
21 Reviews
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NY Ninja Cheese
6 November 2021
It was an incredibly weird experience. From some of the goofiest looking gang members, bad fight chorerography, and some atrocious dubbing, it was fun. I did love some of the locations they shot. New York city is a character in films shot there. Some great subway scenes to grafitti covered alleys. There is a large market out there for people that love bad films. This should be up there on the list. Almost forgot about the cheesy 80's music. You may enjoy this just for the laughably bad acting, script, and overall strange characters.
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Cry Macho (2021)
Does the rooster deserve an Oscar
20 September 2021
Vapid, banal film. The best thing about this film was the roosters performance. Hardly a good enough reason to sit through this tripe.
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Epitomy of Stupid
25 June 2021
These clowns lost the plot 6-7 films back. I sincerely wish I could make a living at being that goddamn stupid. At least I have my dignity.
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Fight Injustice
19 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Compelling film on the benefits of medical marijuana, and it's extracts. I had a great deal of difficulty watching this film. It's terrible to see what some children have to go through, in dealing with their conditions. As a parent, I can't even begin to fathom what the parents of a sick child have to endure. It was heartbreaking.

It's disturbing to see the arrogance of our governments, to assume they know what is best for you, and your child. They are all too ready to harm a child, in the guise of saving that child. I guess we are all just owned by our governments.

I feel this film will help dispell some of the bad myths about marijuana, and it's possible benefits. Everyone should see this film.
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Solid Movie
6 June 2021
I enjoyed this film. Engaging storyline, with well rounded characters. I thought the cast was fantastic. It was good to see Lara Flynn Boyle back onscreen in a film. I thought the real standout actor was Ronnie Gene Blevins. He gave a great performance, and I'm looking forward to seeing his future projects.

Without giving any spoilers, it was a very satisfying ending, to a good story.
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5 March 2021
I correctly predicted that this would be a pathetic attempt at a sequel. No effort was put in this production. It was just a money grab. You would be better off watching your cat eat its own crap, than waste time on this garbage. I assure you, in the future I will be avoiding any vehicle that has Eddie Murphy as a so called actor. The 80's are over Eddie. Time to call it a day, you hack!
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Starts out great...but
6 February 2020
I was waiting to see this, with great hopes of something good. It started out great, funny, wild, then just went downhill after 15 minutes. I could barely make it through to the end. As usual, a big disappointment from mainstream filmmakers.
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John Henry (2020)
Ill conceived stupidity
28 January 2020
Terry Crews as folklore hero, John Henry. Unfortunately, this film is far from a steel driving man character type. A silly story, with silly characters. It felt like an 8 year old wrote this story, and script. Lousy dialogue, lousy characters, and lacking a cohesive story. I did enjoy Ken Foree's performance, but it wasn't enough to save this crappy film. Anything for a buck filmmaking.
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Line of Duty (2019)
4 January 2020
One has to question the intelligence of whomever approves these scripts and plots. Implausible plot, continuity errors, bad jokes, not the greatest cast of actors. Combined, it stank on ice. It was plain stupid. Once again proving that nobody cares about the films they release. Instead, they depend on a stars name to try and sell the crap to the public. Thanks for nothing!
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Leslie Small's shame
17 November 2019
This ill conceived production is a joke, but not a funny one. It's a shadow of the original Undercover Brother. Cheap looking production values, lousy jokes, and piss poor acting. Even the wigs were bad looking. It felt like the cast and crew only wanted to pick up a paycheck, hit the craft table, and get the hell out of there. Director Leslie Small should of requested an Alan Smithee credit. To be honest, I couldn't finish watching this garbage. I only made it 30 minutes in, and couldn't stand it anymore. I will add Leslie Small, as director, to my list of films to avoid.
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Batmania from Comics to Screen
9 November 2019
Short documentary on the history of the comic book hero, Batman. This covers its root as an idea by Bob Kane, who was inspired by Mary Roberts Rinehart's book, stage play, and silent films, up to the 1989 release of Tim Burton's Batman. There is some interesting old footage, and it goes into a little more detail on the early days of Batman, than the documentary Holy Batmania. Although both are very similar. This is a fun watch if you are a fan of the Batman character.
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Holy Batmania (1989 Video)
Holy documentary, Batman
6 November 2019
A brief documentary of the Batman character created by artist Bob Kane, and writer Bill Finger, the growth of the franchise, and its impact on the fans. A collection of clips, photographs, and fans home movies. It touches on Batmans comic book roots back in 1939, to the release of Tim Burtons 1989 Batman. It's a wonderful nostalgic look at all aspects of the tv shows, and films. Many clips of the great actors that appeared in the TV series, right up to Michael Keaton, and Jack Nicholson. This is well worth a watch, if you can find a copy.
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Misleading series title
1 November 2019
This poorly written series is a joke. Repeticious narration backed up with nonsensical so called experts. It's dificult to take this seriously when their idea of an engineering catastrophe is potholes in a city., with the story backed up by neuroscientists and physicists....what the hell! Stupidity like this show is the reason I cut off my cable in 2001. Tv is just utter garbage nowadays.
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10 minutes was all I could stand
2 October 2019
I find as my life is getting shorter, I have less patience with wasting time watching garbage. If it doesn't grab me in the first 10 minutes, then I'm not wasting another 80 - 120 minutes finishing a film. This is one of those cases. I'm astounded that anyone hires Bruce Willis anymore. He has been doing the same tired "I'm a badass" routine for the last 25 years. He isn't entertaining. He just floats along on whatever name he made 30 years ago. As I can't give an honest review without actually finishing a film, I just have to say, 10 minutes of this was awful. Watch at your own risk. Willis, do us all a favor, and retire...signed, The World
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A thorough analysis
31 August 2019
For the sake of brevity, this wonderfully vapid film reminded me of something I scraped off my shoe at the dog park.
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Cola Wars (2019 TV Movie)
Cola Wars Coke vs Pepsi
26 August 2019
This documentary about the clash between cola companies, is mildly interesting at best. It seemed heavily skewed towards promoting Pepsi, and stepping on Coca Cola. I did enjoy the nostalgic look at the old cola advertising commercials from the 70s-80s. If you think a documentary about sugar water can be interesting, then you may enjoy this film.
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Night Hunter (2018)
Poor effort
11 August 2019
I went into this as a fan of Ben Kingsley, and Stanley Tucci. Unfortunately, this erratic, confusing film was a disappointment. I don't know if the director, or editor, or both were to blame. Audio quality was poor. I thought Brendan Fletcher did a great job in his role, as the psychotic protaganist. I'm confused as to why they are able to get Ben Kingsley, and give him nothing with which to work. Given David Raymonds track record in film, I don't understand why he was handed a stellar cast, and large production. All in all, this was a waste of celluoid, and my time. I gave it a 2, and that's only due to Ben Kingsley's appearance. That actor can do no wrong.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Cinematic drek
6 September 2017
As usual, the Hollywood hype on films is way out of line.This movie has all the charisma of a fart in the wind.Lousy script, lousy acting, but lots of CG razzle dazzle.I feel that they pump these superhero films out with little thought as to script and story.Just get em out fast must be the motto. One has to wonder if todays generation give these films a high rating, due to the fact that they haven't actually seen a good film in the last 20 years.It's just the status quo in cinema to just make money, thoughtful, entertaining films be damned! Anyways, I'm done with the whole DC/Marvel BS.They can kiss my rusty sheriffs badge if they want my movie money in the future.
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Should of been released directly to beta max tape.
19 August 2016
This latest sequel to ID4 is an atrocious attempt at film making.It reminded me of something that you need to scrape off your shoe, due to the bad odour. I couldn't finish watching this, as it just made me angry.At least Mr Brent Spiner gave some comic relief.Not sure who most of the actors in this were, other than Goldblum and Hirsch.Pullman...who cares?

Once again Hollywood/Fox Pictures appears to be run by mentally deficient executives, directors, producers etc.Way to go, clowns!

My only question is how do I get a high paying film production job, where I sit around with my thumb up my fat Hollywood ass?
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Big Game (2014)
Whatta joke
22 March 2016
I believe if Ed Wood watched this,he would grimace. Any semblance of reality,or continuity,is seriously lacking in this steaming pile.Everything from the string phone,to a freezer on a mountain top.Complete lack of US,or Finnish troops searching for a lost president.The president flying through a forest riding in a freezer...just wow! The only saving grace was the young actor,Onni Tommila,in his role as Oskari.I'll be looking for him in a 2016 release coming out.I thought he did a wonderful job.He's the only reason I gave this a 1 rating. You would have to pay me at least $50 to watch this again. I'm curious as to how many folks asked for their money back at the theatre???
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What will Richard do to keep his wife happy
24 February 2016
The Alexander Dumas story,adapted to stink on ice.This trash was written by Richard Pryors wife,Flynn Belaine Pryor.He married this woman not once,but twice.I get the impression Pryor was pressured by his wife to appear in this film.It appears to be shot on a budget of $17 US.Can't see what's going on most of the time due to poor lighting.Crappy acting,crappy costumes.Production values...huh??

The great Renaldo Rey appears as King Alberto Nacho.This film is just a little oddity with the freakin' legend,Richard Pryor.Very much worthwhile to see,if only for Mr. Pryor,and the laughs at how badly made The Three Muscatels is.Contender for worlds worst movie marathons.I love it.
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