
14 Reviews
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Bark! (2002)
5 October 2004
there is this awesome movie that is circling 'Starz and Encore' right now called Bark! about this lady who has a mental breakdown and believes that she is a dog. Has a great supporting cast including D'noffrio, Hank Azaria, Lisa Kudrow, as well as leading man Lee Tergesen {better known for his role as 'beacher' on 'OZ'} It has received shitty ratings, and well it is a very low budget piece of crap, but I loved it. It was a fun idea to play with, the chick who played the nut was believable. None of the characters were cardboard 2 dimensional things just there to waste time. All these odd ball people come together, for seemingly no reason, and the weirdest reasons of all, and it some how fits. Life is like that, but this had great emotional depth by Tergesen, and I'd never seen Kudrow in a sexier role. I have nothing but good things to say about all the actors in the flick, that's my 2 cents. GO SEE IT AND MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND IF YOU LIKE IT! DON'T LISTEN TO ME!
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Highway (I) (2002)
What do I say about HIGHWAY?
20 February 2004
It starts out with Pilot (Jake Gyllenhaal) pretending to be a valet to steal a car to give his pseudo-girlfriend Lucy (Arden Myrin) a ride to work. Next we see Jake (Jared Leto) playing out a sex fantasy with a Vegas Thug's wife. Both characters look exactly the same as children and as adults, which I find odd. I guess it is to inform the watchers that they are in fact the same people.

As Pilot and Jake leave are leaving town after finding out that they are being followed by the ‘thug's' goons, they meet up with a variety of people and situations. Jeremy Piven shines as Pilots drug dealer and provides a much needed comic relief. The movie moves very quickly and there is never a dull moment. As most movies that deal with road trips, the boys learn some valuable lessons about themselves and life in general. Most importantly that `You cannot run away from weakness; you must some time fight it out or perish; and if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?' –Robert Louis Stevenson; but at the same time, life is also in the journey. Taking it as it comes and doing the best we can. As long as we are true to ourselves everything else will fall into place. In this crazy world that's the only thing that we can depend on… things not working out the way we expect.
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Beautiful Film, left a lot unfinished...
8 February 2004
Wow. What can I say about this movie? It starts out exactly as the description describes. The acting and portrayal of this character by Samantha Morton was beautiful. The only problem that I had with this film was the progression of the character and the direction of the film. There were no intentions for her. So many loose ends though out the film, including where did she put the body when there was company?!? Its only savior was the cinematography. The shots and back drop was beautiful. One of my favorite scenes was when Morvena was sitting on the patio and sees a cockroach crawling on the floor out the corner of her eye, so she gets up and follows it out into a hall.

I gave it about a 5.5. I enjoyed the movie, but they could have done sooo much more with it. It was very slow to start and build the characters, as do many British films I have seen. The soundtrack was awesome too. The eclectic sounds with the images of the deserts in Spain made it worthwhile to watch, even re-watch. Perhaps some of my questions that demand answers will be concluded.
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Gothika (2003)
Trying TOO Hard!
26 January 2004
I went to see "Gothika". It was not as good as everyone else said. Granted I was an enjoyable 2 hours, but no more than late night television. There was A LOT of things going on in the begining, but the story itself seemed to stand still while all this flashy cinematography and Computer Graphics did all the work. Well, that's my 2 cents.
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Carandiru (2003)
Gruesome with a Touch of Heart!
26 January 2004
The movie turned out to be really good. I went to the special screening last Wednesday at the Magnolia. The movie was... different, not at all what I expected. There was hardly any background music; the mood was set directly from the scenes and the characters. It's going to be released late spring, so I do not want to give too much of it away. :) It was a horrific story, a true story. At times I wanted (and did) scream out. Other times the theater was filled with a nervous laughter, followed by gasps. The movie made you feel sentimental towards the characters, showing glimpses of whom they were, inside and out the Center, but at the same time making you despise them for the terrible crimes that they had committed and showed no remorse for.

Afterwards the director was there. He had flown in all the way from Brazil. When asked what his intended message of the movie was, he said "Message!? If I wanted to send I message I would go to the Post Office!" Also he stated that the destruction of the detention center, Carandiru, was an important step in their government. The place wasn't even a prison. I was a holding place for criminals before they even had a sentence. The place was only destroyed about a year ago. He just wanted to share it with others; I implied that it was for everyone to learn from instead of actually having to live it themselves. All in all it was a much enjoyable evening. 9/10
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Nobody's Baby (2001)
Oldman is FABULOUS! Ulrich even makes due!
20 January 2004
I'm not much of a fan of Skeet Ulrich, but he did this one movie with Oldman and Mary Steenburgeon and the bad guy from the MASK (with Jim Carrey) called "Nobody's Baby". Ulrich and Oldman play a couple of orphans who nobody wants. When they get older, they stay in the system by doing stupid s*** and getting arrested. As they are being transported, another con brakes out and Ulrich has an opening to run, he does. He hikes and this man pulls over and says "If you fix my tire, I'll give you a ride." After he fixes the tire, the guy takes off. Later down the road he hitches with a truck and he's riding on the back of a moving van. The guy that stiffs him ends up right behind him. Ulrich gives him s***, flipping him off, mooning him, the guy gets p***ed off and swerves to cut the van off and detours into a ditch and kills everyone in the car. The van stops for a minuet, and then takes off like he doesn't want to see the cops. Ulrich jumps out to see if there are any surviors and hears the faint sound of a baby cry. He digs in through the car looking for it, and rescues just before situations get that much worse.

It was a wonderfully funny and moving comedy. Now, one of my personal favorites! I don't want to give anything else away, that was only the first 10 - 15 minuets of the movie! Enjoy!
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Keeps getting funnier, everytime I see it!
12 January 2004
Jack Lemmon has incredible comedic timing in this perfect example of Murphy TAKING OVER! From skipping dinner on the airplane, to... you will NEVER guess, this couple must manage thier way to New York because he has a job interview in the morning. Unfortunatley, with no luggage, and no room, they are forced to stay the night in the city park. A fabulous movie that always puts a smile on my face. Writing this is making me chuckle. Rent it, Buy it- but you will never regret it! 9/0.
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Unnerving and sad.
11 January 2004
I found this movie very sad and depressing. These actresses all had their spot light. Better Midler is an amazing, woman with presence. Even now, she walks into a room, and you FEEL it. Keaton and Hawn the same way. This movie points out that they are 'being replaced' in the public eye, by younger cuter things. The way that they shine on these magnificent actresses is disgraceful.

All the jokes are old and tired, My only favorite part is Balki as an Interior Designer. These actresses, with or without the age are as beautiful now as they were before, if not more so. As with any woman, beauty comes through at ANY age. There was even a 'cameo' if you want to call it that from Zsa Zsa Gabor. "Don't get mad, Get EVERYTHING!" Above all this movie sucks, the only reason I wven watched it all the way through, because I was frozen with fright (much like a deer in headlights) at what horrendous event they were going to make us deal with next. 4/10
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The Ref (1994)
Don't Make Me Nuts Today! It's Christmas!
8 January 2004
I swear to God lady, you smack that kid one more time and I'm gonna shove that pigs head, RIGHT UP YOUR ASS!

Caroline and Lloyd Chasseur (Davis and Spacey) are couple on their last thread. Throughout the years, they have lost eachother... and that's where the story starts in the shrinks office! After a dazzling display of verbal warfare where they take NO prisoners, they get kidnapped by a Gus (Dennis Leary)looking for a ride out of town after a short run in with 'cannibal' and his get away driver turned out to be a "no show".

It's Christmas Eve, a wonderfully open and loving night is planned, and then the guests arrive. Every "family dinamic" is represented in this film at it's best! The only family holiday movie that I have seen that was close to this good was "Home For The Holidays" (with Holly Hunter and Robert Downey Jr.) Throw in loud obnoxious kids, a juvinelle dilenquent, bumbling cops, and a drunk farting Santa, and you get the BEST FAMILY HOLIDAY MOVIE EVER!!!

Rated R: Only because of the laungage, in case peopole did not denote the tone of sarcasm in my voice...

I give it a 10/10. I've seen it a million times, and I laugh out loud thinking of it. :- D

Merry Christmas!

This is my all time favorite movie. I know it all of it. It is the perfect christmas movie. I saw it for the first time about 7 years ago and it has been part of my life ever since. There are so many GREAT lines in it. The dialouge, the actors, the chemistry, everyone works great together. Glynis Johns is awesome as the love to hate mother-in-law-from-hell!
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Expressions and chemistry makes this a gem to watch!
30 December 2003
Wonderful movie. I had never seen a 'Katharine Hepburn' movie, but have heard so many fasinating things about her, and her career, I had to watch it. I was laughing hard! James Stewart as Conner was astounding. The dialouge was bouncy and playful. One scene, Hepburn's screen mother comes in and says to Cary Grant, "Dexter, can't you remove yourself?" and preceeds to duck down under some tables. It is now a favorite. 8/10
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Comedic Take Takes The Cake
14 December 2003
A lively comedy that was taken from Alfred Hitchcock's "Strangers on a Train" which has a clip showing at a Drive-In while they are on a kiddie train. Very entertaining and Devito's MOTHER!!! I'd a pushed the bitch of a train years ago!!! I give it a 6/10
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Makes me want to bet against my soul.
14 December 2003
This movie makes me want to fall in love all over again!I am naming my next daughter "Adelaide". Just so that someone who sings like Ol Blue eyes can swoon her one day, and feel the butterflies I felt hearing it sung, and it wasn't even to me! I give it a 9/10
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Lovely Film
14 December 2003
Was very exciting and funny. I did not much enjoy the way that it ended, but do appreciate why it would have been ended that way. Veronica lake didn't have a huge role in this movie, but she looked so sweet dressed like a young hobo man. Even with dirt on her face she shines! I liked the originality of the storyline. I don't like to read about movies before I see them, that way I am surprised at the things I should be surprised about, so I'm not going to give anything else away. I do highly recommend it. At least once! I give it a 8/10.
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Wonderfully Surprising!
14 December 2003
I was watching it, randomly switching channels.

Opening scene is this introduction, that you read and it came across as a serious balls-to-the-wall drama. It gained my curiosity as to what kind of movie could be taking itself THIS seriously! Next scene is Montgomery boxing, playing a sax, and flying an airplane. It was funny, the banter was excellent, and I was laughing out loud.

10 mins later he dies!

The movie had so many 180' turns in it, but they all flow and keeps the viewers on their toes, at least it did me. I literally cried at times, and then the next scene had me hurting with laughter. The supporting cast, especially; Edward Everett Horton, James Gleason, and Evelyn Keyes were magnificent! This has now become one of my favorite movies! I give it a 9/10.
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