
6 Reviews
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22 November 2011
This movie is one that I have watched many times, often with a cup of tea. I'd say this movie is for those who want to watch something full of suspense, drama and questions.

I could re-watch this constantly yet for some I can see that it can be considered to be too 'slow' for certain audiences.

The movie was well done by the various actors and actresses and its obvious that a lot of research was prepared before the final publication of the movie - such as the emotions to do with bereavement, not knowing the truth and not being able to let go of the past.

It's well worth a watch!
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Hook (1991)
Who could NOT love this?
27 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Who can not fall in love with such a crazy masterpiece? Not I and here's why! The story starts off with a grown up Peter Pan (Robin Williams) who, now a lawyer and family man, doesn't seem to get along with his children very well and often tells them to grow up. As the story progresses you meet up with the lovely Wendy Darling (Maggie Smith) who exclaims 'Peter, you've become a pirate.' Later on when Wendy goes to a celebration for her work on looking after children, fostering them, Peter's children are kidnapped by the evil Captain Hook (Dustin Hoffman). Later on meeting up with the mischievous Tinker Bell (Julia Roberts), she takes him to Neverland where he once came from and gets in to all sorts of trouble, especially when he needs to prove to his replacement Rufio (Dante Basco) that he IS 'The Pan' so that he can get an army - The Lostboys - to defeat Captain Hook and save his children.

It's a wonderful tale and I won't spoil it all by saying everything that happens. That is up to you to find out as you watch the movie, and be prepared for one of the most amusing lines of the film: "How did you manage to fit into those smashing tights again?"
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Rainbow (1995)
Reminds me of Childhood
27 June 2011
I used to watch this a few times when I was a child, and it is one of the movies I always think of when I say to myself 'childhood movies'.

It is a fantastic movie, one which can also teach children a moral lesson: 'Do not take what is not yours' and 'If you don't know what it is, leave it alone.'

It is a truly magical tale of finding the ever beautiful and ever colourful Rainbow and what happens to the world when it becomes void of such a beautiful spectacle.

Sadly, the movie is very hard to get a hold of nowadays, but I'd recommend anyone who can find it to watch it ASAP!
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Cashback (2006)
Do not watch.
8 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie with my boyfriend, and I can honestly say this was one of the worst - if not THE worst movie I have ever had the misfortune to watch! You start off hearing Ben Willis (Sean Biggerstaff) drone on and on about his break up with Suzy (Michelle Ryan). The droning in itself is enough to send one to sleep - yet for him, it drives him to insomnia.

With 'eight hours to spare' where he is not getting any sleep, Ben decides to get a job and ends up working in Sainsburys. There he comes into contact with Sharon Pintey (Emilia Fox).

Now, this is one of the things that really angered me: Ben goes on to state how certain members of staff pass the time, such as Sharon's avoidance of anything that tells the time, i.e. her watch, which she keeps covered up with white tape. Then Ben moves on to state that he 'pretends' that time has stopped. Yet later on he goes on to have the ability to actually stop time? Someone in scripting made an error which somewhat ruined the movie! Whilst I tried my best to see this in a philosophical kind of light, of a man coming to terms with that which was obviously a traumatic break up for him, I couldn't help but see this as a lame director's excuse to go and get as many women as naked as possible for the duration of the movie.

I would not recommend this movie to anyone. It was poorly scripted, made in poor taste and the 'funniest' bit was when Ben seemingly froze time and moved his boss into the way of an opened carton of sour milk before unfreezing time again.

I'm a huge fan of Emilia Fox, but I can not believe she allowed herself to be put as a member of cast for this movie... if you can even call it that!
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The Chaser (2008)
What a shame...
8 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie with my boyfriend last night, and while the movie started off fairly good I was left feeling terribly disappointed.

At first, I saw the movie as pretty dark, yet comical in certain areas - such as the police station scenes. Yet as the story progressed, I found it really wasn't to my liking.

While fight scenes were pretty realistic. Certain aspects, such as the shows of violence were just done too many times and got repetitive in the end. The gore levels of this movie were, a bit too extreme in some cases.

What really disappointed me, was the fact that I was often left pondering unanswered questions. Such as: Who was the woman the little girl left the car to follow near the end of the movie? I also found the movie too heavily depressing. Just when you think something good is going to happen, something had to come along and ruin it.

As much as I do enjoy watching slightly dark movies filled with mystery and suspense, this one was a movie too much for me.
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Must watch!
8 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When I first heard of this movie, I heard it as being 'one of the most controversial' movies to be released. Sadly to say, when I did finally get around to watching this understated movie, there was a lack of people in the theater.

Still, I went to watch this with a friend of mine (a catholic) who was determined to find out if it was truly as bad as people made it out to be! Far from it! We both thoroughly enjoyed the movie - with me going on to purchase the book. The movie did its best to stay true to the novel from what I can tell, and I fail to see why so many religious people went up in arms over a FICTIONAL movie! Had the movie been trying to be one of those 'Based on true event' movies, I may have understood... but I don't.

Surely, if you believe in something then you'd stay firm to your beliefs and not let anything deter you? Anyway, for the proper review: You follow Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) as he is called upon - after his name was discovered at the murder scene of his friend Jacques Saunière (Jean-Pierre Marielle). Now, Robert is a Professor at Harvard University who specialises in religious iconology and symbology and Jacques had intended for Robert to be able to work out the clues (which were various puzzles amongst 'religious' portraits) leading up to his slow and painful death, only for him to be considered the murderer by the police.

One of the members of the police is revealed to be Sophie Neveu (Audrey Tautou), Jacque's granddaughter, who wants to know the truth behind the murder.

As the movie progresses they come into contact with Sir Leigh Teabing (Ian McKellen) and it is from then on the movie begins to twist, leaving the audience on the edge of their seats.

It's a brilliant movie and the script was wonderfully done - if not for Robert Langdon's inhuman speed at the end of the movie where he suddenly appears at one place than the next as he follows the Rose Line to his final destination.

I give this a definite 10, and remember - one should watch the movie for what it is and not get worked up when they fail to see the word 'FICTIONAL'.
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