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The Waltons: The Honeymoon (1974)
Season 2, Episode 16
Are These the Waltons or the Rockefellers
19 September 2022
Supposedly this family, the Waltons are poor. The show is set in the teeth of the depression. I was born in 1950, and my parents and grandparents were poor. Like Redd Foxx said one time "We were so poor you could have put 54 zeros between the p and r. But the Waltons operate their own business. Granted it is not a million dollar business, but they have income. And, here in 1933 the Waltons have electricty, lights, a radio, indoor plumbing, and a working pickup truck. My father started school in 1933, and he would have described the Waltons as upper middle class.

To get to the gist of the story, John and Oliva decide to blow $20 on some frivilous trip to Virginia Beach. Leaving their children at home with ragged overalls and shirts with holes in the sleeve. I busted out laughing thinking of my Grandpa and Grandma wasting money like that, if they ever had it to start with. This show needed someone like my father to help with the story line and tell them what real poverty was during the Depression.
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Mistakes Galore
15 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For the most part this is a good episodes of Young Sheldon. The story line involving the adults is really good. However the show's creator, Chuck Lorre, feels the need to throw in atheism willy nilly without rhyme or reason. For example, Sheldon is supposedly firmly convinced that there is no God. True Blue in his conviction. But on the ride home from Sunday School, he says to his Mother "God allowed all the young Egyptian boys to be killed in the Nile". Tell me something Sheldon, if, as you believe, there is no God, how could he have allowed anyone to be killed in the Nile? You need to pick a side Sheldon, is there a God or is there no God? It has come to the point in this show where any time Sheldon is on the screen is wasted time.
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The Worst
15 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Of all of the episodes of Young Sheldon thus far, this one is by far the worst. In most episodes Sheldon is just annoying, but in this one he is super annoying. In the first place, why would a super intelligent student take a philosophy class to begin with? It is not like he needs the extra credit or an Easy A. Makes absolutely no sense. Second, how can someone who supposedly can easily debunk religion not see through the mumbo jumbo of philosophy? All of this screen time for whiney Sheldon takes away from what could be good lines for the other cast members. I hate to say it, but this show would be greatly improved if Sheldon would move to Cal Tech already and never be shown again. The rest of the cast is super good.
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Capital One College Bowl (2021–2022)
16 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Allen Ludden must be turning over in his grave. I have never seen such a load of dreck. I suffered through one episode of this rubbish, and believe me I did suffer. Where did they get those so called college students? They cannot even answer 8th grade questions. And speaking of questions, here is one example. "Which rapper's son portrayed him in the movie Straight Outta Compton"? You know I went to college a long time and this type of question did not seem to come up. Better watch this drivel while you can, cause it is not coming back.
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What Goes Around
15 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Caught this movie on Turner Classic Movies the other day, and I was floored by how relevant the subject is today. Frank Morgan plays a University Professor. His class is attended by many members of the Nazi Party. When the Professor attempts to teach that there is no difference between Ayran blood and Jewish blood, (a scientifictly proveable fact) he is shouted down and ultimately loses his job. Fast forward to the 21st century. Any University Professor that would dare to teach today that there are only 2 genders (a scientifictly proveable fact), would experience the same fate at the Frank Morgan character. While I was watching this movie I was struck by how little difference there is between the Nazis in this movie and the #MeToo and other related movements today. It is either you toe the line, or you lose your job, and more than likely soon will be imprisoned like the Frank Morgan character. Wake up America!!
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Introducing Veronica
27 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The character of Veronica was introduced in this episode. She is a much different person in this episode than she is in later episodes. Veronica begins this episode being a loose woman. Which just happens to be the kind of woman Georgie Jr. Is looking for. Just about the time he is on his way to her house (with the parents absent), he makes the mistake of stopping by the Halloween Church Carnival. End of all of Georgie's plans.

I remember this being a really good episode even though I only remember seeing it one time when it was originally broadcast. For some reason it has not been included in the Nick At Nite reruns of YS. Maybe it will pop up some time in the future. If it does be sure to see it.
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One of the Best
2 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is one of the best so far in this series. Probably because most of the episode concentrates on the role of Missy. I really enjoy this show, but I find the character of Sheldon to be super annoying. The less time he is on the screen, the better I like the show. All of the rest of the characters, George, Georgie, Mary, Missy, and Connie are really good people that normal everyday people can relate to. The less we see of Sheldon, the better we like the show. Even the supporting players like Dr. Sturgis, Dale Ballard, Pastor Jeff, the Sparks family, all are more entertaining that Sheldon.

One more point about this episode. The soundtrack listing does not mention that the song "More Than Words" by Extreme is sung in the show when Missy is dreaming of Marcus.
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Trump Card (2020)
Another Gem
9 October 2020
Another Gem from Dinesh D'Souza. From the acclaimed film maker who brought you "Hillary's America", "Obama's America", and "Death of a Nation", now comes "Trump Card". Mr. D'Souza explains, in plain English, how the DemocRAT Party has become Bruce Willis in "The Sixth Sense". The DemocRAT Party is walking around dead and very few people are aware of the fact. Once the African American community deserts the DemocRAT Party, the party will crumble like a house of cards. Truly, there is very little holding the DemocRAT Party together in 2020. Their demise is just a matter of time, and Mr. D'Souza shows it in this movie. This movie is for all freedom loving true Americans. Do yourself a favor and rent it today.
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Days of Our Lives: Episode #1.13570 (2019)
Season 1, Episode 13,570
Jennifer the Criminal
10 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In today's episode, Jennifer put on some sort of Hazmat suit, entered Jack's apartment, and began to spray some sort of chemical everywhere. I do not know if Jennifer has been alive since 9/11, but the Department of Homeland Security takes a dim view of spraying chemicals in someone's apartment building. Matter of fact it is now a federal crime. So when ICE shows up at Tripp's wedding to arrest Haley, they can also pick up Jennifer at the same time.
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One of The Very Best
3 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Life will never be as good again as it was in the middle 70's watching television on Saturday night. On CBS, Saturday night, 1973-1974 season you could plop down on the sofa and enjoy, in order, All In The Family, M*A*S*H, Bob Newhart Show, Mary Tyler Moore Show, and Carol Burnett. My favorite of the 5 had to be The Bob Newhart Show. Dry, sophisticated humor, with every part perfectly casted. Even the supporting cast was perfect. If you were alive in 1973 you know what I mean. If you did not live through this period, I feel sorry for you.
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I've Got a Secret: Patti Page (1953)
Season 2, Episode 20
Early Episode
21 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode of I've Got A Secret is available for viewing on YouTube. I watched it recently, and was not really impressed. Joan Bennett was still a panelist at this time, and later she would be replaced. The first contestant was a young college student who claimed to have had a dinner date with Marylyn Monroe and that she picked up the tab. The man offered no proof, and frankly I am skeptical. The second contestant was a World War I flying ace who shot down 12 German planes. Finally, Patti Page came on stage to sing "How Much Is That Doggie In The Window" (a popular song in 1953), as a duet with a dog howling while she sang the song. Pretty Weak. All in all not too bad, an above average show.
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The Middle: Vive La Hecks (2017)
Season 9, Episode 1
All Right
4 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First show of the last season. Can't believe that 8 years have passed so quickly. I thought they might keep going until Brick graduates from high school, but alas, it is not meant to be. There will be a big void in my life after the Hecks no longer visit my home on Tuesdays. But at least there is always reruns. But back to this particular episode. The meat of the show is the conflict between Axl and his dad over Axl getting a job. He has a degree, he has taken the summer off, and now it is time to go to work. But apparently Axl does not share that thought. We will see how it plays out over this final season what type of job Axl finally procures. The writers are casting hints about Sue's love life, that I think will be wrapped up before the end comes. Do yourself a favor and check out the final season.
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Radio Days (1987)
Great Movie
7 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the greatest movies I have ever experienced. Every thing about this movie works, the players, the music, the scenery. New York has never appeared lovelier, just beautiful shots of Times Square supposedly in the 1940's. There isn't much of a plot, just loosely joined vignettes, but that is enough. When the end of the movie comes, it makes you wish it would go on and on. Do yourself a favor and catch this movie if it ever comes on TV.
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Sky King: The Wild Man (1958)
Season 4, Episode 1
Good Solid Episode
17 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Sky King and Penny are on routine flight patrol when Penny sees a car go over the ledge of a steep roadway. After finally finding a place to land, Sky and Penny make their way to the crash site along with a tow truck driver. The car is a long ways down from the roadway, but the driver, Charlie, is caught on a tree right below the road. Using the tow line, Sky King lowers himself to Charlie and rescues the injured man. Charlie tells Sky that a person known locally as "The Wild Man" fired a rifle at him causing the wreck. He says the large payroll is still in his automobile below. But a search does not turn up the payroll. What happened to the payroll, and who shot at Charlie? Stay tuned to the rest of the episode for these answers. Good, solid, adventure show.
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Malibu Country (2012–2013)
9 November 2012
I loved, loved, loved, Reba McEntire's show "Reba". That show had just the perfect blend of comedy, pathos, family, good actors and good acting. When this show was announced, I never expected that it would be as good as her last show. Mostly because, I guess, Reba would have a different supporting cast. But I also never dreamed the show would be this gawd awful. I am confused as to their target audience. Half the actors are Southern Rednecks, and half are gay. I guess the producers of this show are shooting for the Rednecks who want to see a lot more gay shows on TV niche. Reba and her husband, Narvel Blackstock are listed at executive producers, so there is no way I can blame the left coast liberals for this mishmash. It is beyond my understanding that Reba would allow a show that she is starring in to become such filth. I taped the first two shows and previewed them before I would allow my 12 year old granddaughter to view them. After I saw the shows, I erased the tapes. There is no way I am going to let any of my grandchildren view such filth. I can remember when MASH began, and MASH started off slowly before finding their footing. A lot of the characters in the first years were later written out. Reba, if you have any hope of your loyal fans watching your show, you need to change the direction of this show and do it immediately.
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Last Man Standing: Voting (2012)
Season 2, Episode 1
Amanda Fuller Has To Go
9 November 2012
What were the producers of this show thinking? Did Alexandra Krosley (the actress who played Mandy Baxter last year), ask for a million dollars or something? One would only suppose that Alexandra Krosley has moved on to better roles, however her IMDb listing does not show her with anything new going on. For whatever reason, the producers of this show replaced the eldest Baxter daughter, who in real life was 21 years old last year, with an actress who is 28 years old!!!! WTF? On top of that, they aged her son about 6 years, and brought in a new baby daddy that is not only old, but annoying. This, maybe, could be overlooked if Kristin was made a peripherial part of the show. But, no, in the first 2 episodes of the fall 2012 season, she is the main character. And the annoying baby daddy is the secondary character. If this is not fixed, and fixed quickly, there will be several good actors and actresses on this show out of a job by January. Do all the fans of Last Man Standing a favor and have Kristin marry the annoying baby daddy and hit the road for LA. It would be OK to leave the baby behind.
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The New Normal (2012–2013)
Wrong Title
24 September 2012
The title of this sitcom is "The New Normal". Actually this is the old abnormal. None of the jokes are funny, the writing is terrible. The actors are wooden and the show is contrived. There is actually one normal person on this show, Jane Forrest, played by Ellen Barkin. This woman is the only person on this show that actually has a grip on reality. So naturally Jane is ridiculed, scorned, and put down. I mean, after all in the new normal world, intelligence and common sense derided. Powers that be at the networks do not seem to understand that it is older viewers that are their main consumers. If they did, they would not make fun of traditional family values. I give this mismash 10 weeks at the most. Do yourself a favor and skip this pile of garbage trying to pass itself off as normal.
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Earth 2100 (2009 TV Movie)
Leftist Propaganda Crap
7 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I (unfortunately) stumbled on this crapola while I was watching "The History Channel" this morning. My first thought was "What the h%!! is a show about 100 years in the future doing on "The History Channel" in the first place? After I got past that I just sat there amazed at the stuff in the show that passed for facts. The show purported to be following this one person "Lucy" who was born in 2009 for 100 years. But in fact the whole show was just an excuse to try to shove green/liberal propaganda down America's throat. I will give you a couple of examples. In their liberal scenario, Lake Mead has completely dried up. Well I guess there goes Las Vegas. Further the whole northern part of Arizona is covered with solar panels. Was there not even one sane person around that said "Hey, you know what, we could produce much more electricity, at a lower cost, and use less land if we built a nuclear reactor"? To continue my story, this family motors from San Diego to New York City. While passing through Texas and Oklahoma, they notice thousands of people streaming away from Texas and Oklahoma due to water and food shortages. Has anyone noticed people streaming away from the Southwest lately? California, yes, Detroit, yes, any city in New Jersey, yes, but Texas, not so much. So the family arrives in New York City where the father finds work. My first thought was "If the people of Texas and Oklahoma (where there are millions of acres of rich farm land) are suffering a food shortage, who exactly is feeding the 12,000,000 people piled on top of each other in New York City. In fact, since there is now no gasoline, what is propelling the farm tractors in the first place? I mean can you envision a Chevy Volt pulling a plow? In conclusion, this show did not make me mad because it is 100% liberal propaganda, it made me mad because it is poorly done liberal propaganda. Anyone with an education above the 6th grade can see right through this crap.
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26 July 2012
I saw this movie the first night. It is an excellent, powerful movie. The theme of the movie is that no one knows anything about our 44th President. This man has snuck into power under the radar without being vetted by the mainstream media all because he is an African American. No one has ever seen any of his educational records, and apparently the mainstream media has no interest in digging into the records. The mainstream media could come up with Obama's transcripts if they wanted to, but they are afraid of being called racists. Barack Obama has been given a pass for 50 years because of the color of his skin. Every one and every organization will not touch this story for fear of being called racists. Dinesh De Sousa is not afraid, he presents the facts here for the viewer to make up their own minds. Very powerful movie, I highly recommend it.
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