
6 Reviews
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Hung (2009–2011)
Sophomoric garbage
29 June 2009
A silly, sophomoric premise delivered with ham-fisted cynicism. A shame, really, because there's some real talent involved here.

The show misses on all counts: it's not funny, sophisticated, insightful, interesting or entertaining.

Worse, it takes itself VERY seriously. It's like hearing a great joke told by someone with no comic timing.

It's like a college freshman who's just discovered Nietzsche. Terribly exciting for them, but tedious for the rest of us!

It's neither edgy nor innovative. It parades its essential narcissism without apology.

A swing and a miss for HBO.
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Savage Grace (2007)
Dull-witted, slow moving mess
9 November 2008
Far and away, one of the worst pictures I've seen in a long time. Poor writing, execrable direction and spotty acting help to make an interesting story into an entirely repellent stew of sexuality, desperation and human deprivation.

Simply put, there's NO tension in the film. One knows from almost the very top how the events will unfold. This effectively undermines any SHOCK value and makes the experience of watching a film about taking baths in the same EXACT bathtub in several different countries.

Totally lacks credibility - is emotionally vapid, visually uninspired. How did a picture like this get made? Only one answer: STAY AWAY!!
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The Guitar (2008)
6 November 2008
Adolescent, uninspired movie about a girl who is dying and decides to buy things, kiss girls, and become unbearably shrill.

There's no sense of reality here. Seriously, this movie makes the television programme "Friends" look gritty.

We've seen this all before SO MANY TIMES. Not a note of originality in the tinny, cliché-ridden screenplay.

Pretentious? This movie is so self-important it's almost sickening. It's a lame, boring artistic failure.

Some of the supporting roles are well cast.

I wish Ms. Redford more luck next time.
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clichéd male fantasy
16 January 2006
Predictable romantic comedy formula riddled with cliché. Good performances throughout and a few good lines. However, the whole picture is too manipulative and full of gimmicks to sustain any real interest. The level of humour here is that of a weak American sitcom and the characterisations equally as broad. I must say I found myself rolling my eyes far more than I found myself smiling. The photography of London was pretty but I felt like I was watching an ad for British Airways. Overall, a yawner. Best saved for late night rental or a (very) long plane journey. Of recent fare, far better choice is Woody Allen's "Match Point."
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Stiff, Unrealistic, Pretentious
4 February 2004
Unbelievably poor screen adaption of Joseph O'Connor's play is a candidate for WORST FILM OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM.

Full of cliches, unbelievable situations, cardboard characters. AND SO TOTALLY BORING!!!!!!

Nothing about the situation, the characters, rings true.

In short, don't waste your time.

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One of those pics where the cameos outshine the stars!
17 July 2003
Studio execs are wondering why this one's sinking faster than Vincent Gallo's career

1. Give me Bosley! You can keep the angels!

The original tv programme was sexy, fun. The girls had charisma and sex appeal. Cameron Diaz's bobble-head school of acting is fine here. But Lucy Liu? with her lazy eye and endless martial arts scenes? Not interesting. And worst of all is Drew Barrymore. Now, we all like Drew barrymore because she was a child actor and one of the barrymores. but our collective interest in her is rather like watching a car crash. Will she marry Tom Green? Will she take off her kit for Playboy, etc. Never do we expect her to be sexy or alluring. when she tries to do characters here its PAINFUL to watch.

2. The trailer is better than the movie

No, the trailer is the movie. There is no difference. I kept hoping the previews would end and then the movie would start. It never did.

3. It doesnt matter that it doesn't make sense

4. advertising

Okay, so it's everywhere and looks like fun. mostly, though it's bad television (scenes with Matt LeBlanc look like outtakes from 90210)
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