
23 Reviews
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Hunger (II) (2023)
Overly dramatic but still worth a watch.
8 April 2024
A lot about the directing story music and acting seems Overly dramatic. But something still rings. True.

There is a lot of truth to the story about the restraint industry, being a Celebrity chef and rich / poor people.

Overall plot is very engaging because the characters are engaging. You want to root for the nice main character over the mean villian.

The filmaking and cinematography seem very high quality; Oscar worthy. A lot is said in the reactions shots and small details. It's not corny like other cooking movies.

I think there is also something fresh about it being a Thai movie. It just most interesting when it's in a world we don't see every day.

Overall I like what this movie has to say and I had a good time watching the characters.
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Unique and fun
21 August 2022
All marvel shows and movies are the same. Fighting and the end of the world.

But a lawyer? That's refreshing and unique.

Sometimes it has a 60's 70's flair that fun and call back to the first superhero shows like The Incredible Hulk and Wonder Woman.

There is also a theme of Controlling your anger that real interesting for all the main characters.

Overall it just cool to see Marvel do something experimental and also fun.
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Great Story, Bad Storytelling .
3 July 2022
I think the first episode reveals too much. That we kind of know how the whole series is going to go. There aren't that many twist and turns.

The flashbacks feels like there isn't any forward momentum to finding the killer. But it good to add a lot about the dynamics of a strict church, family jealousy, extremism and gender politics.

Also too much dialogue.

The action scenes don't quite work to go together with what the themes backstory case that's goes on. It's just false

It's a true story so a writer can't change much to make it better. The series True Detective is better at combining action, and the case and how it effects the detectives. Also True Detective doesn't reveal a lot in its first episodes that we are filled with wonder and magic. That not to say that Under the Banner of heaven doesn't do these things. It's just not a good as other series and movies.

Overall it's a very haunting story because we can see how truthful the human psychology is with regards to relationships, jealousy and power. BUT please don't confuse a extremism sect with a really nice religion.
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Dune (2021)
Too Fast, Too Short, Too intense.
6 March 2022
First off I'll say I love the book.

I don't like the direction of the movie. Pacing of the movie felt like it was moving at 1,000 miles an hour all the time. It seemed like everything was the biggest most important moment of the story. They added epic music to almost everything. If everything is super intense then the biggest parts of the story feel not as big as it should be.

If I were directing then I would of used more subtle music and only use the intense music for the most important parts. I think I would of rather it be longer and slower so the audience has more time to understand the significance of what going on. Also maybe not split it into two movies and have a full story. Like a 6 hour story.

Overall its still, sort of interesting because of the great story.
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Radioactive (2019)
SURPRISING though you know her story.
29 July 2020
The story hit all the point you expect it to but does them in very interesting ways because of the Amazing Directing. Everything is dream like. Chemical like. Surreal.

It has interesting but predicable themes of science Ethics, Love and Women's empowerment.

It moves very fast so it's never boring. It moves from one conflict to the next conflict of her life. And then Sums up her life nicely in the end.
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Deep Moral story but Too Much Talking.
24 May 2020
There is way too much talking in the movie. A movie should show and not tell. Many people may think its boring at first but it slowly pulls you in.

The underling story deals with themes of justice and judgment. It presents these ideas in a grey zone. It also shows the faults in the justice system.

I wish this movie was told in a different way that is more exciting.
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Just Mercy (2019)
Please watch it anyways!
10 May 2020
Even if you know the story there is still one very powerful scene that makes it all worth something. It a very violent film but in a psychological way.

It also goes into every character on both sides.

One criticism is that It's a lot of dialogue and on the nose too. But the use of closeups works so well with their powerful performances.

It's very important film.
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Dark Waters (2019)
Interesting, Emotional but NOT very thrilling.
6 May 2020
It's a emotional direction works ver well. The cinematography is very moody too. You know exactly what every character is feeling And how that plays into weather or not they will continue.

The story is very important but it's not thrilling. It's basically goes into the Law strategy which is interesting. The Problem is that we sort of know the ending so there is no conflict. It tries to add some small points of conflict other than just the case but it's not enough. Also the first act is slow.

I think Hollywood should make more of these films but come up with a story that feels real but is not so that the ending is more surprising.
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Hustlers (2019)
Interesting but uneven.
3 May 2020
The concept is great because it compares poor stripper hustlers to to Wal Street Criminals who didn't go to jail. But there are parts that feel slow like the first act. That's because there are long stretches where there isn't enough conflict or a clear goal. That because It's a true story and can't really chance that much.

The direction is slick and the music choices are great. But it's not as emotional as I wanted it to be. It's an original idea and Hollywood should be making more original ideas.
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Didn't feel real.
3 May 2020
It's Not a true story so we feel like the situations are made up the reactions are too.

The LightHouse is a similar themes but better written because it felt more real than this. I can see someone being enchanted by the light.

The only good thing is the acting.
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Panic Room (2002)
Originally Thrilling but too much explaining
3 May 2020
I think overall it's a cool movie with a lot of sequences that are fresh and smart.

The characters are good but I wish they were built up stronger. Give Forrest Whitaker a bigger reason to need the money then just what's in the movie maybe an illness

It also explains a lot through dialogue that sound a bit unnatural but in order for the audience get what's going on. They always say what's the plan.

I wish Hollywood blockbusters would make more original ideas like this.
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Extraction (2020)
Well directed action, okay plot.
2 May 2020
The long takes make the action look real and continuous. Other movies have cuts between bad stunts to hide mistakes.

The story is exciting and emotional but doesn't add up to something totally smart. Although it tries really hard to do something with father son relationships. It's not bad just not great.

The ending sucks.
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Stuber (2019)
Great Script Terribly directed.
1 May 2020
The script has a lot to like. Daughter father relationship. Main character who isn't a superhero. Gun fights People actually die. Interesting scenery like a strip club.

Also the stunts look real and can actually happen in the real world. Except for the parts near the end.

I just wish it was better directed and funnier.
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Overlord (2018)
Meaningful but it's PROBLEM: It's Cool and fun.
20 April 2020
I think it would of been a more powerful film if it's was scarier and sadder. Yet the horror of the movie looks cool.

It does a good job with with characterization. A few parts show character through action. It all plays out to the deeper themes of the film.

The action is pretty alright but realistic. The tense scenes are done well. Overall it's a fun film with a few hits of something deeper.
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The Commuter (I) (2018)
Arduous Journey
20 April 2020
The movie takes a long time to get somewhere. Thats because they try to add mystery which doesn't really work. Also The set up and explaining the main character good nature takes a long time even though it sort of works.

There are a lot of cool parts but The sum of its parts or cars doesn't link up into something good. The ending isn't satisfying or meaningful.

The Action sequences are well done in a way that looks believable. And the cinematography helped by VFX adds Helps tell the story well.

Over all I felt like jumping off the train before reaching its destination.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Smart jokes but a bumpy plot
18 April 2020
The very first rule of watching this movie is to not judge it until you have seen the whole movie. The story gets crazy at times but in the end, it makes a very important point.

It feels like a fresh idea and it's good not be cliche. But it's plotting is very bumpy and over-explains what's going on.

Overall it's intelligently funny, overly violent and more meaningful than The Hunger Games.
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Queen & Slim (2019)
Replacing Natural plot for Symbolism.
18 April 2020
A story like this can take the route of progressing naturally. The writer could ask what would be the most realistic way this could happen? That may be more entertaining in some ways.

Instead we have things that happen that are symbols for slavery and scenes that show a greater societal issues. They don't always make logical sense and sometimes take us out of the movie.

While there are parts that try to give what the characters have done, a fair look at both sides. It still ends up feeling like the director is trying too hard to get us to like them. This feels true about the ending which I personally didn't like. But Maybe it's right because they are somewhat innocent.

Overall the directing is slick and the story is important.
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The Way Back (I) (2020)
Felt cliche but a great emotional ride.
13 April 2020
(No story spoilers but I hint at weather or not the ending is happy or sad. Trust me I'm not spoiling anything.)

This movie is an emotional ride. I cared a lot for the main character because of the reasons why he is an alcoholic in the first place. I cared a lot for the basketball team. This is not because of their back stories but because the worked hard as a team. In fact their back stories were weak but it more a story about the coaches life.

Its great that story is mostly told through the visuals with just enough dialogue to fill in the gaps. Thats why it feels like an emotional and not clunky.

The filmmakers tried so hard to not make it cliche in the directing and writing. Primarily because not everything ends in a happy way. Thats what makes the movie feel real. Also the whole third act has more to do with the main characters character struggles than the basketball team. Also There are a lot of scenes done in a unique way. But it still ended up hitting some of the cliche story beats of an underdog sports story.

There are a couple of times when they say some profound things but mostly its the same cliche themes that you expect. That doesn't mean those themes aren't important or relatable.

Overall It's a very slick directed movie and you will feel some happy but mostly sad emotions.
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BuyBust (2018)
Stylish B-Movie with a cause.
12 January 2019
The story is very intesting with a strong political view. All the characters are written with a sense of realism. No heros. Everyone has flaws.

BUT the directing style is very B-movie. It has a lot of crazy absurd and violent action and comedy. Sometimes it can be unrealistic but it culturally stylistic. In one scene, I saw a film light with barn doors.

SOMETIMES you have to entertain first and after the audience will listen to your soapbox.
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Zama (2017)
CONFUSED but in a good way??
11 January 2019
Zama make the audience feel like the main character. He is always frustrated confused and goes slightly crazy. So the audience is also confused and fustrated at times. Maybe go crazy??

Maybe it's a metaphor????

Anyways from a narrative perspective I'm not sure the story is totally cohesive. The story is not that interesting but the directing make the audience feel intergued anyways.
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High Concept but Down To Earth.
9 January 2019
Does art imitate life? Or does life imitate Art?

Anyways, I like the whole concept. Trying to put your life experience into being an actor and the fine line of crossing into madness.

I think the best part was the acting. It seemed natural and gave the whole movie an honest down to earth feeling to a high concept.

The only problem I had was with the ending. What did it mean??
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I Apreciate it but didn't entirely enjoy it.
3 November 2018
Does life imitates film or film, life?

It's a film that is about the same way the actually film was made in real life. THAT'S META.

It's made to be hated much like the art film within the film. THAT'S META.



you will like it more if you have read the book or watch the documentry about the film.

I think it lacks in direct conflict even though you can feel the tension.

It hurts my head the amounts of quick cutting.

It's witty and funny but overall left feeling like it could of had slightly more concise point to it.

It's like 81/2. So if you hate that film then you will not enjoy it.

I think Birdman is a much better similar film with more conflict and emotion.
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Gutland (2017)
Mixed bag of amazing and confusing scenes.
29 September 2018
Even though there are some really cool things that go on, the film does not fully come together to be as great. I think it's becuase it came off as confusing unconnected parts but in hindsight it makes a lot of sense.

I love how the time I shown through out the film.

I love the parts where he is slightly buzzed.

The scene in the wheat field is so tense.

The charcter development was kind of wierd but makes sense in the end.

There are some really great scene in the film that make me excited to see what projects he does next.
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