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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Is that it?
19 January 2023
Some people seem to not understand that the characters in The White Lotus are meant to be unlikeable. They're ultra wealthy, privileged people who are self-absorbed and clueless about reality. The show is like a satirical character study. That's fine, but it makes it unbelievably boring and drawn out. Since every character is awful you don't care about what happens to them. Every episode is just a repeat of the one before. The plot is almost nonexistent and just when you think things are finally going to get exciting it's.... over? The whole time I thought it must be a slow burn and things would come to a head but then the credits start rolling and you're left with 6 hours of wasted time. The fact Jennifer Coolidge won an award for this role is mind-blowing. This is not a show I would recommend to anyone, and I can't believe it was even made, especially for HBO.
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The eye rolls are strong with this one
29 September 2020
Having never seen the trailer for this movie, I wasn't sure what to expect. So the first half hour was quite engrossing and I had high hopes.

Then the two leads just kept making so many stupid errors, the kind you can't look past for the sake of suspending disbelief. And it becomes too frustrating to enjoy or even care anymore.

In the end it wasn't worth my time. Pity.
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Entertaining with a mediocre ending
21 September 2020
The first few minutes of this movie had me wondering if I should even bother but I quickly gained interest and didn't think it was too bad for most of it. However the last 10 or 15 minutes went a little too bonkers for my taste. The low budget effects did not help either. It wasn't a horrible movie but not one I personally find worth watching.
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I've read the book and even I had no idea what was going on
7 September 2020
This was such a struggle to get through, and very unrewarding for doing so.

Since I've read the book, I knew what was going on. I also had no idea what was going on. Kaufman's adaptation was so bizarre and unforthcoming that it had me constantly checking how much time was left (too much was the answer)..

The first 20 something minutes are PAINFULLY slow, and the chemistry between the two main characters is so nonexistent yet they supposedly have this super deep connection. The character of Jake was so flat and mumbly - nothing like the sophisticated intellectual he was in the novel, but I tried to push that out of my mind. I was rapidly losing interest when the two finally arrived to Jake's parent's house, and there was a moment where I truly thought this movie was going to be incredible. Suddenly I was questioning what I was seeing, the unnervingly strange exchange between characters was unsettling and dread started creeping up in my chest. It stirred up the kind of uneasy feelings I got during my first viewing of Hereditary.

I'm a huge fan of strange movies that feel like a bad dream, not a nightmare necessarily, but a dream where things make sense but don't at the same time, and you have a pit in your stomach but don't know why. I like subtle strangeness, enough to pique your interest without beating you over the head with it. Unfortunately there quickly came a point when this movie catapulted over that fine line and became so frustratingly bizarre. It felt like it was trying to be Mulholland Drive. I am all for a strange trip of a movie but it has to be coherent enough to make sense in some way. If I didn't read the book I would have no idea what this movie meant or what was really happening, it just became too ridiculous for me to enjoy.

I presume people will talk about how bizarre it is on social media which will make people curious enough to watch it, but it was so unsatisfying and an overall waste of time.
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Visually enticing but a bit boring
9 June 2020
The animation and voice acting are great in this movie, and I particularly enjoyed the family cat voiced by Ricky Gervais. The parents are totally ridiculously bizarre which I typically am not a fan of such characters but I found them entertaining. Unfortunately the plot is a little all over the place and it gets boring quickly. I wasn't emotionally invested in the protagonists either. After about 30 minutes I went from somewhat enjoying this to wanting to turn it off.

There is some dark subject matter but I watched way worse things on Nickelodeon as a kid. I think as adults we are a little overprotective; this is really not as dark as some people said.
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Gwen (II) (2018)
Was good but then it went nowhere
4 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was really enjoying this film and was eager to see what it amounted to. But then it was over with nothing really explained. I don't mean the ending was confusing, it just didn't explain any of the strange things that occurred up until that point. The atmosphere and acting was great, I just wish the story was clearer.
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1917 (2019)
One of the best films of all time
4 June 2020
I cannot say enough good things about this film. I've watched it twice in the last three days and could watch it again right now. It's that good.

While the trailer made it look enticing, I thought this would just be another lauded film that I ultimately found to be boring. I couldn't have been more wrong.

The camera work alone is incredible. Many films have done the "one shot" gimmick but here it is superbly done. At times you completely forget that you've been watching a continuous take (and you stop looking for the hidden cuts). The way the camera moves is so impressive and you are continuously engaged. Before I watched this I thought, "How can this movie be a continuous shot and everything happens in just two hours?" But somehow it just worked. I can't imagine how much hard work was put into this movie, but it was worth it and totally paid off. And Thomas Newman's score is absolute perfection.

I admittedly am not a fan of war-related movies for the sole reason of how uncomfortable they make me. I don't do realistic, brutal violence and suffering. But 1917 is not your typical war movie. While it does show the horrors of war it doesn't base its story on that. Instead you have a dramatic thriller of a movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat, rooting for the hero. Even when the pace slows down it's never for long, as time is of the essence. Also, the acting goes above and beyond here. I can only imagine how grueling it was to be in such a physically demanding role. Running, climbing, jumping, shooting, etc. for such long shots over and over. Everyone must have been exhausted.

I truly think 1917 is epic and is one of the best movies I've ever seen. It's been so long since I've watched a movie that I didn't feel was a waste of time.

I wish I could personally thank everyone involved in the making of this.
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What is even happening
2 June 2020
I don't know if it's fair for me to review this movie, considering I only made it through 30 minutes of it, but I have to say: I was excited to put this on and while I didn't expect anything amazing, I thought it would at least be entertaining. Almost immediately I lost my excitement and struggled to gain interest. There is something about it that is so disconnected to its audience and it seems like it's trying really hard to be something it's not. There is so much dialogue, which would be fine if they weren't talking so fast and you could understand what they're talking about, and if it actually had a point. I feel bad because I didn't see if it got better but I was so bored and disinterested I couldn't even force myself to finish it.
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Z (I) (2019)
Had potential but lost it
19 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't expect this movie to be great, but it quickly got my attention and I thought it was going to surprise me. It did, but not in a good way.

I appreciate the fact that this is another "imaginary friend isn't imaginary" tale yet managed to be original. Unfortunately it was a little too odd and there were too many things that just didn't make sense or weren't plausible. I was so disappointed by the end.
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The Best Animated Disney movie in 20 years!
6 April 2020
I remember the first time I watched The Princess and the Frog, I had had absolutely no interest in seeing it (I don't even know if I had a reason). So when my mom rented it from Netflix, I begrudgingly sat by her side and watched it with the lowest expectations. I absolutely loved it.

11 years later, it remains my favorite 2D animated Disney movie (just after Beauty and the Beast).

The animation is stunningly beautiful (even the end credits are gorgeous), the soundtrack is fantastic, and there are so many wonderful characters it's hard to choose a favorite. The main character, Tiana, is hardworking, ambitious, and intelligent. Yes, part of the story is her falling in love with a man, but that isn't her goal in the movie, and it isn't the point of the story. They story is all about being true to yourself, working hard for what you want and believing in yourself. It's also about realizing what's important in life, and not getting so wrapped up in how you think life should go that you miss out on other great things.

I can't say enough good things about this movie. It's one that I recommend to anyone who's never seen it. I'm 28 years old and still own a Louis stuffed animal that I bought after my first viewing. I've probably seen this 15 times and it never gets old.
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25 November 2019
I really didn't know what to expect when I went to see this movie. I didn't think it was going to be fantastic, but I thought I was in for a nice little Christmas movie to put me in the holiday spirit.

It did not.

The acting and atmosphere was fine but the story was weak and there were so many stupid moments that I couldn't believe I paid to see this. The critics are actually right about this one. I previously thought they were being harsh but now I see the validity of their remarks. The ending was nonsensical and the editing/continuity was terrible. I don't think I'll ever watch another Paul Feig film again. His movies are never real enough, the characters are too unnatural for my taste. I'm truly shocked at the glowing user reviews here. This is not a 10 star movie.
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Upgrade (2018)
Like an episode of Black Mirror
18 November 2019
This movie was better than expected and took me by surprise. It was nice to see something different from the typical movies being released lately. The cinematography and effects are done really well considering the budget wasn't huge. However there were a few times where it was a little too far fetched which is a problem I've seen in a few AI movies. I also thought the culprit was obvious from the get go. But it was an enjoyable movie, even for someone like me who isn't the biggest fan of sci-fi.
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Session 9 (2001)
Low-budget, weak plot, not scary
12 November 2019
I am typically terrified of watching horror movies but I had heard such great things about Session 9, so I had to finally see it. While I appreciate the complete lack of jump scares in the movie, there were no other scares to be had. The story was confusing and seemed pointless. The acting was good for the most part but definitely had cringe-worthy moments, possibly due to the poor editing.

I had seen this film featured on a list of horror movies that scared people so bad they couldn't watch the genre again.... That absolutely baffles me, and I get scared easily! I feel like this could have turned out so good but it seems like the budget was too low and the writing skills too poor.
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It Follows (2014)
Better than expected
3 November 2019
It Follows is one of my go-to horror movies that I never get tired of. It's not very scary but is creepy and suspenseful. From the very first scene you know there is something to be afraid of and I love how it kicks off the dread for the rest of the movie.

While "It" is passed along via sex, the movie never feels raunchy or gratuitous. Maika Monroe acts legitimately terrified which is probably what prevents this movie from ever seeming stupid. That's not to say there aren't a few disappointments. The last 20 or 30 minutes are a bit lackluster but I still enjoy the film as a whole.

The direction, cinematography, and score of It Follows are superb; the 360 shots are used brilliantly to make you feel like danger can come from anywhere, and the music fits each scene so well. There's a very surreal undertone, like how in dreams things don't always fit together or make sense. It's a great way of subconsciously throwing you off. I'm a fan of subtle scares, creepy things you may not always notice on the first watch. In the opening scene you hear a screen door screech as a girl runs out, then off screen you hear it two more times, but see only one other person has exited from it. It's the subtle things like that that I personally love in horror movies. If you prefer jump scares or supernatural-looking monsters, this may not be for you. I recommend giving it a chance though.
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Mara (I) (2018)
Great concept but drawn out execution
3 November 2019
I had never heard of this movie until a friend randomly put it on for us to watch, and at first I thought it was going to be really original and creepy. Unfortunately it was a little too long and had too many dumb elements to make it good. I covered my eyes during the creepy parts but then when I caught sight of the creature I realized it wasn't scary, but kind of laughable. The lead actress was great, it's too bad the final product wasn't.
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Possum (2018)
I loved it.... others will not
9 September 2019
I hadn't heard of this gem until I saw the poster for it on Amazon Prime, which instantly intrigued me. I thought for sure it would be awful, and didn't expect to make it more than 20 minutes in, but I was in a weird mood, it was raining outside, and this seemed fitting to watch. I ended up enjoying it enough to watch again a few months later. A second viewing made it all come together which made me like it even more.

This is a slow, repetitive film, and I can see why some people would think it's boring, confusing, and/or very strange (maybe even stupid). I don't know why I'm not one of those people. I never got bored, and I thoroughly enjoyed the mystery and weirdness. Watching it the second time, everything fit perfectly and what was confusing the first time around made complete sense this time. There isn't any conversation or imagery that doesn't fit with the story. In fact, now I notice how deliberate the director was in his choices, and it's all very impressive to me. Sean Harris is incredible in this film. I have only seen a few of his other roles and this was so different and dark for him. Possum showcases what a great actor he really is.

This is not an uplifting story by any means. There are very uncomfortable moments, and some ambiguity which makes it hard at times to know what to feel. It's not exactly horror, although there are creepy and intense moments. I'd say it's more psychological/metaphorical. If you have an open mind, are into weird and dark movies, this may be for you. I didn't expect to like it so much, but I'm really happy I gave it a chance. I'm actually a bit sad to see so many low ratings.
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It was okay... and then bad.
15 July 2019
Even though the story was moving slowly, I was enjoying this movie and interested to see where it was going to go. But the last 20-30 minutes was so terrible and rushed, and the low budget became a big issue. Not to mention there were some things that just didn't make any sense. I wouldn't recommend this film.
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Orange County (2002)
Boring, unfunny, DATED.
16 June 2019
I had heard of this movie and was told how great it was.

It was not.

It's slow, dull, and really has no plot or purpose. The characters are annoying, and there is no doubt when this movie was released. It seemed more like a spoof of a teen movie from the early 2000s. How anyone could rate this a 10 is pure insanity to me!!!!
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The Monster (2016)
Tedious and poorly done
14 June 2019
Wow, this movie was terrible.

I know it was most likely trying to be symbolic, but the awful dialogue and bad acting were too distracting to even care. The whole script is pretty bad, but the dialogue is so unnatural at times and while the actors try their hardest, that may be the problem, too. Maybe it's bad editing, but it seemed like everyone was overacting. There is one death scene that is a solid minute too long and it becomes eye roll-worthy and almost laughable. The young girl gives her all but it became really irritating, really quickly.

The monster itself was quite underwhelming, although I give credit to the filmmakers for not using CGI. Unfortunately the monster's face is so wooden and incapable of movement that it wasn't very frightening, and I couldn't stop thinking about how it was just a guy in a costume.

Lastly, the decisions made by some of the characters were too illogical and the ending was a bit dumb. Skip this one!
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VERY disappointing
10 June 2019
Based on the trailer and glowing reviews on this site, I expected a creepy and twisted story that would keep me on the edge of my seat. What I really got was a slow and predictable movie with no twists, no creepiness, and no payoff.

The "twist" in this film is SO blatantly obvious that I don't even know if it was meant to be a twist. I've just seen other reviewers commenting on the "twist" but literally within the first 5 minutes everything becomes so transparent that you wonder if it's even worth watching. In the end, it really wasn't.

It was also frustrating to me that we had no point of reference for what made the sons believe their mother is an imposter. Other than a couple of arguments, there was nothing that pointed to her being different to make them suspicious. As a viewer, how are we supposed to feel like this woman isn't really who she says she is, if we don't know what's changed about her? It's not a very long movie, they could have easily included a few extra scenes for some context.

Unfortunately the premise of this movie was good but not executed well at all. The trailer made this movie look so creepy and unsettling. I've read countless articles listing "Goodnight Mommy" as one of the best horror films (and this is NOT horror in the slightest) of the last few years, so I was quite disappointed when the movie failed to summon any sense of dread or fear. I was unnerved near the end but that was just because the movie abruptly switches gears and subjects you to a half hour or so of torture. And then that insulting twist; I can't believe the director/writer doesn't think his viewers are intelligent enough to figure it out. Might as well have a blinking neon sign spelling it all out in every frame.

I'm so mad I paid $4 to rent this.
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
An embarrassment to modern cinema
31 March 2019
Quite possibly one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It just drags on and on with nothing to keep you interested. Parts of it are almost laughable because it's so ridiculously bad (I mean, it stars Dakota Johnson, so...). Tilda Swinton as the doctor was so distracting because you can tell it's not really an old man. I didn't even know it was Swinton, I could just tell it was someone in makeup so I had to stop the movie to look it up.

I wasted two and a half hours on this movie already, I don't want to waste more time writing a longer review. It's just terrible. I would cringe for eternity if I was involved with this film.
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Spirited Away (2001)
BAFFLED at the hype that has surrounded this movie for almost two decades!
19 March 2019
I don't get it. I just don't get it.

What is so great about this movie? There is virtually no plot or story, no interesting characters, and the main character is shrill and irritating.

Sure, there are a handful of beautiful animations, but it's not enough to make up for a terrible story that drags on and on, going nowhere.

People compare this to Alice in Wonderland which is insulting. This is just another overrated film that people keep praising because everyone else praises it.
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Wildling (2018)
Worse than I thought it would be.... and I didn't think it would be very good
15 March 2019
Wildling is the type of movie I'd expect to see on the SyFy channel. I just wanted to fast forward to the end to see what happens and get it over with. The effects are laughable and the weak and painfully obvious storyline doesn't help anything. I thought the trailer gave everything away but once I started watching the movie it was pretty clear that there would be no grand reveal as the story is transparent from the get go.

This one is a waste of time.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Just alright
5 January 2019
Arrival is an okay film. There's really nothing wrong with it per se, but it didn't quite make a lasting impression for me. I'm not a huge sci-fi fan, so maybe I'm the wrong person to give an opinion, but I don't get the hype surrounding this film. It was a good original story that passed two hours of my time, but it's not a movie I'll be discussing with friends, or watching again.
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Blue Velvet (1986)
Unbearably overrated
5 January 2019
I don't know how this movie can possibly be viewed as a masterpiece. I can almost guarantee if Lynch wasn't tied to this movie everyone would call it out for the junk that it is.

Isabella Rossellini's acting was atrocious and it's embarrassing to watch her. The plot is downright stupid and the characters are the personification of nails on a chalkboard. This film is dreadfully boring and over-the-top. People will say they like anything if they think everyone else does.

I've seen better movies on Lifetime.
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