
6 Reviews
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Spring Breakers
24 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I read somewhere around this forum that this movie was described by the writer and director as a joke, as something that isn't meant to be real. Wheather that is the case or not, I think this film doesn't come across in any way. This movie has no strength in dialog, or character development, or situations, or anything! It had good elements (like the robbery scene seen from the truck) and some potential but just because you repeat "spring break last forever" in a faded voice every 20 minutes doesn't make it deep. It's happening a lot lately, movies trying to combine indie elements with commercial ones, and in this case it definitely didn't work out.
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The Last Airbender
2 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the whole Avatar series and loved it. However, I wasn't expecting the movie to be exactly like them, I knew there were probably gonna be a lot of changes in the plot and skipped parts, but I am okey with that. It is an adaptation, and they have to fit 20 chapters in a two hour movie. That is a reason why a lot of avatar fans hated this movie. But the BIG flaw of this film is the WRITING. It's horrible! They don't really tell the story of how the war began properly, they do it by parts and not clearly, I wonder how someone who didn't watch the series was able to follow that. There is no character development whatsoever, we don't get to know anything about ANY character, not even Aang! And we don't get to see how they relate to each other. Besides, the mood of the movie is very dark and somber. I know they are in the middle of a war, but what I liked about avatar was that in spite of that, the kids always had a light spirit, being funny, having a good time even though they were dealing with serious matters. There is not one single joke in this movie. It was actually boring and kind of slow, because the action scenes were not as fast paced and not as powerful as the ones in the series (not nearly as much!) The first action scene are actually really stupid, like when Zuko tries to stop Aang from escaping by shouting "don't scape" instead of attacking. But it gets much better as the movie advances. Another point is the acting: I think the kids were great, they really mastered those moves! The rest... not so much. Specially Zhao. Generally, one can get passed the bad acting when the writing is good, but this was definitely not the case. The special effects, were really great. I supposed the benders are much less powerful here because it must have been very difficult to make this effects, but I don't know really. I specially likes the effects, the choreographies (the moves for bending) and the score, which was beautiful.

Overall it would have been a good movie with a COMPLETELY different script. Shymalan should stick to directing.
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The X-Files: The Unnatural (1999)
Season 6, Episode 19
27 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I really think this episode is not about how credible is it's story... Arthur Dales tells it almost as a fairy tale, rather than like hard fact. He also tells Mulder that he shouldn't try to make sense of it, that it could be just a story. And it is a nice one. This episode is not about conspiracy, or about the colony, even though it is connected to it. It is a much simpler story, and really beautiful.

I didn't know it was directed and written by David, good job!

I also liked the cute moments shared by Mulder and Scully, because even though that by season 6 we can clearly see they love each other, they're relationship can seem so cold and tense at times, and it is nice to see the warmer side of it.
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Alpha Dog (2006)
Wait for it, it does get better!
5 January 2012
The only reason I started watching this film is because I think Emile Hirsh and Anton Yelchin are good actors. At first, it seemed good talent wasted, and I couldn't stop wondering what was Bruce Wilis doing. However, my advice is to carry on watching the movie because if you can get passed the horrible acting of Justin Timberlake, suspense starts building up, characters develop in an unexpectedly deep way, and the climax scene makes this movie. It really saves it. The acting of Yelchin in that scene is the main reason why I'm reviewing this film, so that anyone who starts watching sticks up to the end because it's really worth it. Believe me, it really does get better, even GOOD, I dare say. That's why I give it a 7/10.
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O Lucky Man! (1973)
O, lucky man
5 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I had seen "If..." and was not very convinced about weather I had liked it or not. I guess, as I am not English nor have I lived in the 70's, and I am a girl I couldn't really relate to the movie. But I decided to give "O, lucky man" a chance anyway. I liked so much more than if...! It gets some aspects of the capitalist world spot on, and it mocks it in a really over the top manner, making the plot line change continually. It still didn't make me crack up, but there's another aspect of the film that makes watching it worth while: the soundtrack is one of the best ever! It has a few Alan Price's songs throughout the film, that are written for it and performed in the studio. The band even gets a part in one scene! It's really an incredible soundtrack, amazing songs. So even if this movie is not for you, you'll at least have enjoyed the lovely music Alan Price provides.
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Invader ZIM (2001–2006)
Invader Zim
5 January 2012
This is one of the, if not THE best cartoon shows I've ever watched, and I've certainly watched a lot. I actually don't understand how is it that this show ever made it to TV. It's depiction of society as completely stupid, useless and disgusting is so controversial, but so true! Everything in this show is reality, ironically heightened to ridiculous extremes! It's incredibly funny, specially when you get older and watch it again, and understand everything you couldn't as a child, and discover all the innuendos. The situations are hilarious too, but I think the best thing about this show are the little details and hidden mocks. It's also kind of dark, and the animation is really cool. So if you're into all those weird 90's cartoons which are kind of gross but funny as hell, this is definitely for you! 10/10
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