
34 Reviews
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Better Call Saul: Five-O (2015)
Season 1, Episode 6
Before you judge someone...
26 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode will live with me forever. I recently re-watched it. We know Mike from breaking bad. We know him as a man who helps a drug kingpin build and enforce his meth empire. We automatically assume he was always bad or a corrupt cop who wanted to jump sides and make real money. In the better call saul prequel, season one, we learn how he ended up in New Mexico. He was a crooked Philadelphia (surprise) cop whose son was also on the force. He convinced his son to look the other way and share in the payoffs by his crooked cop partners and superiors. His son was still killed and mike took his revenge on the two cops that did it. Not only did Mike break his boy but he too, was broken. Phenomenal acting by Jonathan Banks and Kerry Condon. An episode that will stay with me forever.
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Magnum, P.I.: Mad Dogs and Englishmen (1986)
Season 6, Episode 13
I like Higgins' centric episodes
3 November 2022
The late John Hillerman was a fantastic actor. I liked when he played various half brothers with different accents. Mr. Hillerman was from Texas. He was so good with his accent, that even people from England thought he was a British actor. This episode has him on the surface as having gone rogue which Magnum can't believe. In earlier episodes and even this one, they were often at odds with each other but neither one would quit the estate and Mr. Masters would probably not fire either one. Eventually Magnum finds out Higgins was up to. It's a really good episode and really further develops the relationship between the two as well as Rick and TC.
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It's good to see the review moving up over the years
21 October 2022
I always thought this was one of Al Pacino's underrated films. He plays a nice lawyer unlike Michael corleone or Sonny in dog day afternoon or tony Montana in Scarface. Al plays a private attorney who has to chooses to defend attorney's and deal with public defenders and crazy judges and corrupt judges. It's set in Baltimore. Lee Strasberg plays Al's grandfather. The story involves balancing doing what's right and doing what's convenient. He is roped in to defending a judge who may or may not have raped a woman. While this is going on, he has a relationship which is challenged with her interpretation of right and wrong with Al's interpretation of right and wrong. It's a story as old as time and worth a watch.
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George Lopez (2002–2007)
Show should rate higher
16 August 2022
I'm running out of shows to watch and started watching this while I was in hotel room in Florida this past February. I started watching in earnest a couple of months ago. Hispanic or otherwise, this is a good show that handles domestic problems such as marriage, raising kids, coming to grips with a less than perfect mother well. Sandra Bullock was instrumental in bringing this show on tv. 6 years on air shows that it obviously was successful enough to stay on air for that long. The series has a satisfactory ending unlike many other shows.
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Better Call Saul: Saul Gone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
You can't please everyone
16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They brought back Chuck, Marie, etc but not Skyler? Also, in this age of Trump, no one would trip up their plea deal the way Saul did. I don't care how much guilt they have or how much they want to protect another participant in their crimes.
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How can this already have a review below 5?
1 July 2022
I'm home. Watching TV. This popped up. It's a good documentary. Worth a watch. Black comedians wanted to be laughed with as opposed to laughed at. This is a story about their journey.
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The Last Movie Star (I) (2017)
This movie should rank higher
22 June 2022
Great film. Burt Reynolds was the movie star of the 1980's. We all get old and try to reconcile what we've done and what we haven't done and the consequences. This film explores explores that along with people at beginning of their career. Worth a watch.
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Blue Hawaii (1961)
Unwatchable. Just buy his album and go on his instagram
13 March 2022
I LOVE Elvis but the Tom Parker did him wrong. If you watch King Creole or perhaps Love Me Tender, he had potential as an actor. Today, so many singers have become actors. All Tom saw were dollar signs. The movies became a vehicle to push his songs. Elvis plays a guy who is supposed to return to his family business but is torn between making it on his own. I don't know how the movie ends because I had an hour to go and just couldn't do it. The scenery was nice and the girls were pretty and Elvis was in his prime but this movie demonstrates part of what lead him down a path to an early death. He couldn't have been pleased having a dead end film career. I'm sure he enjoyed singing but he wanted and deserved so much more.
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Last Man Standing: Kyle's Friend (2015)
Season 4, Episode 17
How did this show stay on air as long as it did
20 February 2022
Tim Allen pulled himself up by his own bootstraps by selling a pound of coke in 1978 and serving jail time and became uber wealthy and hence a republican. He and/or his writers on this show hate on Obama and other democrats who want to give people a fighting chance to get to Tim Allen's level of wealth. Democrats aren't softies or suckers.
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Family Guy: The Fatman Always Rings Twice (2021)
Season 20, Episode 9
Biased review because I love film noir
29 January 2022
I've been watching Family Guy for a long time but as most reviewers would agree, it's gotten weaker, but I can't give up on it. The episode was done in film noir style and references many of the classic movies of that genre along with social commentary of that era. An episode well worth anyone's time.
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The Golden Girls: Not Another Monday (1989)
Season 5, Episode 7
A reminder of how different reality and TV are
27 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sophia has a friend who is contemplating suicide and of course she ends up not doing it because how could they show that on tv? In real life, many older people do along with people in general. Of course there's a young baby on the episode to show that there's hope and much to look forward to but maybe Sophia's friend doesn't have children or any loved ones except for Sophia who was the only one she could call to hold her hand while the life drains out of her body.
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M*A*S*H: Images (1977)
Season 6, Episode 9
Another episode which develops the Loretta Swit character
24 January 2022
It's the usual with Radar. He's still caught between being a solider who not too long ago, was a teenager in a small town. The big story line is the development of the Loretta Swit character from a floosie, one dimensional character into a character with many colours and shades and textures.
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M*A*S*H: Fade Out, Fade In (1977)
Season 6, Episode 1
A great episode for many reasons.
21 January 2022
I never liked the Larry Linville or McClain Stevenson characters. I also didn't like the Loretta Swit character. With this episode, and earlier, they started making the Loretta Swit character less of a floosie and enemy of the Alan Alda and Mike Farrell characters and more of a friend and co-worker/peer/colleague. David Ogden Stiers was a terrific actor. Instead of making him to be a greedy nit wit like Larry Linville's character, they made him into a more than competent surgeon and worthy adversary who wouldn't take the bullying and teasing, etc. From the Alan Alda and Mike Farrell characters. I like this casting and writing so much, that I consider this a seminal and game changing episode.
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Columbo: Now You See Him (1976)
Season 5, Episode 5
Never more satisfied
27 December 2021
So many of these episodes used whatever was the prevailing technology of the day which sometimes the guilty person knew how to use and then Colombo gets up to speed figuring it out and then uses it against them. The character was, like in many episodes, arrogant and sometimes rich and thinks they're better than a police lieutenant. So satisfying when he gets this one guy who was portrayed excellently, as always, by Jack Cassidy.
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Everybody Loves Raymond: The Bachelor Party (2003)
Season 7, Episode 23
Cute episode
26 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I like the episode because first Ray is selfish and throws a lame bachelor party. Then he throws another lame party. Of course Robert finds out and is sad and then Ray takes him out one on one and they of course bond. Look for Phil Rosenthal's dad and Ray Romano's real life dad and real life brother.
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The Last O.G. (2018–2021)
Give it a shot
6 December 2021
I have never been a Tracey Morgan fan but this show is not bad. People do or did sell drugs and some went to jail and left families behind. Then they get out and have to find a job and try to rebuild a relationship with their family while their families have moved on in many cases. Tracey and the rest of the cast do a fairly good job. There are some laughs and there are some serious issues. I'm only through the first season but good enough that I'm going to keep watching.
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Worth a watch
30 November 2021
Obviously there's a lot of comments that are justified. Having said that, we all have a song that we remember fondly from our youth. This movie explores that concept and what it must have been like before, during, and after.
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Barney Miller: Possession (1981)
Season 8, Episode 4
Makes you realize or remember how good the late Jack Soo was
21 November 2021
Kenneth Tigar returns as one who is possessed or says he is. When he was on years earlier, his interaction with Jack Soo or rather Jack Solo's interaction with him was brilliant. Steve Landesburg and Ron Carey we're kind of brought in to replace Abe Vigoda and Jack Soo but they were irreplaceable.
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Difficult to watch but a tear jerker
19 November 2021
Being when this was made, I thought they would sugar coat everything. A son asked his dad about the health effects of the bomb on the Japanese. The character Homer was played by an actor Harold Russell who actually did lose his hands in the war. Glad I watched it.
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Nashville (1975)
I should have known it would would be bad when Amazon wouldn't let me rent it
12 September 2021
It is just a cacophony. They throw all this sound and dialogue at you and you can't figure out what the story is or who the characters are. I'm an elitist from the northeast but I love Nashville and country music. This story is an affront to the fine people that make up the country music industry.
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How can this be reviewed so low?
11 September 2021
What a great story! A man works his way up to become successful and wealthy. Then his wife dies and he remarried a gold digger which destroys his relationship with his only child. He divorces his wife when he finds out she's cheating on him. In order to repair his relationship with his son who is struggling in school, he enrolls!. All sorts of Rodney Dangerfield mayhem ensues. He learns and his son learns and they repair their relationship. Lot of laughs and a quintessential 1980's movie. C'mon!
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The Bernie Mac Show: Jack & Jacqueline (2005)
Season 4, Episode 9
Rich vs. poor and race doesn't matter
21 August 2021
This episode should have ranked higher. It turns out that rich parents have problems with their kids just same as poor people, it's just that they can pay problems away. Bernie was more grounded growing up poor and tried to instill values in Nessa.
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She's a wack a doo
21 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe I'm not a fan of the show and I don't know how this average rating is 8. This woman stole money from him and he finally got it back. He should have cut his losses and moved on. She's like a tv version of Blanche from Streetcar named desire. Wasted 45 minutes of my life all just to see Robert Duvall in one of his earlier roles.
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Barney Miller: Good-Bye, Mr. Fish: Part 2 (1977)
Season 4, Episode 2
Interesting episode
17 April 2021
It's hard when one gets older and has no hobbies and knows nothing else other than work to retire. In the police department at that time, Phil Fish is being forced to retire and confront the fact that he has to head towards life's third and final scene/act. Abe Vigoda acted brilliantly. The one thing that was interesting is how attitudes have changed towards mentally ill people which was another story in this episode. Attitudes towards women and Asians have also changed since this was written and filmed. Overall a great episode.
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Magnum, P.I.: Dream a Little Dream (1984)
Season 4, Episode 20
Interesting. TC directs!
5 February 2021
I am only writing a review to counteract the other one review. This isn't a classic flashback episode like when a TV show compiles flashback episodes because they've run out of ideas and scripts. These flashbacks have him helping out his first client and why he prefers private investigator to PI. It also shows how he turned to Rick and TC to help him out. It has a couple of interesting twists and a very good job by Roger Mosley as a director.
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