
201 Reviews
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Cold Copy (2023)
Story wasn't bad, but...
4 June 2024
...the characters and acting weren't good

The film delves into to competitive world of journalism, following a (seemingly) sweet and timid grad student as she pursues her dreams, and gets accepted into a class taught by an "alpha dog" of current events news, a forceful anchor of a "Hard Copy" type show. We come to learn that our timid lead is not a shrinking violet at all, but a little cutthroat who will do anything to be seen and heard by her professor. There's the makings of a good story here, and while it is somewhat explored in the 90 minute runtime, it has gaps and holes that make it less than believable.

Neither of the two lead female characters... are terribly appealing, and the actors playing them seemed stiff and fake. Our student (Mia) is portrayed as too fearful to become the wretch she turns into (almost overnight), and the professor/anchor is an almost non-human caricature of vindictive success. 16 year old Igor (Jason Trembley) does better as the subject of Mia's story... I wish they'd have done more with wrapping his storyline... would love to know what happens next for him. We're teased, but then no.

With a tighter story, and better characters, this could've been an improved film. Instead it becomes (pun intended) "nothing to write home about." Meh.
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Take Me Home (2011)
Seen it all before... but it works here.
3 June 2024
It's a rom-com. We generally know what's coming, so no surprises in that regard. This one is very light on the "rom" and heavier on the "com," which is fine with me. The two leads are married in real life, so they have an undeniable chemistry, which helps move a somewhat silly plot along, and make it both charming and believable.

It's a lower budget film with a cast of mostly nobodies, but it never feels cheap or cheesy. You'll definitely get a "When Harry met Sally" vibe here, which is a good thing. The humor is subtle, with a few laugh out loud moments, and a couple of undeniably preposterous situations, but on the whole, it works fine.

I have it between a 7 and an 8... maybe a 7.5, but I'm rounding up because the production quality is solid, the story is acceptably quirky, and the banter is witty and very human. It's a quick watch with a well-structured beginning, middle, and end, and that doesn't always happen with Indie films. If you like the genre, you'll like this movie. Check it out.
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Blue Ruin (2013)
Nothing special... and rather overrated
2 June 2024
I was intrigued when one professional reviewer called this "easily the most suspenseful American film of the year." High expectations led to big disappointment, as this "slow burn" film mostly fails to ignite.

If you like smart dialogue, or pretty much ANY dialogue, you're not going to like this movie. There is really VERY little worthwhile conversation, almost no backstory at all, and the film revolves around a bad guy "hero" who mumbles and fumbles his way through a 90 minute slog that dragged for 90% of the time. Even the suspense was muted, and the big finale scene was both obvious and anti-climactic.

Sure, it was low budget, and I generally support these kind of films, but there really wasn't enough here to get excited over. And once again, I find myself baffled by the praise of the critics... this had a cumulative 80+ on MetaCritic, and that's way high for a "thriller" that lacked both thrills and a cohesive plot to get wrapped up in. A 5.5, rounded down, due to the lack of ANY worthwhile dialogue. There are better things to watch.
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Good film, far better than the reviews...
29 May 2024
Professional "critics" mystify me. I have sat and watched absolute garbage that they've praised to the sky, and been totally enthralled by films they wipe their shoes on. I know it's often political... same with the Oscars, which laud vague artistic efforts and films made by the "elite," and toss good, solid, watchable movies aside with often senseless drivel as their justification.

This is a good movie. It's not "Casablanca," nor is it trying to be. It's clever, borrows from real-life crime, and spins an engaging tale with a logical beginning, middle, and end. It's not really a rom-com, though it nibbles around the edges, and it's not a serious police procedural, although our heroes are small town cops working hard to solve two baffling murders.

What it IS is a darkly comedic, slice of life movie that looks and feels like the Coen Brothers could have done it. (And if they HAD, the professional sycophants would have lauded it). The cast is solid, the direction is clean, the characters are well-formed, and the story is creative and interesting. It's far better than the "43" the "professionals" (-gag-) gave it, and it was an easy and enjoyable watch. I'm a 7.25 rounded up to an 8 because it was unexpectedly good... but what do I know? Unlike the critics, I'm just a movie fan with nobody's rear end to kiss. Check it out.
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Trainspotting (1996)
I didn't love it, but I can't deny it's an incredible film
27 May 2024
My review title sums this up perfectly. I appreciate this for what it is... a masterful look at heroin abuse, friendship, and desperation in Scotland in the.late 1980s, during the AIDS outbreak. And while it is darkly amusing at times, it is, at its core, a realistic and depressing look at lives being willfully flushed down the toilet due to drugs and a lack of education and opportunity.

It's brilliant and disturbing, upsetting and dazzling, and, like the need for another fix, impossible to resist. All that said, I didn't love it, but I respect every aspect of it, from the writing and Danny Boyle's direction, to the bleak cinematography, to the incredible performances by the actors. If you're looking for a "feel good" film, this probably isn't it... but if you want to see the dark side of heroin addiction and the sordid places it can take you, this is a powerful statement film that will stick with you long after the credits end.
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Long Shot (2019)
Mind-numbingly dopey... but also quite funny
21 May 2024
Okay, well this is one of those movies that you're kinda gonna have to check your brains at the door... you know, the "seal them in a bag and then you get them back after the concert" kind of thing. Because the plot is dopey and preposterous, and you really won't need them much to enjoy this movie. But it's fine, you CAN really like this movie, without them. I'm being serious. I did.

It's funny. It just is. Almost all the characters are absurd, and the situation is totally implausible... it's just a vehicle for Seth Rogen to be Seth Rogen and do Seth Rogen things. (He seems to get a lot of hate here, and I don't get it. He plays the same character in every movie, probably just himself, and he's quite often funny). He's funny here too, and Charlize Theron, as a love interest (for Seth? Really??!!) is equally funny (and perfect as ever). It just works. Without your brains.

June Diane Raphael (from "Grace and Frankie") is also a delight. We need more of her. And there are a few NSFW moments, so be warned. Leave your outrage about this with your brains. At the door.

So yeah, despite the "dopey" plot, you should check this out anyway. It's a decent watch, and funny... and we all need to laugh.
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The Overnight (2015)
Quirky and odd, right to the end...
20 May 2024
This is a fascinating premise and film... right up to the end, you're convinced it's about something, then hello!! It's not what you thought, was it? While I was surprised by the ending, in many ways it made sense, and was where the film was taking us all along.

What this really isn't... is a film about sex. It's hanging in the air at every moment, but it's not what it's about. It's about the human condition, our frailties, insecurities, fascinations, and curiosities. How we approach and address our inner thoughts and selves, whether we admit it or not. The misdirection here is critical... the viewers aren't the only ones mistakenly navigating the waters of a bizarre evening... the cast is also treading cautiously, unsure of what to do and where to go next.

That said, it DOES get weird. Throughout, not just at the end... and this is going to cause some viewers discomfort. I had it as a "6.5" but rounded down, not because of where it took us, but because of how circuitously it brought us there (even though I now see it as necessary). It's worth a watch, and the short runtime means you're not committing to a lengthy evening... more a short exploration of people, who we are, and what we might want, if we let ourselves be more open.
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Better acting than story
20 May 2024
Ma Rainey is real, her talent and influence are real, and the fact that she made recordings in Chicago in the time period is also real. Much of everything else in here is either fictional or subjective, including the makeup of her band. I realize that "liberties" are often taken with "based on actual story" movies, but it seems like this film stepped way over the lines in order to tell a certain narrative. I don't mind that, but it influences how I view/judge a film.

The acting is incredible... Viola Davis and Chadwick Bozeman are outstanding, as is Glynn Turman (in a lesser role). The cinematography and costumes are spot on, and the film is vibrant and well directed. My only real qualms are with the fictitious story, the seething anger of Bozeman's character (Levee, who didn't exist), and the filmmaker's use of him to drive the narrative of racial hate. I don't doubt that his story is (sadly) a fair representation of this period in America, I just wonder why Levee's tale was so predominantly used here. Was Ma's actual story any less incredible? Her real life exploits and impact are amazing... I guess I'd rather just have seen a more realistic story about HER with less emphasis on fabricated characters and a stuttering nephew.

A 9 for the acting but a 5 for the Hollywood story that left me a little cold. A 7 sounds fair.
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Sweet, clever, and profound. Loved it.
18 May 2024
I knew nothing about this film coming in, picked it randomly, and was hugely surprised... This is an adorably fresh take on the typical rom-com, with a clever storyline, great acting, and a wonderful message about living life in the "now" and not waiting forever to do and be what you want.

Think "Groundhog Day" meets "Love Actually" with a hint of "It's a Wonderful Life." A little time-bending fun, with witty dialogue, convoluted situations, a few smiles and maybe a couple of tears too. Can't explain the 6.6 from IMDBers... I'm at a loss trying to understand someone not liking this. I thought it was a breath of fresh air. I was an 8.5, rounded up to a 9. It's a quick watch, and a sweet and beautiful movie for couples and families to enjoy. Two thumbs up.
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Laughable theory, but an amusing watch
17 May 2024
This is all pretty absurd... but so is the accepted "truth" that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. He wasn't skilled enough to do what he was accused of doing, and he would've passed up a far easier shot to kill JFK on Houston Street before the turn onto Elm. Straight shot, car moving slower. So yeah, no.

That said, this "documentary" was incredibly poorly produced... like painfully amateurish. The first 45 minutes are a snooze-fest to watch and the last 45 minutes detail something so far-fetched that it almost comes across as a comedy "mockumentary." It would be a MONUMENTAL stretch to believe the filmmaker's contention, and even harder to believe that, if any of this was even remotely true, nobody spilled the beans in the ensuing years.

Watch at your own peril. Likely THE most bizarre JFK killing story of all time. But it's SO "out there" that it's almost worth a peek just to be able to talk about it at parties.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Sordid and brutal dark comedy/thriller... and FAR better than the reviews...
16 May 2024
A darkly amusing take on a subject that's been done before... but never as well as this. The political twist in "humans hunting humans for sport" changed the dynamic, skewering both sides of the political spectrum, and igniting a sordid "us vs. Them" narrative that is thought-provoking at the same time as it's being wildly outrageous.

Betty Gilpin is stellar in the lead, equal parts droll and formidable. Hillary Swank is likewise excellent, albeit in a much smaller role. There's plenty of blood and gore for those inclined to like that stuff, but also enough smart dialogue to appeal to a broader audience. It's very well acted, audacious, and brilliantly sinister at times... and both the final fight scene and the lead-in to it, are wildly entertaining.

In short, I loved it. Edge of the seat action/thriller stuff, that we need more of. I'm an "8.5" rounded up to a "9" to offset the low reviews of people who let their political views cloud their takes on a movie that pokes fun at everyone (and our hideously divisive politics) equally. Highly recommend.
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Plotless, pointless mess
15 May 2024
My reviews are normally good, because I carefully choose movies to watch. Usually 6+ from reviewers here and 60 or better from Metacritic. The "critics" have this as a 77, so I gave it a shot. What a mistake.

This was a hot steaming mess right from the start. Two idiot party girls travel on a work-stay "vacation" to middle of nowhere, Australia... to tend bar for hard-drinking miners in the raucous bar of a dumpy hotel, hours from civilization. The Owner doesn't pay his bills and can't control his customers, the majority of whom are drunken sleazebags. The girls encounter trouble, gee go figger. The situation is almost as big a mess as this pointless, stupid "thriller," which has no thrills... and no plot.

Terrible on every level, except for Julia Garner and Jessica Henwick, trapped in hell and in this awful film. I gave it a "2" because they both can act, and their dynamic is the only saving grace here. Calling this movie "garbage" is an insult to actual garbage. Avoid this like the plague, which might be more enjoyable than this film.
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Riveting and startling
14 May 2024
"Never tell a soldier that he does not know the cost of war."

This is a stunning look at drone warfare, and the checks, balances, failsafes, technologies, and politics involved. It is terrifying and eye-opening in concept, and this film was expertly produced and directed.

The subject matter is distressing, and yet as its characters weigh the cost of an innocent life against the risk of dozens of others, it is also human and sympathetic at times. Helen Mirren and the late Alan Rickman are superb, as steely-eyed soldiers walking the fine line between killing and saving lives. The tension is palpable, the visuals are stunning, and the movie reaches a startling (albeit sad) conclusion. War is hell, and no matter how you judge or view the subject matter and the use of drones, it can not be argued that this isn't an exceptionally well made film. Put aside personal politics if you can, and view this alarming film for what it is, and not for what we might want the world to be. A solid "9" from me.
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Jersey Boys (2014)
Dragged a bit early, then entertaining
13 May 2024
I liked this more than the critics did, although that's not unusual. I thought it was very slow in the beginning as we met the characters... the background was necessary, but I felt it was a little overdone. Once the band formed, the story flowed for a while, although it was a little choppy. These guys were churning out hits, yet never seemed to make the money that Tommy was frivolously plowing through.

The musical numbers are great, and done to perfection. And (unlike others) I didn't have a problem with characters breaking the fourth wall and talking to the camera directly. It wasn't overdone and it gave valid insight.

All in, it was a decent watch... if anything, it ran a bit long. If you grew up in the era, or in NJ (I was both) then you'll probably like and appreciate it.
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Solid acting, bland dialogue, mostly boring
10 May 2024
I appreciate the sentiment here. But sentiment only takes you so far. Same with the two fabulous leads (Fonda and Redford) who are both legends. But there's very little in the way of a story, and a promising beginning just leads to awkward dialogue, a plot that never goes anywhere, and an ending that is sorely lacking.

A certain demographic will see this movie as sweet and melancholy...many viewers will likely feel that too much was left on the table, too many opportunities missed. I'm sure this is the "fault" of the source material, and again, it's not for everyone. I just feel that this could have been more fun and a better watch than it was. Blah, sorry.
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Fine enough, but missed opportunities
6 May 2024
This is a quaint little film about loneliness and social is sweet and well acted, even though it mostly goes nowhere. Upon finishing it, I couldn't help but feel the film had missed the opportunity to make statements about the way society views people, and that's where it came apart a bit for me.

Not just Fin's dwarfism, but Olivia's loss and stigma ("the mother who lost a child") and Joe's abject loneliness when his gregarious good nature should make him a popular guy. None were really explored and resolved. Fin, especially... he came to town to escape the stares and giggles, and of course found more stares and giggles... there was a great chance (the bar scene) for him to stand up and shout "I'm A PERSON, I'm your NEIGHBOR" and wake people up, but he doesn't. Instead his drunken outburst is almost sadly comical. I was sad to see this opportunity not really missed, but fouled off. Same with the school scene. Instead of heartfelt and personal, it just slips to "awkward" and stays there.

The acting is wonderful... Patricia Clarkson especially is brilliant. Peter Dinklage did as much as possible with the limited dialogue he was given, and Bobby Canavale is a joy. In the end, this is just a "slice of life" film without a major plot or revelation. Sweet and nice, but could've been more.
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The Newsroom (2012–2014)
Quite simply one of the best American drama shows of all time...
24 April 2024
A brilliant concept, stellar writing, and almost flawless acting combine to make this one of the best shows to ever appear on American television. Rewinding the clock, and allowing us to see how a fictional (and very ethical) nighttime newscast might have reported some of the biggest news stories of the 20th century, warts and all, is not only a glimpse at how the news should be done... but a stark reminder of how totally messed up today's news actually is.

Aaron Sorkin, also responsible for my very favorite show of all-time ("The West Wing") absolutely knocks it out of the park, and the cast, led by Emmy Award winner Jeff Daniels, is fantastic. From the stunning opening 10 minutes through the last moments of the heartbreaking finale, it is an eye-opening look "behind the curtain" at the inner workings of a nightly news show, shedding light on the ethics and personalities involved in telling the news. Special and scintillating moments include the BP spill, the Gabby Giffords shooting, and the killing of bin-Laden, but the range of topics covered (including their own spectacular blunder on "Genoa"), and the gut-wrenching processes that doing a newscast entails, make this show an absolute must-see.

Sheer brilliance, start to finish. I wish I could rank this higher than "10." Do yourself a favor, and watch.
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Overrated by critics but still a worthwhile watch...
15 April 2024
Again, lots of "100" ratings by critics, which I believe to be societally pandering. It was a somewhat powerful statement flick, but I thought it needed to go farther and deeper to earn all the lofty praise from so-called "experts."

The juxtaposition of a "normal life" outside the walls of Auschwitz is the obvious hook here, and it's handled deftly by director Jonathan Glazer... but that was handled neatly enough in a handful of family scenes. The horror of "the other side of the wall" should have been more (and better) explored. It's not shown at all. Adding the kids and what they saw or knew, or the thoughts of local Poles would have added needed depth. I can only surmise that an extremely low budget led them to completely disregard shots of people being herded from trains, etc. Much of the film is "nothing" background stuff, which detracts from the whole... and while I applaud the sounds of screams and distant (and ignored) gunshots, the film didn't delve far enough into the horrors to truly present a view of life outside the walls. For the most part I was anxiously waiting and ultimately disappointed, not just by what was IN the movie, but what was left out. A 6.5 rounded up for trying to take an inventive look at horror being dismissed. "Conspiracy" was a better movie about the German nonchalance of the Holocaust.
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Straight A's (2013)
Straight A's is a fail
14 April 2024
Yeah, this one wasn't very good.

It could have been. Well, maybe not good, but certainly better. Other than the kids, there's not a likable person (other than the gardener) in the entire film, and that's the kiss of death for most movies. And when there aren't worthwhile characters, there better be a good script and great acting to save the day. Sadly, not here. The script feels muddy and awkward and, despite the fact that there is legit onscreen talent, there's not much they can do with the pointless material.

A romantic triangle between two brothers and the girl they both loved appears inevitable. Sadly, the director chose to make one brother (Scott) too crass and buffoonish to relate to, and the other (William) too bland to care about. Stuck in a miserable middle is Katherine, sadly too frigid to warm up to. So instead we have what seems to want to be a "romantic comedy" with zero romance and absolutely no laughs.

When I quibble over IMDBers ratings, it's usually because they undervalued a film I appreciated. Not this time. The rating here is far higher than it deserves, and I'm mystified by anyone giving "Straight A's" anything higher than a D+. Pass on this.
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Startling and eye opening
11 April 2024
Released in 2022, The Artifice Girl, Is a compelling look at a subject that is growing more and more controversial as the years pass. The growing presence of AI in our lives, and the effect it could have on our futures is brilliantly explored in this little gem of a film, crafted with a minimal budget and starring a cast of virtual (no pun intended) unknowns.

The plot of the film places AI at the centerpiece of investigations into online sexual predators and traffickers, using a revolutionary new program to help root them out, so in this regard, it shows the technology in a positive light. But it also shows us a world where anything is possible and things may not always be as they seem. It is well written, capably acted (Tatum Matthews is a revelation), and spins an alarming narrative that should be seen and appreciated. For me, it's an "8.5" rounded up to a "9" to offset the bad reviews of those unimaginative IMDBers who can see neither the relevance nor the eye-opening entertainment of this smart science fiction offering.
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Conceptually clever, but dark and gloomy
9 April 2024
Yikes. So much to love and a lot to hate. It's a quandary. And an uneven mess. I'd almost like to tell you to watch the beginning and imagine your own "happy ending" ...because you really won't get one here.

The actors are fine and wonderfully talented. And the premise is fun and intriguing, and there are a number of very nice songs that are well staged. But somewhere along the way, it all gets dark and cynical and in the end there's a pastiche of gloom and death (with a sprinkle of hope) that really doesn't rescue this or leave you feeling satisfied. The only people who wind up truly happy are Rapunzel and her Prince who have the good sense to leave before the poop hits the fan. I wish I'd left with them.

It's not at all for kids, so just don't. Too much darkness, sadness and death. (And Johnny Depp's "Wolf" is just creepy). I really wanted to like this, but I honestly didn't. Truly, I'd give it an "8" for the immensely talented cast and a fun and witty first act, and then a "4" for where the story takes them all in Act 2. So, that averages out to a "6" and that seems about right. Disappointing. Go see the play instead.
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Roma (2018)
6 April 2024
Artistically shot and beautifully directed, Roma is a movie with a lot of hype, but not a story that many people will relate to or care much about. And while I applaud Cuaron's vision and obvious talent, I found this film to be lacking in content and, even in its most dramatic moments, uninspiring. The main character (Cleo) is so bland and emotionless that it becomes difficult to generate any real feelings for her. In fact, all of the characters are lifeless and indifferent, except for Fermin, the biggest jerk in the film... at least he shows flashes of passion.

So many drawn out and lengthy scenes... that meant absolutely nothing to the story. Cleo's journey to confront Fermin, the New Year's party (and fire), even the "dramatic" protest scene... all beautifully shot, but really taking us basically nowhere. It's long and tedious and unrewarding, even to the very end. It's a "year in a life" film about essentially nothing, and I feel both sorry and guilty in saying I needed more. Much more.

The critics tripped over themselves in praising this film. Dare I say that it feels more like they were kissing Cuaron's ring than fairly judging this lethargic glimpse into 1970s Mexican life. Perhaps much of the drama was lost in the English translation but, in my humble opinion, there isn't enough going on here to justify the effusive praise it received. I think my "6" is fair. Sorry.
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Cabaret (1972)
Ultimately disappointing...
5 March 2024
I don't know what I was expecting... I knew the time and setting for this film and I somehow imagined it would be a powerful look at pre-Hitler Germany in the crosshairs of change and would artistically deliver some hard truths about the landscape of the times. It really wasn't and it really didn't. It scratches the surface, but that's as far as it gets. Sure "Brian" despises the rise of Naziism, and "Fritz and Natalia" are star-crossed lovers, Jewish in the wrong time and place. But these are minor story arcs, while the brunt of the movie follows "Sally," a promiscuous, comically abrasive, "dreaming-of-stardom" gold-digger, who sings and dances in a Berlin burlesque club. I found her entire storyline to be annoying, and I was always waiting for it to go somewhere (sadly, it never did).

By far, the best parts of the film, are the bawdy and creative musical numbers, which do not advance the plot at all, but only serve as welcome breaks in Sally's ridiculous onscreen story. Joel Grey is stellar as the Emcee who captivates his nightly audience with raunchy performances and Liza Minelli's "Sally" is at her best here, performing, and not living her outside life. Take away the musical numbers and this movie becomes a dated and shallow look at a Germany getting ready to explode (none of which is really explored in Brian and Sally's life together).

Fosse's direction is solid, and the club and outside scenes are nicely filmed. The flaw here is Sally's character... or maybe Minelli's annoying portrayal of her... obviously this was racy and bold in 1972, but it's farcical today. I wish I had seen it 50 years ago... because seeing it now, after hearing all the praise it got... is just disappointing.
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Flipped (I) (2010)
I'm NOT the demographic here...
2 March 2024
This is a difficult film for me to write about. Right out of the chute, I'm being honest... to me, it's a sappy, saccharine "6" but if you're a parent with tweens, it's probably right in your wheelhouse, so I bumped it to a "7" for you. It's cute on a very basic level and the 11-15 year old market will probably like it.

It's a cleverly done "he said, she said" flick, looking at young love from both perspectives over a series of years and experiences. It may be less relatable to kids today, because it's set in the late 50s and early 60s, and might be more relevant if it was set in a more current time frame. But it's sweet and innocent with valuable lessons for evolving young minds... so in that regard it's a nice change from the typical junk my grandkids are watching. I would recommend it for the families with tweens and maybe even for young parents who can relate to those feelings in the not-too-distant past. Even a nice movie for grandparents to enjoy with grandkids... with lots of opportunities to make valid life points to them. If you're in these groups, check it out. It's nice.
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Newer isn't always better...
2 March 2024
Two things right off... the "original" movie is substantially superior... and while the two versions share a name and a premise, they are vastly different, meaning this film is not at all a "remake." Apologies in advance for contrasting them in my review here.

This 2004 movie relies more heavily on diving into the tech involved, and it wasn't necessary. The previous film said "brainwashed" and we accepted it, and ran with it. We didn't need all the buried chip tech mystique. And "Manchurian" as a sinister private defense contractor lacked the impact of devious Russian and Chinese Communists. The romance between Jocelyn and. Raymond, the only thing that humanizes him at all, is completely ignored here, making what happens between them irrelevant and lacking impact. And while the first film made Rosie a nonentity, the second makes her oddly too important. Finally, the "shocking" ending of the 1962 version is better than the more convoluted finish here.

Denzel is, of course, a far superior actor than Sinatra... but Frank's Marco, (despite his uneven performance) had more depth and better material. Streep is a goddess, but Lansbury's original character was equally powerful. And the Raymond character was too different in the two films to even say who did it better. They're different people, so let's call it a draw. At the end of the day, if you loved the original, you'll like this less and if you never saw the 1962 film, this "Candidate" will entertain. Again, they are two very different settings and stories... and while the original feels somewhat dated, the modernization here doesn't make it better.
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