
2 Reviews
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Teachers. (2006)
If the show was so good why did it get canceled?
7 July 2006
I love how everyone treats this show like it was the next great American sitcom. I watched five episodes of this abomination, and the only person that came close to an actual teacher was the old guy that sort of loved and hated his job. The rest of them were just pretty people trying to read the lines written by people who never actually went inside of a real classroom. I loved how every episode consisted of the two idiots (one who got laid and the other who didn't) getting into some form of zany trouble that indirectly involved their students. The British girl who thought she found an likable quality in the main idiot, but in the end was somehow shocked that he turned out to be a jackass. The hot chick that was there for the particular purpose of being hot, and the principal and her lackey that served to somehow move the almost non-existent plot forward. I loved how almost all the teachers on this show were very young, but I ask you to think back to your high school days and remember the teachers that you had . . . did they look like that? Or did you go to the high school that had middle-aged people teaching in it? That is the high school that everyone else went to. The show lacked any form of research into what goes on in schools. In public schools, principals do not have the power to higher and fire teachers, the school board does, but in every episode that I watched the principal made threats to fire her teachers. Think back to your history class . . . . . or think of any history class, did you ever see an incredibly hot British chick teach an American History class? No. Did you ever see a teacher's lounge that is so huge that you could actually play basketball in? No.

Teachers could have been a great show had it actually of based itself in some form of reality. What makes teaching funny is the stories that you get from interaction with students, and the teachers find it funny because they deal with the students day in and day out. The overemphasis on their lives outside of teaching just made it another four camera sitcom that had unrealistic people in an unrealistic environment saying unrealistic lines, and I'm sorry, I just didn't buy it. The show could have modeled itself after other currently successful sitcoms and used a single-camera format, and it should have centered more around the teacher's relationships with their students and not with each other.

It gets a star for trying and a star for the hot chick (she was really hot).

In the end, it was a failed sitcom that will go down in history as a hacks attempt to understand a profession. I only hope that if they make another sitcom based on teaching that they learn from their mistakes so that a monstrosity such as this never touches the television screen.
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Scrubs (2001–2010)
It is the most intellectually stupid show ever created.
12 March 2004
I have been watching Scrubs since the first episode, and I am proud of it. Scrubs as the ability to take a simple issue that we all have with life and present it in the most simplest manner.

Scrubs is a much needed spin on a sitcom. Sitcoms have been following the same plot development layout since Friends came on television. The layout order is . . .

1)Plot 1 introduced

2)Plot 2 introduced

3)Plot 1 expanded

4)Plot 2 expanded

5)Plot 1 resolved

6)Plot 2 resolved

Scrubs went in an entire different direction and did something that has not been done in American sitcoms. It said tell heck with just a main plot and a subplot. Instead, Scrubs has multiple plots and multiple subplots. So now, you have to watch just more than one show to know what is going on, and you need to understand the characters and their histories.

If you don't like Scrubs then fine, don't watch it. The only thing I hate is when people say, "I watched one episode, and I thought it was dumb." Or another good one is, "How am I supposed to like these characters because they are so mean?"

To you people I say this, "Quit watching Reality TV and other mentally stunting shows like Average Joe before you lose one of your two remaining brain cells."
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