
56 Reviews
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Revolution (2012–2014)
Saddest piece of crap I've seen in years
20 November 2012

Imagine an episode where a couple of people are in a subway SYSTEM and the premise of tonight's episode is that they are running out of air and begin hallucinating.

So to be perfectly clear - a couple of people are walking for an hour (or 2?)in tunnels that trains can fit in and run for MILES and MILES but somehow they are running out of air and begin hallucinating by seeing alligators, old girlfriends, and spies that disappear into an empty closet. Let's not even get into the fact that there is no way to make a subway system airtight.

This is all on top of the most annoying lead actress who clearly has zero acting skills and whose face resembles a scrunched arse pumpkin head and has the personality of cardboard. If you don't believe me go visit the board for this show and read the threads begging for her to be killed.

Each week is poorly written tripe that contradicts itself while making no sense. By the end of every episode you are angry and wondering how this crap has not been canceled while other good shows did not make it.
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DISGUSTING...and more
29 July 2012
This movie reminded me of Dumb and Dumber.....except that they are NOT as smart as Lloyd and Harry nor as sexy, interesting, appealing, warm, witty or forward growing. Also, Lloyd and Harry dressed MUCH better....some of the SATC clothes were HIDEOUS!!!!! If only I could rate it with a negative number.

One of the single most pathetic pieces of cinematography and writing ever. Ever.

It would be easy to write an essay for every 5 minutes of film describing how offensive, sub-par and annoying each segment was without even breaking a sweat.

Here's a fact also - if these woman/actresses had any talent they would have never done this movie after reading the script - so much for "producer" credits and experience. At the very least they should have been able to exert some control, direction and/or changes to this train wreck.

Breakdown of the women: narcissistic, whiny, dumb, ignorant, self-absorbed, classless, boring, shallow, weak, drama queens, embarrassing, old, needy and in need of mega therapy.

I'm going to agree with other posters who said that SJP is hating here...just burned corneas from staring at the screen in disbelief and realization that there must have been some soft focus lenses getting daily use of the series set.

These women need to eat also - it was very distracting to watch them move with sinewy muscle and protruding bones.

I'll probably update this review further since there are many things to say but for now please listen to other low rated reviews and do not insult your intelligence. Nothing but plot holes, filler and clichés.

This movie was baaaaaad - and unless you are sheep that can understand this baaaaad mess, then you should find something more worthy.
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Very disappointing...
10 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure how anyone rated this movie over a 7. Maybe someone who who hasn't seen another Spiderman movie or a teenager could think it's great, but rest assured it is NOT.

Green Lantern was bad and I gave it a 6, but I'm giving this a 5 because it's a reboot and did not need to be done. There are plenty of good writers so there is no excuse for the poor script.

Spiderman was boring and unoriginal. My mind wondered throughout the movie due to lack of empathy for the characters and plodding pace. I was more interested in my own thoughts of imagining how Christopher Nolan would have done the reboot and how much better it would have been - what a pity.

Here are my gripes: Costume was bad (at least Green Lantern had a cool suit);

subway scene was dumb - Parker immediately gets powers with no real bodily effects and putting a cold beer bottle with weight on his forehead doesn't awaken him, but a DROP of beer jolts him to the subway roof - laughable, cue my eye-roll - and where was the Spidey sense????;

Uncle Ben's death was not as emotionally affective as it should have been. Aunt May just seemed off - 2002 Aunt May all the way;

Dr. Connors was mishandled and boring - i do not buy that his motivation for trying the serum is the threat of being fired; he lost his arm and wants to be whole;

Denis Leary - underutilized and needed more screen time; bad move killing him off because he was the one person I would have liked to see in a sequel;

Mask - why is he always taking his mask off??? This seems out of character and reckless. Any retard knows to keep your identity a secret - and Parker is a genius, right? He can build web slingers and solve the formula problem that dozens of scientists have been working on, but he can't make a mask to keep on his face?;

Bridge rescue - clichéd and no dramatic tension (glad to see Jim Halsey and was thankful for the distraction of remembering how much I liked The Hitcher. Five minutes of that movie had more drama and tension than the entire Spiderman movie);

Crane scene - contrived, forced and just ridiculous;

love story - not even remotely developed; Parker does not go to the funeral when her dad dies??? The man who let him go??? No way. They did not look like teenagers - too old;

$10 minimum spend to take a penny - pathetic script writing which should have been cut;

Hype about movie being darker and Parker wittier - epic fail. They should have gotten a script doctor from Iron Man to give it look.

Spider Bite - his father's research work is the basis for the genetically mutated spiders, but Parker does internet search for information????????? Not look at his father's work??? Because when I look for cutting edge research information on secretive work worth millions of dollars which gives me superhuman powers, I go right to the internet...and ignore the work that cost my father his life;

Music - atrocious. You know it's bad when you you are actually thinking about it - normally music should be seamless in the movie and on all too rare occasions does the viewer encounter beautiful scores. I had to look it up and James Horner who won awards for Titanic and Avatar is listed. I guess you can't win them all, mediocrity would have been a step up;

CGI - ehhh; CGI Hulk in Avengers was good, nothing stood out here;

Gwen in closet - spray can of fire to scare off mutant lizard with regenerative powers and superhuman strength???

Conclusion: Disappointing movie that should have been better from a reviewer who is not a fan boy of Raimi. Examples of movies that did it better are Batman, Iron Man and Hulk (Norton, but there is room for improvement here). Clearly there will be a sequel because the studio is making a lot of money - they need to regroup and produce something better.

I am anxiously awaiting the Hulk reboot with Ruffalo and hope it is better than The Amazing Spiderman.
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Would have been better if...
9 July 2012
I was not repulsed by Laura Dern's clear case of anorexia.

I wanted to punch her in her face. Her husband probably can not stand to look at her and the marriage is failing because who can respect a shrew like her. The scene where she is having sex with him is disgusting - all bones are showing and the sinewy muscles creep me out.

It is very distracting to watch a movie when an actor's glaring personal problem overshadows all else. I spent most of the movie imagining her own personal self-loathing which has driven her to this place. Successful family and career, but something else below the surface. Directors should realize that it does not help a movie when they employ actors with problems. I would have made her eat each day in front of me before I began filming. I stopped watching her cable show for the same reason. I wish she gets helps.

This is not a bashing post, but I am truly tired of watching movies and seeing this issue.

So many people in the world who can't get 3 squares a day...what a lucky society we live in...all hail the pursuit of size zero.
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The Debt (I) (2010)
23 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to get crazy with details because there are plenty of thorough reviews already written, so here's the quick breakdown:

Script plot holes; slow and boring in parts; fighting scenes which felt forced or off; extreme annoyance with "trained" agents who are in bed/in love with each immediately and making poor decisions at almost every turn which botch the mission; failure to create sympathetic characters; let down ending.

It was like watching the 3 stooges attempt to be agents, but at least the stooges would have been entertaining. I also suspect they would have been more successful.

This is not a 7 movie. I do wish it had been.
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pointless and clichéd
20 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First couple of minutes of the film I thought seemed to have potential for an interesting, satirical black the very least something quirky.


I agree with the other reviewer who found this movie annoying; so much so that I had to surf IMDb about 10 minutes into the film to see if anyone else had a similar reaction. I was baffled by the assembly of very good actors and poor script. Apparently the director/writer is Heather Graham's boyfriend - I'm going to assume this is the reason the film was made, because that's all I've got.

I'm very disappointed because the basic premise could have been developed into something...anything. Instead I watched a mess with annoying characters, no development, poor cinematography, bad edits, and a hideous ending. At the very least, I thought there might be redemption in the ending. I waited for even something far-fetched. Nothing. Rambling about tasting the clam chowder as a meta statement about living life. Blah, blah, blah. In the final moments, I was thinking this guy had better be walking on water when he reaches the ocean - even if he is not the messiah, give me something here. Just a retard walking into the ocean to drown himself. Whatever.

It is very shameful that there is more deserving material worthy of the cast and budget.
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Remember Me (I) (2010)
Did not see the end coming...
6 June 2012

Initially tuned into this movie expecting some type of morph on Twilight, extra angst. You know, acting lite. Less calories, less filing.

Pattinson rose to the occasion and delivered a very good performance.

The movie combines elements of uncomfortable family interactions, power plays, domination, and avoidance. There is a level of disconnect and loss ready to erupt throughout the entire movie.

I won't spoil anything, but just note that if you hated Twilight, you should give this a try.

No I do not hate Twilight. Looking forward to the evolution of Robert Pattinson.
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Hidden Gem
6 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Having never heard of this movie and deciding to tape it and watch later because Geena Davis was in the cast, I was quite happy with the pick.

Here's why this is a good movie - I actually rewound this movie several times so that I could write down a quote from it:

"I could have prevented it, but more to the point you couldn't have. Nor could you have saved him. Some things are just meant to be, sad as they are. We all pay for our mistakes Billy. You paid for yours long before you made them. Now you gotta stop paying. See what the world has to offer. What am I gonna do with it? "

When you write down a quote from a movie so you can reread it, you have a winner.

If it's not for you, some things are meant to be, sad as they are. What are you gonna do with this movie?
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Acolytes (2008)
Good Horror Thriller.
6 June 2012
Just read some of the other reviews on here and I have to disagree.

First - good cinematography with some really great shots. End of story. The tripe fest that is The Descendants that was filmed in beautiful Hawaii with a much larger budget looked like a brochure. Ugh.

Second - cries of clichés, ridiculous plot twists and poor acting per reviewers. Can anyone really name a film that does not have some clichés (excludes any movie that did it first and more than 20 yrs ago). I've never seen 3 human beings sewn ass to face before, but then everyone cries how it's just for the shock value, too disgusting. Can't win either way. Poor acting from teen actors - was there room for improvement? Yes. Has anyone spent actual time around a couple of teen boys who were same sexed raped??? I'm thinking these kids are not too emotive, erratic, angry and confused with a dash of self-destruction and death obsession. I'm fine with the plot twists; kept it moving. As long as there was no cop-out dream sequence, then I'm willing to give some leeway.
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Bitter Feast (2010)
Refreshing horror movie
6 June 2012
It's nice to see a horror movie that is not a hollowed out skeleton of mass produced clichés; and how many can boast Mario Batali as a cast member (I'm not saying he was awesome).

James LeGros had his acting mojo going on many years ago. If he was in it then I was fairly confident that I would like the movie or could at the very least depend on a good performance from him. Somewhere along, he seemed to have hit a rough patch and each movie was a crap shoot.

I am happy to say that he is back. I had a warm fuzzy feeling in a cold bloody horror movie.

Bitter Feast is more psychological than the average horror flick, but it has nice undercurrents and satirical commentary on society today.

It's a good day when you turn off the movie and wonder if you can find another one just like it...not perfection, but very satisfying.
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Can't quite put my finger on why I disliked it
6 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is very odd. On the surface, this movie has all the requisite elements of good movie: nice sets with detail, mood, cast, sharp dialog, surprise death, action, fight scenes, etc...

So how did it go wrong???

Here's how I felt - like I knew what was coming; but even though I did not it still seemed contrived and stale. I felt somewhat mocked by this movie, like the original was such a success that there was no need to put forth real effort to make it special. it was a boring string of events in a patent formula...............witty remark, somber condescending look, conflict, clever overreaching resolution, pepper with fisticuffs, witty remark, pretend self-destructive narcissistic behavior is cute. Then lather rinse and repeat throughout movie.

kudos for the early death of Amy McAdams. She's decent but that opening scene with the package was beat. It was like watching two lovebirds on the phone going, "you hang you hang up,no you hang up.....OK I'm gonna hang up, I know you didn't hang hang up" ad nauseam.......... heavy on the nauseam.

We get it already, Sherlock is so clever that he knows what everyone does before they do it. Oh wait, he actually admits that he made a mistake....hey viewers see his flaw, doesn't that make him more human and relatable???? Nope.

Of course we know he did not die at the end - why? Because he's too clever for dying.

PS - Watson's wife is a bore.
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Love Actually (2003)
Would have turned it off, but...
1 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to be able to write a review on how utterly bad this movie was and especially considering the impressive cast.

Love actually is all around us is what the film opens with. Then proceeds to try and pull the wool over our eyes by showing stories mostly consisting of lust, immaturity, misogyny, and stupid self-indulgence.

A maid who doesn't speak his language takes her clothes off and has a tramp stamp – all that is needed for true love for writer whose wife cheated on him. Spends 3 seconds at his family's house at Christmas but leaves to be with the maid and propose marriage when they haven't even had a real conversation.

Prime Minister who disses American President because he kisses girl that works in the office from the wrong side of the tracks.; they call her chubby, which she clearly isn't; then he "redistributes her" from the office. But he dances around like Tom Cruise so isn't he cute and relatable…not. Gets a Christmas card and goes to find her door to door (100 of them); because the Prime Minister clearly has no one who could get her address in 3 seconds flat.

Wife who just got married has an affair with photographer friend of her husband. But don't worry about her, she remarks how pretty she looks in the video.

Boring wife and husband with young coworker woman sexually attracted to him. She figures out he is cheating with chick 20 years younger.

Hideous plot line about a widower who just buried his wife and is worried about his son's behavior. The kid's terrible problem is that he is in love – his is like 8 yrs old and this is his focus. No sadness at Christmas missing his dead mom, just playing drums to get the attention of a girl; staring at her creepily. Encourage your 8 yr old to ignore security and run around alone in the airport - what an awesome dad. I found the kid to be an evil troll after this movie without any crying for his mother. He will grow up to be an uncaring vapid adult.

Old weird has-been singer trying to make a comeback….whatever. Bored.

Weirdo 2 – going to America to get laid. Gets lucky his first night in America with 4 hot chicks who take a stranger home and have an orgy….see true love. "Love" is actually all around us y'all. Remember the beginning of the movie told us.

Naked movie stand-in couple – just for the nudity obviously.

The only story I cared about was Laura Linney who had feelings for her coworker and everyone knew it. She had a special needs brother that needed attention. She was absent from the ending – what a waste.

Ending – everyone hugging at the airport – because you know, when I think of the airport, the first thing I associate with it is hugging happy people.
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Scandal (2012–2018)
How the mighty have fallen
18 May 2012
This show is terribly overbearing.

Shonda Rhimes really had a good show with Grey's Anatomy but after several seasons it jumped the shark and became over the top and unwatchable. Then Private Practice begins and the characters are really not at the same level that Grey's had been initially.

Which brings us to Scandal. It feels like these are the lower level Caricature that Rhimes had to scrape the barrel for this show. They are derivative and one dimensional, righteous and ridiculous. It is a depressing thought to believe that these are the people in the White House and government. Even more so is that there are actually people worse than these.

Scandal's cast had potential but this is a miss. You'll end up longing for a shower and then an episode of West Wing.
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Hesher (2010)
Raw and invigorating – highly emotional
30 April 2012
I loved this film.

Joseph Gordon Levitt is amazing and so under-rated as an actor – absolutely riveting. Wilson, Brochu and Laurie are equally fantastic.

This movie is about tragedy and anger – the coping mechanisms we all deal with to get through each day. It is an in your face study of life and death and the human condition. Anyone who has experienced great loss will identify with this movie.

Hesher is the catalyst which enters the life of a dysfunctional and deteriorating family. He simultaneously brings chaos and stability to these broken people as he himself bonds with them creating his own inner turmoil. Rage, anger, desperation and love are personified in these characters creating a well paced and visceral story which builds to a heart wrenching ending. Comedic scenes are deftly woven into the movie.

The boy TJ is just drowning and lost; he bears way too much on his young shoulders after his mother's death. Hesher enters the family's life as a dark entity and symbol of death propelling them downward and closer to their breaking point. As I watched the movie a second time, it hit me what I felt was under the surface that I could not put my finger on at first – Hesher is also Christ-like. At first glance Levitt looks like a heavy metal rocker/stoner, but upon my second view his long hair and beard morph into an image of savior with wrath. One of the most striking lines in the movie is when he tells TJ "I just saved you."

Spencer Susser is on my list of director/writers to watch. Right down to Levitt's tattoos, this movie had nuance and vision.

Please do not miss this movie. The heavy metal imagery is really a small part of this movie so I hope you are not dissuaded by it. Hesher gets under your skin and stays with you. Magnificent.
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Burden of Evil (2012 TV Movie)
23 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So 10 minutes into the show, 80 lb Kate attacks and twists the arm of a beefed-up 220lb man who annoys her on the street. Then he lays on the hood of a car for about 10 seconds because she really hurt him so bad..What a joke! I hate when movies do such unbelievable stuff.

It gets better. She gets hit on the head with a big glass vase that shatters into pieces and shot 2 times. Not a cut on her face. Then she is such a superwoman that she goes right into a car chase and drives great. For about three seconds she acts like she has a concussion; then her face never has a trace of pain again and she is normal and completely focused. Runs out of the car completely fine.

Then she's completely forgiving of the person who murdered her husband - practically emotionless. She then shows more agitation and anger when the murderer of her husband is shot. RIDICULOUS!
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Vengeance (2009)
Sometimes vengeance can be fun...
17 April 2012
if you ignore all the deaths.

Awesome movie. I went into this movie not knowing anything. Grabs you right away.

If you don't speak the language, get the dubbed version so you can better enjoy the cinematography (sacrilege to some but I thought I was going to be watching subtitled, but once it got going I decided this was better for an action film).

I really enjoyed the interactions with these characters. I mean I really enjoyed these actors.

I won't bore you with recaps of the movie because there are plenty here.

As a side note this is supposedly part of a trilogy/pseudo trilogy including "The Mission" and "Exiled" but this is my only experience so far. I hope they are just as where to find them?

Forget Kill Bill....Enjoy this one!!!
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Subdued and psychological movie
17 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Landscape is beautiful and desolate sometimes mimicking life.

Pasha/Pavel and Gulybin/Sergey are two researchers working alone for a lengthy period in the Arctic. Each is from a different generation and assumingly socioeconomic background. When terrible news comes across the radio, the younger Pasha is afraid to tell the older more domineering Gulybin. The longer he waits the worse things become.

Overall this is a very good movie with a couple small problems. In one scene it is unclear whether or not Sergey received the message during a solo radio call later and pretended he did not. If this was not the case, then it seems a little odd that no one would mention their condolences at some point to this man. I kept wondering why they would hang fish out to dry for two reasons - won't they freeze leaving the salt unable work, and wouldn't it attract birds or bears??? Maybe about 10-20 minutes too long because it did slow down a bit at the end.
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Heartless (I) (2009)
Worth a viewing, but not noteworthy
16 April 2012
I don't mind a film where the ending is left open for interpretation or ambiguity causes an internal dialog and we need to delve deeper in the movie for answers.

I felt that Heartless was too weak here. There were many variables and unexplained characters and motives. What was the little girl? I have 3-4 opinions on who she was, but those are just too many to keep the movie flowing.

I've just read through other's opinions and reviews. I would love to hear the definitive answer so I could better judge this movie.

Acting was good with Sturgess being able to carry well. I liked the setting and mood.

Worth viewing but you have more questions than answers.
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Amber Lake (2011)
Did not see the end coming
14 April 2012
Amber Lake is a good movie with not the greatest acting.

More story background would have been nice since it seemed a little thin in areas.

I would have liked to know more about the father.

It was somewhat unrealistic how the three sisters bonded so quickly.

The chick with the body of a 10 year old boy was annoying.

There were several slow moments leading up to the reveal.

I did like the twist ending.

Overall it is worth viewing.

Wished it was better because it could have been really good.
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Wake (2003)
Average film
12 April 2012
I'm not sure how this film is rated 6. I suspect there were inflated reviews.

Wake is an okay film which is definitely watchable, but there are many things left unanswered or vague.

Some scenes where bordering on cheesy.

I like Martin Landau but he was underutilized and seemed only to be a famous name attached to a project to give it weight.

The brotherly interaction bordered on unreal. Even though I know there are very dysfunctional families, there was an element of contrived behavior.

This movie needed some script adjustments.
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Lucky (III) (2011)
Interesting premise, annoying characters
9 April 2012
I kind of wished Lucy died she was that annoying...and greedy.

Colin Hanks was fine but he played a wet doorknob.

Ending was a little off and slightly unbelievable.

It missed the mark of being a twist because it was underwhelming.

There should have been more development between mom and son because I still have some unanswered questions and their relationship was more interesting.

I don't recommend this movie, but if you need to kill some time go for it.

I'd rather watch reruns of Murder She Wrote.
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At the very least you will fast forward through this movie...
9 April 2012
Not a good comedy....yes I know it's a horror movie, but it was so bad I did get a couple laughs.

The Doctor with the hooker boots channeling her best Basic Instinct cooch shot to a seemingly lesbian cannibal psych ward patient who wants to lick her. Yup, you read correctly.

Great idea to bring your granddaughter to work the same day that the kid serial killer arrives and let her watch him get wheeled in with restraints. Better yet, let the kid serial killer see her and peak his interest.

How does someone get stuck to a butcher block via knife in hand and remain unable to escape with the other free hand??? Yes this was hooker boots Doctor. Got her degree from Phoenix University.

"Are you the Woodcutter?" - the movie tag-line. Erroneously attributed to the Red Riding Wolf theme, but in reality refers to the challenge presented to the viewer...Can you cut through these wooden lifeless performances and find some enjoyment.

Davis, Davies and McNab were fair and the only reason I gave this a shot.
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Jane Eyre (2011)
Don't trouble yourself to give her a character, I'll judge for myself
8 April 2012
I struggled to rate this movie. Immediately after watching, I was fine at 10 so much so that I watched the movie again. Several months later ready to review, I noticed some of the other reviews which discussed earlier versions as superior and truer to the book along with other valid points. Maybe I needed to reevaluate but go no lower than 8. For posterity, I re-watched some of the older Jane Eyre movies to regain some perspective.

So here is my final rating – solid 9.

The only reason this movie will not get a 10 is due to its length – not too long, but too short. Jane Eyre is indeed missing some material which would enrich story and character development. In hind sight I knew this during my first viewing because I wanted more of this movie and craved more interaction between Jane and Rochester. Biggest mistake of this movie was not being a miniseries or at least 3 hrs. long – HUGE Mistake. This would have been devastatingly good on a cable network as a miniseries with a little skin…I am lighting a candle to mourn the loss.

The chemistry between Fassbender and Mia was great! Or maybe Fassbender had enough charisma to set his own bedroom on fire. Best Rochester to date – dark and brooding, satirical and a little menacing. Great voice. Mia had restraint and vulnerability, such a treat. Judi Dench was her usual awesome self.

Compared to prior versions, I prefer this movie's set decorations and atmosphere which lends itself the closest to Gothic. Costumes/dress are quite good and not overly dandy, just handsome.

Ending – somewhat abrupt; another couple minutes would have been better.

Do not miss this movie… That's how she charmed my English gold out of my English pocket
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Disturbing and absorbing movie
7 April 2012
Red White and Blue is not for everyone. This movie with grab your emotions right from the beginning (good or bad) and keep building upwards.

There is no clear antagonist or protagonist; I'm sure we could label some, but it detracts from the complex interactions and subtext. This movie has layers and it will stick with you for several days. I repeat - this movie stays with you and reaches some dark places.

The acting is very good and Noah Taylor is engrossing. I can not believe this guy is not cast in more roles, seriously. Taylor gives a stellar performance of the performance you almost wished you had never seen.

I recommend highly.
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The Entitled (2011)
Very enjoyable mystery thriller
7 April 2012
Entitled takes your basic movie kidnapping ransom plot and freshens it up through good acting, plot twists and accessibility.

Excellent casting. Each actor felt natural in their part and with some restraint to avoid overacting they gel nicely. The first character death is almost welcome due to the annoyance of his behavior.

Here's the best part of the movie: As the plot moves along and the viewer watches with anticipation of the stereotypical progression, we are happily dealt nice little twists. No twist is over the top or pushing the limits of belief. A subtle film noir feel is mixed with an everyman identification.

I'd like to see another movie like this one...
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