
6 Reviews
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Best Of The Last Three - By Far!
20 December 2019
I will preface and end with this statement: Do not believe the negative reviews by critics.

Most of the review amount to a concern about "pandering to the fans". These seem critics are the ones who embraced Rian Johnson's Last Jedi because it "challenged" the Star Wars mythos (in reality it disregarded it). I think to pan this movie is idiotic. The Rise of Skywalker not only reconciles various elements and missteps by its predecessor, it is by far the most fun, satisfying and rewarding of the last three movies - hands down! As a fan since 1977, I am glad JJ Abrams took the helm and gave us a closing for which to be proud! Great Movie!
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A visually captivating disappointment
23 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I, like many this evening braved the frigid winter and long lines to see what I had anticipated to be one of the best movies of this year. However, I was left sadly wanting in many ways after the credits rolled. But to be fair, there were redeemable qualities (although very few). Let's start with what worked. First, the Lycans: on point in every way – from their terrifying physicality to their sheer ferocity. The action: sublimely visceral – when it did occur. Nighy/Victor and Sheen/Lucian: Perfect. Now, what did not (and there is plenty). This was less a movie and more a collage of sequences (and do not expect to see any supporting characters from the other movies except Raze and Tannis). Profoundly missing was a well written storyline and anything of real substance to bring these pieces of film together. The story seemed to start right in the middle – at the cusp where Lucian had made up his mind to rebel. Therefore, there was no context; no tension; no sense of betrayal – the devices needed to make everything else work. Moreover, it ended at where the climax should have begun (which needed to be after the feud had simmered for a bit). Oh and it was way too short. Purist will also find offense in some liberties taken to certain facts previously revealed in the first two movies…but judge that for yourself. In the end, this movie lingered to long on what should have been brief "background" scenes (e.g. various council scenes), and as a consequence we never really got to know or care about the principal players...or the movie (ouch). -D
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Extraordinary Film
21 March 2006
I found V to be an exceptional film for several reasons. First it was unconventionally entertaining. The film is set in the not-too-distant future, some years after a devastating war has changed the Geo-Political climate of England to that of a fascist state. There are those who secretly oppose their government's excessive control of individual rights and freedoms. However there is one who begins to champion those rights -- V. V is played with exquisite eccentricity, while Evey's role was more subtle yet sublime. The supporting cast was on point as well. The action, though robust, was not overwhelming. Though politically charged -- it was not nuanced with propaganda. This film challenged the viewer to examine the notions of liberty, power and loyalty and by what means would some go to protect those values -- and to what end.

Great Film
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Anticlimactic ...but still worth the wait
19 May 2005
Revenge of The Sith had the potential to be the greatest of both trilogies, but in the end I was left wanting. Understand that I am an avid fan in my late 30's, and I am not given to "prequel bashing". In fact, I believe that GL accomplished his mission if one considers the greater context of all six movies. With that said, I felt the most troubling aspects of ROTS involved the coherency and integrity of the plot itself. First, I had a very hard time with the "brotherhood" that was supposed to be felt between Obi Wan and Anakin. Friendly banter aside, the warmness resonated from these "best friends" was barely above tepid -- less brothers but more like two co-laborers who've worked too long together. Moreover, all of the developing relationships/plots seem to be merely a contrivance to move the movie along to the legendary climax. Anakin and Padme's deepening love, Mace Windu's sudden distrust of Anakin, Palpatine's betrayal of Dooku, a certain "change of heart" by a principal character -- it just rings false. It's not so much that there is great dissonance... there just seems to be an artificial consonance of the elements...put together like polyester. Also, the movie seems to be less storyline and more a collage of scenes and subplots -- much of which is introduced and processed in contracted fashion. It is as if GL filmed this great film, and then removed any contextual dialogue or involvement to save room for the "action scenes". Sadly, the greatest tragedy of this movie is that you are relegated to that of passive observer as you are kept at an emotional distance. Conspicuously lacking are the qualities of endearment we loved in Han/Leia/Luke. And with that, for whom can you root for in the end? Instead of this being a uniquely engaging experience, what's left is a visually stunning mosaic. However, like I said I am an old salt from the "Old School" of Star Wars and I believe that the simple participation in such an event gives credence to my anticipation and my ultimately anticlimactic experience. In short, with all of its flaws – it was still worth it.
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This movie has become the best of all times!
18 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Possible spoilers...

ROTK was far exceeded any expectations I had. Appealing to both the visceral and the cerebral appetites - it is far and above the best movie of all time. The Smeagol/Gollum realization was superb, and the emergence of the supporting characters from TTT was very satisfying. Last, Peter Jackson has proven that sequels can be (should be) released closer together and maintain audience fact it heightens it. Remarkable.
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Certainly not sublime
5 July 2003
I was quite dissapointed in this third installment of The Terminator. It simply was lacking. It was incoherent from start to finish, and it has to be the biggest downer of the summer.
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