noticed how bad it is they might try to save it and turn it around, they haven't.

The problem is how far in to the unbelievable the show gets, I am able to suspend disbelief and imagine some of this may be possible under the right circumstances (in a parallel universe) but that can only go so far, this show is impossible to believe or to wrap my brain around.

This is nothing more than a cheap way to fill the time slot that competes with a truly good show called Two and a half men. But what will they do next fall? I know for sure this piece of junk will NOT be back.
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Inception (2010)
The thinking person's movie…For people not use to thinking
1 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone has been telling me how this movie is so complex, so confusing. That you really need to pay attention or you'll get lost.

I dosed off in the middle and still knew exactly what was happening.

This movie is nothing but a cross between The Matix, Dreamscape, Mission Impossible and about 3 other movies and anime films that have been coming out since the mid 1980's. The ending was the most obvious outcome it could be, you already know he doesn't except the dream version of his wife so she would be gone. But the kids…getting home to see their faces again, they were the real focus. If you missed that in the beginning then seeing his father-in-law pick him up at the airport should have been the final tip off.

Most people I ask about that missed it all; they couldn't even tell which dream was which. I think that's what scares me the most, people think this takes real intelligence to follow.

Maybe if your attention deficit…Oh wait I am and I still had no trouble following this over rated boring movie.

I gave this movie 4 out of 10 stars for special effects only, for story line and acting I give it only 2 stars
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Unbreakable (2000)
What message did I get from this film?
23 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
People who read comic books are crazy!

Now we all know that is NOT true but from the text at the beginning of the movie and through the story line that's the message I see it sending. This could have been a MUCH better move if it had been made by any one other then Shyamalan, this hack has never done a movie I liked, they are always so predictable you could sleep through the first half and still know the whole story line. Why do they keep giving this man money to make these turds? I will never even rent one of his movies again

This is just another movie that makes people that love the super hero genre and comic books look like the dumbest people on the planet.
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V (2009–2011)
New Version - Same Plot Points
1 April 2010
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This show may seem new and original to anyone too young to have seen the original 80's version but it really isn't that much different. A few gender reversals and one key plot change, having the Visitors send an advance group years earlier that spawns the 5th Column, is not enough to call a story original, it even has the same number of episodes as the original.

And the V stands for Victory, not VISITORS in the original.

I just finished watching episode 5 and called every plot point 5 minutes before it was reviled, that is way too predictable. I bet I can predict how the story will end in two more episodes….

Why does Hollywood continue to remake old TV shows. If they are worth trying to remake they must have been very popular in the original version.

I hate remakes; they are always lacking something, could it be originality?
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Parenthood (2010–2015)
Hello Hollywood? Get an original idea
7 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is just another example of how Hollywood hopes the people who saw the originals are either dead or senile.

This show is nothing more than the second attempt to bring the hit 1989 movie with Steve Martin and Rick Moranis to the small screen.

The first failed attempt was in 1990, and it was bad, they took all the scenes from the movie and tried to expand them to a weekly show. "The key term was weak" and the movie did it far better.

Now they are trying to sell this AGAIN as a new concept, they have put in new young cast, like that will change the story, and just made the same show over again.

If you want to watch Parenthood and not wait for next week's episode just rent the 1989 movie and you'll have the whole story in 2 hours and a lot more enjoyment.

Has Ron Howard totally run out of new ideas? Is he just going to ride thru on what he did before remaking all his great movies into TV shows?

What's next Apollo 13 the TV series? Backdraft the TV series? Cocoon the TV series?

That would be a shame because he did GREAT stuff and I would hope he would continue.
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Vincent D'Onofrio has to be the worst actor in the world
4 January 2010
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I have watched several episodes but every time I am totally amazed that they gave Vincent D'Onofrio a lead role. Watching him work a case is just painful, especially when he does the big reveal at the end. I have seen better acting in Jr. High School Plays.

Otherwise this show leaves a lot to be desired, it's nothing special or different from any other cop show on today or in the last 30 years. Cop shows have all been the same, when one ends there's a new one in a season or two that does the same thing the same way with no imagination or originality.

I find the more unlikely cop shows, like Castle and The Mentalist, more enjoyable simply because they are different. Maybe this show and the other L&O and CSI shows should pay attention and find something new.
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2012 (I) (2009)
Nothing less then 1 *? Too bad
13 November 2009
To start out, there is no Mayan prediction saying the world will end in 2012.

Their calendar just ends on the year 2012, no disaster, other than this movie. I guess 2000 years on the calendar was enough at the time.

Disaster movies and horror movies are the most predictable crap Hollywood puts out. Save your money on this movie and watch Earthquake, Poseidon Adventure (the original not the remake), Knowing or even that crappie Day after tomorrow, they are all the same, bad science and over done special effects.

This movie is like every other disaster movie made since the 70s. All the stereo typical characters are here. 1. The common man hero that saves his family against all odds. 2. The cute kid that you can't help but love, and is smart beyond their years. 3. The government plan to save a select few, and of course the hero is against the idea.
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nothing less then 1 * to bad
30 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This show only deserves a -10 * rating.

Worst Show Ever This is nothing more than 5 year old potty humor designed for the brain dead.

It would need to improve to be pathetic, I watched the first two shows of season one and felt I was going to be sick.

When they brought Danny DeVito on I saw it as a despite attempt to save this turd, but then it got renewed and I was shocked to know there were that many idiots in the world.

I have seen better shows canceled after the second episode.

Between this and the phony reality TV shows how TV shows are set to a grade school mentality.

It also shows how badly Danny DeVito's career is going.
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Going Nowhere… SLOWLY
6 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have read most of the other comments about this show and find I agree with many, including the science comments so that doesn't need to be rehashed.

The comment I want to make is when will this show take off? The story line, good or bad, is taking forever to form and each show gives you less and less story. Take this week's show "Fear" it doesn't take an hour to let us know they are hallucinating and that it leaves them incapacitated, we have 6 other episodes that have already told that part.

The story is forming like a day time soap opera, you get 5 minutes of story each episode, and I believe you could stop watching during episode 2 and start again at episode 10 and not miss one second of the story.

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Virtuality (2009 TV Movie)
More disappointment
27 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have scrapped beater cra…, stuff off my shoes I thought I would give this a try, after all its summer and other then reruns and unreality shows there is nothing else worth watching. I was wrong there was NOTHING worth watching.

All the stupid arguments, overgrown egos and cheating spouses, I thought I was watching a daytime soap opera with special effects. Any crew put together for a trip like this would need to be far more cohesive and less combative; NASA would ground a crew like this.

The premise of the show is OK but it is so predictable "will it be go or no go????" Oh no a cliff hanger, wait if they want a show you know it will be go! Of course there is the usual inaccurate science and how much air is there in a 3ft. X 4ft. X 8 ft. airlock anyway, it seemed to take forever to rush out that open door and you saw that coming too. Don't even get me started on the form hugging space suite that must have no insulation, I have seen thicker T-shirts. The special effects were first rate for TV, the technology was flawed, but all the special effects in the world can't save a bad show.
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Star Trek (2009)
Is this a Joke??
9 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A true disappointment

I had large reservations about this movie that only became larger as the previews gave more details. I am in no way a Trekkie and I have found my share of flaws in the Star Trek movies and TV shows, but even I couldn't stand the errors in this movie.

To me it was like a cross between Galaxy Quest and Starship Troopers.

And what star was going supernova and endangering the whole galaxy? It would have to have been enormous millions of times larger than any star we can see to directly threaten any worlds outside its own system let alone the whole galaxy. You don't need a degree in stellar physics to know that. We have seen the effects of several stars that have gone supernova in our galaxy and in nearby galaxies and none have been anywhere near that big.

None of the actors had the character they were playing right and Chris Pine seemed to think the role of Kirk was nothing but a joke, Kirk was cavalier but just plain stupid was not part of the character, he wouldn't get a job as dish washer let alone ship's captain. Scotty was nothing like in the TV shows or movies; He had little or no technical abilities and was just the joke of the scenes he was in.

The only character I think they had right was Dr. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy; Karl Urban had it perfect right down to the insults and paranoia.

This was more like a Star Trek parody than anything else. Did Abrams ever watch any of the Star Trek shows or movies, I haven't been this disappointed by a Star Trek movie since Star Trek the Motion Picture.
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Knowing (2009)
21 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever watched a movie and think to yourself "I know this story."

Well then you know how I feel after seeing Knowing

Think back a few years to the Twilight zone of the late 90's They did an episode almost exactly like this accepted the aliens transformed the people of earth to be able to survive. Add a few bits and pieces from other stories and you have stolen, I mean created a script.

If you have seen Deep Impact, Contact, and The Outer Limits you can save your money here.

One last thing, I can believe in a life form out there with enough technology to predict a solar flare like in the movie years in advance but where in the movie did they explain the other predictions??

And there was nothing to explain it once the solar flare was detected.
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