
320 Reviews
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Home invasion thriller
31 May 2024
This is more of a home invasion thriller than a giallo. It's well written and well acted. There is some good tension here, however, sometimes the editing gets out of hand with fast cuts during a couple sequences. There is an over the top score by Ennio Morricone that does not always match the story and sometimes distracts from the film.

The highlight here is probably the acting. This is a chamber piece with only a handful of characters and two major locations. Giovanna Ralli is wonderful. Fernando Rey does more than just phone it in - though he is not given much to do here. Frank Wolff had the most memorable presence as the main antagonist. Sadly, this was actually one of his last films before he died by suicide.

The ending was a bit underwhelming considering the tension and build up that proceeded it. This film had a chance to say something interesting about justice/injustice, but it didn't fully seize the opportunity. At the end of the day, it's a suspenseful and well-acted film, but it's not mandatory viewing.
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The Church (1989)
The film that Fulci always wanted to make
28 May 2024
This is it. This is the film that Fulci always wanted to make. Similar vibes to City of the Living Dead. The crucial difference is that The Church has superior writing, acting, and directing than anything Fulci did.

The premise is there is a cursed church with an evil that is unleashed, and this evil manifests in many different ways. There are some incredibly fun and demonic special effects here. There are some truly surprising sequences. Some of the sequences play out like a nightmare. It just oozes style and atmosphere. Many characters slowly (or abruptly) become evil... reminiscent of the Evil Dead.

Better than average acting here. Hugh Quarshie (Nightbreed, Phantom Menace), Barbara Cupisti (Stagefright), and Tomas Arana (he's been in just about everything) all bring good performances.

Due to it's hallucinogenic nature, this a film that really needs to be seen. No amount of words will capture its nightmarish qualities.
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Fear City (1984)
Sleazy and Bleak
21 May 2024
Abel Ferrara is known for making shocking films. But this one is more nihilistic than usual. It's the script's fault really... it's just so hopeless and unredeeming. Everyone is angry and desperate. No one learns their lesson or grows from their experiences.

It's well acted. Tom Berenger and Melanie Griffith look good and do the best they can with the material they're given. But they're unlikable. Everyone is unlikable here. It's so gritty and ugly.

The killer's identity is no mystery. We see his face early on and many times throughout the film. He loves to practice martial arts in front of a mirror. There are not many special effects, but when they are used, they are effective.

It's hard to know who to recommend this to... recommend it to someone if you want to ruin their day.
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Stairway to Hell
20 May 2024
Better than average giallo with an old-fashioned charm. It's a period piece with horses and wagons. The "Clinic" is a sanatorium of sorts. The good doctor appears to be part psychiatrist, part surgeon. There also appears to be many more staff than patients at this clinic.

Great locations. Great use of color. Great atmosphere. The soundtrack features a very old song by Giovanni Battista Granata called "Sonata di Chitarra, e Violino, con il suo Basso Continuo." It's a classical song, but it sounds a lot like Stairway to Heaven.

The acting was good. The story/mystery was fairly predictable if you've seen a number of these movies. Overall, I'd say it's worth a watch if you're a giallo fan.
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Part Blackmail, Part Is She Going Crazy?
14 May 2024
Part Blackmail, Part Is She Going Crazy?

The film is incredibly well directed by Luciano Ercoli. The lighting, colors, and shot composition are all top notch. Great score by Ennio Morricone. The lead actress, Dagmar Lassander, does some great work - although she is not given much to do other than be scared and confused - but she did a great job with what she was given. The supporting actors were also quite good with their roles.

Where the film goes wrong is the script. It fails to give Dagmar Lassander's character any growth. As the viewer, I felt that was a wasted opportunity.

Also, I didn't believe in the twist at the end. It seemed too absurd.

There was little in the way of blood/special effects.
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Vinegar Syndrome is Blundering in the Dark
10 May 2024
Vinegar Syndrome is Blundering in the Dark. Some Gialli are forgotten for a reason. In this film's case, it was forgotten because of it's poor qualities. There are much better forgotten films that deserve a wider release. I wish Vinegar Syndrome would focus their resources on better Gialli.

This is writer/director Helia Colombo's only film. It is an overtly sleazy film. The quality of the violence/special effects is below average but not awful. The quality of the acting hovers above bad. The quality of the story and script is quite bad. Characters are so underdeveloped and unbelieveable that Helia Colombo must have been blackout drunk or had recent head trauma when he wrote this. Also, there is a random sci-fi element that takes all the detective work out of the whodunit.
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Shakespearean Thriller
6 May 2024
Although it's sometimes listed as a giallo, this film is probably better describes as a Shakespearean Thriller.

It's all about the characters, their interactions, and their relationships. It's a drama. And sometimes, a melodrama.

Within the first few minutes of the film, we learn that Angela McDonald, Roberto Bisacco, and Anna Gaël are plotting something against Chris Avram. There are political elements of the bourgeoisie and proletariat. There is also some Freudian stuff thrown in for good measure. Of note, there is little violence to speak of.

I loved the 1960's rock soundtrack! It was surprisingly memorable.

It's a different kind of a film, and it may stick with you for that reason. However, it's hard to imagine the audience who would love this movie. It's too sleazy to appeal to fans of drama, and it's too talky to appeal to fans of thrillers/slashers.
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A guilty pleasure that defies genres
2 May 2024
This is a fun mix of genres! It's sometimes described as a giallo, but I don't think that's helpful. It's part cult/conspiracy, part creature feature, and part slasher all rolled up into one beautiful mess of a movie.

The pros: The plot will keep you guessing because it pulls from different genres. Some of the stalking/murder sequences are done well. The special effects are quite imaginative and exciting. Prolific actors like William Berger and Stéphane Audran have small roles.

The cons: They didn't have enough money to pull off some of the special effects, and it's a real shame. The lead actor lacked the charisma to pull off being the center of the film. He couldn't carry the film.

At the end of the day, this was a missed opportunity. With another actor in the main role and with a bigger special effects budget, this could have been something special.
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Better than average giallo
29 April 2024
All star cast with Fernando Rey (from The French Connection) who is a police inspector investigating a murder where the suspects are Anita Strindberg, George Hilton, and Luciana Paluzzi (from Thunderball). The acting is great across the board.

The mystery and writing is fairly well done. The directing was serviceable. The score was quite good.

This is a low body count whodunit. There is very little gore/special effects with the exception of an open heart surgery which was very well done.

At the end of the day, this one was all about the acting, the relationships, and figuring out the mystery.
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Possession (1987)
a valiant effort
23 April 2024
Low budget slasher. One gets that impression that the creators improvised the script around their resources. For example, if the director gets last minute word that police cars will be available for a car chase, he writes a scene where he can use police cars in a chase sequence.

Pros: John Johnston as the killer. This is his only acting credit. He has real potential. He tends to overact making some of his scenes unintentionally funny. However, that's more of the director's fault than his fault. He has a few scenes where he is genuinely creepy and able to chew the scenery in a captivating way. With a better director, he could have delivered something special.

Also, a couple of the death scenes were done well and appeared to be higher quality when compared with the rest of the film.

Cons: Most of the acting is pretty bad. Most of the decisions by characters are very dumb. Lighting is bad in a number of scenes.

Overall, this was a valiant effort but misses the mark.
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Where's Scooby Doo When You Need Him?
18 April 2024
Where's Scooby Doo When You Need Him?

This film is a bit silly in a good-hearted, old-timey way. Everything feels exaggerated. Some of the acting is over-the-top. The editing is fantastically cheesy. It all has a campy flavor.

The plot throws in everything but the kitchen sink. There are mentions of an inheritance, a MacGuffin document, a haunted house, witchcraft, ghosts, and vampires. It's literally brimming with ideas.

The acting is also quite memorable! You can tell they had a lot of fun making this movie. The actors really go for it! Evelyn Stewart has a great role here. However, it's Analía Gadé who goes above and beyond and delivers a totally unhinged performance. Also, the prolific George Rigaud has a small role here.

A major con is that it takes almost an hour to get to the first murder.

Don't take this one too seriously. Just go in having fun, and you may find it enjoyable!
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Gritty police procedural about a serial killer
15 April 2024
Gritty police procedural about a serial killer.

Eros Puglielli does some strong work here using slick camera work. Great shot compositions and color palette. Gritty stuff here.

Lucía Jiménez was great, but she's not given much to do other than be scared. Luigi Lo Cascio steals the show here as the cop haunted by past trauma and trying to solve the case. The camera absolutely loves him. Incredible performance!

The mystery itself is something we've seen many times before. Although, the style of the murders is fairly unique. Great special effects! There is a good amount of blood here so it's not for the faint of heart.

Overall, this was a great little serial killer flick.
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Soundtrack is more famous than the movie
8 April 2024
First, this is not a giallo. There are elements of a thriller and comedy. But I think it's mostly a criticism of society. And I found it to be sad.

The acting is quite good. Lino Capolicchio really stands out here and steals every scene he is in. The story is also interesting. Though, I'm sure the poor subtitles added to the mystery, and I'm betting the film would be more straightforward and less mysterious if I knew Italian.

The version I had was poorly edited with abrupt transitions. It may just be the version I saw and perhaps there is another version out there with better editing. Also, the version I saw had long periods without a score. But when the score does emerge, it is pretty amazing stuff from a time gone by. Psychedelic and kind of haunting sound. Online, it appears that the soundtrack is more famous than the movie. It's a real treat from Ennio Morricone.
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28 March 2024
Pros: Erika Blanc acts circles around the rest of the cast. She helps the film tremendously. Some of the shots of the city are quite nice.

Cons: The story and the mystery were lackluster. Poorly written. The characters make painfully idiotic decisions. The direction was also quite bad. It looks like they shot everything in one take.

The poor special effects and cartoonishly bright red blood were also distracting. It was hard to care about any of these characters. Even Paul Naschy's detective said he didn't care about the victims.

This is a pretty weak giallo. At the end of the day, I'd say go ahead and skip this one.
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Trauma (1978)
poorly made but interesting enough
27 March 2024
There are some interesting ideas here. It's a whodunit with some Norman Bates moments and an ending that is open to interpretation which I thought was unique for this type of movie.

The lead actress, Ágata Lys, was great! The rest of the cast ranged from forgettable to bad.

I found the directing to be quite bad. It had a made for TV feel to it.

There's quite a bit of sleaze and nudity here. With the exception of the final murder, the violence and special effects were laughably bad. I thought the execution of the last girl's death was a cut above the rest.

The score was better than average.

I enjoyed the ambiguous ending.
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low budget mess
25 March 2024
Pros: Better than average script for this type of movie. There are some interesting subplots. Some of the locations are nice. I really liked the music - it's simple but effective!

Cons: Poor direction. No style. The shots waste locations. The acting is pretty bad across the board. The inspector comes across as the best of the bunch, but he can't carry the whole movie. There is a bunch of gratuitous bad sex scenes. I've been more turned on watching paint dry. Also, it takes awhile to get to the first murder.

Overall: It's a low budget mess created by a director who can't direct a bunch of actors who can't act.
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Wonderful comedy/mystery!
14 March 2024
This is a wonderful comedy/mystery! Those expecting a serious giallo will be disappointed. However, if you're expecting a comedy with a number of mysterious murders, you will be pleased!

Marcello Mastroianni and Ornella Muti are wonderful as the leads! Ornella Muti is beautiful and mysterious, but this is Marcello Mastroianni's movie through and through. He is incredibly likeable here, and I couldn't help but root for him.

The mystery component was done well. There are a number of murders with people falling out of windows. There is a secret MacGuffin. There is a chase scene. And there is the classic reveal at the end.

I thought both the comic and mysterious aspects were handled/blended well. This film seems to be underappreciated. It's a fun ride!
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Corrected my complaints about the first one
11 March 2024
This is a better film than the first one. They corrected a number of things here. Our leads are given more to do and shine much more here. We get a love story. The worms also have a bigger role. The whole thing looks and sounds incredible!

The villains are much improved, and there's a new villain who thankfully feels like a worthy opponent and raises the stakes nicely.

There is some nice social commentary about fascism and religious fundamentalism.

Best of all, they cut back on all the dream sequences (there are still a few), and the pacing is better. There was some choppiness in the seconds act, but overall, the film glided by.
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Guilty pleasure of a giallo
7 March 2024
Guilty pleasure of a giallo.

This is not a good movie, but I enjoyed it. It's written fairly well, and the mystery component is done well. However, the directing felt inexperienced. The acting was over the top... to the point of being campy. Some of these actors seem like cartoon characters. But that's all part of this films charm. It goes for it! Even the soundtrack is lively and unrestrained.

To enjoy the ride you will have to suspend your disbelief - particularly when the killer is revealed. There are also some moronic moments like when the character says, "I know who the killer is, but I can't tell you now. Meet me upstairs in 5 minutes."

For me, the fun energy and gusto won me over, and I wound up enjoying this film despite its many flaws.
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True crime story
5 March 2024
Beware that this is not a giallo in that it involves the case of a single murder and the human drama of the characters involved. That being said, it's a good film. It's based on a true story that happened in the 1930s in Australia - though most of the movie was filmed in Spain, some scenes were shot in Australia.

The highlight for me were the actors. Oscar-winner, Ray Milland, plays the old detective trying to solve one last case. The love triangle is composed of Dalila Di Lazzaro, Michele Placido, and Howard Ross - all of whom do a fantastic job! I really felt for the characters and their tragic circumstances.

That being said, I wasn't thrilled about the score. It didn't seem to compliment the film at times and was a bit distracting. Also, as a thriller, it is lacking in the thrills department, and often feels like a drama. It's kind of a difficult film to classify - what drives it is not the mystery but the human hearts of its leads.
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Disappointing but not without some merit
3 March 2024
Disappointing but not without some merit.

Cheap looking giallo/thriller with no creativity in the kills/special effects department. The mystery aspect was also lackluster.

However, I did enjoy the soundtrack. And it was a pleasure to see genre regulars Fabio Testi and Florinda Bolkan in a late career giallo - I just wish it was a better one.

Some of the supporting actors are pretty bad. I found the young detective to be particularly difficult to watch.

However, the worst aspect had to be the editing. There were some truly embarrassing blunders in which an unrelated scene would pop in for a moment and pop out again.

At the end of the day, I can't recommend this one unless you're a diehard fan of Fabio Testi or Florinda Bolkan.
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StageFright (1987)
Excellent slasher first effort from Michele Soavi
28 February 2024
Excellent slasher first effort from Michele Soavi.

This Michele Soavi's first film. He would go on to make a couple truly great horror movies.

The main thing that holds this back is the script. The characters are all paper thin stereotypes. Some of the stereotypes are quite racist and sexist. It's lazy.

Also, it's a slow start. I spent the first half hour or so wondering if I was going to finish watching the film.

However, around 50 minutes in is the pay off. Holy moly, it gets real! The kills and special effects were impressive.

There were a number of truly artistic shots that go above and beyond the typical slasher. The colors, lighting, and feathers floating in the air really helped the atmosphere here. There's a fair amount of tension in the final act.

However, the very ending was so-so with a gimmick we've all seen done better a hundred times before.

At the end of the day, the second half of the film makes this def worth seeing if you're a fan of slashers!
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Lenzi-style giallo with more sleaze
13 February 2024
The plot feels straight out of an Umberto Lenzi-style giallo - there are rich people, a mansion, an inheritance, a murder, a new person stumbling into the mix, and mind games. This adds a good deal more nudity and sleaze than a Lenzi picture.

Jenny Tamburi is great here... this may be her most memorable role.

Hiram Keller has a small role. He is truly a Ray Lovelock lookalike. I honestly thought he was Lovelock when I first saw him in this. It's really uncanny.

I found the theme song to be annoying.

The setting is not particularly compelling.

It's pretty slow paced. The first death happens immediately. The second death doesn't happen until well over an hour into the film. This film is more about the tension between the characters than the violence.

At the end of the day, it's an average giallo.
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Amuck! (1972)
Beautiful but idiotic
12 February 2024
Barbara Bouchet is the highlight here. You can't take your eyes off her. She is an incredible lead.

The film is wonderfully shot. There are great locations and good atmosphere. There are some fun sequences with a bit of suspense.

However, the script is quite bad. The characters make impossibly stupid choices that go against their own motivations. The ending was also unbelievable with the plans of the villain appearing pretty dumb.

There is more sex/nudity here than the average giallo.

At the end of the day, this is a nice movie to look at if you turn your mind off and go for a ride, but the unbelievable character decisions/reactions keep this from being a truly good film.
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Neutered yawn fest
8 February 2024
Neutered yawn fest. Supposed to be a thriller but has the same tone as It's a Wonderful Life. I was half expecting it to end with an angel getting its wings.

There's a love story at the center of this one. Some real prudish action with extended hugging scenes.

There's a police procedural component. There's supposed to be some witty dialogue between the police and with the police and the suspects, but it seemed that at any moment, Laurel and Hardy would enter the scene and ham it up even more.

It's well-acted and shot. There's a good fist fight. But at the end of the day, there's just not enough thrills in this one to make it worth while.
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