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Great Performances Wasted
17 June 2019
Not a bad movie, certainly entertaining, but hardly Oscar nomination worthy. The movie might be worth it just to listen to Gaga who is nothing short of extraordinary from a vocal standpoint. Some of the duets are also excellent and the acting is superb throughout. However, the movie really drags in places to the point I just wanted it get over with.
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Movie 43 (2013)
Come on Folks, This is Funny
6 September 2013
Okay this humor may offend a large portion of the population, but that is precisely what makes it funny. This is not a pointless, incredibly dumb movie like "The Stupids" that had one 2 minute piece of brilliance in the entire movie. There are some hilariously brilliant lines, some uproarious moments of completely sick humor and a ton of laughs. If you or others consider you to be sober, prudish folk by all means do not waste your time on this movie - you will hate it. If you enjoy Saturday Night Live, SCTV, 30 Rock and similar comedy, you will find this to be one of the most well produced and acted examples of this hilarious genre of comedy. Also, this is not the understated genre of absurdist comedy that Bill Murray and the Wilson boys routinely appear in. This is ridiculous, crude, over the top, uncomfortable, bathroom, I can't believe he said or did that type of comedy. However, the comedic acting is superb, and the film is directed and produced at a high level of competence. There is no message here, just humor.
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Bella (2006)
The Most Under Rated Movie on IMDb
1 June 2008
Bella. Need I say more. A beautiful film with an amazing spirit. Different, extraordinarily filmed. Editing genius. Remarkable. What astounds me is that there a enough cretins that watch movies to bring the rating down on this film to a mere 7.5. Yes it jumps around, a difficult way to tell a story, but when it works, it works. Of course it will require a modicum of intelligence to enjoy this film. If you understand the last sentence watch the movie, if not run - this movie is not for you. However, if you enjoy something a little different, this is a movie for you. In a way the mood of the film reminds me a little of (and I hate to say this) "Before Sunrise." Although much better acted, written, filmed and directed. And with a different spirit. Why it reminds me, I am not certain.
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Bug (2006)
Well Acted, But Missed the Mark for Me
16 February 2008
The acting was actually pretty good, but overall the movie just missed the mark. An interesting premise, but once you figure out where it is going, it is just not very interesting. From a plot standpoint, there are just too many of those why would a person do that. Ashley Judd's character in particular just doesn't seem to ever create the necessary motivation to act as she does. As a result, nothing hangs together quite right.

There are some pretty creepy moments, but with one exception, those moments simply end too soon. They needed to keep you uncomfortable a little longer. In the end, if you want to watch a movie to get an idea of what might make a good movie, watch it. If you want to watch a good movie, skip it.
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Brazil (1985)
Bizarre, Must See Movie
6 July 2007
In a very interesting Orwellian future, the main character, Sam Lowry, a mid level bureaucrat dreams of saving the girl of his dreams. When a bureaucratic error results in the imprisonment and death of an innocent man, Sam is led through a series of bizarre adventures that ultimately put him in pursuit of the real life woman of his dreams. However, the story, which to me was only mildly interesting, doesn't really to seem matter; instead it is the strange world of the future that Terry Gilliam creates that fascinates throughout the movie. This is a movie worth seeing and talking about. Overall, it is not nearly as good as most of the movies that I have rated this high; but it is unique and interesting. Not just well worth the watch, but a movie that any movie lover simply must see.
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Elizabethtown (2005)
Highly Underrated Movie With a Nice Feel to It
12 March 2006
Okay, I will admit up front that maybe Orlando Bloom doesn't do much for this movie but add a pretty face and certainly I am a sucker for Kirsten Dunst. Implausible plot - sure. But entertaining? I thought thoroughly so and with a good heart. The movie is very funny. Not slapstick, but funny. I laughed out loud often. The movie really doesn't take itself too seriously and that works for me. As for the acting . . . maybe I am being too hard on Orlando, because nothing he does is particularly bad, just forgetful I guess. But I will admit that I just felt like the cast wasn't particularly important to the movie. The movie has a feel to it that I connected with. The music, the visuals, the ease with which it flowed - just struck a chord. Overall, though it isn't that the cast is bad - they simply aren't noteworthy. In fact, I cannot remember a performance that was distracting or didn't mesh. It just seemed to me that the writing, the direction and the composition of the movie produced a feeling, triggered thoughts that made this movie a special event, time well spent ... who knows - I liked it.
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Paparazzi (2004)
Highly underrated film
2 April 2005
A very entertaining, although very short film. Heck who doesn't hate the paparazzi? Little or no motive, background, etc. to cloud the picture. This is basically a good old fashioned revenge is sweeeeet film.

I liked the pace. the direction and camera work were pretty good. I admit they had me a little scared in the opening scenes, wondering if this was going to be new director playing with the damn cameras, but it only stayed obnoxious for a little while.

Not much acting required, so that was fine. Some of the cameos were a hoot. The villains were scum sucking enough of low lifes to hate. The thing I loved was that this was a film version of a good quick read. Okay, a barely believable plot, but who cares. It moves fast enough to avoid giving you time to notice the flaws. This is good, fun Friday entertainment and you still get to bed before 10!
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Don't Let Ashton Scare You Away
2 August 2004
This is a great movie that is an awful lot of fun. It keeps you guessing early on and provides for some interesting twists along the way. The only problem is that one of the exectutive producers believes that he is a dramatic actor. And he is so very wrong. Luckily Kutcher is not bad enough to ruin the film, but there are moments when he comes close. I believe that the underwhelming critical reviews are in large part due to his abysmal acting. The rest of the cast does a fine job and contrary to others, I don't believe that the directors did that bad of a job. Although, there were a couple of scenes where the interpretation seemed way off base. I understand the comparisons to Donnie Darko, which I thought was another excellent flick, but this one holds its own despite the flaws. It kept me interested and entertained and gave me alot to talk about after the flick was over. Definitely, worth the watch.
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Cyclotrode 'X' (1966 TV Movie)
So Awful, It's a Must See
10 July 2004
I had actually forgotten about this movie. But, how I do not understand, because in the wee hours of the morning over 30 years ago, I was thoroughly amused by this amazingly awful movie. They took an old series of cliffhangers and edited them into what must be simply the worst movie ever created. The acting, if you can call it that, is way beyond pathetic. I am not certain there actually was a director involved and I think they made the lines up as they went along. However, it is the special effects that make this movie one of the all time worst. The Cyclotrode X (okay there must have been a really bad writer involved to have developed this name for such a deadly world threatening machine) is a modern day wonder. It must have taken at least 15 minutes to devise this fiendish device. For the aficionado of truly bad movies, this is a must see.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
8 July 2004
Unbelievable casting. Everyone fits the part, in some cases almost eerily so. The performances are spot on. Toby must really be Spiderman and Kirsten is better than my dreams of MJ. Of course, I have always loved the angst ridden webcrawler. The writers gave me a whole lot of what I always loved about Spidey and a little at the end of what I always wanted. Fantastic effects, a Marvelous script (pardon the pun) and the sense to know when enough is enough. The movie races along through even the tender parts (very smart editing), without rushing things. Excellent timing, a little whimsy and a great setup for the next installment. Although, I think I would quit here - 'cause it just don't get much better.
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Horrible Start but Finishes Well
1 July 2004
I almost shut this movie down and went to bed after about the first 45 minutes and frankly, I am surprised that I lasted that long. Then it suddenly got a lot better. Ray Romano was wretched through the first half of this movie, but kind of grew on me as the film went on. Maura Tierney seemed to sleepwalk through much of the film, but also improved as the film continued. Hackman is just exactly what you'd expect. You have seen him do it one hundred times and you still can't help but laugh. He is the only thing that kept me in the same room for the first 45 minutes. The second half of the movie picked up and was quite enjoyable. Nothing earth shattering here, but in the end worth a watch.
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Bad Santa (2003)
Warning Not Suitable for Children (or many adults)
1 July 2004
This movie made me question the very essence of my being because after all how could I actually like a movie that is this sick with so little redeeming quality. What can I say about this movie? Morally bankrupt, but very funny throughout. That about sums it up. If you have any qualms about sick humor do not see this movie. However, if you love a dirty talking, sexually deviant, alcoholic Santa this is your kind of movie.

Billy Bob is delightful, no wait that is the wrong word, perhaps depraved is more apt, as Bad Santa. Tony Cox is a hoot as Bad Santa's elf and the kid, Brett Kelly, delivers some great looks. For those who like their comedy raw, Bad Santa is well worth a watch - but wait until after the movie to take a shower.
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Thirteen (2003)
Intense, Scary & Well Worth Anyone's Time
30 May 2004
Thirteen as a boy is the only way I know it and that was tough enough. Thirteen as a girl, with a single mom, craving popularity, seeking approval and just curious, daring, intelligent and beautiful enough to get into real trouble. Now that's tough. Throw in an untimely and unfortunate friendship with a troubled, twisted and manipulative girlfriend and you have the makings of a troubled child and an intense film.

And it all happens so fast.

This a well written, superbly directed, excellently acted and cleverly filmed movie. Throw in some kudos for the editing as well, as the movie has great pace. While Holly Hunter is superb, Evan Rachel Wood and Nikki Reed hold their own with sold performances. In fact, kudos to the casting director for a solid cast all the way around.

The movie is graphic and quite intense in places, but it isn't gratuitous with sex or violence, although I still fail to see why we needed a nude scene with Holly Hunter (not complaining, just didn't understand why in the context of the story). Probably the scariest part of the movie, however, is that it is believable. I could see circumstances conspiring to drive a thirteen year old kid, unsure, naive and hurting down a steadily spiral that would challenge even the best of parents' ability to cope.

See it. Then give your daughter a big hug. You will need it.
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Far Better Than I Had Imagined
10 May 2004
I am not a Tom Cruise fan, but once again here he is in a movie that far exceeds my expectations. The movie is filmed beautifully and is very pleasing to the eye. It examines certain spiritual aspects of the Samurai culture, while also providing some historical background, but it is also an action film.

I was frankly afraid that I was going to see another martial arts movie, with people leaping on top of buildings and performing superhuman and totally unbelievable stunts. I was pleased to find instead intricately choreographed fight scenes that were tremendously exciting and although farfetched, within belief.

Overall, the acting is solid. Nobody wowed with their performances, but neither did they disappoint. The film is well paced and keeps one's interest. I will admit to having tired of the fighting by the time the movie ended, but some of the action sequences were superb.

In the end, it was great entertainment.
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Amores Perros (2000)
Twisted, Touching, Excellent, Strange
28 March 2004
An odd mix of three randomly intertwined tales of love. The first and third are 10's, the middle tale bringing down the overall rating. Exceptional acting, directing, photography and editing. The film has no heroes in the traditional sense, but yet I found myself pulling for characters I ordinarily could not identify with. There was a sense of hope in certain of the misguided players that compelled me to root for their success in even the most wretched of their ventures.

Some of the scenes were simply heartbreaking. One scene in particular, (I shall not describe it here, but if you watch the movie, you will know the scene of which I write) though gruesome and sad had my mind darting off down a number of different paths. The parallels between the dog and the man touched off a number of patterns of thought while I was still reeling from the emotion of the scene.

Interestingly, I saw Y Tu Mama Tambien the night before Amores Perros, another interesting, though decidedly different film. The thing that struck me about both films was the quality and style of the camera work. Different, I am not entirely certain how, but very pleasing.

Well worth the watch.
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Excellent Music Barely Saves This Film
9 March 2004
Excellent gospel music and some other musical gems highlight this otherwise poor excuse for a film. The music is as good as it gets. So good I just might buy my first gospel cd ever. But the goods stop there, with the possible exception of Beyonce who manages a decent acting performance to go with some superb vocals. Actually, the supporting cast is likable for the most part and do an okay job. However, Cuba Gooding Jr. was completely abysmal, almost as bad as the screenplay. The story itself is implausible, the jokes are stale and the dialogue is boring. Yet, the music was so much fun, I am glad that I saw it and would recommend it to others. Just fast forward through all parts where they are not singing. Believe me you won't miss anything worth seeing.
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What Movies Are All About.
27 February 2004
With the passing of time and viewing of thousands of movies, I have found the new and unique stories and themes to be few and far between. Certainly, there is nothing new here. The themes have been explored countless times in stories, plays, books and movies. Parts of the movie have been recycled from other well done movies of the past. Secondhand, but oh the craftsmanship. Michael Caine and Robert Duvall are wonderful in this heartwarming, family film that entertains throughout. The story is as old as the hills, but the script, acting and direction are so masterful that the old story seems new again. Normally, there is something about Haley Joel Osment that just plain annoys me and although a little of that crops up here or there, I still enjoyed myself throughout the film. This movie amuses, entertains, tugs the old heart strings in a few, but not too many spots, and throws in just a small helping of wisdom and insight. Enough whimsy to amuse and prevent the movie from taking itself too seriously, but not to the point of getting silly. From director Tim McCanlies to those of you who love movies, here is a heaping helping of what movies are all about.
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Tried Way Too Hard To Be Profound
22 February 2004
The high rating of this movie baffles me. While it had superb special effects and above average acting, it failed miserably in telling the story. I was extremely disappointed. I adored the first film in the trilogy, understanding that you cannot include everything in a movie that is in a book. The second film was also excellent, although it began to try too hard to be important and profound. This last installment was intensely boring at times as it strived to be profound. This could have been a great movie, as it so often depicted scenes according to my imagination. Unfortunately, while describing the world it lost the essence of the story. The movie seemed to lose its way not only with pace, but with its heart. This marvelous story of extraordinary effort by the gifted and those less so to face head on an evil of incredible proportions went astray at too many crucial points. Granted it hit the mark in places, but it in others it almost seemed to take the credit from the valiant and place it solely on supernatural and circumstance.
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