
8 Reviews
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Prank Patrol (2009– )
Absolute garbage
18 September 2014
This show will disappoint you beyond belief! There are many problems with this show that I cannot stand as ill point out: 1. Terrible acting 2. Scott Tweedie is the death of comedy 3. The pranks are unoriginal 4. The ninjas are annoying 5. Really dumb clips of "recipe for a prank" which in fact aren't even funny or gross as Tweedie seems to think. 6. Finally the pranks aren't even that easy to fall for as I find them completely rubbish. So as I suggest here avoid the abomination as much as you can! Also please check out my account for other reviews and even some lists that I have made in the past month and please feel free to like or dislike my review of Prank Patrol.
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Alien (1979)
A fantastic movie!!
16 October 2013
This has got to be one of the most brilliant, awesome and wonderful sci-fi movies of all time. I mean I've seen some great in my time but this just comes out at your face and immediately you are already hooked into it. Mainly what this movie is about is a group of space marines are returning to Earth when suddenly they land on a mysterious planet that they do not know of. When they land one man (actor John Hurt) goes out and explores this unknown world he finds some mysterious eggs. Suddenly a some type of alien hugger gets attached to his face and the crew find out what happened and take him aboard. And from there it is just absolutely fantastic. My final review is this you must watch it! Sorry that I didn't give my full review of the plot but I guess you don't want me to spoil it.
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Critters (1986)
A very awesome sci fi movie
11 April 2012
Now today I'm not going to review this movie, instead I'm going to talk about this movie. The reason for that is I don't wont to be the 100th person to say what this movies about. Anyway I really enjoyed this movie a lot. I enjoyed it so much that I keeped on watching it again and again. But soon I got bored of watching it all the time. This maybe a Gremlins rip off but dosn't mean its bad. Now in this movie it stars Dee Wallace Stone, Billy Green Bush, Scott Grimes, M. Emmet Walsh, Nadine Van Der Velde, Don Opper, Lin Shaye and a surprised guest Billy Zane. It was Directed by Stephen Herek who went on doing Mighty Ducks, 101 Dalmations and Bill and Teds excellent adventure. ( Which were all good movies.) Now that will be it for today. I will go and review Critters 2,3 and 4.
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Critters 4 (1992)
Better then part 3
11 April 2012
Now this isn't saying much but this is actually better then part 3 in some way. The story takes place in space (finally) as it stars some great actors like Angela Bassett, Brad Dourif and the same actors from 1,2 and 3 Don Opper and Terrence Mann. Now the Critters acted really silly in 2 and 3 but in 4 they reduce the silliness and make them serious. But its a bit awful in a way. The actors at some moments say some bad acting and at moments the Critter puppets look really cheap. But I still enjoyed this movie and thats where the Critters Franchise finishes. They kind of finished the series good but not that good. And thats all I've got to say. So thank you for reading all my Critters reviews and I hope to for some more reviews for you guys to read.
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Critters 3 (1991)
Pretty awful
11 April 2012
Now today I'm not going to review Critters 3 instead I'm going to talk about it. Now for Critters 1 and 2 I've said how good they are but I'm not going to say that this one is good instead it is awful. They always make good horror movies but then they have to make the sequels really bad which I find really annoying!! Now normally horror movies are directed by men but Critters 3 is directed by a girl (no wonder this movie is so crap.) And they have new actors in this movie and they are terrible. Also Leonardo Dicaprio Joins the Critters as he try to stop those nasty hairballs. Now this maybe a short review. Thats because I've got nothing else to say so Bye.
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Critters 2 (1988)
Great, but not that great
11 April 2012
Now today I'm just going to talk about how good or bad this movie is. Im not going to review it because everyone dosn't wont 44 people telling what this movie is about. So lets get into it straight away. Now I k Bnow everyones being saying this but Critters 2 is not as good as the first and that is a fact. And instead of the Critters being serious in the first one they be silly in this movie and continue it in 3 and 4. But that dosn't mean its bad in fact this movie is awesome and I like it! In this movie it stars some of the main characters from the first one like Charlie played by Don Opper, Ug played by Terrence Mann, Brad played by Scott Grimes, Sally played by Lin Shaye and they do have Harv in this movie but played by a different actor Barry Corbin. They have some new characters in this movie like Megan played by Liane Curtis, Mr. Morgan played by Sam Anderson, Wesley played by Tom Hodges and Quigly played by Douglas Rowe. So thank you for reading my review and I will review Critters and 3 and 4.
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Ghoulies II (1987)
Ghoulies 2 rocks
17 December 2011
I've got to say this is way better then the first one. The Ghoulies actually kill people and cause mayhem. And instead of the Ghoulies goofing around they kill people, good for ghoulies 2. Anyway Ghoulies 2 is about two people who are driving a truck called 'Satan's den' as the Ghoulies get stowed away. Later the Ghoulies turn up at a carnival place as they start killing people in Satan's den. Soon a guy summons a giant ghoulie to kill all the other Ghoulies. In the end there was one Ghoulie left as Ghoulies 3 come three years later. I think this movie is pretty good because its better then the first, they thought through this movie really well and they kill people. So I give Ghoulies 2 ***out of *****
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Ghoulies (1984)
Ghoulies the worst 80s movie
15 December 2011
This must be the worst 80s movie ever. Because the acting is bad, the Ghoulies don't do much and its another Gremlins rip off. Let me give you a quick summary of the movie. Its about a young man who moves into his fathers house. Who somehow died, {we don't really know}. As he lives with his girlfriend. Later in the movie he goes down to his basement to clean up as he finds something strange in the basement. As he has a look into the box he finds some cloths I don't know. Then he takes it out of the basement he puts it on he starts to turn evil as he later on summons the Ghoulies, then turns into a bad guy summons his dad back to life as Wolfgang safes him. In the end everyone lives happily ever after. so I give this movie * out of ***** and also please no more gremlin rip offs.
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