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The Batman (2022)
Punch a guy with 3cm finger nails
20 June 2023
Hollywood is doing one thing over and over again: they are just making a fool of themselves in every blockbuster. Imagine being a 150cm woman with max. 50kg and being able to fight a 100kg man who's 40cm taller KO. Isn't that enough? She has 3cm finger nails too. If you don't believe me, try to grow your nails for only a few mm and then make a punch. It's literally impossible. It's all getting more ridiculous and nobody bats an eye lid.

This Batman movie is every thing which is wrong with the new Hollywood. The ridiculous insistence on inclusivity. A love story out of nowhere in every movie. A depressive Batman who's mentally not strong as the real characters of old movies. And many more cliches with zero credibility.
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Physical: 100 (2023– )
Eveything that's gone wrong in the West
23 February 2023
First of all, this is without a doubt one of the best competitive sport shows that I've ever watched.

Before watching, I was very sceptical of the fact that men and women compete in the same competition because I thought they're now going to throw all this BS, that we hear in the West about inequality and bla bla bla, at the audience. But as an obvious cultured team of just athletes, they respect each other, compete without hesitation, win, lose and enjoy collectively, regardless of their sex.

To those who see the show negatively: watching this show must at least makes you think, that you need more than just one thing in the life to get successful. Power, endurance, precision, brain, speed, strategy, togetherness, etc. It should be motivating to reach higher levels.

I just pray to Lord that we in the West start to learn more about their culture and not the other way around.
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Have never missed an episode since 99, but what was this?!
26 January 2023
As a big fan of One Piece, who simply can't wait for the next Sunday to watch the next episode, I was deeply disappointed with Red. The first 60 minutes are absolute BS. You can just skip it and won't miss anything. I then watched the remaining minutes with my mouse on the +10sec increment button.

Uta is a character who has a 10min appearance in the whole One Piece saga. Basically coming out of nowhere. But apparently, the reason for that meaningless episode was to promote this movie. I would not waste a single minute on this movie and pray to the Lord, that the Japanese don't get infected by Hollywood and Disney.
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Glitch (2015–2019)
The curse of last season continues
17 April 2022
The 1st season is superb and the 2nd is very good. It's clearly a new idea and it's written/acted very well. I'd preferred it stayed a mystery but the writers decided to solve all the riddles in the last season and just like many other shows, it just ruins the whole saga.
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Tenet (2020)
I cried...bcoz it's that bad!
3 April 2022
I really enjoyed the complexity of Inception and the great idea behind the story. I also almost cried in the theatre after Interstellar was finished bcoz I was overwhelmed by the greatness of the movie. This time, I had a hard time watching this movie to the end. It starts very fast and doesn't let the viewer to jump into the story and it just gets complicated and more complicated. Making complicated plots just for the sake of it, does not necessarily make a movie great even if it's science fiction.

Take Pattinson and Baranagh aside, the acting is just terrible. Washington is emotionless and Debicki does not convincing enough in playing the wounded wife. To me, the worst Nolan movie ever.
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365 Days (2020)
I thought no means no!
16 July 2021
There is the endless indoctrination of radical feminists saying you must ask every woman for her approval before sex and there is 365 days. This is when the film industry does every thing to earn some bucks and then you realise it's all about money and power and the rest is just total BS!
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Brian Banks (2018)
The ugly face of MeToo
13 July 2021
In a world in which men are being hunted and the society takes every women's story under the mantle of MeToo into account without even using the good old justice system, it is a fresh breathe of air to watch the story of Brian Banks. A man whose life was almost destroyed by a lie, a hysteria waving through the world like a Tsunami called MeToo.
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Tried hard to be mysterious, but it's actually not
17 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At first I thought it's the same story as Disturbia with Shia LaBeouf, but it's not. It's even worse than that. It uses the same old cliché that all men are violent and women the victims. But that isn't just the problem. There are too many WTFs in this story. A woman who doesn't put a step outside of his house knows lots of things about his neighbours (she even knows how much they pay rent), she's obsessed with stalking them and is well educated too, but has never seen the neighbour's wife?! How stupid is just this idea! A secretary is pushed out of the window from the 5th floor, but nobody bats an eyelid and no one talks about it the whole movie! The police and all detectives know nothing about the crime despite the murder being a stupid young boy who may have left tens of traces behind! That just doesn't sound logical.

Watch it one time, forget it and all is good.
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Oxygen (2021)
Terrible, just terrible
13 May 2021
I believe all the high reviews are either Melanie Laurent's fanboys or just French. I had to watch this on 1.5x speed to shorten the torture it gave me and was more often tempted to jump to the end but normally I never do it. Don't waste your time on this and make a big row around it!
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Baywatch (2017)
Hollywood the biggest hypocrisy in the world!
6 February 2021
I'm not going to pretend that this is about movie making or whatever. Yes, I get it. It's only a bait for those who enjoy watching a few actresses and actors a bit naked. But that's exactly what it's all wrong about this movie. Hollywood, the biggest money making factory on the earth, which is vehemently calling for women rights and so on, which stands against all kinds of misuse of women and not objectifying them, with all their political agendas and virtue signalling all over the big stages, they themselves create a movie which has got nothing but objectifying women and men for box office. If this is not the biggest hypocrisy in the world, what else is it?
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When you know that a movie is a movie!
1 January 2021
I enjoy watching movies, have always done. But my joy of doing so has been trashed by the constant destruction of this beautiful art by the corrupt Hollywood in the last three decades, where most movies don't necessary represent the seventh art.

Vadim Perelman brings back the joy of watching movies back into my living room. After making the wonderful 'House of Sand and Fog', he's come back again with yet another beautifully done masterpiece. The directing, acting and the story telling are of the high level of it's own. He apparently (kind of) enjoys making movies about the Persians and the rich and beautiful language and culture of this ancient civilisation. Let the movie flow into your brain and heart and enjoy the heart warming and moving story between the....
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Modern feminism ruined it once again!
7 December 2020
Everything that gets touched by modern feminism gets destroyed. Be it a book, a myth, a legend, a story, the history or even an old movie. You want to have female heroes? No problem at all. But let the old ones alone and create your own if you're good at it. I'm sure there will be the next generation who'll like it. But let our old heroes from the good old days alone and don't destroy our childhood, boyhood, younghood dreams. The movie is beyond pathetic. Nothing to like about it. A waste of space and time. Let's don't forget that it was Arnold how made this movies great and replacing him with a female character is a failed attempt.
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Dark (2017–2020)
If you've seen your Ferrari, this is definitely the Bugatti of them all!
25 July 2020
There's been moments where I thought, there could never be anything better than this. I had one of these moments after watching "Dark" and I believe it's going to take a very very long time till I got the same feeling again.

Everything about "Dark" is just amazing and to the point of perfection well done. As an Engineer myself, I'd say German Engineering. The story, the making, the narration, character developing, the plot, the simplicity of the characters and environment, the message, the mystery, the spooky atmosphere, the surprises, he wow effect, the acting and above them all the unbelievable casting and the brilliant acting. There is no social engineering, no virtue signalling, no false adaptation of the real world. Everyone is exactly in the very same role as in the ordinary normal life of all other humans. What I don't like about the American productions is, that they try to make their rubbish stories and actings look good, with all their worldwide PR and advertising and the shiny Hollywood stars. Most of them are truly garbage and hollow with nothing to say. "Dark" has definitely set a new bench mark for new mystery series.

Leonardo da Vinci once said: "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication". This is spot on about "Dark". I love this fact about it and I wish I could travel back through the time and watch this once again!
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Polar (I) (2019)
The hypocrisy of Hollywood!
17 March 2020
First of all to be clear: I'm not American, so I don't really belong to any political left or right movements or whatever. My opinion on this movie is based on what I believe is contradictory to what I see and read from Hollywood.

This movie is the complete opposite of everything for which Hollywood stands these days. Objectifying women as sexy chicks with short jeans and loose boobs, the angry black and white men who kill no matter what, lots of drugs, loads of blood and violence, an ugly boss who misuses his girl, etc.

And these people go up to big stages and talk about political and sociopolitical lessons all the times, yet make movies based on exact same things to earn money!
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Lost Girls (2020)
It's rather the story that takes you with, than the actual film making
14 March 2020
No doubt the story is very moving. I didn't know about it, as I'm not living in the US. But the actual film making is not that great. The entire film is cut from one scene to the other. The director has obviously tried to put too much information in one short film and it didn't work out well. Too many characters that gets introduced into the story out of nowhere and then disappear without any information about them at all.
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10 isn't enough
31 December 2019
A beautiful, heart warming masterpiece. I wish I could forget it and watch it back once again.
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Terrible, horrible, horrendous and pathetic in all ways
30 November 2019
One must wonder, if the writers write a story to be good or just to be politically correct? X-Men to X-Women because women always save men?! In which one of the series did this happen? And where did this line come from? Out of what context exactly? Just throwing a line into a dialogue is the new way for the writer to do the usual and trendy virtue signalling. The story is also terrible. Everything just CGI and acting pathetic. She can't even cry convincingly in one scene. And the end is just laughable. Not going to spoil it but better don't waste your money on it. Wait for it to be shown in free TV!
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Terrible movie. Don't watch if you know what a real movie used to look like!
4 January 2019
Every time I watch such overhyped, overrated and so often reviewed movies, I have to think about the times when real movies were made. The times that movies like Cinema Paradiso were pieces of art which moved human feelings and emotions altogether. What you expect from this movie: a teeny version of the X-men based on the trailer with lots of teeny action and CGI. What you get to see: another horrible version of "The Hunger Games" with an artificial love story, like the one in "The Hobbit". The director wants you to believe in it, but you simply struggle to do so. The acting is horrible too. I know there are just a bunch of kids, but I've seen other kids playing fantastic roles in other movies. There was a moment during the movie that I wanted to look how old the director is. I really thought for one sec that she is also a teeny! Do not believe in the higher reviews if you still cherish stylish movies and still believe the 7th art can be rescued.
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Terminal (I) (2018)
Don't believe the positive reviews
1 January 2019
This movie is utter rubbish. Tries to be kind of heavy but fails at every corner. I struggled to watch it in one sequence. Had to stop it and watched it later to the end coz it bored me to death.
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Breaking In (2018)
Worst breaking-in-movie ever
1 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A multi-million mansion with a multi-thousand dollar security system, which its network control unit is in the garage, which its door can be opened without any security incident! I'm having a laugh. Then you got: 1. A woman, a mother, who gets beaten all night long but at the end runs and boxes like a champion. 2. A teenage girl whose mother makes her to believe that she is a strong and clever woman. 3. A boy which is basically a pu**y. 4. A husband who is stupid and weak. 5. A calm clever criminal who at the end is afraid of the woman more than the next guy 6. A super aggressive killer who is of course a foreigner. 7. A mix of womaniser, pus**, coward. 8. The last guy is a stupid nobody. Hollywood at its best. All cliches together. Horrible terrible awful movie. Don't waste your time.
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I hope this was the last one!
27 December 2018
The first 3 movies were really good, but they've completely missed the point in this one. Kind of sorry for Henry Cavill for accepting such an idiotic role just in order to earn some bucks. It's like, every thing that happens in this story, every unrealistic bit of event, is very well foreseen by "007" and you don't get a damn clue, just how? And then comes the female acting. Absolutely terrible. Ferguson is so visibly undernourished that you can see her bones. How can she perform these martial technics with such power? It's simply bloody unrealistic. It's simply a very bad episode of series which needs to end with this one.
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Just when I thought it could'nt get worse
15 December 2018
Hollywood and the deluded movie makers. I'm not even going to get into the 100 inaccurate historical facts the makers try to normalise in this horrendous CGI bullock. Rather grabbing the untruth about the Eastern AND Western social and traditional values in the antiques. We all know that in the ancients there were no female soldiers, warriors or even any sort of high ranked army personalities. It's a proven fact, simple. Trying to introduce two women as the generals (or whatever you'd like to call them) is simply pathetic. If you want to give roles to women in your movies, act appropriate. In the modern time women are at every possible high ranks in the army or whatever, but in the antiques, it was simply not just the case. Leave your gender equality BS for the right movies and right times.
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Night Moves (2013)
Boring and hollow
15 December 2018
If you call this a thriller, your IQ is either as low as a potato or you've been high watching this. In a world packed with modern investigation methods, nobody comes behind the boat terrorists AND a murder in a scene full of DNA! Absolute bullock of a movie. Don't even think about wasting your time on this.
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Don't watch the movie, read the book!
2 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Many reviewers pretending this movie is the best adaptation of Tom Clancey's novel. I say, NO, it isn't at all. If you read the book, you'd realize it isn't. There are just too many discrepancies with the original story that makes no sense. I try to list a few of them:
  • Captain Red Wegener, who's described in the book as a living legend and his crew who decide to fake an execution in order to get both killers (Ramon&Jesus) to talk are missing in the movie. Instead, he's been replaced by a young woman as captain! This is once again typically Hollywood. Pushing women into every possible role without any sort of originality or reality.
  • Dan Murray and Mark Bright from FBI work on the case of yacht homicide from the beginning. It's not Jack Ryan.
  • The background story of Chavez and his hispanic companions like Vega is non existent.
  • Moira and Cathy (Jack's wife) never meet each other. In fact there are not many words about Cathy Ryan in the original story other than she's a doctor and a few dialogues. Once again, typically Hollywood. Trying to feed the audience that a woman is behind a successful man. No, it's not necessary always the case.
  • Moira doesn't get killed by Cortez. She commits suicide (which she survives) after director Jacobs's assassination after realizing she's been been misused by Cortez.
  • Dan Murray doesn't get killed in Bogota. It's only Jacobs. In fact he and Jack Ryan aren't even there at all. Jack Ryan spends the half of story in Europe on a conference.
  • Escobedo IS the man behind that assassination out of naivety or stupidity.
  • The story on captain PJ, Zimmer or Bronco are non existent.
  • There is no woman sitting in congress bossing Jack Ryan. Typically Hollywood once again putting women in important roles.
  • The state attorney (Davidoff) and the lawyer (Stuart) of the two yacht murders are non existent. Also their assassination in the prison by the twin brothers Pattersons.
  • It's not Chavez who's with Clack marking the car bomb. It's Larson who is completely missing in this movie.
  • Agent Fowler? First, Fowler is a man. Second, he is the presidential candidate. Hollywood lol
  • Where is Bobby Jackson who actually leaks the infos of the secret operation to Ryan?
  • The guy from the bar? Who was that? Makes absolutely no sense.
  • Chavez is not the only survivor. In fact there are no prisoners and Captain Ramirez gets killed in the combat.
  • Jack Ryan never goes to Escobedo trying to sort out a deal with him. - Escobedo doesn't die in a shooting. He is delivered to M19.
  • There is no sabotage of Ritter's computer.
  • Those final battles are completely invented. Cortez doesn't die. They deliver him to Cuban with Moira watching!
There are just too many important passages of the original book missing in this movie. I know it's not possible to make a short movie out of +600 pages, but instead of making unnecessary scenes like the absurd dialogues of Ryan&Cathy, they could put some key parts of the book into the movie, so it makes some sense at the end.
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Hereditary (2018)
Don't read and believe the reviwes!
29 October 2018
One of the best horror movies? I'm still scared? I can't watch for a few days after watching it? ROFL Who's wrote these comedy comments? 7yo girls? Just for real horror fans: this movie is not scary, it's no horror and it's pathetic in evert way. Do not wadte your time and money on such stupidity.
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