
7 Reviews
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gash! pure gash
14 May 2012
LOL u remember the days of the early 70's horror films where Christopher Reeve played Dracula & you see a bat fly around the room and you just KNOW that someone is in the ceiling holding a stick with some fishing line on it flying this bat around! well this is kinda THAT type of film! the type where the blood on the floor looked what it was "Fake blood" this is the film, i doubt they will ever make their money back on this film as its not funny its not scary and its not real in any sense! a few weeks ago i went to the cinema to watch battleship then the Avengers..battleship got a 7/10 the avengers a 10/10 where as this film i thought i would be generous and give it a 1/10 there is such a Tsunami of bad effects in it it made me laugh a little as some of the actors wasn't bad tbh and to be fare to them, but i do think the Goonies was more frightening then this
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The Avengers (2012)
Don't read any negative reviews they are from "Little people" who need to get out more!
12 May 2012
AMAZING! INCREDIBLE! FANTASTIC! AWESOME! Is what i would call this film! VERY VERY few plot holes in fact i only saw one which i wasn't sure if it was so i wont mention! this film took years too make & by god it shows it! its in the top 3 CGI films of ALL time! my top 3 would be: Terminator 2 Close Encounters of the Third kind Avengers (2012)

IF you are reading my review & come this far then i thank you for taking your time! One simple way to enjoy this film if you are going to the Cinema is DO NOT watch it in 2d! watch it in 3D if you can! have some food & Don't sit at the back & enjoy the film it REALLY is something else & a time when the movie makers are struggling they bring this BLOCKBUSTER out! On a serious note it wouldn't surprise me if this became the best box office takings of all time!
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The BEST sci fi film you will ever see DO NOT MISS THIS!
30 January 2012
I love Sci-Fi films they have this way of taking us into other worlds which are better then our own where things are so much better or the technologies are super times more advanced then our own, "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind" is in my opinion the best sci-fi film ever made! it was touch and go whether it was this film or Terminator (1984/1990) BUT close encounters won on the grounds of it been a film about hope whereas the terminator films was about carnage and Annihilation, Steven Spielberg in my opinion career started from this film! i honour that man so much for making this film, back in the early 80's & late 70's there was a handful of films that changed the way films are made & peoples attitudes towards films forever! & "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" did that to me! my ONLY gripe would of been to either to have a longer ending OR some 25+ years later have a sequel... but thats just my opinion...This film is in my list of top 10 films to see before you die & i'd place this as far at the top as it goes!!! don't rob yourself of not seeing this film! BUT in the same breathe please bare in mind the film was created in the 70's so the Special Effects was as good as it was back then!
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Take Shelter (2011)
ITs really good but VERY little action...
28 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am not a movie Buff or someone who sits and watches TV or films all day long I've simply got better things to do with my time, HOWEVER! i feel the need to review this film as its really interesting & out of respect to the actors & such like, with my review/s they are not smothered with over tedious cryptic words its just plain all English & here goes, "Take Shelter" is a film about a man mid 30's (Looks older) who is having visions of a near apocalyptic event/s he has a daughter who for some reasons maybe contributing to his visions due to possible mid life stress, He is a quiet guy that goes around doing his everyday life with a no questions asked approach, The film goes one and I've got to be honest about 30 mins into it my wife went to bed either from been tired or that the film was like watching paint dry? i have to admit the words "Omg nothing is happening" came to mind a few times in it BUT this is one of them films where you would have to watch a second time to link events in it, IF you are a "Final Destination" fan the avoid this at all costs as its not to be compared to it! this film offers almost no action and no ghost jumping at the camera scenes..But what it does offer is a decent story of how once in a while there is a person man or woman that is different to us all someone that see's between the lines of our ordinary lives.. There is people alive today that have a 6th Sense and this is kinda linked to that Phenomenon, the only thing i wished would of been changed would of been the ending! ( DO NOT READ ON IF YOU Don't WANT WANT ME TO SPOIL IT) But the film makers should of put more emphasis into the end & instead of having a 30 second "Oh he was right" script i would of liked to of seen more of the storm & seen them manage to get home in the shelter to open it the next day & EVERYTHING was flattened proving him right & so he then becomes somewhat of a hero as so many people listened to him...BUT no the film crew went with the idea of letting us decide with the reflections on a window/door what was happening & then to rob us all of been able to see the equivalent scenario would be of lets say Terminator (1984) where the big steel press comes down and squashed the robot freeing John connor's future and his mother..take it back a few minutes to where the robot is climbing inside the press & just as his mother is about to press the green button the film ends...thats what happened with "Take Shelter" i felt anyway....i did like it though i just wished for a longer more in depth ending? cause when the screen went black & the credits came down i was like "Hey? thats it?" but there was a storm brewing we need to see what happened and that this man is given his sanity back?? having read some other reviews on here some of them are stating its almost perfect?...i beg to differ!
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The Hunters (2011)
Oh 30+ mins into it & i am falling asleep...
29 December 2011
Well i am going to start this short review by typing it in two parts, one at the beginning and the other at the end, i am doing it this way because I've got 30 or so minutes into it & found it so boring im doing this review? So far the acting is dire! The actor named "Bernard" isn't convincing at all he is one of those actors who has ZERO facial expressions! & some of the roles he had was really not real for instance there is a part in the film where he is talking to the leading actor named "Chris Briant" in a courtyard, now they work for the government and yet "Bernard" is shouting out governmental information in front of other people walking past this wouldn't happen in real life! this kind of communication would be done behind closed doors! OK i cant i just cant take anymore! i watched another 10 mins and the lack of realistic acting & storyline is killing me! i will be taking this film back to the video shop and asking for my money back..Terrible! anyone that watches the FULL film should be given a medal! Its a shame cause there is some really good actors in there its just the rest that are not convincing..i'd give this a 3/10 for storyline with a 5/10 for the overall film...
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Red Dog (2011)
FANTASITC! & a true story!
29 November 2011
Been a dog lover and owned a dog similar to Red Dog (Real name KoKo)i thought i'd watch this as it looked OK, i didn't hear any reviews about it nor anywhere advertised? it was by pure luck i found this film and thats such a shame it hasn't been advertised on a wider scale!

Now i am not someone that watches films in fact it has been months since my last one so i am not the person who can tear a film apart & let me say this! IF anyone rates this film less than 8/10 they should get out more!

this film can be watched by ALL the family there is no nudity or swearing well just one or two words nothing really hardcore anyway, The film is as you would imagine about a dog but not a normal dog! no no no its "Red Dog" i wont spoilt the film but this film is a breathe of fresh air! the acting was faultless! and the plot was well canine lol..

I saw this at a place in the uk & i WILL be buying it out of respect to the actors and crew for making such a rare and really delightful film.. i was shocked to find that it WAS a true story? there is my description of "Red Dog" no point in me saying anymore apart from take an hour and a half out remember its a true story & then remember the words "A man's best friend is his DOG!

Thanks everyone that was involved in this film i will support you by buying this film on DVD and il let all my contacts know about it on my wall that its just lovely! well done Ko Ko!x
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Wolf Town (2011)
YAAAAAAWN!!!! We've seen it all before...
6 July 2011
Well as we get more advanced in CGI and other effects one would think that films would get better and more so typical predictable American films, Here we have Yet again a group of young adults find themselves looking for gold in an old American town they are all more or less models again as is the norm in American films?? no one seems to be ugly these days?, there is a mine there and they discover an old book from the residents that lived there many years ago, The town is deserted and this book explains why, i wont spoil the plot but its weak and as normal the people in the movie (x3 men x1 woman) all have to fight for their lives, there is NO special affects hardly any gore the plot is weak and its the kinda films where the girl is the spice of the film the men all want her and are been flirtatious with her, i reckon if you watched the first 5 minutes then skipped to the last 5 of the film you would be able to put together the complete story! if i was too of bought this on DVD or gone to the Cinema i would ask for my money back! I would like to of seen some even a sniff of originality on the film it did have potential to be a better film but lets be honest a film about wolfs is hardly head behind pillow is it, the camera work was pretty good and the sound was good too, i just wasn't convinced by the actors and the acting, there is a scene where one of the wolfs gets a licking off a chair leg by one of the guys AWEFULL realism! anyway i skipped more a less all over the film it was just so bland i reminded myself i need to decorate my house cause i spent more time looking around my room due to been so bored!
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