
11 Reviews
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There's no other way to say it...
2 March 2023
My god this is awful in every single way. This film is an insult to the memory of Cunanan's victims. The lead's acting is horrendous. It skips over important details of the previous murders, painting no picture of who these unfortunate souls were or the twisted reasons they became victims of this psychopath. After a short 15 minutes into this film, I was ready to turn it off. Regretfully, I stuck around until the end.

As someone who lived and worked as a bartender at an after-hours club (Hombre) on South Beach the summer that this happened, I could write a more accurate rendition of the story. I spoke with the FBI who went to all the bars asking if anyone had seen or knew of Cunanan's whereabouts. I was interviewed by a particularly annoying NY Post reporter. Thankfully I never had the misfortune of meeting Cunanan, but I knew a few people who had met him briefly, which I found out later on. There was a dark cloud hovering over the beach for the week he roamed free after the senseless murder of Gianni Versace. We were all afraid and our guard was up.

Cunanan's victims deserved better than this garbage. Everyone involved in making this project should be ashamed of themselves. Do yourself a favor - skip this tragic mess and watch the Ryan Murphy mini-series instead. Flaws and all it is a much more accurate and thoughtful portrayal of what really happened.
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Something Beneath (2007 TV Movie)
I... I... I don't know what exactly it is I just witnessed...
18 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think I have seen anything quite like this film (No guys, that's not a compliment). There may have been strange goings on at the resort, but you may not even notice them over the terrible acting, abysmal script and sophomoric attempt at film-making.

Apparently, dirty motor oil has had enough of the human scourge traipsing all over "her" home and has decided to evict humanity from the resort hotel she's been living/hiding under, by dripping on us and making hallucinate our worst fears so we kill ourselves...or something like that. There is never a reason given for the existence of the creature/evil motor oil, only that apparently, you can pray it away? Or something like that.

And a shout out to the dirty, crazy scientist guy living in the mine. Not that there was a reason to introduce this character, or why he was depicted the way he was (Think Christopher Lloyd's Doc Brown. Now think of someone with zero acting ability playing Doc Brown badly. There you have it for this character. In two words: Incredibly annoying. Or something like that.

In summation, no matter what ever else you choose to do with 90 minutes of your life, it will leave you more satisfied with yourself than if you had sat down and watched this ridiculous mess of an idea gone horribly wrong on film.
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Will & Grace (1998–2020)
Too political? We know exactly who you are,
14 February 2020
For all the people who complain that the show is too political. don't think for a second we don't know EXACTLY who you are, You are people who were never truly a friend to gays. You were fine if we were there to do a dog and pony show for your entertainment, but you refuse to see that we are real people with feelings. and we might not think so highly of a government that treats us as second class citizens. The current administration has nothing but ill will and absolute contempt for gay people. I'm sorry if that isn't convenient for your compartmentalized, myopic views on life. I'm sorry you seem to resent the fact that gay people might have a problem with with being viewed as less than human. As for the show, if you don't like it, that's your choice..but don't come here to crap about it because it doesn't fit your narrative. We have every right to be resentful - especially toward people that don't take a stand for us. Frankly, the only people I really see whining about politics are the ones who show up here to pass out one star reviews. The show is just a great as it ever was. You are the ones who've become narrow minded and bitter,
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Tommy (2020)
I Loved It
7 February 2020
I don't know what show the other people who wrote reviews here were watching, but I loved it. They whine about the show being too "political" or filled with "hot button" issues. Well, sorry, not sorry to the complainers, if your delicate sensibilities are offended by the realities of our world today, but it is what it is. Why shouldn't television shows reflect that? For me it made the show more interesting. When it ended, I wanted more.

A great storyline, social relevance, a strong cast and an always charismatic Edie Falco make this show something I will be watching. Maybe the others should stick to Sponge Bob.
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You're kidding, right?
23 January 2020
This movie is awful, period. Everything about it reeks of amateurism. The dialog, the patchwork all-over-the-place storyline, a clichéd courtroom scene obviously constructed by someone who has never been in a courtroom, and a "plot twist" that is so out of left field and unbelievable that it almost seems like a desperately failed attempt by the people involved to make what they knew was a terrible film more "interesting" or to "save it". Of course, by the time you get to that part, you really couldn't care less what happens to anyone.

I have never cared for most of Tyler Perry's films. They are bloated with unrealistic , terrible writing and dialog, and have a very Lifetime or Hallmark movie feel. Perry is a hack, and why he has the notoriety he has is baffling. And honestly, it's time for him to stop with the "Tyler Perry's Blah Blah Blah" movie titles. At this point it should be embarrassing. He really needs to let others do the writing.

And to Phylicia Rashad, shame on you. Your talents are miles above this garbage.
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Bear Creek (2017)
29 October 2019
First, technically Bear Creek is a nightmare. The sound is terrible. Dialog is muffled, and sometimes unintelligible. The scenes were poorly lit and fuzzy. The soundtrack is awful and misplaced. As the characters are driving to their destination, we have happy strumming on a guitar. When they arrive, an ominous "one lower register key held down on a synthesizer" goes on for at least five minutes. What are our characters doing? Putting up tents. I'm not sure what is so suspenseful about putting up tents on a sunny day. The next scene is around a campfire, synthesizer madness still going, but now layered with another chime-like sound which totally drowns out half of the dialog...because, remember, poor sound. The dialog is terrible and ridiculously "bear-centric". I don't know anyone who has conversations that sound like this, and if I did, I wouldn't want to be their friend. Oh, blood on a stuffed bear hanging from a tree. Why is it orange? I have lived long, and met many people. No one I have ever known needed to make reference to being a bear, or doing bear things in every other sentence. I would have to hit them.

Which brings us the to delivery of this truly awful script: The "actors". I will simply say "no...just no." Not one person playing a role in this terrible "movie" has any acting ability whatsoever. It doesn't surprise me though, that someone who would make a stinker of a film like this would have any ability to recognize talent. It's almost as if the person responsible walked around their favorite bear bar and asked random patrons if they wanted to be in a movie.

In summation...stay away. Stay far, FAR away.

And to the people responsible for the film, please don't quit your day jobs...unless this is your day job, in which case you should just give up now and admit to yourselves that maybe positions at UPS or a nice miniature golf course somewhere is where you should really be seeking employment. Perhaps one of those places where people can paint their own mugs. That's always fun.
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Feud (2017–2024)
This was amazing TV
7 May 2019
Feud: Bette & Joan was incredible television. It was riveting, beautifully shot and had a powerhouse cast. Learning so much about why the legendary Bette Davis and Joan Crawford despised each other added new dimensions to the camp classic "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?", a film I have loved since I first saw it in my teenage years. Who knew that it would become such a phenomenon? I just have one question: WHERE IS THE DVD/BLU-RAY OF FEUD? It's been over two years since the premier of Feud, and nada, zilch, zero, information as to when or if there will even be a release. I'm ready to look for a bootleg copy at this point. All I want is a physical copy that I can play anywhere! Why is that so much to ask? Again, WHERE IS THE DVD?!?!?!
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This is a great film.
12 April 2019
Excellent and memorable! I remember it very well since having seen it many years ago - now it is next to impossible to find. My question is - Where is an official dvd release of it? Surely some company can get the rights to release it. I know many people have been looking for it over the years. Carol Burnett was nominated for a Golden Globe for this performance. I don't understand how it is still overlooked.
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Screamtime (1983)
Screamtime is something a little different from the rest
29 March 2019
This is a great little film that I have loved since the first time I rented it back in the late 80's. There is no real gore to speak of, but it is a collection of imaginative short stories that have that "tell a spooky story around a campfire" feel. From the man with the puppets to the woman who thinks her house is haunted, this film leaves an impression on you, and you're not likely to forget the tales it tells. Years later you'll be wishing to see one or all of them again. It's so rare, it's hardly seen on any service, online or otherwise which leads me to ask the question - WHERE IS THE DVD/BLU RAY? All regions, please! I would buy it the second it came out. Surely some studio can pick this up and give true fans of this film what they have been wanting FOR YEARS. This film should be enjoyed by all and it's sad that it seems to have been all but forgotten. 10/10
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Hell Fest (2018)
Haters Gonna Hate
21 March 2019
I'm not sure what movie the people who rated this poorly watched. This movie is a wild ride from beginning to end. It's somewhat reminiscent of "The Funhouse". Great sets, atmosphere, acting & story. It was something a little different with a very creepy killer and interesting, likable characters that I rooted for. I had a great time watching it. What did people expect, Gone With The Wind? It was much better than I expected it to be. So much modern day horror is over hyped and just not very good. This is not one of those films. 9/10
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Saw 3D (2010)
Cheap and should be embarrassing.
9 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When I got this movie I was very excited, as all the previous movies have almost been masterpieces in their own weird way. It's almost as if the story line, the integrity of the character, and the quality of the writing were of no consequence to the producers of this film. They went for gore and shock value, instead. I should know better than to see anything with the term "3-D" in the title, I guess. But I couldn't imagine a bad sequel coming out. Not for this series.

I knew it was going to be bad from the start. The real Jigsaw would never have murdered someone publicly, as in the first scene. In his twisted way, he had a sense of morality. He NEVER would have horrified all those innocent bystanders like that.

Cheap. Cheap. Cheap. It only got worse after that.

Save your $. Really....
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