
14 Reviews
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as expected from L.Clark
7 April 2016
I watched all Larry Clark 's movies. My favorite is Another Day in Paradise. So not much surprise when I saw this one. It was as expected. If you don't already like or know Larry's work you'd better not watch it. But note that there is not really an end : the reason is the main star Lukas Ionesco left before the end. He said in an interview that L. Clark used him and basically freaked out, fired before the end many of the kids and acted very "strangely". To the point that the mother of Lukas called Larry a pedophile in an interview. When asked about his thoughts about that Lukas admits that's too much though if he meet L. Clark again all he would have to say to him would be : F**** You... Concerning some reviews about "what a waste of money", just know that the film was funded at almost 100% by french tax payers therefore there is no need for commercial exploitation for that movie.
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don't' waste your time
28 December 2014
Okay so I'm forced to write a real review as there are only 1 or 2 which are from someone close to the movie crew. So this movies might be OK if you'r a teen male under 16 and you saw less than 100 movies in your life. If you aren't then don't bother. it's a pure waste of time. Why ? well all the cliché and stereotype are here. The funny thing is one guy starts telling a story " on a dark and stormy night" and they reply : "what a bunch of clichés"..Oh irony :) It takes too long to develop. Just the 2 first minutes perspire bad student movie. It's a copy of a copy of a copy of a bad movie.. no imagination just the kind of movie you do in school to learn how to direct and place cameras. But This movie is not made to be shown anyway it's one of those project that are paid by subvention so the crew is paid doing it and then no matter it does 10 or 1 million entries they wont get more money anyway. It's just excuse to get public money and have a salary doing something. In France that kind of system exist as well the result is 83% of produced movies have less then 10 000 viewers. concerning the scenario well , one can write the synopsis in 3 minutes. that's the kind of story you already saw thousands of times , nothing new here. a big AVOID tag !
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dumbest movie ever made
31 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is the worst I've seen. I was mislead by the high note in IMDb but I didn't saw it was only the opinion of less than 10 people.

It's all about a crazy girl that manipulates 2 guys and a girl. The scenario is empty. Nothing really happens and when it does we have no clue why the 2 guys do whatever the crazy girl tell them to. It's full of cliché and stereotypes. One scene was quite amusing though : one of the guy is buying condoms and the girl he'd like to make out with comes at that moment. But that's all.

It's definitely not a "thriller" it's a "so what..?" . Besides we know right from the beginning what is going to happen and not because of "clever" deduction but just because that's the way the scenario is written.. I lost 90 minutes of my life. only good thing is that one actor is cute to watch. Avoid!
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Better than 1st one but just a commercial ( 49 14 122 48 )
7 October 2012
This movie was better than the 1st one in many ways. They didn't try to make a copy of a real TV show and added few visual effects. As I wrote on the review of the first movie, it's always better not to do visual effect if you can't afford it rather than doing awful things like in the first. Although better than 1st movie it's still not that good. This whole movie is a commercial for the 1st one. Anyone who didn't see the lame 1st one will feel the need to watch it after seeing this. The main character is well known and a kinda cute guy which makes the movie enjoyable even if the script is not so great. So in the end if you hate the 1st movie it doesn't mean you will hate this one.There is a number : 49 14 122 48 hidden , and thats supposed to be the gps coordinates of the hospital. All in all : don't spend money on this but if you have spare time and it costs you nothing then why not.
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First movie and not so bad
6 September 2012
Although this movie is the first from Adloff and Palmer, it's quite well done. But to tell the truth the actor Tyler Ross is the reason I watched this movie. As a matter of fact he looks a lot like the ex porn star now doing regular movies Sean Paul Lockhart (Brent Corrigan)specially in " Judas kiss" which is too a low budget, 1st movie. Fact is women's note for this movie is 8.5 whereas males give it a 4.5 . Likely reason : the real cute Tyler. His character is the perfect boyfriend, kind, clever, stable guy. Margaret is to my taste too shallow. Adding 20 minutes to the movies to give more details about the life of this women could have created more empathy. I give this movie a good 5 which is a good mark. Some informations are missing in the storyline towards the end. I really think 20 minutes more would have solved theses little problems.
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Bindlestiffs (2012)
Home made kid movie
21 August 2012
This movie is funny somehow. But it's exactly like those movies we made with friends on VHS when we were 16. The writer/producer/director is one of the 3 kids. the one that has a strange face ( he speaks with the mouth on the left). Now about the story it's very dumb . I mean if you want a situation to be funny you have to make the spectator believe the situation is real and then there's a twist and it's funny. In this movie nothing can be understand as real. For instance kids of 16-17 who actually believe a girl can be pregnant because she throws up 1 hour after sex is just dumb not funny. It's the kind of thing you think is funny when you do it with friends but when others watch it you understand it's not. So I wish you good luck for real movies later ( yeah I know you'r reading this ).
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Worst visual effects ever !
4 August 2012
First as you can check by yourself, under 18 years old , that means kids , have given 7.2 to this movie and of course the older you are the less you give point to it. It's clearly made for children around 12 / 13 years old who want to be a little scared before bed time. But OK It's a low budget, right.. that doesn't explain why they made such a lame scenario. Things that right from the beginning make this movie a disaster and tell you that it's going to be a waste of time are special effects, more precisely visual effects. Without giving any spoiler at the beginning of the movie we see what is supposed to be footage from 1945. The work done is so horrible that only a children can pretend it's real. I mean it's impossible to be part of a story if you don't technically do enough work to make the viewer believe in it. The work on that footage was horrible. It's not a budget matter , you can do great convincing effect with efforts and time. What we have here instead is work you get on sitcom : when they have a really tight schedule. You don't do that in a movie or you don't do it at all. And sure enough at many other times the visual effect were a joke : a guy "flies" at some point : some 15years old kid on a famous video website post better effects made on their home computer. In a word : lame effects, lake of work, dull scenario. -- AVOID --
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great movie for dark ambiance lover
19 July 2012
I don't know the comic or anything about this. I didn't even saw a single advertisement for this movie. This movie was just release yesterday in France on DVD and never in theater. The ambiance of the movie is dark, goth, it's most of the time at night. It's not about cheesy romance which is great. I understand people saying it's bad because not as the book. Books adaptation are usually not at all like books they are from so it's normal. Thats a pity it didn't have any advertisement and wasn't even release in theater in most countries especially for such a high budget movie.The scenario is not that great maybe but visual effect, humor, great (and handsome ) actors: for instance Peter Stormare which you can see on movie Spun as a very funny cop, made the movie very entertaining.
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Ted (2012)
dumb movie not funny
13 July 2012
I'm just forced to make this review because I want to warn people : If you like terance and philip humor ( farts jokes ) then go ahead, if not then you are not going to like it. Writing the scenario took probably 30 minutes at best. Sure it's " funny" to see a bear talking like an old guy for 5 minutes. More than that it's boring, you know what is going to happen, and sure it does happen. So called "jokes" are , well I didn't laugh a single time.The last 45 minutes are awful..wondering how long it's gonna take to get to the happy end. Really a movie for children except you can't let a 8 years old child watch it because of so much insults and uses of drugs etc. So it's too childish and simple for adults and teens and not correct for children to watch. --AVOID--
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Evidence (III) (2012)
waste of time and money
5 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This so called movie is one of the dumbest I've had to watch for like 2 years. The actors are awful : specially the brunette : she reminded me of my little brother when I used to film him acting all scared. The plot is dumb and you only get it if you read frame by frame information that appears for less than half a second at the end of the film : All this is about a secret laboratory which is handling biological material that is DNA recombinant hence we got some strange monkeys who are in fact human being which were exposed to this virus/DNA stuff. they are yet not all monkeys because it takes some time before they look like that so we have a bunch a "zombies" which are still human but not yet bloodthirsty monkeys. The first half part is boring. Nothing happens. Really it should have take 2 hours to write the whole scenario and dialogs. Don't waste your precious life minutes on this. The only thing I will remember from this film is the jeans short of the sexy blonde girl...But anyway this is not a professional movie : the "actor" who holds the camera is actually also the writer of this crap and it's his first movie ( he's 30) so you can understand why it's so horrible..
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Deviation (2012)
totally scientifically inaccurate
1 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was very very disappointed by the end of this movie. It's totally science fiction. So here it is : the girl who is a nurse put 24 tablets of some benzodiazepine in the whiskey bottle. She says when the guy realizes there is something wrong with him that "he's dying from kidney failure, because she drugs him with 24 tablets which dissolve quickly and are tasteless". this is absolutely rubbish : If she is a nurse, she would have known that 24 pills of any kind of benzodiazepine would absolutely not kill a grown man like him. This is just a medical fact. Of course they don't tell us what kind of benzodiazepine it is. We can imagine it's bromazepam as it's prescribed to fight anxiety. Those tablets don't dissolve quickly ( any tablet on the uk market is full of different expedients mostly to avoid injection use in case of benzodiazepine )and are very bitter. Then she kills the guy with the little "toothbrush razors" right in the heart : if you look at the weapon you know for sure it's technically impossible to pierce through warm winter clothes and insert it completely in the heart. So this movie is really for people having absolutely no knowledge at all in medicine but even then, the fact that we see the girl taking out all the tabs lead us immediately to understand she is going to poison the guy thus destroying the " revelation". In a word awful movie.
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dumbest worst movie of the year
27 December 2011
This " thing" is such an horrible movie.. I watched it because I saw the rate on IMDb :6.4 . I should have watched more carefully that most male 18-29 voted under 5. The acting is horrible. no exception. The devil is so "hollywood/Christian devil" : that is to say, the devil live in hell where it's hot, he likes fire and all that kind of crap ! ( if you are a believer well show me where in the bible to find that ). And the devil choose to take form in an old man meat suit, and reply to human threats. It's stupid if you don't believe in god , it's stupid if you are not Christian and it's stupidest if you actually are a Christian. That's how taxes are spent ! on crap like that. the guy don't even care if no one will watch the movie he has been paid to make the movie. It's a shame I can"t rate at 0, because it doesn't even deserve a 1 .
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Godsend (2004)
spin off from a UK movie and anti science movie.
6 December 2011
first to respond to a previous reviewer 7 aren't C's ! Here is how it works ( in France and others European countries you get marks from 0 to 20 not letters as letters are to subjective and scientifically irrelevant ). so A is 16 to 20 that means 8 to 10 on a 10 scale, B is 13 to 15 = 6.5 - 7.5 C is 10-12 that is 5 to 6, D is 7 -9 means 3.5 to 4.5 , E is 2-3 F, is 0 to 1.5 . ( of course you can tweak it with + ,- and 0.5 points). so a C means 5 to 6 on IMDb not a 7. This movies is just awful for any scientific atheist. In a word if you are not an American then this movie was not made for you. It's a just the same old moralist science against Christians.. Don't do God job or you'll be in trouble. that kind of stupid crap they are so fond of in Texas and all catholics / religious crazy states. It's also a spin off of a small budget UK movies : in that movies 2 parents lost their children, a religious guys comes to help them : they should provide a bone to recreate the child, but the child must not be dead for more than 12 months. they proceed , but the child becomes devils and kill the mother : the reason was they lied to the "priest" as the child was dead for more than 12 months. Here it's about the same story but on a SF-scientist point of view. so really a waste of time.
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Fun for kids !
25 November 2011
I just re watched this movie that I loved when I was a kid, because I already was crazy about electronics. But of course, it's a movie for kids not for adults. So I'm really scare to see so many comments in the "goofs/ real mistake" section ! those are not goofs or mistakes, a movie is a work of fiction and so it implies that the viewer is mature enough to understand that physicals laws don't apply in a kid movie. Besides kids are unaware of theses "goofs" so it doesn't matter. The worst thing I saw was someone explaining how a defibrillator can't recharge a battery. Yes of course any one clever enough to know how a defibrillator works and have some knowledge over batteries would know that BUT as it's a fiction , a movie, we understand that what matters is the " idea " in the script, not the actual real world science that matters here ! because if you go there, then you can say no robot can think for itself so it's a goof.. Please people try to get a whole picture ! When you watch a movie it's implied that you will see things that don't exist in real life and could not be possible in real life. So this movie is really great for 0-13 years old kids specially those who will be geeks:)
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