
7 Reviews
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Gave up after...
1 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The moronic son left the protection of the 'bunker' to just wander around aimlessly like a complete pleb knowing the dangers. I was right with the movie right up until that point when the writers clearly said "what act of total stupidity can we introduce to the plot?". What do these studios take people for, mindless morons who can't see a constructed act of stupidity when its thrown in their face? Poor writing, no imagination, no creativity. Again, a good movie ruined by the "why on gods earth is he even thinking about leaving the bunker let alone doing it for NO reason? Plot. Gave up, did not want to reward the makers with the honor of watching the entire film after this typically garbage and unintellectual plot twist.

I am aware I am a viewer who cannot stand idiotic actions by a cast just to introduce a dumb plot twist, but writers should know, it's a farce when this happens, and simply says "well, we ran out of ideas..." It ruined the movie for me.

1 * for pure stupidity and lack of imagination given these people get paid zillions for writing this tripe. Cast were great, the plot was pathetic.
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Alone (V) (2020)
24 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you enjoy films where people in peril literally do the most stupidest things to put themselves back in peril, then you will love this. The scene where she gets into the psychotic kidnappers car was hilarious. Anyone with half a brain would have escaped without an issue, but no, every decision she makes causes screams of disbelief as she continually makes wrong choice after wrong choice making you wonder if the character isn't actually trying to be caught again.

I found the scenes with the kidnapper slow, dull, boring, long drawn out moments which just got you rolling your eyes. Whole film would have been 20 minutes minus these painful monologues and pointless moments of motionless camera work, with dull and childlike dialogue.

Absurd film.
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Real Steel (2011)
4 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you like films that have characters cry on cue, and turn to the camera just before they do, then it's for you. From the start I got that queasy feeling that it was going to be one of those films, and was proved correct. Nothing critical here of the cast, but it reminded me of a kids film (I assume the target audience) where blatant emotion for the sake of it is sewn into every piece of dialogue. Might be great for younger audiences, but not something I'd recommend for anyone with a need for at least some earthly or gritty content. Type of film I wish they never made as it's just a formulaic insert look here, play soaring music there, insert cliche, everything works out as anticipated, patterned money spinner.
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6 Days (I) (2017)
Not bad but....
26 February 2021
I cannot for the life of me understand why the silly accent of Abbie Cornish was not edited out, anything would have been less of a killer during moments of tension than that silly forced accent. The film makers couldn't get a british actress apparently?

Totally ruins the tension with her plumby narration at intense parts. Poorly conceived. The films' quite good, and I know Cornish is an excellent actress, but shoot the director please (in a non-violent way)..
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Miracle Workers: Dark Ages: Graduation (2020)
Season 2, Episode 1
19 July 2020
Love the premise, love the idea and cast, but the humour is childlike, and has no sharpness or wit, just toilet (literally) humour. The story lines are post-it note quality, and you feel each episode could have been written in 15 minutes with some "he says this, and she says....hmm yeah she can say this, that might work?" writing. Hate writing negative reviews, it's the sort of thing I'd love to love, but it's just toilet based, toilet plot, and toilet quality.
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Hostiles (2017)
Great FIlm
12 May 2019
I'm no 'professional critic', and cannot comment on how a film 'doesn't allow the viewer to come to it's own conclusions' around white vs native american. I can however give an unbiased (not privileged) review.

As expected from Bale, stoic performance of a man in a time and place he'd rather not be, with burdens he would rather not have, his friends and fellow soldiers dying and his own personal crimes (work..) haunt him as they would.

I felt the film despite some critics 'arty' reviews does portray that during this time, bad things were done to good people on both sides, always justified. But those who committed these crimes were the same as you and I, in circumstances they have not chosen, a time when choice was not an option. One takes from the film that choices were not as today, survival was the only desire, and conflict was ever present whichever 'side' you were on.

The cast, cinematography, story and especially the score are all fantastic. If you like slow burns, with a beautiful score, give it a go, it's a beautiful piece of work, and does in the end what it sets out do to, make you reflect on how so often humans, people, can behave in a very inhuman way.
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Skyfall (2012)
Shockingly Bad Movie (regardless of 'Bond' theme)
12 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you have read the first review by Vijay Dinanath, then you can pretty much skip my comments, as he said everything that needed to be said on this rather dull movie. My comments would be;

Script: Poor, felt like a student movie. Thats all the value I would put on it, its 'that' bad.

Plot: Missing. Poor quality one-liners, nothing to keep you interested. Plot by numbers as you could pretty much figure out what was going to happen scene to scene, and be right 100% of the time

Femme Fatale Bond 'is' sexy women, but in Skyfall, you get a scene that suggests popping up behind a women (so to speak...) in the shower is okay, as long as you've spoken to her for at least 90 seconds that day. Hell she was even 'terrified' of her boss, so does Bond now take advantage of women suffering domestic violence?. The lack of gorgeous women in a Bond file is criminal, the shower scene even more so.

Gadgets None. Yes, none, and the only one he is given he losses in the first 5 minutes. So to repeat, a Bond film, with not 'one' single gadget.

Movie as a whole. Dull, predictable, no gloss, zero humor and I mean 'zero', not ONE cheeky or witty line through the entire movie. The car is introduced at the end of the film, pretty much. Was this some conscious plan, to say 'we do not need a Bond car, we can DO Bond without it'.

I guess nobody tries to make a bad movie, but somebody somewhere should have stopped Mendes in his tracks and reminded, no instructed him that his vision was not a Bond fans vision, and I'm not even a Bond fan per say.

Movie, as a whole 4/10. Trust me when you see it, you will wonder where these reviews come from that state such tosh as 'moving scenes' and 'thrilling special effects'.
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