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Westworld: Que Será, Será (2022)
Season 4, Episode 8
dumbest season
15 August 2022
Look how they massacred my boy.

The writers clearly don't care about this show anymore, nor do they have what it takes to tell a brilliant story, since everything after s2 went downhill rapidly.

They should've just ended this show after s2. It's a shame that all those brilliant performances are wasted on this pile of crap.

I sincerely hope that their new Fallout show gets cancelled soon.
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The Bad Guys (2022)
Not Bad for Bad Guys
5 May 2022
I'll be honest, The Bad Guys is far from masterpieces like Pixar's Up, Wall-E, and the plot is rather predictable. But who am I kidding, almost all animations are predictable since they're made for kids so that shouldn't be a problem, as long as they're enjoyable. Fortunately for The Bad Guys, now I wouldn't say the movie 'nailed it', but it turned out to be pretty decent.

So the main characters are really likeable (pretty cute I would say), the voice acting is great (Sam Rockwell is wonderful, his voice is just so magnetic. Beetz's Diane is wonderful too.) Wolf and Fox have an amazing chemistry (I love the pair), and the characters' interactions are executed rather well, the storytelling pace is smooth and the motives are clear and believable, so there won't be any scenes that feel off, forced or awkward (Except for the opening car chase, that part is over the top, that I agree with Foxinton. And personally I hate this 'talking to viewers' thing, movies should be immersive! 'Show, not tell.' Isn't that what you writers prefer?) (I do like the opening scene though, kinda like Pulp Fiction, but in a reletively-terribly-written way. But I don't blame the writers for this, I mean, they're not Quentin, are they? It's just an animation.) Hats off to the writer/director, they've done a great job on this.

Now what I like most about The Bad Guys is that it doesn't try to give a lecture, it doesn't try to convey any messages (not anything big or meaningful at least, heh.) Disney and Pixar would be like 'Ohh! We should add messages into animations, we should teach kids about what's right and wrong, we should use animations as a way to express our political beliefs.' No, The Bad Guys just tries to entertain people, and it did rather well. I'm not saying that I hate messages in an animation, I love meaningful and educational animations, but only when the story is great. It seems to me that some animations focus on 'the big message' so much that they forget the fact that a well-written story should come first. No matter how true or how important your message is, nobody would like your animation if the story is bad. The Bad Guys does a good job on this by not giving any lecture. It knows what it is, it knows it can't be as good as animations like Inside Out, which is both entertaining and educational, so it chooses to only entertain. And judging by the result, it really did a good job.
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The Expanse: Nemesis Games (2021)
Season 5, Episode 10
Goodbye Expanse
4 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The protomolecule reveal was not shocking at all. Many already noticed the weird torpedo with a blue glow so I didn't feel surprised at all when they revealed it. Even if I hadn't noticed the torpedo, I wouldn't easily believe that proto was simply gone seeing how important it was.

Belters teaming up with martians. This is so obvious. Basically this is the only way how Marco would get his battle gears so I don't know why it took these characters so long to realise. I thought they were better than this!

Terrible performance (Martian fleet approached) Everyone was like: Yeaaah! Horray! (Found out the truth & after defeat) Everyone: Awww! Oh noooo! Seriously? I've never been in a gov meeting but I'm sure no sane man would act like this in real life. They acted as if they were watching some sort of a soccer game. That not how politics work.

Peaches joining the family Amos: Boss you tried to kill me, did you mean it? Holden: Yeah but it was a long time ago, we're family now. Amos: Yes! Then we cool. Come peaches! (Holds hands) Me & Holden: (???)

I love the fact that drummer kept talking about how much she cared for Naomi but never bothered to visit her at all. I was so touched.

Killing off Alex, one of few interesting characters in the show is the biggest mistake. And stroke? Seriously? Of all the ways, it had to be stroke? Not decent at all!

Writing 101 Q: How to ruin a serious SCIFI show? A: Family drama.

Marcos in e04: Fearsome and somehow charming antagonist. Marcos in e10: Just another skinny whacko.

Naomi is not interesting enough to deserve all those screen time.


I could go on and on, but I don't care and don't ever want to care anymore, I'm tired of it. The show was promising at once, but now it is lost. After two slow seasons, I think it's time to say goodbye.
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Raised by Wolves: Raised by Wolves (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Totally not complaining!
26 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Raised by wolves, more like playing house with an eerie android who would surprisingly go rogue, definitely not seen in blade runner and other Ridley's works! Wow, so original, so shocking! Definitely didn't cringe while I witnessed the protagonist butcher the entire ship and kidnap their kids, out of, I don't know, her maternal instinct? The same instinct that wasn't around when the five children died? Like she's got this supersonic weapon (I totally didn't laugh every time she shrieked), shapeshifting technology, embryo life support, but she just couldn't save the children that she loved so much? The same instinct that knowing the planet's environment is bad for her kids (She was so loving when she let her kids sleep under a roof with holes! So nice of her to let the snow in so that her kids could enjoy the scenery! Compared to that, catching a cold and die was such a small price!), but still insisted to stay and when this father objected, she simply 'retired' him, as if life on the planet wasn't hard enough? As if she and the kid alone could last long? I'm so curious why but I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation and a logical motive! So looking forward to the next episode!

(Sigh) It's a pity, really. I once had high hope for this one. Shame on Ridley (Maybe it wasn't his fault, but the writers.) for making something so illogical. Scifi? Nah, knowing Scott, this show could be anything, but scifi. And I'm afraid this is where we part ways. To those who would keep on watching, I salute. You folks are the real pioneer.
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Westworld: Passed Pawn (2020)
Season 3, Episode 7
Not WW anymore
27 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I knew things wouldn't be the same when Nolan & Joy said there would be fewer puzzles than before, but I didn't expect it to be like this.

This is not WW anymore, but a mediocre and cheesy scifi show with plots that just don't make sense: like why would maeve have to fight dolores, just because it would be fun and cool? Does it mean anything other than fan service? Sure this worked on some people, but believe me, the crowd is hard to please, and some of them didn't get what they want at all.

Back in S2, maeve was actually my fav character: another solution to the problem, a digital paradise for the hosts. It's nice to see something different while Dolores was all about blood revenge. But now, my god, i don't even know why Maeve and Bernard exist, for they've literally done absolutely nothing this entire season. Maeve is still stuck in the past, thinking about the daughter. And bernard is like Dolores has a plan, while both he and the viewers have absolutely no effing clue.

I used to believe that only william's plot will save this season, but seeing his mental state right now, im not so sure anymore.
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