
9 Reviews
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Bittersweet ending
18 July 2011
Personally, my main complaint was that the movie could have been longer. It seemed that they tied up all of the loose ends too quickly. At shortly over two hours, I think they should have put the mark closer to 2.5 hours and not rushed some of the scenes. Especially for the fans that have only watched the films and not read the books for clarification of events.

That being said, since I have read the books, I thought what was there was very well done. The young ones in this series of films have grown up in front of us, and had unbelievably talented mentors in their costars, and their acting talents have astronomically improved from SS to DH2. Daniel, Rupert, Emma, Bonnie, Tom, Evanna, Matthew, James, Oliver, etc really were brilliant in their roles. How could they not be, when they have the likes of Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith, Gary Oldman, Julie Walters, Ciaran Hinds, etc to teach them their craft.

I must say that Alan Rickman was utterly brilliant, as always, as the tormented Professor Snape, but he was particularly phenomenal in this one. Absolutely breathtaking. Maggie Smith's Professor McGonagall was courageous and strong. I just adore Julie Walters as Molly---that is absolutely one of my favorite characters in the books that was so masterfully portrayed on screen. Ciaran Hinds as Aberforth was a welcome addition to the cast in my opinion. He's awesome.

I will undoubtedly see it again. We saw it in 3D for the first viewing and will likely go to a 2D showing next time, but it's a fantastic tribute to the fans of the series. I highly recommend it.
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Great film and worthy of a second look
28 December 2009
I am hoping that the makers of this film make a sequel. It was so well done and entertaining. There were many twists and turns, and I think the only actor around today that could POSSIBLY have been better as Sherlock Holmes is Johnny Depp. Robert Downey, Jr was SPOT ON as Holmes and I absolutely loved what they did with the character of Dr Watson. Jude Law is incredible. We are planning to see it again soon, now that we know the outcome, to see what small clues we missed during the first viewing.

I think Rachel McAdams held her own against a formidable cast as Irene (the scene in the hotel room was particularly funny), and Mark Strong was chilling as Lord Blackwood.

There is a lot of humor throughout, and I loved the foreshadowing of Holmes' actions in some of the film. The actual style of the film was very well done, from the way the city was laid out, to the casting, costuming, make up, etc. All in all, it is an awesome film and very well worth the ticket price.
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Separate the film from the book, and you will be impressed
11 July 2007
I actually was lucky enough to see this at a sneak preview on Monday. The "experience" was lousy, but the film was good...IF you take it as a separate entity from the series of books. If you separate the film from the book, you won't be disappointed.

For the negative...there were, of course, MANY things that were omitted from the film. As a huge fan of the books, I still must be realistic. I knew there would be a lot of information left out. There were a few things that I felt could have made the story richer if they had been included, but I won't go into detail so I don't give away any of the film's changes. There were a few changes that made me frown at times, but as the story played out, it did make the film flow well. One of their worst casting decisions, Michael Gambon, was actually tolerable in this one, for the most part. I am NOT a fan of his portrayal of Dumbledore, but I guess he worked for this film simply because, for the majority of the story, he is supposed to be acting somewhat aloof towards Harry. That worked for him. I miss the subtlety that Richard Harris brought to that role, and, while he wasn't dreadful in this one, I still believe that there are countless other well known actors in the UK that could have done this role better justice. There wasn't enough Molly or Hagrid for me though. I love both of those characters.

On a positive note, the special effects were very well done. The thestrals were marvelous--eerie, but strangely peaceful creatures. Evanna Lynch could not have been more spot on as Luna. Her voice, mannerisms and demeanor were amazing. My only complaint about her was that she wasn't on screen enough. :o) Imelda Staunton, as Umbridge, and Helena Bonham Carter, as Bella, have to be two of the BEST casting decisions that they have with regard to these films. They were SO incredible. I was actually quite impressed with Dan, Rupert and Emma as well. They have come quite far in their acting abilities. They have finally achieved the art of saying a lot without necessarily opening their mouths. The scene in the common room following the kiss between Harry and Cho was hysterical. Kreacher and Grawp were great additions to the films. Fred and George's exit was very well done, albeit slightly different. The film, if taken by itself, was really good. Unfortunately, it's a lot different from the book. But, as I'm doing a film review and not a comparison, I'll give it 8 out of 10, because I was highly entertained.

Our "sneak preview" was interrupted in the middle due to a problem with the film, and I think we still missed some of it. We lined up 3 hours before the movie was supposed to begin, it started late, it was interrupted in the middle for over 30 minutes, we were wanded for metal and electronics every time we went in or out...I think we'll just wait until opening week next time. It's crowded, but a lot less trouble.

We are actually going to see it again.
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Not what I was expecting
25 May 2007
First of all, let me say that this film moves VERY quickly. There are many plot points and many new characters. These new characters are trying to find room on the screen amidst all of the returning old characters. Take a bathroom break before the film, and don't blink for the rest of it, or you will miss something. ;o) Seriously though, it does move very quickly.

I think this film would have been better if they had trimmed some of the unnecessary stuff. There were more than a couple of occasions where I distinctly said, "EWWWW! That was SO totally unnecessary!" Most of you will know one of these scenes as soon as you see it.

I really missed Jack's quirky lines in this one. There weren't as many as I have come to expect. Some of the special effects were unbelievable...absolutely amazing! Then again, some were incredibly cheesy. One in particular, when one character's size increased dramatically in a short span of time, looked like it had been created in the 70's rather than with today's amazing technology.

My main complaint though was that this was a long film, and there were parts that could have been cut or edited that would have helped the film along.

On the other hand though, there were many parts that were what we have come to love about these films. There was a lot of humor, there were some excellent action sequences and some of the visuals were awesome. The music, as always, was phenomenal.

I think I would like to see it again so that I can watch for little things that I missed. The film moved so fast that it was difficult to focus on small details...I was afraid that I would miss something.

I actually was not expecting that ending at all. I may be in the minority, but I was really surprised. They did leave an opening for another, and from what I have read, Johnny Depp is not ruling out another one.

All in all, it was good, but not fabulous. My husband didn't like it that much. Some people, like my hubby, will think that there is too much going on and not enough time devoted to getting to know any of the new characters.

It's definitely an escape from reality. Enjoy that, if nothing else. :o)
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Very funny!
3 January 2006
This was such a funny movie. I think I laughed until I cried several times. I think that the person that really made this movie as funny as it was was Wanda Sykes. That woman is so incredibly funny--seemingly without any effort on her part. She and Jane Fonda worked so well together on screen. Jennifer Lopez and Jane Fonda were both very funny as well, but I don't think the movie would have worked nearly as well without Wanda.

Another scene stealer in this one is the underused Elaine Stritch. She plays Gertrude, Viola's mother in law (Jane Fonda). She is always fabulous. The movie is worth watching only for her! A little over the top, but the ways that they one up each other are so funny, even if they are a little ridiculous.

Very entertaining.
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Best yet, by far!
3 January 2006
This film is the best in the series, so far. Yes, the kids are maturing into young adults, and they are performing in front of the camera much better, but this one really is well done.

There is a lot of action, as in the other HP flicks. There are also some cool special effects and some great humor. I must say, I am so glad that I am beyond my teenage years because I definitely would not want to relive it...but the hormonally driven teenage years are very well done, and incredibly funny in this film.

The dragons are spectacular and the long anticipated moment of Voldemort taking shape is worth the wait. It was quite dark and creepy. I think the rating is a good one. The books get darker, as do the films. They aren't for the little ones anymore....

Very well done, indeed.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Wait for the DVD...
26 July 2004
I know many people that have enjoyed this film, but I am definitely NOT one of them. I wish I had waited until the DVD came out. The few action scenes that were in the film were good, but there weren't enough for me. I didn't go to see this film to see a drama, I wanted to see an action/adventure movie. Just my opinion, but I really wasn't that impressed.

I think that the acting was fine, but the story was predictable, whether or not you follow the comics. I don't, but I have heard from friends that it stayed pretty close to the story in the comics. I honestly can't understand how this movie did so well. I hope others enjoyed it, but I feel like I wasted my money.
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Great entertainment
19 July 2004
The movie didn't follow the book as closely this time around, but the film itself was great. I loved the casting and the special effects were wonderful. Those dementors were CREEPY! I wouldn't want to come up on one of them in a dark alley. Gary Oldman was brilliant and I really liked David Thewlis. I was more neutral on Michael Gambon, but Richard Harris left big shoes to fill. I will be curious to see how he tackles Goblet of Fire. The kids are really becoming quite gifted actors and are growing up so quickly. What a difference between the three movies. The cinematography was very unique in this one and there was much more of a feel to the castle. I loved the intro scenes with the Dursley's and the scenes with Ron and Hermione arguing about Scabbers and Crookshanks...

Very entertaining movie and worth the trip to the theater.
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7 January 2004
This movie was amazing! Peter Jackson has a true vision and this entire trilogy was wonderful. Tolkien would be extremely proud. The only thing that bums me out now is the fact that there aren't any more to look forward to next year... How about making The Hobbit?
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