
3 Reviews
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Zombie 3 (1988)
I liked this Film
8 October 2004
This little gem surprised me. I rolled my eyes several times during Resident Evil 2 and left the theatre wanting my money back but this film with crappy over art and silly zombies won me over. Don't get me wrong.....the film is below B Grade but i foud it a lot faster and far more suspenseful than Zombie 2. I would even put it above Demons 2. I mean com' would suck having to run from zombies in waist deep water when they are coming at you that fast. These things were everywhere too. I don't know. I felt like a little kid again watching this. The music is tacky at times but derivitive of Goblin and there is a line stolen from Return of the Living Dead but give it a shot. All aspiring horror filmmakers can learn a lot from this film. As many do's as there are don not's.
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The Doorway (2000)
This movie is awful. Awful, awful, awful.
18 August 2004
This movie is an unredeemable piece of crappy crap, crap. The acting, directing, script and special effects were strictly amateur night. I am shocked and appalled that a credible station in Canada actually played this as it's Friday night feature. Yikes! Even the T&A aspect is tainted here....these "actors" think they are in a good movie! The title of this film should have been "Duped" because these hacks were being exploited by incompetent filmmakers. None of these actresses have done anything note worthy since (excluding lap dances) and the producers must have had a picture of Roy Scheider's agent with a donkey in order to book him for material this low. If you want T&A I'd advise you to rent a porno film instead. They have higher production values, better performances, the women are more appealing and it's not as embarrassing to leave the video store with. This shameful trash is a true blow to the horror genre. Avoid at all costs!
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The Mangler (1995)
A pleasant surprise
2 November 2003
I picked this one up in a hurry six years ago and now it sits in my living room. I expected a snore-fest but was surprised by how the filmmakers made such a silly premise both entertaining and somewhat original. Odd cast as well: Freddy vs. Buffalo Bill? -and who is this Matmor character? This movie was an hour and a half of unapologetic misery with above average writing, performances and special effects at a time where Stephen Kings work was being pushed onto TV in the form of Diluted MOW garbage. Not for everyone, but in the eyes of a horror fan it is fair to say that it could be Tobe Hooper's best work in years.
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