
12 Reviews
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9/11 (2017)
Brings you back.
15 September 2017
It is hard to say why this movie is getting negative reviews. Like many people, I saw the trailer, and Charlie Sheen and many question marks popped up. Aside from that, the trailer caught my interest. I'll start with the cast first.

Charlie Sheen has a knock out performance in this film. It is hard to watch him at times, knowing the health issues he is dealing with. Sheen is very much entrenched into his character. At times, you can't help but notice he has a lot of make-up on. I wonder if this was done on purpose. He plays his character with deep emotion and at times; I wondered if he wasn't making amends for his own personal demons as well as apologizing for his stance on 9/11. Regardless, he play his character with passion and appropriate emotion.

Whoopi Goldberg: Sensational and knock's her performance out of the park. Like Sheen, she played her character with passion and emotion. The only time you get a glimpse at her personal political views, is when she's watching George Bush on TV speaking about the terror attacks. The confused look on her face, like many at the time read "why is he talking about going after the bad guys, when we're here dealing with this right now".

The rest of the cast, equally plays their parts the same way. Every actor, and I mean every, did a wonderful job. At times, there are comparison between the characters in the elevator with today's issues. You'll see for yourself, and by no means is tasteless. It really just boils down to seeing these people, slowly wake up to what was happening to them, and trying to get out of that building.

The movie by no means is big budget. This isn't the towering inferno. Nor is it fast paced. It's people trapped in an elevator inside the World Trade Center on 9/11. I cannot understand where the negative reviews come from. Has enough time passed that, if a movie - even about 9/11, doesn't have enough explosions and car chases that we cannot enjoy it? This movie reuses footage, yes. A good touch, it will bring you back to that day. There is a scene where one of the characters gets a hold of her mom. The Mom becomes responsible for calling the trapped victim's families and telling them what is happening to them. And that they love their family very much. All while they are watching the world trade center on the television. Knowing, like all of us, that day there were thousands still inside the buildings.

The movie brought back many memories for me. The cast did an excellent job and the ending was very moving. I did get teary eyed many times throughout the film. I highly recommend this "9/11" film. It was done with taste and emotion. And yes, I'll never forget.
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This is Not a Test is an awful movie for a lot of reasons.
28 February 2012
On a lonely road at 4 a.m., a police officer has set up a road block and is stopping cars from going any farther in either direction. He stops an old man and his granddaughter, a man driving an eighteen-wheeler and the hitchhiker he picked up, a rich boozy man and his girlfriend, a married couple and a man on a scooter. After getting messages over his radio, he tells everyone that the roads need to be clear because the cities were being evacuated because of an impending nuclear attack. The officer decides they will use the truck trailer as a bomb shelter. As they prepare, there are a lot of tensions among the people.

This is Not a Test is an awful movie for a lot of reasons. This movie appears to have been shot on a budget of about $13. No one here can act and there is certainly no direction being done. The movie is static and stifling because there is only one location. You never leave the lonely road for the entire film. The set up makes no sense. If the roadblock is being set up to keep the roads clear to evacuate the cities, why block traffic both ways? If cars are going to be coming from both directions, where are they going? And how exactly would the four cars the cop pulled over have clogged the roads? How is the truck trailer going to hold up to a nuclear blast? They ask the cop how long they will have to stay in the truck and he says about 2 weeks. 2 weeks? The half-life of plutonium is something like 5000 years. The granddaughter, for an unexplained reason, does not want to get in the truck so she, the guy on the scooter and grandpa run off down the road. Oh right, that's how you survive a nuclear explosion: you just outrun it. Eventually grandpa remembers a cave where the two young people can hide while he sacrifices himself to the bomb. Hey gramps, you couldn't of thought of the cave an hour ago while everyone was piling into a useless trailer? I could go on and on about the reasons this film is terrible, but I won't.
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A Fire in the Sky (1978 TV Movie)
Still Appealing 33 years later.
13 December 2011
What are the odds of a comet traveling millions of miles through space making a direct hit on Phoenix Arizona? Merlin Olson saves the day by hiding out in a sleeping bag!

I first watched this movie when I was about 8 or 9 years old. I learned to never leave home without a sleeping bag.

Campy and a bit sleepy. Classic 70's doomsday appeal.

Overall good acting and a healthy number of Hollywood stars.

Special effects were decent for a made for TV movie and to some extent holds up today.

I highly recommend this movie, good 70's film.
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Cane (2007)
Dallas for the new generation!
26 September 2007
I watched all of Cane last night. Decent show, as for if I'm hooked - time will tell. Cane is kind of like what I expected: a Dallas like TV show... Cubans instead of Texians, Florida instead of Texas and Sugar instead of Oil. I kind of chuckled at some of the "Spanish speaking" moments - maybe I can learn Spanish watching this show lol. I think this show can appeal to a lot people regardless of background (white, black, Hispanic), hence you don't have to be Hispanic to enjoy this show. I think it does a good honor to the Hispanic culture and hard working freedom loving Cubans who live here in the United States after a long struggle to gain entry into this nation. (yes they join and serve in the US military too.) But back to my "Dallas" reference. This show is almost a mirror image of "Dallas," just things are different as I had mentioned. There's characters that fit each character in Dallas and there's a big mansion set in the tropics where everyone lives not out in the middle of dusty Texas. There's the old father who likes to ride horse back through the sugar fields as did Jock on the Southfork Ranch. Again, if you look close enough, you'll see these similarities :-) So thumbs up on Cane, but time will tell if I get hooked. I score a 9 out of 10, only because I'm not sure I'm hooked into watching every week just yet.
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Neo Nazis, Rapist, Guns, Murders and One Brown UPS Delivery Truck!
23 April 2005
Yes you heard right! One UPS Delivery Truck ...full of neo Nazis led by the "black one" (or as I like to call him "the bald one").

After an "atomic war" was shattered civilization, rouge gangs of bikers, green mutants and one brown UPS Delivery truck full of neo Nazis aim to take over the world... well not exactly the world, just the state of Texas. It is a good thing Dubya hasn't seen this movie, or he might declare war on the UPS corporation for harboring neo Nazis terrorists in their delivery vans! This movie is simply unimaginable! How any of the actors kept a straight face during filming is beyond me! Most everything in the previous comments about this movie's plot is accurate and there isn't much I can add. The plot, if there is one, is void of anything - other than the countless rape scenes (that left me sick to my stomach), a lot of cheesy gun battles and the "black one's" sinister laugh is to die for! Even more funny is how the lowly Texians are trapped in their makeshift fort fending off a highly trained army...kinda reminded me of the Alamo Battle! And don't forget the brilliant portray of the American Indian, priceless ...or maybe not.

What is even more ironic about this movie is how violent it is! When I was 13 years old - I rented this movie! Yes - I walked into a video store and rented the movie with no questions asked! I recently obtained a copy of the movie off - simply to add to my collection of Cold War/End of the World movies.

I rate this movie a 5 out of 10 ...only because the UPS Delivery like truck full of neo Nazis and the "black one's" sinister laugh will have you laughing your butt off until doomsday does us all in!
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All hands on... errr.. under? ALL HANDS UNDER DECK!
27 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I recently watched this movie again for the first time in 20 years! I purchased a VHS tape of the movie on Ebay for around 14 dollars.

I first watched this movie when I was 11 years old. I remember my buddy and me were laughing all the way through it. Needless, not much has changed in 20 years! The movie quickly opens up with the Mark Harmon character investigating the wrecked ship when he sees a very beautiful woman peer though a small portal window. Some how he manages to convince the US Navy that he is not mad and that he actually saw a woman inside the ship! Thus, a full blown research dive unfolds! The Christopher Lee character is simply funny! I kept waiting for him to pull out a light saber and go mad! What really cracks me up is all the shooting of guns inside the hull? Did anyone think about a bullet piercing the weak frail hull under 1000 feet of water? I don't need to explain what would happens next if a round pierced the hull. Even more funny are all the sun tans the survivors have. None of em have pale skin and they look like they all got back from a vacation in the Florida Keys. The knock out blow for the movie revolves around the "Hitler" like society the survivors made for themselves.... all led by the Christopher Lee Character.... In addition, the Mark Harmon character is simply awful! He screams and hollers throughout the movie... and I just couldn't stand him! Never the less, this movie makes a nice addition to my collection. It's worth a good view, but I doubt I'll revisit this movie anytime soon. Ah yes.... "happy days are hear again... da da da blah blah blah"
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Mister Roboto
18 December 2004
How could I ever forget Johnny Socko and his flying robot! I started watching the show when in 1979 at the age of 6. I remember it being on TV for a couple of years, I suppose when I was about 8 or 9 – would have been the last time I watched the show.

Johnny Socko and his Flying Robot was my favorite TV show growing up then as a child. Among my other list of favorites (at that age of 6ish to 8ish years old): Batman, Lost in Space, Superman, Leave it to Beaver, G-Force, Incredible Haulk, Greatest American Hero, and yes even Dallas…. Put at the top of that list: Johnny Socko and his flying robot! I remember I had my own fleet of Socko Robots that I made out of Legos. I wanted my own giant robot so bad! There is one episode that seems to stick out…and that is the one where the Giant Robot loses his eyes… or they get messed up real bad and the poor giant robot can’t see anything… and he’s thrashing about knocking over any thing his arms hit. And wasn’t there a show where the Giant Robot turned on Johnny and all the good people of the world? Ha ha ha…. I remember when the Robot lost his eye sight, Johnny was crying over it. Amazing the things you remember from when your child.

I keep looking for VHS copies of this TV show to no avail. It would be nice if the SCI FI channel would re run this TV series! Also, the actor that played Jonny died in 1997.
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Death Wish 3 (1985)
"it's my car"
15 December 2004
This movie is truly a classic 80s movie! A must have in any '80s' movie collection! Guns, Bad Guys, CREEPS, Gangs, CHARLES BRONSON and more CREEPS!!!!

In my opinion, this is the best Death Wish movie. Tons of non-stop action!

And keeping with the classic 80's "bad guy vs good guy" movie - this movie is about anything but the norm and all about guns and CREEPS! We see Bronson mowing down thugs and CREEPS with a 30 caliber Korean War heavy machine gun! A HEAVY MACHINE GUN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! When Charlie runs out of ammo for the Heavy Machine gun, he runs back to his crib and takes up arms with his long range high caliber pistol! This pistol can stop a freakin ELEPHANT and Charlie is putting holes the size of hub caps into bad guys with it! And if that is not enough, Charlie is also packing an anti tank grenade launcher, which by the way, is only good if he can get the CREEPS clumped together.

The acting in this movie is "ha ha" great and a lot of off the wall actors (mainly playing CREEPS) appear throughout the movie! The film is loaded with memorable one liners and scenes! Heck, my favorite scene/line is where the CREEP leader confronts Broson in Jail and calmly explains to him: "Tell you what I am going to do ...I'm gonna kill a little old lady ...just for you! ...catch it on the six o'clock news".

Is this film violent? Heck yes! But, you'll laugh and cringe all the way through!!!!
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Hilarious, unpreditcable food for thought!
24 November 2004
Well, what can one write about this movie? Certainly an interesting 'end of the world' 80's movie.

We are introduced to 4 young 20something year olds in the down yonder just before the end of the world becomes their only reality. Held up in the Sidney Opera House for what is likely their last night on Earth. We follow these young people (2 men and 2 women) through their agonizing transition from lives full of promise to where their lives are ever so quickly coming to an abrupt end.

Extremely melodramatic! The acting is simply splendid!!! Those young actors really became entrenched in their characters. Throughout the movie the young adults tune into a radio station about reports of World War III breaking out all across Europe and America and of their own impending doom after a Nuclear Bomb is detonated just south of Sydney. Throughout the movie a white rabbit appears - for what reasons, I have yet to figure out - was the director trying to send a message to the viewer? The most impacting scene is the video camera footage broadcast on local TV of distressed and burned survivors somewhere 'north of New York'. This scene really packs a punch! Especially since the movie just kind of tugs along and then WHAM you get hit with this very graphic and disturbing scene! Burned victims, men and women crying out in agony, Soldiers in radiation suits guiding blind and burned victims to a make shift shelter where the news camera keys in on people with skin hanging from their bodies, charred remains of humans and animals and the piercing cry of women and children! I don't think there is one scene from 'The Day After' or 'Threads' that packed a shocking punch as this one brief scene in the movie (One Night Stand). Oh and Midnight Oil is in this movie! Am I the only yank that likes this band?????

Extremely rare video to purchase. It is not available on DVD. I was lucky to purchase a copy on Ebay recently in VHS format! The back of the VHS box states:

"How would you spend your last night on Earth? Four young people find themselves deciding just that, as they end up thrown together on what may be their last night to live.

When Sharon, Eva, Brendan, and Sam hear on the radio that World War III was begun, they decide that the best way to deal with the situation is to try and have a good time. They play strip poker, mix drinks, flirt, and joke around. But between the banter they draw close together as they realize that these may be the last friends they'll ever have.' Featuring the music of Midnight Oil."

In closing, I would love to see a DVD version of this film with a Director/Actor(s) narrative! One other tid bit, this movie was filmed entirely on location: New York, Sydny and Paris.
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Stalingrad (1993)
Glad I wasn't there!
12 November 2004
'The Finest Ambition of the Solider is to prevent war from ever happening, but it has always been out of their hands. It is in the hands of men whom they do not even know.' Saving Private Ryan, Das Boots, Thin Red Line, When We Were soldiers…. then there is Stalingrad! A perfect masterpiece. The acting and filming in this movie is top notch! I also think the music in this movie is great and fits the movie perfectly. Stalingrad holds no punches back in depicting the siege of Stalingrad by the German Army… and ultimately their defeat in the cold bitter Russian winter! As far as a 'war' movie goes, I would give honors to Stalingrad over Saving Private Ryan and even Liberal Hollywood's take on the siege of Stalingrad (from the Soviet point of view): Enemy At The Gates. Saving Private Ryan, though a great film, just doesn't bring the horror of war down to the common foot solider as accurately as Stalingrad. Enemy At The Gates is simply an awful movie. Of course with such a movie will come a lot of political overtones. I'll make just a few comments here. One, I am very thankful the allies won World War II. Secondly, when I think of 'Nazis', I think of Hitler and all of his cronies and all the evil villains who executed the millions of innocent Jews in the concentration camps. I believe a majority of Americans believe this way. The German soldiers fighting on the front(s) were simply following orders and bravely fought in this War as did the American, Russians and British soldiers… and to each was their own personal Hell. The sad fact about Stalingrad, in watching this movie, is that all of this really happened. Men froze and starve to death… millions of people were killed and generations were lost. Basically, this is a good War movie that ends with no heroism and accurately portrays the horror of war for the common man regardless of witch uniform they are wearing. 'Freedom is just a word until you lose it.'
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Threads (1984 TV Movie)
29 September 2004
I first watched threads in 1985 at the age of 12. I have the movie now on both VHS and DVD.

Three scenes that stand out for me now as when I was 12 years old:

1. "THERE ARE NO ROADS LEFT!" One day after the attack the town officials start to gather information from what is going on above. Everything in their bunker is in chaos! That erie phrase "THERE ARE NO ROADS LEFT" pierced my memory from age 12 on up til this day... It sums it all up... NOTHING LEFT... nothing... no roads, no water, no power, nothing... it's all gone.

2. Several months after the attack Ruth appears to be trying to fall asleep when she has flashbacks of a baby in a stroller before the attack and one of her mate "Jimmy" tending to his birds. And then she has flashbacks of survivors the first days after the attack. Then it shows her lying down on the ground with some straw to keep her warm in some make shift shelter. This impacted me.... in a blink of an eye, her world changed... one minute everything was fine, the next, a Hell no one can truly imagine.

3. When the Becketts leave their make shift shelter within hours of the attack to find their son. The look of horror in their face at the destruction outside - went from Horror and Shock to outright: Hopelessness.

I can just hear what Mr. Beckett is thinking "Dear God, there is NO WAY we can expect any kind of rescue or help.. THERE IS NO WAY! MY GOD WHAT HAVE THEY DONE!"

This movie leaves an everlasting impact on a viewer.
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DEFCON-4 (1985)
Degrassi Junior High Kids GONE WILD!!
13 June 2004
This movie is a hoot. I recall watching on VHS back in the year 1986. I was a teenager then. I picked up a copy of it on VHS about 4 1/2 years add to my cold war movie collection.

It is a worthwhile flick. Despite what the film cover and back cover print, don't expect "The Day After" ...and don't even think about expecting "Threads". Def-Con 4 falls between a bad Canadian Drama and an average American Porn flick. The plot is thick, but the acting is stale. I guess this is what you get when you let Canadians make an "end of the world" movie.

USA - The Day After. Scare Factor: 8/10

England - Threads. Scare Factor: 20/10 (Nightmares are a promise)

Canada - Def Con 4. AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!
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