
48 Reviews
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Poolman (2023)
4.4 Rating??
14 May 2024
Surprisingly good movie.

Requires paying attention...............while simultaneously kinda not getting what is going on?

I can understand the movie not making sense. A lot is going on. Sometimes it kinda doesn't make sense. But, it will make sense a little later.

Keep expecting the unexpected.

Keep in mind that I'm a wannabe screenwriter. So, before going, I didn't understand or know anything about Hollywood being part of it. A review mentioned showing real LA. Well, as an LA kid, I wanna see LA from the past.

Get stoned. Go. Chill and turn off your phone. Chill. Chill. Chiiiiiiilllllllllllax.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Ain't Perfect
4 May 2024
But it works.

Always worried that previews will have shown me too much. I saw so many previews of Flash that I felt like I saw the whole movie. Not much new in movie. This one is different. Previews don't really set it up for what it is.

More than one story and they're all interesting and connected.

Was it perfect? No. You can find minor holes here and there. But, looking past those holes was easy because it was FUNNY and interesting.

Intro with Gosling and credits were perfect. Shows you how unknown and important stuntman are. Credits show that Gosling didn't have a stuntman. He did all that madness!!!
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Abigail (2024)
Hmmmmm; Go see it to explore!
27 April 2024
I have a monthly AMC pass and get 3 movies a week. Do I want to use one credit on this?

I BRIEFLY remember previews. Look, it's been awhile since I saw them. Heck, when was this movie released?

I liked the previews and could see it wasn't going away FAST. I wanted to make sure I could see it before it goes away. But, it's been so long that I kinda don't remember what it's about.

Ok, she's a vampire. She's kinda funny. And something about $50 milllion. Man, what the fuzz is this movie about?

I had options for 3 other movies to see this week. Do I wanna use a credit for this one?

Came here for reviews. I always "glance" before going. Real GLANCE! I wanna get the VIBE of the movie.

I saw enough to make me think, "Ya know what, I bet you WON'T want to walk out. I will walk out if I don't dig it!

Maaan, impossible to describe what this movie is and what's it about. It's pretty deep movie on many levels.

I 100% will WATCH again. I try to find holes in movies because I'm a screenwriter. I didn't really see any holes. Maybe, but so SMALL, it did NOT matter.

Go see it to explore!
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I Guess I'm Jewish
21 April 2024
Worked in Hollywood and can write screenplays. One day you'll see my name;)

Movie is a TRUE story. It's Hollywood, I know what I see isn't an exact bio. Duh!!! It's a well-written plot. And characters. And it's FUNNY!!!!

Maybe you have to be Jewish to understand the humor?

Blows my mind seeing ratings under 8. Ok, numbers aren't everything. I can see 7, 6, and 5 and agree with the review and think it deserves a HIGHER rating.

If you think it's a 4 or lower, you need mental help. I'm not a psychologist, but have a BA from UCLA in psych and 99% on GRE. Please seek help if you think it's 4 or lower.
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Could've been a 10
4 April 2024
I didn't know anything about the movie before going. I read reviews on here and they didn't tell me about the plot , but they made me want to watch it. Part of the motivation to watch this was having zero clues with the movie is about literally zero clue. Even while watching it, I still didn't have much clue what it was about. Yes, you can kind of see what the movie is about but you really really really aren't sure.

The talkshow host made the movie a little bit confusing. It was hard to understand where his mind was with what's happening. Is he in one way saying things because he wants to save his show or does he believe what really is going on?

You've got to watch to see what you believe is going on. Even then, you might not believe what you think you believe.
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Madame Web (2024)
3.8? Hmm
17 February 2024
Did you really like the previews? I did. Was surprised to see people dumping on them on Facebook ads. Not sure what their problems were.

Seeing 3.8, I read reviews. It felt like it could be similar. Some people dig and some people don't for whatever reasons.

The higher ratings motivated me. I dug the previews, so this movie will vibe with me.

It was a little interesting in the beginning. Problem is the story is SLOPPY. There is very little connection. Things just kind of happen and without any pre-text or post-text.

Not so terrible that I want to leave the theatre, but honestly have lowest expectations. But, if you don't stay, you never know!

Stayed and whatever. None of it mattered. And I am not going to see the next one.
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Past Lives (2023)
6 February 2024
For Best Picture?!?!? Well, Zone of Interest is nominated too. That movie is GARBAGE. I left after 45 minutes. At least, Past Lives has some entertainment.

Interesting, slightly. Plot? Poorly put together. I can punch MANY HOLES in this. Many many many things just do NOT make any sense.

What is the point of this "story"? Go watch better movies!!!

Yeah, I can sense what points the Past Lives was trying to make. They miserably failed. The ideas are there. Yes. Unfortunately, the poor script writing completely missed the mark. Nothing was tied together. Almost felt like they were making it up as they went along.

Potentially, the story was created and editors dialed in putting it together in anything remotely cohesive.
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Argylle (2024)
9 Became a 10
3 February 2024
Quirky pic!!!

Yes, it is strange at times. That quirkiness makes sense in the third act. It is not perfect, but it is CREATIVE. Yeah, you can probably babble babble babble about this or that not making sense. Yes. But, it's a mystery movie. So who cares? Let it go!!!

The third act really stands out. Very cute and creative. Yes, some of it will seem ODD! Yes! Sit back and ENJOY!!!

Is it really a ten? Hmmm, hard to say. It is enjoyable. Funny. Creative. Keeps you interested to figure out, WHO IS ARGYLLE? Even when you know who is Argyllle, WHO IS ARGYLLE? And what does Argylle want to do? You can guess. You'll probably be wrong.

Go. Sit back. Enjoy!!
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Pointless; Left After 45 Minutes
27 January 2024
Read the reviews. I'm Jewish and saw high ratings on here. That was enough for me.

Movie started slowly. I'm okay with that. I am patient and don't need things to happen quickly. Development is important.

Nothing was being developed. Set and scenes were beautiful, but nothing was going on. Just a normal day for these people. Not one thing was interesting. I guess the point was showing Germans were just living their normal lives. Nothing different was going on.

Looked at my phone. It's been 45 minutes and I don't care about anything. Well, maybe I have to be patient and something will happen. Came back onto IMDB to read reviews.

Yeah, okay, nothing is gonna happen. So, I bailed.
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I.S.S. (2023)
6 is generous?
24 January 2024
Tough question to answer. In short, the 1-3 star ratings didn't look past the shortcomings. The 8-10 ratings somehow looked past the importance of those problems with the plot and sub-plots.

This could've been a great movie. That is tough when you have only 1 place for everything to happen. There were interesting subplots, twists and turns. Each twist drew you in to wondering what will happen?

Unfortunately, the twists and turns weren't well put together. They were setup, but there wasn't a pay-off. And sometimes, the pay-off did not make sense or you just weren't told what happened.

There are 2 characters who you just aren't sure what exactly happened to them. Yes, you kind of know, but you're thinking "Wait, what? Hmm, that's not how I saw things."
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Hmmm, Invest
16 January 2024
In the WHOLE movie.

You loved the previews, right? So did I.

In Book 1 (aka Act 1), it was funny, goofy and a little weird. But, there wasn't much to the story. Ok, a little bit, but didn't feel like much was gonna happen. It was just gonna be a weird and goofy movie. I was disappointed. I wanted more!!!

Book 2 changed things up. What was lightly developed in Book 1 started having more meaning. Kept me interested and developed more interest. Hmm, what is gonna happen? (Honestly, Jesus looked so much like Clarence, I was confused. I'm like, wait, is Clarence pretending to be Jesus? Did he just develop powers like Jesus?)

Book 3 brings everything together.

Watch it realizing Book 1 is ODD, but the movie will develop to have real stories.
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Napoleon (2023)
Napoleon is
27 November 2023
An interesting man. So, there are many interesting moments in his life and this movie. This movie did a poor job of connecting them.

Many points are lead to with the tiniest bit of information and sometimes none.

Sometimes players come in and you never hear about them again. I think Napoleon married or wanted to marry an Austrian princess. I guess he did and have no idea what happened with her. What about the woman who gave him a son? Who is she and what happened to her? Heck, what happened with his son?

Many people say the Director's cut will be longer. Hoping the missing points will be in it.

I learned a lot about Napoleon. Wish I learned more.
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5 star for a 46 yo man
20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Loving cartoons. I want adult stuff to it. There was no adult in this one. Yes, it had humor. I walked out halfway thru the movie

It will work for kids. It had charm, humor and interesting relationships. I'd watch with little kids.

Loving cartoons. I want adult stuff to it. There was no adult in this one. Yes, it had humor. I walked out halfway thru the movie

It will work for kids. It had charm, humor and interesting relationships. I'd watch with little kids.

Loving cartoons. I want adult stuff to it. There was no adult in this one. Yes, it had humor. I walked out halfway thru the movie

It will work for kids. It had charm, humor and interesting relationships. I'd watch with little kids.
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100% Best Picture Oscar Winner
28 October 2023
If this doesn't win, then Oscars is a joke. Maybe it's already a joke (they nominated Tar last year). Lol. But, this is a MUST win!!

Scorsese starts the movie with a brief personal intro. He loves this story and that is why he made it. His LOVE shows in the movie. It's 3.5 hours because it's a REAL story or stories. As much as it is a historical movie, it is a mystery. You're trying to figure out who is who and what side are they on? Even with Leo's character, you kinda really don't 100% know where he is. Yes, there's love, but there's more. I wish they put a little more into explaining why he chose his uncle's side at times. It was a little unclear. Either way, it didn't matter. His love for his wife and kids is what mattered more.

Besides being a great love story, it shows great real history. It's eye-opening to see how things were for the Osage. More amazing is how Mollie and her soul led the Osage.
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Creed III (2023)
6 March 2023
Parts were 10 and parts were 5. Very good plot, plot points and characters. They did an interesting and informative interweaving of the past into how it relates to now. You get to see inside the characters and relationships.

The 5 parts were just a little too jumpy. A little development, and then it just jumps to the next stage. I didn't need to see them developing for the fights. It would've been nice to know that a fight was planned. I want a fight. Next, all of a sudden, there's a fight.

Looks like future Creed might be a woman. They didn't try to set it up like that, but feels like it will happen.
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Mummies (2023)
Low Ratings = Low IQ + 0 Heart
2 March 2023
Honestly, I don't understand the super low ratings. I would say they need to see a shrink. Honestly, I mean that.

I read reviews before going. Some said "no mummies". Hmm, kinda odd, but it's free to see, so give it a shot. If it sucks, just walk out like you did with Infinity Pool.

There are mummies. And it was interesting seeing them in modern times. Instagram, Facebook, and slang meant nothing to them. Cars with no horses confused them.

Very comedic watching them adjust and the relationship between the "lovers". It was heartwarming story watching their relationship develop. Beautiful love story and a man who redeems the bravery he lost.

Is it really a 10? I don't know, but it is a really good movie. See it to feel it and believe it.
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First Time, Watched 45 minutes and
20 February 2023

Movie was kinda boring and was beginning to get interesting. I was worn-out and left. Decided I'd go again and start watching halfway because I have a monthly pass. Hey, maybe the last hour is amazing. But, I wanna start from where movie gets interesting, not the senseless and pointless first hour.

Went back today, and last hour was pretty good. They tried a little too hard to be funny. Yes, there were funny parts, but a little overkill. Attempt at humor felt forced sometimes. Relationships between people should have been the focus, not humor. But, they do a decent job of developing relationships.
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Not a M. Night Shyamalan Fan
7 February 2023
Yeah, I loved Sixth Sense. Signs? I think I hated it. Others? Definitely cannot tell you one I'd want to see again.

Knock at the Cabin? I'd see again.

I have a monthly pass, so if I don't like a movie (Infinity Pool), I will just leave. I read reviews before going. Reviews were too many Shyamalan fans. In some ways, that helped. They didn't necessarily think it was great or perfect.

Yeah, I knew the main plot, but how are we going to get there? And where are we going to get? Whatever you think this movie is about, you will not know what it is until you see it.

Additionally, there were small parts going back in time with the family. This made the movie more interesting because you cared more about the dads and their daughter. It also sets up for the ending.
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Missing (I) (2023)
Not Perfect, but Very Interesting
6 February 2023
Saw the preview a bunch at the theatre. Zero memory of what I thought about this movie. If anything, I think I didn't care to see it. But, I do remember the first time seeing a preview because Cartagena was part of the story. Earlier that day I had decided I wanted to go there.

Reading a few reviews on here pushed me to give Missing a try instead of seeing Knock at the Cabin or 80s for Brady. I have a monthly pass, so can see any movie as many times as I want. If Missing bores me, then I'll leave and go see another movie. Last week did that when watching Infinity Pool. Avoid that movie!!!

First act dragged you in. Great job of setting up up the characters and relationships. Got me interested in seeing what happens.

If you didn't know, this is a mystery movie. You want to pay attention to understand the plot points and twists. It keeps you guessing what's going to happen.

Go. Check in and STAY TUNED!!!
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See it to Feel it to Believe it
4 February 2023
Previews didn't tell us much about what it was about. This is a good thing. Thought I was just going to see a move of Otto being a dick and for whatever reason he becomes a nice guy. Hmm, maybe it will be interesting or maybe just annoying like most movies these days. Whatever, if it's boring and annoying, just leave because your monthly pass lets you see whatever movie whenever you want. Go to another one if this sucks.

I liked Otto being a dick. It was funny. He was very on point, but annoyingly strict to others. Great thing about this movie is they replay parts of his past with his wife. From this, you see their beautiful relationship and learn why he is the way he is. There are real reasons to why he is the way he is. And those reasons from the past relate 100% to relationships with neighbors now. All of this comes together for Otto to change.

You gotta see it to believe it to feel it.
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Infinity Pool (2023)
Left at Halftime
31 January 2023
Will I go back to watch the second half? Maybe, because I have a monthly pass, so it's free. Part of me wants to go back and watch the second half, because maybe it all comes together perfectly in the end. Maybe I'll go. Maybe I won't.

Pros Music and cinematography are very appealing. The sounds and visuals catch your ears and eyes. Interesting scene here and there.

Cons Story and plot.

Hard to know where to begin to shoot holes in the story. Yes, there are interesting parts to it. Unfortunately, it feels like they were sitting around stoned and just coming up with new parts whenever they were "inspired". The parts just did NOT fit together. Yes, part of storytelling is to give you bits and pieces here and there to keep you intrigued and guessing. Yes, I was intrigued and guessing. But, it become so random that I didn't care anymore.
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House Party (I) (2023)
late night and stoned
15 January 2023
So maybe that's why story kind of didn't make sense? There are a lot of holes in the stories. A lot. Kind of feels like they created a great story. Sat down, got stoned, and then just randomly added things.

The holes and random things do NOT take away from the stories. They make the movie odd at many points, but they also make the stories interesting.

There are subplots to the plot that make the movie interesting. Relationships matter and it's nice seeing them develop and guessing what will happen next. Good thing about the movie, you cannot guess what will happen next. You can guess, and you'll be wrong.

Overall, it ain't perfect, but it's funny and entertaining.
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The Night Before (II) (2015)
I'm Jewish and Planned to
25 December 2022
Shroom today. Haven't yet, but this movie inspired me to do it. Probably will shroom and watch again.

Funny, and touching movie. Seth calls his infant a cunt while on drugs. This fits perfectly into the story in the end. Well, now you know what journey you're going on. And this movie has many little stories which all fit together perfectly in the end.

What rating is this movie? It might not be for kids. But I just watched new Puss in Boots movie and the kids surprisingly laughed at the parts for adults. This movie is lighter for kids, except for maybe the parts about drugs. Not sure kids would understand the use of drugs or not.

Happy Kwanzaa!
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unexpectedly GOOD for adults and kids
24 December 2022
FYI, surprisingly, kids understood jokes aimed at adults. Yes, there are spots of the movies where it's hard to know what they understand because ideas aim at us adults. But, I think the kids still understood it enjoyed the deeper parts.

Personally, the movie was very fitting. Like Puss, I'm also trying to find out who I am and who I want to be in life. This was our journey.

The stories have great connections romantically, between rivals and newcomers. The stories are about bringing all of us together despite what happened in the past. The stories come together about building a better future for ALL OF US. Let go of selfish wants and desires, focus on OTHERS and let's work together for a better future!
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Glass Onion (2022)
Glass Onion better than Knives Out
28 November 2022
Go watch and find out why!

Ok, I only watched Knives Out because Glass Onion had a very good cast. I knew I didn't have to watch it first, but did.

When I began watching Knives Out, I had ZERO idea what kind of movie it was. ZERO. It is a great movie.

Since I saw Knives Out, I knew I had to really pay attention to every little detail. 1/2 the fun was trying to figure out who is who and what do they want?!?! So, maybe I liked Glass Onion more because I paid more attention.

Great acting, plots with twists, and a few unforeseeable developments. You won't be able to guess some of what's going on. No Way! Even when you know more things, it's still tough to figure out what is everybody's plan?

Go watch to find out their plans!
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