
21 Reviews
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Why I GIve It A Ten
24 December 2006
As I write this I am aware that the vote is averaging 6.3. If you could see my voting record you would know that I do not give a high vote easily. So why do I see this so differently than many of you. Is it because I am a devout Christian? I did not give the PAssion of the Christ a very high rating. So i feel that I can be even handed in seeing this as what it is.

1. I think that Ciaran Hinds played Herod as well as I have ever seen. The paranoia, and menace came through so well.

2. I think Elliot Davis' cinematography was beautiful. It made me feel that I was in a renaissance painting.

3. I was moved emotionally - which is not true of the Passion of the Christ movie.

4. The parts of the movie that were based on the Biblw were accurate - although I wished they had shown a choir of the heavenly host.

5. The parts of the movie that were based on conjecture or Catholic traditions were well thought out. I enjoyed the use of the Wise Men as comic relief.

I believe this movie so far is highly underrated.

Adny Smith
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Cars (2006)
Movie That Touches Heart and Funny Bone
17 June 2006
As far as pure devil may care humor goes, Over The Hedge is probably funnier, but Cars has good humor, but also touches the heart without being manipulative. The humor is obviously generated mostly by Tow Mater the Tow Truck whose voice is provided by Larry The Cable Guy. And the moral of the story is provided by the relationship of Speed Mcqueen the racer whose voice is Owen Wilson, and Doc Hudson whose voice is provided by Paul Newman. The moral can be summed up by the poet that wrote, "No man is an island unto himself". Rarely are our accomplishments the result of what we do alone - most successful people on sports, arts or business have people in the background doing a lot of support work.

So this movie works on the level of a humorous story, good moral point, great art work, and last but not least a very good sound track. The remake of Route 66 is very good. Based on these qualities I give the movie a "9".
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Formulaic Spielberg
24 July 2005
Have you had a well made meal and you knew the chef was talented, but in the end there was not anything unique or special about the meal? That was how this movie was. If it had been made in the 70's it would be considered great but there is so much Spielberg formula about it. It is like Jurassic Park but the dinosaurs are aliens this time. You had the 2 kids, the distant male father figure who was not emotionally available to the kids, the crowds going nuts scene - The same things we saw in Close Encounters; E.T., - yada, yada, yada...

I never warmed up to Tom Cruise's character; and it seems the only person trying to act was Dakota Fanning.

Is the movie worth seeing? Yes. Will you regret going to it? No. Will I buy the DVD? Definitely Not.

I would like to see Spielberg do something like Color Purple again.

Andy Smith
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What a Waste of Talent (Warning Spoiler)
29 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
There is no question that Kelsey Grammar, Jason Alexander, and Alan Menken are talented people. But this rendition of the Christmas Carol may be the very worst I have ever seen. It stank. The line deliveries were flat. There was no passion in the characters or in the lines that were given. I've seen better acting in kindergarten plays.

I suspect the problem is that the above people are more steeped in comedy and light hearted musicals. The Christmas Carol is serious and needs passion.

I recommend my favorite version - the 1970 Albert Finney version called "Scrooge". The Allistair Sims version, or George C. Scott version are far better than this production. The Mr McGoo version was better than this version.

Andy Smith
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The Notebook (2004)
My Nomination for Academy Award
17 July 2004
This may be the best movie I have seen in 30 years. The things I liked about it

1. Gena Rowlands and James Garner were masterful. They exuded true chemistry, and they were able to bring out the emotion of the story without being maudling and without being manipulative. I believe that they are shoo-ins for nominations for academy awards. He modeled tenderness and love in a way that I hope husbands of aging wives will learn from.

2. I liked the fact that Lon was not one dimensional. He loved Allie enough to let her go.

3. I liked the way that Allie's mother was able to show her that she understood the difficult choice Allie had to make between Noah and Lon. She admitted her mistake about not being honest with Allie when she presented the letters.

Questions left unanswered:

1. Did Noah work in the lumber mill for the rest of his life? I doubt he could have provided like he did in such a job. Would liked to have known his occupation.

2. What happened to Noah's mother?

One thing I did not like.

1. I appreciated that there was no nudity (no, I am not an old fogey). But can we not understand that characters in movies are having sexual encounters with having to feel like voyeurs. When Rhett grabbed Scarlet and carried her up the stairs we knew what was going on without full graphics. Can we go back to panning the cameras to the shadows or the moon.

Even so this is a great movie - should become a classic. I give it a 10.

Andy Smith
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Great Movie
20 June 2004
I have rarely see a movie that is as good as the book - our imaginations is better than a camera. But many movies based on novels are in themselves good and compelling. Although some of the passion of the book is missing; I still very much enjoyed this adaptation and give it a 10.

Jim Caviezel is an excellent actor and does a wonderful job in portraying the change from a carefree young man to an embittered man, but yet a man that is redeemed from the hatred by the love of a woman who tried to be true under duress of the situation they found themselves in.

The actress (I cannot spell her name) who played Mercedes was appropriately restrained in her portrayal of a woman in love who was not in control of her circumstances.

Luis Guzman did a very fine job as the Count's servant.

I highly recommend this movie.

Andy Smith
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Good Movie - Existential Theology
20 June 2004
When God (Dustin Hoffman) challenges Joan of Arc's (Milla Jovanovich - spelling ?) understanding of finding a sword in the field, what he does is say that reality is what we want to see - not necessarily what is. Jean Paul Sartre would be proud - Kirkegard would roll over in his grave.

A young girl confused about her purpose in life could not lead the French to victory - God is not wishy washy about what he calls us to do. But beyond the weak theology; this is an excellent film - well written, great acting - yes I even enjoyed Hoffman's portrayal of God.

This story surrounds Joan of Arc's quest to drive out the British from 15th Century France to establish Charles the VII as king of France. In the process she also avenges her sister's rape and death at the hands of a British soldier. Joan's possible self doubt and confusion is well portrayed by Jovanovich.

The good news is that there is no gratuitous nudity.

The bad news is that there is much blood and gore - but I have seen worse (such as Saving Private Ryan.

There is also much use of the F--- word which is derived from the 17th Century reason for punishment of people "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge". So the use of that word I believe is anachronistic.

Even though; I enjoyed the movie and recommend it to mature audiences.

Andy Smith
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What A Stinkeroo!!! - A Real Dud!!!
19 June 2004
I have been impressed by recent Disney remakes (Annie, and Music Man) -but this is pathetic - I suggest that you save your money and rent David Niven's original version. At least Niven can act.

Steve Coogan could have easily been replaced with a brick and no loss in the acting ability. A cute face and a nice smile does not make you an actor.

Jackie Chan was stereotypical, and the fighting scenes became ho-hum. There was nothing truly new or whimsical about the scenes; and the attempts at slapstick fell flat.

Cecil de France did attempt to act and tried to make the movie interesting but could not overcome the ineffectual acting of Coogan and Chan. I hope she will get into a better movie in the near future.

The only funny part was Rob Schneider in San Francisco which at moments was reminiscent of Michael Keaton as Beetle Jeuse.

I hope Arnold Shwarzennagger (No I cannot spell) can do a better job of saving California than he did in saving this movie - because he failed.

Andy Smith
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Did not enjoy as much as the first 2
19 June 2004
I would prefer Chris Columbus to direct the next Harry Potter installment. I found this installment slow and plodding. Everyone says that this installment is darker - well - Duh! - the third book is darker. I found the actors less like they are making new discoveries about themselves as budding wizards and more like bored old pros. Because of this shift, the devil-may-care feel of the first 2 seems to be lost.

What seem to be a balance in the first 2 movies between what appealed to adults and to younger viewers was skewed in this movie toward adults.

I found myself several times bored and falling asleep during this movie. I look forward to the next episode of Harry Potter - Hope Chris is back.

Andy Smith
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Troy (2004)
True Shakespearean Tragedy
31 May 2004
I saw this movie as a Shakespearean Tragedy in that the major characters had fatal character flaws that ultimately controlled their destiny or demise. Achilles' (Brad Pitt) flaw was his pride concerning his ability to fight. Hector's (Eric Bana)flaw was his loyalty to family even when they were screwing up. Paris' (Orlando Bloom) flaw was the fact that he was a wuss - he did better later in the movie so long as it did not involve hand to hand combat.

In my opinion there were 2 major problems with this film. One is that it never invoked an emotional quality that made you care. Epics such as Saving Private Ryan or Master and Commander both drew the viewer in emotionally. Second, all of the actors have given better performances in other movies. For instance, there was a scene in which Drad Pitt is trying to cry (I won't tell why to spoil any of the movie), but it almost seem that he was yawning instead. I kept thinking he needed to take lessons from his wife on how to cry on cue.

Over all I gave it a 7, and it is worth seeing once. But in all probability, I will not buy the video.

Andy Smith
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Shrek 2 (2004)
25 May 2004
It is hard to believe but Shrek 2 is better and funnier than the first. The humor was quick and truly unique. I had the best laughs that I have had in years.

My favorite charcters were the 3 blind mice and Pinnochio. As always Eddie Murphy was a stand out.

Of course the fairy godmother as treacherous is a new concept. And Prince Charming as self absorbed is refrshing.

I did feel the music was a little strained in its use and was better used in the first shrek.

This movie has something for every age - bith kids and parents will enjoy this movie.

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Van Helsing (2004)
Loved the Movie
15 May 2004
Kind of like Indiana Jones Meets Frankenstein ( and a lot of other horror monsters). Kate Beckinsale was gorgeous. The plot was good and well written. The acting was good (not great), but the special effects was well done.

I especially enjoyed the protryal of Frankenstein as basically good. And the actor playing Carl reminded me of Danny Kaye and was the glue that held the picture together. In fact I would say he stole the show.

If you like good wholesome monsterous adventure, then I recommend the movie So I am very surprised that most of the voters (with whom I agree 90% of the time) have rated this movie so low. I cannot see anyone rating this less than a 7. Even so I give it a 9.

Andy Smith
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Overall I Liked Jesus of Nazareth Better
1 March 2004
This is a great movie - but overall I prefer Jesus of Nazareth. I felt more emotion at the point of the crucifixion in Jesus of Nazareth because in essence I had spent 5 hours previously getting to know the personality of the man who was being crucified. In Passion, I liked the strength both physically and characteristically that Jim Caviezel (spelling?)exuded was the best of all Jesus' I have seen. I wish though I had seen more of the playfulness Jesus as seen when he was making the table. I wish I could have added the warmth of Bruce Marchiano as he portrayed Jesus in the Matthew series.

The resurrection was the best I have seen - it was minimal and showed that after all was said and done, Jesus was still with us.

Maia Morgenstern was excellent. the actress playing Mary Magdalene was beautiful; but nowhere does the Bible say that she was the woman caught in adultery.

Satan was subtle and the best I have seen played as well.

Finally, I understand why Jews may be concerned about their portrayal in this movie. But my impression is that Mel Gibson actually played down the determination of the Jewish leaders to have Jesus killed. They violated many of the Roman and Jewish laws to have Jesus crucified. But we all have to remember that this execution was more politically motivated than religiously motivated. But Jesus was as determined to go to the cross as much as people were determined to put him there. It is almost as if Jesus committed suicide by Roman guard. It was his choice to die for the sins of humanity.

Andy Smith
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S.O.B. (1981)
Not A BAd Film
6 January 2004
I saw this film many years ago, and really liked it. Richard Mulligan as a Corpse on the back of a boat was a hoot. I cannot say that this is a film you just have to go out and see, but it is good for few laughs.
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Peter Pan (2003)
Loved it - Can't Wait to See it Again
2 January 2004
My impression is that this is the best adaptation of Peter Pan that I have seen - And I have seen them all. Some movies are all special effects - this movie has wonderful special effects and especially the fairies and Tinkerbell. Among the many parts of the movie I liked, I liked that the director was not afraid to bruise children's sensibilities by having a few pirates shot. So it is not squeaky clean and milk toast in style.

Andy Smith
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The Music Man (2003 TV Movie)
I Liked It
2 January 2004
I prefer this rendition of The Music Man over the 1962 version and give it an "8" for the following reasons:

1. I Liked Matthew Broderick's interpretation of Professor Hill better. Robert Preston played the sleazy part well, but still seemed sleazy and insincere about changing under the influence of Marion Paroo at the end. You could see a clear changing of attitude with Broderick. Furthermore Broderick did not overplay the character.

2. I Never warmed up to Shirley Jones in the role. Maybe because she was pregnant and they did not shoot below the waist. Kristin Chenowith (Spelling?) was much warmer.

3. The actor playing Marcellus was not better than Buddy Hacket but played the character differently. He did not try to imitate Hacket which is to his credit. And for the first time I actually understood the words to Shipoopy (Spelling?).

4. The casting seemd more appropriate for this production than the 1962 version. Robert Preston seemed too old for the part.

5. I felt sorry for the kid playing Winthrop. Ronny Howard owns that role. Paul Ford was better than Victor Garber (And I Like Garber); and Hermone Gingold was better than Molly Shannon. But they all did a good job and did not detract from the production.

So overall I give this one and "8".

Andy Smith
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The Wonderful World of Disney: Annie (1999)
Season 3, Episode 5
I LIked It Better than older Version
27 December 2003
When I saw this version in 1999, I immediately liked it better than the version with Carol Burnett and ALbert Finney (even though I am a big fan of both). There was an energy that I did not find in the 1977 version. Of course, this same energy was seen by the in the Musical "Chicago". No surprise that it was the same director.

I personally nave never seen a better reendition of "Easy Street" I give it an 8 and highly recommend this movie.

Andy Smith
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Santa Claus (1985)
What a Waste
29 November 2003
Considering the talented actors and wonderful special effects, you would think this would be a great movie. The problem is that the story line and plot is ridiculous. It is like taking a great idea aand giving it a Saturday morning cartoon plot. The sad thing is that the real story of Santa Claus as a 4th century bishop who became Santa Claus would have been a great story line. I Long for the day that someone actually does a credible movie about Santa Claus. Basically this movie stinks.
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Casablanca (1942)
Best Movie Ever (Don't Care What the AFI Thinks)
25 November 2003
I know that I cannot add anything to a discussion of this movie that has not probably been said before. But in my humble opinion, there is not a weak scene, not a weak actor, not a weak line in this whole movie. It is on my list of best movies ever as the best movie ever made so far. This includes Citizen Cane, Gone With The Wind, Godfather, etc.
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I Give it a 9 out of 10
23 November 2003
Just saw Master and Commander and feel that it is an excellent movie from the standpoint of acting, film making, and story. If you are not the kind who enjoys good character development then this movie may not be your cup of tea. But if you like a movie with both action, and one that challenges you to understand the characters then you will enjoy this movie immensely.

One other note - Although bloody at times; I felt that it was not gory as in Saving Private Ryan
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Scrooge (1970)
Greatest Christmas Movie Ever
22 November 2003
I disagree with all of the critics. I always felt that this was the best Christmas movie ever made. Albert Finney is an incredible actor and he brings the character of Scrooge to life more than any other actor has. I personally never liked the Alistir Sims portrayal. Like some of the other comments, my family has a yearly tradition of saving this Christmas movie for the last one of the season to really get us in the Christmas spirit.
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