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Stranger and Stranger...
17 May 2024
A Stranger in the Woods is a curious film. I liked the premise. A film student doing a documentary on an elderly man who has squirreled himself away from the world. Of course, people seldom do something so drastic for a trivial reason, do they? Victor's (the elderly man in question) secrets aren't revealed too quickly, yet immediately there seems to be something a little off about this character. The story flows as it should and i was really into this, until the big twist. I was a bit disappointed with the route the writer decided to take, but that was my personal views. Someone else might be over the moon about it.

A Stranger in the Woods wasn't a bad movie. I really enjoyed it. But i felt it could've been so much more if another direction had been taken. Still, not a bad way to pass an evening.

Just avoid any strangers in the woods. :)
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Soft & Quiet (2022)
Horror of The Mind and Soul
20 March 2024
I had no idea about the premise behind Soft and Quiet and that's a good thing because i probably wouldn't have watched this movie. Soft and Quiet was horrible. It was brutal. Unbelievably raw. And filled with senseless violence at one point, i was surprised to find my face was wet. How long i'd been crying, i don't know.

But still, i recommend it. Very much so.


Because racism is horrible. Bigotry is brutal. And those things, if left unchecked, they rot your soul. Twist you into a horrific caricature of what you once were.

Soft and Quiet is anything but.

God help us all, if we can't learn how to live together in peace.
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The Disintegration of A Family
14 March 2024
I'm 3 episodes in an i have to admit i'm hooked. On the surface, this appeared to be the all-American family, but as with all things, the reality is rarely what it seems. The mother disappears and in the beginning, the father tells a different story to everyone. Lie after lie keeps piling up until someone goes to the police.

Apples Never Fall is very intriguing. Layer after layer is peeled back and we keep finding more secrets. If the remaining 4 episodes can continue at this pace, i'm very excited to see the rest.

Based on the episodes i've seen, 7 stars out of 10.

Very recommended.

An excellent watch.
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Sunset (I) (2018)
An Amazing Film
15 February 2024
I wasn't going to do a review until i read some of the othe comments. It's sad that others were put off by the one character's political opinion to the point that it colored the entire film. If you exist in an echo chamber, never hearing different view points, how do you grow as a person? Sad.

Sunset is a powerful film about the effect that an imminent nuclear attack will have on the lives of a few everyday citizens. Watching them cope was thought-provoking and touching.

How would any of us cope if our lives were suddenly coming to an end? No one knows. Not really. Not until we're faced with the reality.
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Christmas Déjà Vu (2021 TV Movie)
Christmas Haters Gonna Hate
23 December 2023
I wasn't going to write a review, but when i saw there were only 2 reviews and both of them negative, i felt i had no choice. I don't know what movie they were watching, but Christmas Deja Vu was charming. I watch a lot of Christmas movies, some so basic, they're almost identical to the one i just viewed minutes before. But Christmas Deja Vu was interesting. The alternative spin on "It's A Wonderful Life" ish tale really kept my attention. And of course, there was the presence of the glorious Loretta Devine. She brightens any movie she graces.

So if you want to watch a Christmas movie with heart and a touch of soul, Christmas Deja Vu fits the bill.

7 out of 10 stars.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Penny For Your Thoughts
31 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first two episodes were very good and they more than set up an epic storyline for the rest of the season. But then the third episode came along and wow. Just wow.

To the critics that not everyone is gay: i'm a straight mamaw in the middle of a holler, not the target audience by a long shot. But i found the love story between Bill and Frank touching, sweet and more than hopeful. When the world is ending and you finally see someone after being alone for so long, how difficult would your emotions be. I think the series captured the complexities of the relationship between them very well. And how wonderful it was to see them be allowed to live out their days in relative peace.

To sum up, The Last of Us is shaping up to be an amazing escapist series that i highly recommend.

And if the world ends in my neck of the woods, i promise i won't ask your political status before i decide to give you aid.
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Burial (II) (2022)
No Werewolves To Be Had Here
3 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, when i going over the reviews for Burial before watching it, i was kinda surprised. Everyone seemed to hate it. I mean really, really hate it. But i'm nothing if not up for a challenge, so i prodded on... and i'm glad i did.

Burial isn't a horror film, even if it was on Shudder. I suspect that was the reason for all the hatred. But what Burial was is a thoughtful, moving film about a subject i've always found fascinating..what if Hitler really didn't die in that bunker? What if he survived? How would history have changed? Some very intriguing questions that i'm so thankful we never had to face, but i can imagine the terror that the men and women of Europe must've felt back then during that time.

So to sum up: don't expect any supernatural elements in Burial. They're just not there. Sorry.

Watch Burial for an interesting glimpse into a historical era that shaped our past.

And again, there are no furry werewolves in Burial.

Watch Dog Soldiers if you're in the mood for a gory good time. You can thank me later.
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Kindred (2022)
A Shock To The Soul
14 December 2022
Let me start by saying that i haven't read the book, but after watching this mini-series, i plan to. Kindred is heartbreaking, stomach turning and sadly, a look back at our violent past. As much as some have tried to erase our ugly past, it's still there and always will be. And if we don't stop and try to learn from it, we're doomed to repeat it. For me the most horrific moment was the sadistic, cold venom that came from a child, no doubt learned from everyday practices.

Kindred isn't an easy watch, but it should be a necessary one, especially with the recent waves of antisemitic hatred on the rise. I hope we learn the important lessons before it's too late.
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If You Build It, They Will Come...
1 November 2022
And they will.

The trolls will flock in droves to bash and complain and whine. Some of these reviews are ridiculous. Worst movie ever? I challenge any of those reviewers to sit through the entire screening time of Amityville: Mt. Misery Road. Omg, my eyes were bleeding after that turkey. End of rant.

Escape The Field was a fun, suspenseful new entry into the horror genre by a promising, up and coming director. The plot held my interest and was cohesive which is more than i can say about Amityville: Mt. Misery Road.

So, to sum up. It's not Shakespeare. However, to horror fans, Escape The Field is worth your time. I'm eager to see what comes next from Emerson Moore once he has a little more experience under his belt.

7 out of 10 stars.
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The Cursed (2021)
30 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While trying to hold off the flu, i was searching for a suitable horror flick to watch for Halloween and came across The Cursed aka Eight For Silver on Hulu. I don't think i'm stepping on any toes by revealing this is a werewolf movie and i have pretty high standards when it comes to this genre. Dog Soldiers: greatest werewolf movie ever made, enough said. But i decided to give this a gander anyway.

Dang!! The Cursed is one mighty fine movie regardless of what genre you put it in. The story is a bit unusual. The beast is one scary monster, no doubt about that. But what stood for me was the atmosphere. Dread and foreboding dripped from the first scene. Yes, there were a couple hiccups, but for the most part, The Cursed was excellent.

A chilling must see for the horror fan.
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Blackout (2018– )
Could've Been So Much More
28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Blackout had an intriguing premise: a couple of film students begin an investigation into extreme sleepwalking and memory loss, but the odd signs and symptoms begin to carry over to the film crew.

I have to admit this one checked all the boxes for me: found footage, spooky woods, zombistic strangers tracking the film crew, a conspiracy that may date back decades to another disappearance. Add to that the story is told in bite size pieces, 5 to 8 minutes, that keeps the pace rocketing along. And for the most part, Blackout works. I was invested in the story and very interested to see how it was going to play out. The final episode started out in a chilling manner and had the potential to really stick the landing. And then, it was as if the writers had wrote themselves into a corner and wimped out, which is a shame. This could've been a real horror gem.
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Vicious (2013–2016)
Absolutely Fab..Fun
3 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was surfing about Tubitv. You never know what you might find lurking about and that's part of the fun. When i saw the names Ian McKellan and Derek Jacobi, i was sold. I didn't have to see the rest, didn't know what the premise was, but i knew with those two, it would be amazing.

And it was!!

Vicious is a brilliant, no holds barred comedy that hits you in the gut and doesn't let up. McKellan and Jacobi have been together for almost fifty years and if you're thinking this has endeared them to each other, you'd be right and they show this affection in horrible, twisted ways that are laugh out loud funny. It is a joy to watch these two grand masters at the height of their game. My only complaint is why, oh why did this comedy gem last only two seasons??

So check out Vicious. It's a genuine brilliant delight.
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Unbelievable Because It Really Happened
14 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this brought an overwhelming sadness and if i'm honest, more than a little bit of anger. Everyone failed these kids. Everyone. And the only person who genuinely tried, was murdered for his efforts. And why was this? Charles Vallow told the police Lori had threatened to murder him. He told the police he was afraid of what she would do to his kids. Yet when the police had her at the police station, they simply let her bat her blue eyes and toss her blonde hair and walk away. Four lives would be lost because of their incompetence. And her parents, they stuck their heads in the sand and refused to admit anything could be wrong. Such a disgrace.

Those poor poor victims.

If there's any justice and i'm not convinced there is, Lori Vallow will rot in jail till she's an old old woman, unable to bewitch anyone ever again. Far away from any human contact.
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They/Them (2022)
Slasher With A Twist
5 August 2022
I really don't understand the low rating 2.5 for They/Them because the movie is actually pretty good. Good characters, rational plot, a storyline you can follow. I really liked it more than i thought i would. A solid, thoughtful entry into the horror/slasher genre.

But for all the naysayers: spoiler alert, there are gay people. Gasp.
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Swap Shop (2021– )
From My Radio To The Screen
6 February 2022
We loved this show. We have a local radio show called Swap Show that's been a thing as long as i can remember and yes, it's very popular, folks tune in to get the best deals and my hubby won't let me talk to him while it's on for fear i'll cause him to miss a great bargain. So regardless of the naysayers, this show felt very authentic to me, a little slice of rural America on Netflix. We enjoyed it immensely and will be tuning in again for Season 2!
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Archive 81 (2022)
A Mysterious Found Footage Delight!!
16 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Dan Turner is hired to restore a collection of badly damaged videos from 1994 that unbeknown to him have a tie to his past. Once he starts viewing the footage, the personality of the film maker, Melody Pendras, begins to speak to him, figuratively and literally. And Dan discovers the connection that he has to the videos and Melody.

Archive 81 is an unusual tale. It takes it's time setting up the characters, getting you involved with them, care for them before yanking the rug out underneath you. Unlike a lot of the reviews i've read, i watched the entire series. The last two episodes were quite amazing the way they wrapped everything together. I loved the disquieting sense of dread that they managed to instill throughout the series. 8 episodes of constant anxiety is a difficult thing to pull off but they did an excellent job.

9 out of 10 stars for me.
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It Matches
3 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I came into viewing this documentary with a different perspective. I was home that day. I watched Trump's rally and heard what he and others said. I saw the attack on the Capitol as it happened. Live, while it was going on. There was no editing. There was no bias. Just unabashed shock and disbelief and terror and violence that went on and on and on for hours. With no response from our President for hours. None. Nada.

I was curious to see if the documentary would be able to capture exactly what motivated those people to such madness and if they regretted their actions. Their reactions were heartbreaking and chilling. I can't begin to understand what is going on in their minds. It simply doesn't make sense.

This is an important piece of film. One that must be protected. That day scarred me. I've never been the same. It was the most horrific thing i've ever witnessed and dear God, i hope i never see anything like that again. It's one thing to see people from another country chanting death to America. It's quite another to see your own citizens hoping to murder members of Congress, most specifically your Vice President and the Speaker of the House. They strung up a noose in front of the building. Oh how i wish the film had shown that.

Those poor police holding against that mob were heroes. Nothing more, nothing less. It's truly scandalous the way they have been treated by the Republican party, people they defended with their very lives.

I find that a very telling thing. If they would tell me that what i saw with my own eyes didn't happen, what else are they being less than honest about?
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
The Train Has Left The Station...
18 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this. The premise sounded so intriguing and the post-apocalyptic genre is my jam, so how could it miss? Oh let me count the ways... the first episode was promising. It held my attention and the storyline was so interesting. The relationship between Jeevan and Kirsten was touching and believable and i was eager to see more. The growing menace of the contagious lethal flu builds to a fever pitch. Everything was on point and as it should be for a successful series.

Then came episode two.

Oh my goodness. What a disjointed mess. I totally get that this was supposed to be some time in the future, had no problem with that. I had no problem with the non-linear storytelling. In the right hands, it can be an effective way of pushing a story forward. But a story has to have some sense of structure, some sense that the director/screenwriter knows where the story is going. The plot was so herky-jerky from one time period to the next, with no rhyme or reason, i honestly felt like the screenwriter was either drunk or had dropped acid and suffered through a bad trip. It was just ridiculous.

And the faint semblance of a plot that it had, i mean really? The world has died and a rag tag group of people are left and what is their priority? Saving knowledge? Saving the books to preserve knowledge? How to rebuild the world? No? We'll put on plays and quote Shakespeare, instead. No, really.

I understand that every show/book/play requires a certain suspension of disbelief, but in order to buy this premise, you would have to have a lobotomy. They spend their time lazing around the fields and in the woods between shows and practice, who is feeding these folks? Where is their food supply? They need heat, clothes, shoes, medicine. Everything just seems to magically appear when they need it.

And the flashbacks in episode three... what's the point in me going on? This series is dead on arrival. I can't believe the powers that be actually saw the dailies and said, Yeah, this is going to be a winner!

Whoever made the final decision should immediately be sent somewhere where they can do some real good. Maybe work at a food bank, perhaps? A homeless shelter? Because they clearly have no future in television or the big screen.

I'm giving this 2 stars and only that because of the excellent first episode. Such a waste for everyone involved in this. They deserved better material to work with.
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Desperately Seeking Santa (2011 TV Movie)
Santa's Got Abs, Oh My!!
11 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start off by saying, yes Desperately Seeking Santa is fluff. Everyone knows it's fluff. But it's holiday fun fluff!

Jennifer Walker is desperate to get ahead and thinks she's ruthless enough to do what it takes to do so. Her boss thinks she has what it takes also and gives her an ultimatum: find a way to bump the sales numbers up for the South Boston Mall or it will be shut down. After a brainstorming session, Jennifer decides to hold a sexy Santa contest where the winner will get $10,000. Of course, hijinks ensue.

I must confess i've been a fan of Laura Vandervoort ever since she was the reboot of V (2009) on ABC, a series that ended way too soon. Vandervoort is wonderful in Desperately Seeking Santa. She manages to walk that fine line of trying to be tough as nails, yet the inner softness of the character's soul comes peeking through as well.

So tune in for Desperately Seeking Santa and turn off your brain. Don't be naughty. :)
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What If...
11 December 2021
Ghosting: The Spirit of Christmas isn't your typical Christmas movie and that's a good thing. Jess finally meets a great guy, but before things can blossom, she's killed in a car accident on the way home. Normally this would be the end of our story, but what would be the fun in that?

Ghosting: The Spirit of Christmas has a lot of good things going for it. The story moves along rather well, the characters are quite likable and there is noticeable chemistry between the ensemble cast. All in all, i found it to be a fun little Christmas movie, a nice change of pace.
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A Non-Binary Christmas
10 December 2021
Pace's boss has a psychotic break after being visited by four spirits of Christmas (sound familiar, anyone) and sends Pace on a quest to find a magic Christmas tree for the office party. In the forest, Pace meets an elf who joins they/them a s sparks ignite between them.

The Magical Christmas Tree aims to be a modern non-binary Christmas fable, but it tries a little bit too hard. A few jokes connect, but most are way off. The saving grace for the film is the charisma of the lead actor/actress playing Pace (sorry, i hope i'm not offending anyone, i truly do, i'm an old country mamaw and i find the pronouns confusing, but i respect y'all). Socks Whtimore as Pace was wonderful and really carried the movie. I hadn't ever seen that name before but will be looking for it in the future. The bad news was Pace's boss, groan, he overacted, practically chewed on the furniture. If only the director would have told him to pull back just a bit.

Still, The Magical Christmas Tree wasn't a bad movie. It was a nice change of Pace. Oooo, that was a bad pun!!. Sorry, not sorry.
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Brotherly Love...Not So Much!!!
9 December 2021
Mistletoe Mixup, at first glance, is your typical Hallmark/Lifetime/etc. Christmas movie. Pretty lonely girl, handsome lonely guy, beautiful Christmas decorations, lots of snow, another handsome lonely guy.

Wait. What?

The plotline of two brothers competing for the girl is nothing new. We've seen it a million times before. The gimmick here is this, the brothers are being played by real-life brothers, Joey and Matthew Laurence. Although in the hands of some actors, this might have proven a weak premise, but the chemistry between the Laurence brothers is wonderful and carries the movie as a very enjoyable holiday treat.

Evidently this was a labor of love for the entire Laurence family. The character of Grandma was played by Joey and Matthew's real-life mother and while she's not as gifted an actress as her sons, her performance is winsome. Another Laurence brother, Andrew, directed Mistletoe and also appears in it briefly as their brother, Seth.

All in all, i'd definitely recommend Mistletoe Mixup. I don't know if i'm ready to call it a Christmas classic just yet, but it's definitely a fine addition to the Christmas libraries to be shown each season.

Merry Christmas y'all.
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Live In Front Of A Studio Audience And Then Some...
8 December 2021
What a blast from the past! I loved The Facts of Life and was eager to see how this remake would pan out. Seeing Lisa Whelchel looking ageless was a thrill, Kim Fields was darling and Mindy Cohn was sassy as ever. If only Nancy McKeon would end her Facts of Life boycott and give her fans what they want!

Onto the new cast, Ann Dowd as the new Mrs. Garrett. Was a good fit. It really surprised me how well she slipped into the character. Katherine Hahn as Jo, was true to the spirit of the character also. Gabrielle Union made for a good Tootie, but. Allison Tolman was a standout as Natalie. Tolman nearly stole the show from the other actors which was a wonderful surprise. Unfortunately, Jennifer Aniston was a horrible disappointment as Blair. Blair's character needs a certain charisma for the role to really shine and Aniston, sadly just didn't have what was needed. And i must say Jon Stewart as Rocky Price was a hoot.

Onto Different Strokes. Kevin Hart as Arnold was an inspired choice, he embodied the essence of the late Gary Coleman. Damon Wayans made a great Willis, he truly captured the laid back style of Todd Bridges. And even though i doubt the casting choice, John Lithgow made a genius Mr. Drummond, i could almost see Conrad Bain in certain moments when Lithgow spoke. A wonderful flashback to a treasured sitcom.

I can't wait to see what LIVE does next!!
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The Alternate Title Is Noelle On Tubitv
29 November 2021
Once again after reading the all horrible reviews, i was compelled to write a review. Evidently the religious theme has sent some viewers into orbit. Believe it or not, pastors/priests are people too. They have feelings. They get angry. Sometimes they abuse alcohol. The key thing to take away is pastors are human. They're not godlike creatures that never commit any wrong. And questioning faith, showing all things good and bad to it isn't the horror some of the other reviews have made it out to be. If your faith can't stand up to the hard light of day aka a few questions, you have a more serious problem than a movie.

Onto Mrs. Worthington's Party.

I saw this on Tubitv and it was under the title Noelle and i must say i prefer Noelle much more. The movie starts out very cold, very much based in the everyday world with very little holiday spirit. A small church is under review and could possibly be closed by the end of the year if the auditor deems it necessary. This causes a flurry of activity and emotions, both in the community and the pastors.

I loved this movie. There was so much personal growth made in the characters. This wasn't your typical holiday movie and thank God for that. One can only see so many girl sees guy, hates guy, loves guy, gets guy, saves Christmas formulas until your brain rots. :)

Merry Christmas everyone.
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Homeless Is A Hit
29 November 2021
After reading the awful reviews, i felt compelled to write a review for I'll Be Homeless For Christmas. I don't understand all the hate for this movie. While Homeless isn't as polished as the big budget productions, it has a great message and lots of heart. It doesn't follow the girl meets guy, hates guy, loves guy, gets guy for Christmas, Hallmark standard formula so maybe that's why everyone had their panties in a bunch ;) if you want a holiday movie to put a warm smile on face after viewing, this is your ticket. Christmas is the season of hope and second chances. I hope your Christmas is a wonderful one.
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