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When does "art" just become stupid
21 June 2022
The answer is... this movie. People may say "yeah but it's art" bla bla, which is just an excuse for getting away with pure crap. All it has is "shocking" moments... great ... but it lacks a story, it lacks taste, it lacks a plot... it's just boring bits edited together with shocking bits and then some more boring bits. You just get thrown in the middle of it and there's no explanation or anything that ties is together. I stayed till the end thinking there must be a point to it all, it has to get better, but it doesn't. No wonder people are walking out on this movie. There are plenty of low budget horror movies that do a better job, without being artsy and pretentious. I'd rather watch cannibal holocaust again than this crap... and that says a lot. I'd rather stick forks in both my eyes, than endure this crap.
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Shameless (2011–2021)
Great until season 9
18 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent, gritty, grimy comedy/drama up until when Fiona leaves the show at the end of season 9. I would have given it a 10 out of 10. But her antics, struggles and drama kept the show in balance, so after she left it leaned more and more to lame/dumb comedy. It lost all the grittiness, nudity, and everything that made it different than a regular sitcom. The last 2 seasons were barely a 7, but with 9 excellent seasons I gave it an 8.
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4400 (2021–2022)
If you remake it, then at least do something better
8 February 2022
The original was way better than this PC crap. Where the original had a great buildup, this version goes straight to the point. Where the original was immersive, this version is just shallow.

The original was exciting, this one is just stupid. Etc etc etc And the whole politically correct thing is just too forced and obvious to a point where it just makes the characters predictable and flat. It just really adds no value at all. Diversity is needed, but then do it well...
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Eternals (2021)
Sloooooow but ended up good
7 November 2021
In a nutshell; Great start, very slow buildup in the middle, but great last hour. This made the movie feel a bit long.

Great effects and diversity of the actors/characters was good although I felt Angelina and Salma were not in their element. Hope the next one has a better pace.
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Some ok moments, but the score/music ruins it
5 November 2021
Has a few moments, but the music is totally out of context. I love hiphop, reggae, and modern score etc but it just doesn't belong in a western, period. Whoever thought it would be cool, just really doesn't get it. It completely undermines the time and setting of the movie and adds nothing. I get its a blaxploitation flick but they could have chosen something closer to the time/era. Even an old blues song, although also another era, would have done it more justice. Or just simple vocals...

The costumes, camerawork, action and even some of the acting was decent, but In my opinion the music/score just made it stupid...
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Wow...just WOW!
11 September 2021
This is by far THE BEST marvel movie there is! And yes, I've seen them all. And no, I'm not asian.
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Stop cancelling shows after 1 season, Netflix!!!!
2 August 2021
Come on Netflix, this is recurring trend...please stop cancelling after 1 season!! This was a good show and there is plenty of crap you can cancel and nobody would care.
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The Mosquito Coast (2021–2023)
Still don't know why they're running
8 June 2021
Why are they running? The show is just vague and it never gets answered. The only reason I kept watching was to find out what made them so important...are they really saving that for the next season?!
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Home (2020– )
14 June 2020
The houses are beautiful/spectacular etc. But the show focuses too much on the owners, if not almost entirely...who are all huge ego's, and love talking about how brilliant they are. With their friends and mothers being interviewed saying things like "he was always different/special" blah blah. Seriously, this is cringing. There are much better shows that focus on the house rather than the person who (barely) "thought" of it.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
What just happened?!
30 April 2019
As someone that also read the books, I was disappointed when they started diverting from those books, but understood why, and accepted it because the show was still awesome. But unless they have some seriously brilliant twist in the next episode, it's safe to say they ruined everything they've been building up for the last 8 years. The writing was terrible, too hasty (or too slow and filling time) and just too 'Hollywood'. Also the music/score was totally out of place. After all the buildup and fuss, it just feels below par and like they dropped the ball on the writing, production, score, post-production etc. And now that I think of it, after seeing last nights episode, what's up with the first 2 episode's?! To go from a very slow buildup in the first 2 episode's, to let's make everything happen in the third episode and "wrap it up", just doesn't make sense. And is there anything interesting left to show for the remaining 3 episodes? Let's see.

I still gave it a 4 star rating because it was 'entertaining' and for the efforts of the actors and all the people working on GOT, but this is nothing like the last 7 seasons.
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