
47 Reviews
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Silent Night (2023)
Subverting Your Expectations (for the worse)
3 December 2023
I saw this movie for free and still wish I had not.

Every trailer that I saw for this movie alluded to this being an action packed revenge saga. However, you get a taste of action within the first 7 minutes or so and then you have to wait approximately 60 minutes for your next dose and even then, during the last half-hour, you get maybe 15 minutes of action. So, out of 104 minutes you get 22 minutes of action.

I do not like being lied to about the type of movie I am going to see and you probably would not like that either so I am trying to help you out here. What I would like to see is this movies gross drop off of a clip next weekend because of their deceptive practices.

The soundtrack was garbage and forgetable (those songs I do remember were trash and those I don't ... well I guess I forgot).

You want to know what else is forgetable? The antagonist. The detective. The wife. The son. Heck, this whole film is forgetable.
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WOW!!! Must see for any kaiju fan.
3 December 2023
The thing that separates this Godzilla movie from all others is that the human element is actually a necessary motivator, as opposed to being filler between kaiju fights. I was absolutely invested in these characters and their lives, unlike the remake in 2014 (I can't believe that it was that long ago).

As for Godzilla, the film makers did an excellent job of making him appear absolutely frightening. There are certain scenes (a couple or three of them) that could have been improved upon but I will not elaborate as this is ssssoooo good I think you should go in as a blank slate.

I am a cinephile as opposed to a professional critic. I can't talk to you about aspect ratios, uneven tonal changes and most of the time I don't address the soundtrack. What I can tell you is that my posterior was glued to the seat the ENTIRE movie, not just when Godzilla was on the screen.
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What Happens When a Comdy Has No Humor
29 April 2023
I saw the trailers and really wanted to enjot this movie. After less than 45 minutes I was ready to leave.

It was unrealistic beyond what one could possibly accept with suspension of disbelief. There were good parts but they were few and far between

I found it to be slightly reminiscent of Sean of the Dead. I couldn't tell if the protagonist was a poor fit for the role or if the role was poorly written.

The dance scene was a joy to watch but does not make up for a pitiful plot. I have another 94 characters to use but have not much else to say.

If I could go back in time, then I never would have watched this movie.
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Sisu (2022)
You Get What You Expect & More
29 April 2023
If you watched the trailers then you know what this is and shouldn't expect some convoluted storyline.

There is an old saying, 'F around and find out' and the Nazis f'd around.

I never heard of Jourma Tomilla before but he was perfect for this role. His facial expressions and the way he carried himself as the protagonist made me believe that he 'refused to die' regardless of the circumstances.

I am no professional critic but I did enjoy the cinematography until it came to the jump cuts in 2 fight scenes near the end. I couldn't tell who was punching/kicking who.

I could definitely see a prequel spinning out of this if it makes enough money and I would spend money to see it. THE PUNISHER FROM FINLAND!!
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Renfield (2023)
6.5 but still entertaining
15 April 2023
Yes, there was a MESSAGE in this movie but the action scenes (AND Nicholas Cage) almost more than made up for it. This was a paper thin plot which came from an even thinner story. It was so middle of the road that I am having trouble thinking of an additional 335 characters to include in this review.

Whoever Renfield was, he was serviceable as an actor. Akwafina was not as bad as she usually is but she was an anchor around the neck of this movie (Can someone PLEASE teach her how to stand up straight).

If you can catch it for the matinee, I would definitely suggest doing that as the humorous scenes were worth at least that much.
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Empty Calories
26 March 2023
The only way this movie earned a 6.6 rating is if parents let their children write the reviews.

I enjoyed the first Shazam movie but had low expectations for this one based on the trailer, which was shown infrequently.

Shazam is supposed to have the wisdom of Solomon and if he had exhibited it then maybe this movie would have been better but once again the character plays the fool. He is directionless and must seek help from Mary and Eugene. Freddie was even more insufferable and annoying as he was in the original. The wizard, who has lived thousands of years now acts as if he is as young and stupid as Shazam.

Stupid does not equal funny.
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Family Drama From Da Mama
18 February 2023
This movie can be worth watching if you follow these steps: 1) Get plenty of rest before you see it as act 1 is boring as $#!t 2) Remember that you are watching Ant-Man and not Star Wars. It's in Act 2 where things get interesting.

3) The beginning is the time to use the restroom. There are some interesting things that happen in Act 3 later on but for the most part the Marvel formula is present.

4) There are 2 after credit scenes. The first is the best (as I am a fan of the comics). The second, I don't know what the hype is about (as I am not a fan of Disney+)

MODOK cgi sucked. You may have to go to a physician afterwards for 'blue screen fatigue'. Yes, they have to do it as the scenes cannot be replicated inexpensively in the real world, but there is a clear lack of emotion from the actors as they are not interacting with an environment when they are shooting a scene.

The humor has been tamped down which was a pleasant surprise. Subliminal activist messaging was present but not pervasive.

Overall, not as bad as I thought it would be but not as good as it could have been.
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Pathaan (2023)
Live Action Cartoon
18 February 2023
I went in to see this because of positive RT scores and comments which said this movie reeked of action. The reviewers just left out the part where they were supposed to say the action was unbelievable. It is worth a watch if you have 2.5 hours to kill.

The fight choreography between SRK and 'Jim' (I'm too tired to look up the actor's name) were exceptional. Those featuring Padukone were kind of hit and miss. Sometime they reached Marvel's Black Widow heights, other times they were almost laughable.

Jim was a good villain. His backstory was touching and you could empathize with him and the reasons that he was doing what he was doing. I couldn't root for him because you already know how the story is going to end but you just don't know how they will get there.

Finally, the soundtrack (or background music). It was repetitive when there was a fight between the protagonist and antagonist. So much so that I found it irritating after a while.
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A Steady 7 until the 3rd act tanked it
11 February 2023
A nice homage to the 80's Friday the 13th type of films. Unfortunately, if there are too many holes in your boat it will sink, as this film did.

I never heard of it until it played 1x only last night so I figured I'd give it a look. It started out fine with the stereotypical horny camp counselors, children (dorks, geeks, etc.) and 'adults in charge'. Then, of course, something awakens the evil spirit and folks get to dying. There is a twist in the beginning in how people start dying so I won't ruin it for you.

In act 2 there are no surprises but this is when you start noticing the holes. 'How did this person get over there?' or 'Why didn't you tell your fellow survivors what you just witnessed?'

In the final act it was almost like the scriptwriters just didn't care. They skipped over all logic, failed to explain how the rules/laws governed this spirit worked and just gave the audience an unsatisfactory ending.
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You Know the Movie's destination, but the start of the trip is what provides the suspense
11 February 2023
I would have given this an 8 as I was going in expecting to hate this and found it VERY enjoyable. BUT objectively speaking it is a 7.

Too many times representation supplants good storytelling. This was not the case. The characters are fleshed out some so that the audience cares about their fates. However, with Bautista and his gang of 3, I believe it would have been better if this had been done earlier in the movie.

The first act was gripping and full of tension. The second act was like that boring part of your road trip where you are halfway between your starting point and your destination and there is only flat land with nothing to really look at.

The third act is like getting to your final destination and realizing it is not as exciting as the brochures made it out to be but it is still pleasant enough. Just like this movie.

If a hater can walk out of this movie with a positive experience, then how much more will a moviegoer with no preconceived notions enjoy this?
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The Menu (2022)
Finally, a Smart and ORIGINAL Movie from Hollywood
19 November 2022
The trailer ruined what would have been an excellent surprise/twist. Instead, you go in knowing ultimately what is going to happen. Even with that handicap the director was still able to pull this off.

The characters/diners were interesting, each having a distinct personality. Ralph Fiennes was very good but Hong Chau (Elsa) was excellent. Anya Taylor-Joy did a pretty good job as well.

As I am not a critic, I cannot competently discuss cinematography, lighting, pace, etc. But I do have 104 more characters that I need to write. I will say that some of the menu items served made me come home and google them. Also, who knew a Pacojet was a thing.

Well, I met my character limit. Now GO SEETHIS MOVIE!!
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Subpar Sequel an Assault on the Senses
19 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Overcoming Chadwick Boseman's death is a high hurdle to overcome and Coogler/Marvel were tripped up by it. Having Black Panther die off screen was bad enough. The way in which they did it compounded the error. To have Ramonda just walk in and say he's dead was anti-climatic. Then, later in the movie, Shuri is talking to ca-cul-whatever and she says that T'Challa suffered with an illness and did not tell her until it was too late for her to do anything about it (Does that not mirror Boseman's real life situation).

The dialogue at times, many times, seemed as if it were written by a teehager or a child. When Shuri tells M'Baku that Wakanda was going after Nah-muur because it is what she wanted, as the only adult in the room he should have told her that since she was now the queen her actions should reflect what her subjects need, NOT what she wants. Her actions are like those of Joe Biden, who apparently thinks he is our ruler.

Finally, there is the 3rd act. Who, in their right mind, would fight an enemy in an environment where the enemy has the advantage?!? Lure the 'Atlanteans' to land and THEN FIGHT THEM! Shuri should be impeached, via ritual combat (whatever happened to that being the way succession is determined?). She caused the deaths of hundreds of Wakandans by fighting in the ocean. Did you see how many of them there were at the beginning and then note how few were left at the end?

As I write this I am realizing that I need to drop this from 5 stars to 4.
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Law & Order (1990– )
A Phoned In Phoney
11 November 2022
I watched S22 Ep 7 tonight and was immediately turned off. Right off the bat I noticed something was off. It didn't take me long to figure out what it was. There was no EMOTION in the performance of the actors. It was as if the were just reading off of a script. Een as I type this, what's his name (Mr. Price) just gave his opening statement to the jury. He didn't display anger, outrage or even irritation at the death of another human being. He was calm and composed. The alleged killer is giving his statement and he is just as bland.

The judges thus far are just as bland. So far the only person to show any personality was whoever the detectives report to. Her performance was not good but it was the best of the worst.

Sam Waterson looks like he should be in the same old folks home as Joe Biden. As he was speaking I was thinking that he has respiratory problems. He sounds the same but I can hear him wheezing.

As if all of this is not bad enough, the soundtrack sucks.

The very WORST thing about the seasons after #20 is that the reviews of 21 and 22 drag down the average of 20 wonderful seasons of an excellent show that likely would average over 8 without this anchor dragging it down.
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Black Adam (2022)
Shallow but Fun
22 October 2022
The story, such as it is, is quite simple. Run, chase, fight repeat. It is the fact that the fights are entertaining that makes this movie fun. That plus the interactions between Hawkman and Adam. It would have been nice to have an introduction to the Justice Society of America and its' members instead of them expositioning all over themselves so that we know what their powers/skills are. In addition to this, the fact that this was more like the Justice Society of Diversity did not escape my notice. Neither did the fact that the movie went without a real protagonist until the third act. Without a credible threat to the protagonist there is very little tension for the majority of the movie.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Sleep Would Be a Better Title
1 October 2022
A clear and obvious rip-off of the movie Fallen. The protagonist, whose performance was so poor that I won't even attempt to look up her name even though I am on IMDB, witnesses an event. From that point the story collapses into a series of events which the character either lacks the vocabulary to properly explain to others or, at other times, refuses to reveal to those who she should logically trust.

I actually wanted to like this movie. The character of Holly is too 'over the top'. Her husband is what is now the stereotypical male character, insipid and easily cowed by a female.

The birthday party scene was a great idea which fizzled in the execution. I actually almost fell asleep watching this. I watced another movie immediately afterward and caught my 'second wind' meaning that Smile actually almost put me to SLEEP.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Slow Ride to Nowhere with MANY Stops
7 August 2022
The cinematography was great. The acting was pretty good. Pitt, Taylor-Johnson and Henry were excellent as was Hiroyuki Sanada in the brief time that he was in the flm. However, he movie was bogged down by too many flashbacks and too little action.

Each important character is given a flashback. These occur at different points throughout the movie and I found this to be irritating. The payoff at the end is not worth the suffering that you have to go through to get there.

The majority of the fight scenes were shown in the trailers so there is not much else to look forward to. There is one reveal and fight of note that was not shown which was excellent but does not make up for this bloated story.

Having seen this movie I realize that I should have waited until it came out on a streaming service.
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Easter Sunday (2022)
Unfunny and Predictable
7 August 2022
The acting by EVERYONE in this mvie was poor. This was Brandon Wardell's 2nd movie and should be his last. Eugene Cordero played the character of 'Eugene'. I could not tell whether or not it was the writer's intention for this character to be mentally challenged or if it Was Cordero's acting that ruined this character. I would say Jo Koy should stick to his day job but he is supposed to be a comedian and he was far from funny here. The jokes fell flat. I do not remember laughing even once during the movie. The funniest lines were all shown in the trailers.

This movie is a definite PASS.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Sound & Fury Signifying Nothing
25 July 2022
The Russo brothers bring the action but no one brought the story. So, if all you want to see in a movie is a lot of running, jumping, shooting, explosions and car chases (for no reason) then this is the movie for you.

I was excited to see this movie but like almost all of Netflix's offerings this was garbage. A generic super spy goes off the reservation and another super spy is called on to bring him in. Bourne Identity anyone?

I liked Billy Bob Thorton, though his appearances in the movie were limited. Chris Pine was completely wasted and Ryan Gosling was likely just looking for a paycheck.

So, if you don't mind things happening for no reason as long as there are shootings and explosions then this is the movie for you.
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Nope (2022)
I Say 'Yep' to 'Nope'.
25 July 2022
DON'T READ TE CRITICS REVIEWS BEFORE WATCHING THIS FILM!! Their analysis is on point but will ruin the movie for you.

As a regular person going to watch a movie I found this film to be a good deal above average but not great. So forget the 1's and the 10's. If you can afford to go to the movies with inflation as high as it is, then this is the movie to see.

I am not a professional critic but the scenes shot on the ranch were intoxicating. It might be because I am so used to seeing pollution in the sky. The way that the two main protagonists were established at the beginning was excellent. I empathised with person A because of one reason and disliked person B because of their motivations.

The side characters were a joy to watch and their motivations were made clear. The antagonist remained a mystery as did its' motivations so that the tension was extremely high towards the end of act II. Act III drug the movie down though.

There was enough action to keep the audience invested but the actual fact that certain events occur without any logical reason makes this a grind to get through. So much so that I almost gave this a 7.
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Astonishingly Average
8 July 2022
Not enough here to hate. Not enough here to love. And definitely lacking any thunder.

The first scene in act one showed promise and I actually was excited to see what was to come. Then came Thor. Again made to be a buffoon even though he is 1,000s of years old. As such, he would not be oblivious to the carnage caused as a result of his battles. He would have loved and lost hundreds of times and so Jane would not have been his 'first'. This is one of the points that illustrates that the story writing is weak. The fact that the reassembling of Mjolnir took place off screen just reinforces this point.

To me the jokes were not as bad as others make them out to be but they were a distraction. The musical score was complete trash. It was an irritant and did nothing to enhance the mood of a particular scene. The scene which took place in the city of the gods truly does seem as if it were written by a 5 year old.

The last scene just further solidified my dissatisfaction with the Marvel formula. A bunch of 'good guys' fights a bunch of generic foot soldiers and somewhere the main hero(es) will defeat the main villain. After so many 'Vanilla' 3rd acts Marvel should give the audience a taste of 'Rocky Road considering these Phase 4 movies have mostly been shyt.
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A Slow Moving Horror Flick That Pays Off in the End
24 June 2022
Blumhouse makes another attempt at elevated hooror but this one hits the mark. Fleshed out characters but motivation was missing. However, this was a unique 'ghost story' worthy of a view.
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Emergency (2022)
A Bad Movie with a Few Chuckles
31 May 2022
I saw the trailer. I read the reviews. I was pumped up and ready to go when this was released. Then I watched it and the air went out of my tires.

I guess this was supposed to be 'Harold & Kumar Go to the Hospital' but without the humor. Something happens. Shawn & Kumle now need to go from point A to point B. They get distracted along the way. Someone is following them. Then the movie goes off the rails when it runs into the WOKE message.

The final act is all about the MESSAGE and a Karen. You would find more to laugh at watching 6/7 y/o playing baseball than watching this movie.
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Best Sequel Since Aliens!!!
28 May 2022
I saw this in IMAX and it was well worth it. The training/combat effects were excellent. The acting was above average except for Tom Cruise. He needs to receive some lifetime achievement award for the longest lasting, believable (sorry Liam) action star of our generation. The story was a bit derivative of A New Hope but better as airplanes do not have inertial dampeners. A bit predictable towards the end but the action more than makes up for it.
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Sci-Fi with HEART!!
9 April 2022
It is not about the science. It is about emotions. The film is not all about martial arts. The family dynamic is strong in Michelle Yeoh. She is the main reason to watch this film.

This film examines the multiverse from the perspective that a person pulls in memories from a multiverse counterpart as opposed to traveling to the multiverse themself. You get to watch the protagonist evolve (hero's arc/journey) as she learns/earns the abilities she needs to achieve her goal by the end of the film. By the final act you feel for 'Evelyn' as she has her showdown with the antagonist. It pulls at your heartstrings and came close to earning 9 stars.
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X (II) (2022)
Everybody's Horny ... The Movie
19 March 2022
A24 movies continue to disappoint me. I thought that this film would be more like M. Night Shyamalan's The Visit but it was more like Motel Hell.

I did appreciate the retro vibe to the film but the 'free love' mentality did not fit in with the time period in which the film was to have taken place.

It was a 'slow burn' but the climax (the last 10 minutes of the movie) was not worth it. I enjoyed it, especially how they tied in a television show to one of the main character's arc but the 90 minutes before that were just filler.
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