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Same tired old tropes, new languages!
11 April 2024
Disgusting. The whole Season 2 has been generally lackluster, but I couldn't even finish watching this episode. It was AWFUL.

  • It's disrespectful of actual historical people and events.

  • Myth of the noble savage vs the evil Spaniards who won't even stop to reconsider their mission upon getting sucked into an alien world...
  • Young girl reaches new world, and immediately controls the infinity stones 10 times better than dozens of people who have been practicing with these powers for years.

  • Yet another Mary Sue

You might as well watch Captain Marvel again. It's that level of bad. I appreciate the use of two different languages instead of the typical forced English accent, but come on... There needs to be an actual story there, and this episode has none.
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The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror XXXIII (2022)
Season 34, Episode 6
One of their absolute best episodes!
18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was definitely not expecting this! I was blown away by their spoofing of Death Note. It was beautifully well done. I just wish they had made a whole episode about it, because it really looked like they were onto something. That whole dynamic could easily turn into a complete episode. Also, the animation was so well done I decided I'll watch it again multiple times.

The Westworld spoofing was also quite great. It was full of memorable moments from their history; a bit of a parody of themselves. I loved that final scene where they show all the other worlds. Just an incredible episode!! Must watch!
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Another Earth (2011)
A breath of fresh air
8 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie feels great right now (in 2023) when Hollywood seems to have completely run out of creativity. It's a nice original story that explores two interesting issues.

The first one is the regret of a character who commits a huge crime and is trying to make amends. The second issue fell a bit short, since it's the exploration of basically a parallel world, and they didn't go very deep into that (for instance, what happens with the professor's version of himself in the other planet?).

The focus went a bit too hard on the first issue, and the second one was neglected a bit. However, considering that it's an independent film with a low budget, it's a home run. I recommend it highly for those who want to get out of the very narrow variety of films that Hollywood is offering nowadays. I enjoyed it quite a lot.
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Legion (2017–2019)
One giant flaw - Sydney
28 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The vast majority of the show was absolutely brilliant. However, I'm not forgiving the fact that they never explicitly acknowledged how horrible of a person Sydney is, or how she was instrumental to everything that went wrong in seasons 2 and 3, or that David just kept forgiving her at every turn and falling for her crap.

The show even closes telling David to "be a good person", and that she's going to be great without him in her way. She never showed ANY remorse for ANY of the horrible things she did to anyone, even after having tried to kill David 4 times. The only "lesson" she seems to learn is that maybe some people can be saved and some can't.... when she never even intended to save David, she just wanted to kill him and got everyone else to try the same.

She's the one who started the persecution against David, she's the one who convinced him to save Farouk, she judged David for what he was doing to try to save her, she actually went out of her way to save Farouk and kill David, and yet... they seem to want to present her as a better person than David. No apologies, no complaints from David, no one points out how she's the one who chose to side with David's torturer and got in David's way.

The show could have been absolutely brilliant if she had at least tried to apologize in that last scene for some of what she did. However, with that conclusion, I'm dropping half the points. The writers have to know what they wrote.
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Electric Dreams (2017–2018)
Don't expect Black Mirror
14 April 2022
I feel like people who like Black Mirror better than this are either looking everywhere BUT the stories, or they just want to be depressed, nihilistic, and pessimistic all the time.

Electric Dreams has good stories, great actors, good production value, and does a good job of exploring interesting ideas and keeping you entertained with each episode. It also won't make you sad like Black Mirror.

We all have enough problems nowadays as it is, I don't want a show to make me feel worse. I honestly enjoyed Electric Dreams much more than Black Mirror.

Sure, there's a couple of episodes where the costumes and visual effects aren't great, but the stories are. I hope they produce more of it in the near future, bc I loved it.
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The 100: Praimfaya (2017)
Season 4, Episode 13
Awesome so far, but I'm worried...
11 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Up until season 3, this show had been extremely solid, consistent and coherent. Every time a new group of people, a new villain, a new place, etc, was introduced, it served to explain the background of the story, and it fit perfectly within the universe that they had created in the very first episodes.

In the finale of S01, we get introduced to another civilized group (the mountain men), which explains what happened to the bunker that they were seeking in the first place.

In S02, we get introduced to the 12 Clans and the Coalition (which gives context to how many people have survived, and what their societies are really like). We also get introduced, near the end of the season, to ALIE (which later completes the story of how the nuclear apocalypse happened in the first place).

In S03, we get explanations for the origin of ALIE, and why she's created the City of Light, which leads into the main problem of S04: the nuclear power plants.

Up until that point, everything fit perfectly, and everything felt like it had been part of the story from the beginning. On S04, however, we receive the cult of the Second Dawn, which is completely new and doesn't seem to serve any purpose other than putting up a bunker that can save our characters again. I forgive that though, because they sort of linked them to the survival of humanity with Becca (and they should expand on that).

Then, at the very end, we get this weird prison ship from space. Sorry, but it seemed pretty clear the whole time that ALL the people who were in space during the nuclear bombings had become part of the Ark. Adding this there, without even mentioning at any previous point that there were other space stations out there, feels cheap.

In an interview, Rothenberg confessed that he doesn't even know if he'll end the show next season, and that those are "business decisions that are made financially and not creatively". I'm currently concerned that they'll keep stretching out the show with cheap writing tricks, thereby treating this great story like a soap-opera: it will only end when they've made it so boring that no one will watch it anymore. All good stories need a good ending, and this one deserves to get a great conclusion on SEASON 5. There's very little left to be explained from the initial overarching plot, and I hate never-ending soap-operas. It's part of the reason I stopped watching The Walking Dead, and why I hated Lost.
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Jessica Jones: A.K.A. Ladies Night (2015)
Season 1, Episode 1
Advice for people just starting the show!
20 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to write this on the 1st episode in order to warn you of what is to come, so you can actually enjoy it. I won't spoil the entire season, but I'm probably saying a bit much about the next few episodes.

When I decided to watch this show, it was recommended to me because of Daredevil. I was excited to watch it because they're supposed to get intertwined later, and because I read here that it was going to feature the B* from Apartment 23, Dr Who, and Trinity. I had VERY HIGH hopes for it. However, after watching the whole season, I had mixed feelings about it, and largely negative. Why? Let's break it down into plot and characters.

PLOT: The general idea was pretty good. However, it was pretty boring, aimless and confusing for the first 5 episodes (out of 13!). It felt more like a dumb drama than a Marvel Superhero show in those episodes. It picks up afterward though.

Episode 1 was intriguing and caught my attention, then it got worse and worse until episode 5, which I found to be disastrous (largely due to bad dialogs), despite having an interesting story to work with. Episode 6 got me interested again, and episode 7 is what the entire show should have been like. The remaining episodes remained interesting, but rarely as good as ep7, and the conclusion was unsatisfying. I often felt, especially in those first 5 episodes, that they kept forcing modern feminist ideology into the show (I'll let you decide how to feel about that, but I dislike the fact that it felt forced).

They could have made the villain to be a Joker-like mastermind and a manipulator, but they really didn't. They could have made the confrontations indirect (like Daredevil), or a subtle detective/strategy game like the anime Death Note; but again they didn't. Instead, they made a weird romance on some parts, a simple detective show on others and a psychological thriller on the better parts; and the changes in style weren't very appealing.

In terms of the big moral/ethical/philosophical questions that most superhero stories try to raise and analyze, this show has practically none. Think of the comparison that Daredevil presents between the hero and the villain, the competition between Thor and Loki, the contrast between Ultron and Jarvis, the debate over human nature between Batman and the Joker, etc. In this show, the most you get is one episode where Jessica gets the villain to do one good deed, or one in which other characters show some villainous traits. Other than that, it's a simple good vs evil.

CHARACTERS: -Jessica: Pretty good. It's kind of hard to empathize with her, but I guess the whole point is that she's a tough, hard-to-like person. Pretty great performance by Ritter throughout the show. There were some low points, but I'd rate her 9.5/10. Whatever is wrong with her character came from anyone but the actress, i.e.: her powers are never properly explained. In episode 1, you almost get the impression that she can see the past by touching objects or something. They removed the part from the comics where she had actually tried to be a hero before meeting Kilgrave.

-Trish: Awful character and awful performance. Everything about her felt fake. Same goes to Will Simpson and worse. I actually forgave them the first few episodes assuming that they would be minor characters, but NOPE! They're actually pretty important, and both of them had awful dialogs, and amateur acting. In comparison, Robyn had much more convincing and compelling work.

-Luke: Waaaaaay too much time wasted on him. Should have spent that time developing Kilgrave instead.

-Kilgrave: Pretty good character, but not great. He's probably the best part of the show. Tennant's performance was brilliant. The writing, not so much. From what I found online (haven't read the comic books), Kilgrave was supposed to be a former spy who decided to take over the world by being a powerful mobster, and by spawning an army of his own children. In the show... he's more like a pathetic man-child in need of love and sex, so he turns into a rapist with no purpose in life and no ultimate goal. I won't spoil any more about it, but I'll tell you to not expect much.

-Hogarth: Good character, good development, interesting back-story, great acting. However, she seemed rather unnecessary to the main story. She's part of one problem on the show: they developed too many minor characters and lost sight of the main overarching plot.

TL;DR: Don't get your hopes up. Compared to Daredevil, this show looks more like Charmed. It has good stuff and it is entertaining, but there is a LOT of ground for improvement.
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The writers wasted this movie's potential
25 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I hardly ever review movies here, but I had to on this one. It just bothered me too much that there was so much wasted talent in this movie.

I thought all the actors did their best with what they had, except maybe DeHaan. I compare this movie only to the previous series (from Sam Rami), of which I'm not a fan.

Garfield was actually a little bit better than Maguire as Spiderman. Apparently, he's closer to the comic book personality. For the ones who thought he was unlikable, remember he's a teenager that just graduated High School; he thinks he's God. He's reckless and an a-hole, just as u would expect from a teenager with actual superpowers.

The villains, on the other hand... sucked. There was no development for them whatsoever. Rhino appears at the beginning and the end, serving no apparent purpose to the main plot other than to say that Spidey is fighting crime. The same could have been done with a regular bank robbery or something.

Electro was not just unrealistically lonesome ("forever alone?"), but he didn't seem to have any good reasons to really hate Spiderman the way he did. The transition from an innocent good guy who's been screwed hard by people to a hateful villain can be called forced or non-existent. He didn't even seem to have any motivations for anything, really. He just sort of... did stuff. If he was the smart guy he was supposed to be, he should have been trying to come up with some sort of plan for revenge against his real enemies: Oscorp. I optimistically thought at times that they wanted to base him on those people that go on random shooting sprees all over the US, but even that didn't happen (if that's what they tried, they failed). Instead, he was more like Schwarzenegger's Mr Freeze, and not just aesthetically.

Then, just as Electro was killed, the Green Goblin appears for no apparent reason other than to mess with Spidey. The portrayal of Harry Osbourne was angry and creepy from the beginning, which makes him an obvious villain (don't know if this was on purpose, it could be blamed on the actor). Contrast that with James Franco's Osbourne, which was actually shown as Peter's friend, and makes you feel bad that they had to fight each other. Or with DaFoe's character, which also keeps you guessing, and feeling uneasy when he dies. I will concede that the conversion of Harry into the Green Goblin was more convincing in TAS2 than in the previous series, as it's shown as his search for a cure to his genetic disease, rather than some convenient accident. Still, the problematic relationship that should be there didn't take hold at all. This character should have been either the main villain in the movie, or just preparing to be on the next, without ever actually fighting the hero. If his purpose here was just to get Gwen to die, she should have died in the fight against Electro. His presence in the last 20 mins of the film seems forced.

Overall, a great waste of perfectly good actors and visual effects due to general incoherence in the story.
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