
16 Reviews
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Actually not that bad
5 August 2023
This rather surprised me honestly. Its not that bad, likely the best DCEU movie. OK thats not saying much but they are all pretty terrible, but really apart from some bad CGI and the whole Ezra Miller thing, its perfectly fine.

Its no match for the earlier non DCEU Batmans, the WB DC animations or almost all the MCU movies, but its not offensive and isn't grimdark for the sake of it. Its certainly worth a watch if the Miller controversy doesn't bother you.

The CGI is really cheap though, you can tell WB pulled back on the budget somewhat, expecting it to fail. Its hardly better better than the Flash TV show. The Batman bike chase looked awful.
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Better than expected considering they cant use the silmarillion.
2 September 2022
They DO NOT have rights to the Silmarillion, so what story exists they cant use. They only have rights to LOTR and associated texts.

Those expecting an exact reproduction are therefore going to be out of luck, things will be different.

As detailed as Tolkiens work is the second age is patchy, with very little dialogue so everything you see on screen is original. The history we have is full of gaps, hundreds of years of nothing, if you were to represent that on screen it would be patchy and messy. I have no issue with compressing the timeline or changing character.

In terms of what we got I seemed well realised. The pace is slow, but thats better than 90210 in middle earth, as many feared it would be.

Lots of criticism of Galadriel online, but this is how she was! She was more aggressive, ambitious and prideful , even right into the third age. Remember she only finally matured when she passed the test in LOTR.

Its not perfect, but its much better than I could have been, its solid and ill watch it all.
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The Orville: A Tale of Two Topas (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
Showing Discovery how to do it.
3 July 2022
The Orville managed to do in one episode what Discovery couldn't in 2 seasons.

This is how you handle gender topics, not the joyless, overbearing and heavy handed way Star Trek Discovery is doing it.

The emotions seemed real in this episode, whereas Discoverys are over blown and fake. Such a shame because 30 years ago this is how Star trek would, and did handle it.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part VI (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
Better than the other 5 episodes
24 June 2022
OK, this was better than the rest, until about 35 minutes in anyway, but it was a hard slog getting there.

The overall story was fine, but please, can we have better directors and writers next time? Some of it was just pure amateur level, and laughable. This story deserved better, or, if they cant do better, should have just been left well alone.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Species Ten-C (2022)
Season 4, Episode 12
Better and an explaination
11 March 2022
The last 2 episodes have explained why emotions have been so front and centre this season. The story finally became full scifi and was Star Trek at its most outlandish.

I do however feel like the point could have been made without the rest of the season being so insanely heavy handed.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Rubicon (2022)
Season 4, Episode 9
Touchy feely Scifi
23 February 2022
Seriously, did they all get brain damage in the time jump? The amount of emotion and 'feelings' on display is insane, its amazing the crew can even function.

The basic sci-fi elements of the show are mostly fine, if rather too heavily interlaced with fan service, but the social commentary is too much.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Geting more trek like, but needs to dial down the touchy-feely
30 December 2021
Season 4 is finally getting to feel like Star Trek, its dealing with topics all the previous shows did, and I like the running story of the DMA.

However they do need to dial back the social commentary somewhat. Im not against any of it, its the most Trek thing to be inclusive and forward thinking, it was right back to ToS, but its being layered on a bit thick.

Its like a CW show and need to realise that sometimes less is more. Have all the gay, trans and ethnic characters you want, but making them so one dimensionally about that is not the way to be inclusive. Why are 2 black characters lovers? Why are 2 gender questioning characters lovers? Thats not actually as progressive as the show runners think it is. In the year 3000+ it really shouldn't be a topic that requires such heavy handling, and yet such safe handling at the same time.
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Imaginaerum (2012)
Extended music video, but great idea.
11 July 2021
Recently I got into nightwish, so had to check this out. Its very much an extended music video rather than a cinema release movie, but its not half bad.

I feel like with more budget and some more movie craft it would be really great. It has the feel of a Del Toro or Gilliam movie and if either had directed it, it might have made more impact.
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Breach (IV) (2020)
Wow, it really is that bad.
15 May 2021
I saw all the reviews and thought.. Is it really that bad? The answer is yes, yes it is.

The acting is bad, especially from Willis, he isnt even trying. Scratch that, he is trying, to act badly, that's the only explanation. The rest are just the usual no name poor actors and minor character actors you never remember the name of. Thomas Jane is in it for 5 minutes and doesnt help save it.

At least the special effects are OK though. Oh wait, no they aren't. We are talking Asylum level effects here, that get worse and worse as the movie goes on.

The story is just standard monster in space/alien stuff that's been done to death and back again, although the ending is pretty unsatisfying and poor.

Dont bother with this unless you are actively looking for a movie to watch when drunk, when it at least might be a bit funny.
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Worse than SyFy movies
9 June 2020
This was just horrible, Its even worse than those terrible movies SyFy show. You know the ones, often disaster movies that all have the same basic plot? Well they are better made, more interesting, better acted and better paced than this complete garbage.
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Occupation (2018)
Poor SciFi, awful drama
29 September 2019
I get it, its cheap. To keep it cheap they need to minimise the action and CGI and focus more on the drama, but that's only going to work if the drama is good.

Really you should root for the humans in these movies, but when they all turn into insufferable gits, it's hard not to just want the aliens to win, or better yet, both sides kill each other and end everyones misery.
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23 July 2018
The way they managed to made a 3D animated, HDR rendered, futuristic Scifi Godzilla movie so boring and dull is really quite impressive. The positive reviews talk of character development and story building, but just having those things doesn't make a movie good, not when the characters are cliche and the story is a mess. The boring first hour adds nothing to the story of worth. Some of the voice acting is just awful. Why the main characters voice needed to be in that 'breathy desperation' style for every line I don't know. Its over the top and annoying. The first movie had some promise, but this just crushed it all, I don't think I'll bother with any more from this series.
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Not brilliant, but OK
28 April 2018
The bad reviews of this make me wonder if they saw the original, which was frankly laughable. That has become a cult classic, but its not because of its high quality.

OK this isnt top of the line TV, but its quite fun and definitely meant to be a bit comedic. Its modernized, but still set in the medieval past, it just has a more modern sensibility.

The CGI is fine, and the design is clearly looking to emulate the original Monkey. People say it looks bad or fake, but thats the point

If you aren't hung up on the original you might just like it.
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The Recall (2017)
Generic and boring
11 January 2018
This movie follows the pattern of so many other low budget sci fi movies. Its more about 1 dimensional teen dating and angst than sci fi. No one in the movie is likable, the plot is stupid, and the effects are barely adequate.

Its a step up from a Syfy channel movie, or Asylum movie, but not a big one.
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Once Upon a Time (2011–2018)
Starts good, gets rather bad.
6 January 2018
I have to say when I started watching I thought it was a bit different and pretty fun, and for 4 seasons it was. Season 5 however was the turning point.

Season 5 was a mess, a drawn out convoluted mess, and it just stopped being fun. It was downhill from there, and season 7 is just a different, inferior show sadly.
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This Is Jinsy (2010– )
Painfully unfunny
3 October 2016
Funny really is in the eye of the beholder it seems. I like surreal, odd, and silly comedy. Python, Boosh, League of Gentlemen, but to compare those to this rubbish is insulting.

At its best its boring, at its worst its embarrassing to watch. The characters are mostly just unpleasant to watch and the songs are just awful. Its just silliness for the sake of it, and its not smart enough to justify itself

Quite simply this is completely unfunny, and no amount of heavyweight guest stars save it. Im not surprised the ratings tanked and it got cancelled.
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