
13 Reviews
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Beautiful, quiet, coming-of-age film
5 October 2022
I'm rewatching this for the second after having read the book about 12 years ago. It's one of my favourite books (autobiography) of all times and was nervous when it was developed into a film. I was pleasantly surprised. The movie captures the heart of the book. George Clooney obviously respects the central characters of the book, JR and his uncle. Clooney respects and recognizes the importance of role models/fathers for boys. I won't say much more. Ben Affleck is understated and excellent as JR's uncle. It's a well-directed, well-acted, quiet film. If you like the movie read the book. It's a lovely, emotional.
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Hits All The Marks (Spoliers!!)
3 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't write a lot of reviews and This is the first for an anthology series, an episodic short story.

I quite enjoyed Season 1 of this series and decided to check out Season 2. And boy was I blown away! The story hit close to heart. I appreciate vintage cars as my partner is a lover of old cars. As well my sister's husband passed away of cancer almost 3 years ago (her third marriage and her true love) We live with her and she's still reeling (naturally) from her lovestory cut short. So there's the beautiful story (not maudlin) but told well and realistically. And man alive, the actor who plays the late husband, Tom Burke, is fantastic! I've seen him in The Souvenir and recently in the detective series CB Strike. Minnie Driver is excellent in this, as are the actors who play her current husband and her daughter with her Kate husband. The music is also well-chosen and used. It's a wonderful story about loss of love and grief obviously written by someone who has experienced this first hand. Even though you move on, what do you do with the love you had for your lost love? Do you discard objects that have deep meaning for you and your old love when you've remarried? The ending Shows a beautiful understanding of the capacity of the human heart and capacity for love.

A warning that this one is a tear jerker. But don't reject it for making you feel. This is one of those great stories well told and beautifully, subtly acted. The story sticks with you. Give it a try.
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Misunderstood (Some spoilers ahead)
27 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Meet Joe Black is a case of critics getting it wrong! I love this movie. I've watched it about 10 times and it gets me every time. Yes it's main premise is Death taking a holiday to experience 'life' for a while. And who better to show you life than a man who is powerful, successful, loving, and used to living his life in complete control of those around him.

The actors are well-cast. Anthony Hopkins, Brad Pitt, Marcia Gay Hayden, Jeffry Tambov are all excellent. Clair Forlani is adequate but the weakest link for me. She is adequate enough though. Her scenes with her father (Anthony Hopkins) are riveting and beautiful. As a parent, I completely understand how much in love a parent can be with their child and how much meaning, purpose this provides in your life.

Another great dynamic is the relationship between Anthony Hopkins and Brad Pitt. Is it father-son, mentor-mentee, or merely student-teacher? The fact that Bill doesn't have a son is an interesting aspect of his character. His son-in-law is unlike Bill and while Bill loves him he doesn't "connect" with him. Claire Forlani's boyfriend is similar to Bill but Bill doesn't connect with him either. Along comes Joe Black who challenges Bill, doesn't acquiesce and fall in line like his daughters have always done. Brad Pitt (in the early years of his career here) hold himself well opposite the seasoned Anthony Hopkins. Marcia Gay Hayden is excellent as the daughter who recognizes the special bond between her father and her sister. She's constantly seeking her father's approval while recognizing he loves her but will not love her as he does her sister. This would be a great case study for Freud.

The movie however belongs to Anthony Hopkins. His portrayal of a powerful man who has lived his entire life being in control of every aspect of of it recognizes he cannot escape immortality. His portrayal of Bill is thoughtful and subtle . No other actor could have pulled this character off. He gives a powerful, emotional, understated performance. His relationship with his daughters is touching and beautiful. Both feeling loved by their father all the while each understanding (and respecting) who is the favourite. Being a parent of a daughter and son, I found this well-written, real, authentic.

Why did the critics hate this movie? Brad Pitt being pigeon-holed as a heartthrob? He hadn't yet been recognized as a good actor, but merely a good looking face in the same way Robert Redford had been treated early in his career. (RR has said that being really good-looking was a handicap early on in his career). I personally feel Brad Pitt is one of those actors who could have had a very different career had he chosen unwisely. He became one of the best actors of his generation.

So watch the long version. It's a moody piece which deserves the extra time. There's a lot of life to this movie. At the heart of the movie is Anthony Hopkins' relationship with both his daughters. Having two children who've grown up with a powerful, successful father, I find Bill's character, his dynamic with each daughter, the understated yet powerful control he wields over his daughters' lives quite real, understandable, real. The children of powerful fathers are always seeking their father's approval as well as his love.

Watch it with an open mind. And enjoy.
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Quietly Stunning
3 March 2021
So I felt compelled to write a review of this film. I started watching it only because Ruiz Ahmed is in it and I loved him The Night Of... but I was apprehensive about watching (listening) to metal music. I expected something like Whiplash (which I loved) where the music would be front and centre. Boy was I taken aback within the first several minutes of the film. I won't go into detail It's a perfect film. The direction is measured, thoughtful, beautiful drawing the audience into the story with very little dialogue. The actors are superb - all of them award worthy. Riz Ahmed proves again what a beautiful actor he is - he becomes this character. The last few minutes of the film is a close up of his face. Wow! The director had a vision and he executed it perfectly! The writing is real, authentic; I believed each character could be a person I knew. Flawed, compassionate, emotional. Do yourself a favour and watch it.
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Great cast
28 May 2020
Great story, fabulous acting by the young actors and interesting artwork. The only reason I didn't give it 10*'s is because of Reese Witherspoon - she was the same character as in Big Little Lies with the same roster of tones and facial expressions....until the last scene. She earned back my respect with that last scene.
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Tin Star (2017–2020)
If you like Tarantino ...
17 March 2020
Don't be put off by negative ratings, this is a wonderfully enjoyable series with excellent acting by not onlyTim Roth (which of course is to be expected) but a trio of young actors as well ( Anna, Whitey and the daughter in 2nd season).

Season 1 was well-constructed and well played out. Season 2 is all over the place in the first five or 6 episodes .... but then it turns true to the main characters and ropes you back in! As a Canadian I recognize the landscape and worship the beautiful shots of the mountains and snowy geography. The creator and directors make great use of the beauty of the Canadian landscape. What's interesting about the series and I'm sure done purposefully is that the serenity and beauty of the land are sometimes incongruent with the ugliness of the characters. Maybe Joffe wants us to understand that the characters are flawed, ugly at times but the land remains perpetually beautiful, peaceful.

The series is the creation of Rowan Joffe ( son of director Roland Joffe). He's directed a few films but nothing really note-worthy until Tin Star. Elements of Tarantino and Coen Brothers are visible - it's ironic that Tim Roth is the star (of Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction). Roth is brilliant as a morally-complex cop who relocated to Alberta from Great Britain for his family thinking he's moving to a sleepy little town where nothing ever happens. The first episode shows us how wrong he is. Mayhem and violence surrounds Jim Worth, he invites it really, however at the heart of this morally-ambiguous man is his love and desire to be a good father and husband. The dynamic between Jim and his daughter Anna drives the series.

Watch the series for the acting of a trio of a trio of young actors who play Anna, Whitey and the daughter in season 2. Their performances are nuanced and emotionally authentic while Tim Roth's character becomes un-relatable at times but always fun. Amongst the chaos and violence, Joffe brings the story back to the emotional centre - Anna, the daughter. Her character is so well-written I must applaud Joffe. This actress is one to watch.
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Fleabag (2016–2019)
About Life...
30 January 2020
I must confess I'm quite surprised at the popularity of this show but am happily surprised. The main character (Fleabag) is quite off-putting and it takes several episodes to get used to who her. She's sort of a complex, not likeable, acts terribly most of the time, and you find yourself wondering why you're continuing to watch. But just like life, you need to spend some time with someone until they trust you and you trust them. You realize she's sweet and she's broken, just like a lot of us. If you can get through Season 1, you'll be rewarded by one of the most wonderful characters in a series....The Sexy Priest. Andrew Scott is simply phenomenal, he's a national treasure. I've enjoyed him as Moriarty in Sherlock and as the bad guy in the Bond film, and now he's just fantastic!

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Ad Astra (2019)
4 January 2020
Everything about this film is brilliantly executed: the casting, the acting, the writing, and the sets/cinematography. I don't want to say too much. Just a beautiful film about the meaning of life. Enjoy.
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Peaky Blinders (2013–2022)
Worth its ratings
5 November 2019
So I have just finished Season 4 and feel compelled to write a review. I was hooked in season 1 and thought it would wane in the second season as a lot of series do. But was was happily surprised that the series kept getting better with each season. The characters are well-drawn, both male and female, the acting is excellent, the cast is splendid, and the cinematography gets more spectacular with each season. I'm not a huge fan of gangster films, let alone series but this one has history, great characters and great acting.

Each season is devoted to a particular theme, and introduces a guest character played by a charismatic, sexy actor, ie Tom Hardy, Adrien Brody. These award-winning actors do not however overtake the main character storyline arcs but only enhance the stories.

And I'm sure you've heard about the music! Nick Cave, Arctic Monkeys, Radiohead, PJ Harvey, David Bowie, Johnny Cash to mention a few. If you're into music, you'll be hooked at the theme song alone!

As a fan of The Wire, Breaking Bad, The Killing, I have a high standard for shows. This one is definitely worth your time. I'm just curious as to why this hadn't garnered more buzz?!? Did I miss the attention it originally received?! Do yourself a favour and watch it.
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Love Actually (2003)
More relevant now than 15 years ago when I first saw it ... (spoilers)
20 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So I watched this at the theatres when it first came out, with my sister and our children (ages 7 to 11) and in the third row from the front. Obviously last minute pick. At that time, I enjoyed it, found it entertaining. Didn't care for the Martin Freeman (naked stand-ins) story line - then mostly due to the fact that we had our children with us! So now watching it at home, 15 years later, I'm floored by how relevant this movie is--I still don't like the MF story line though.

The acting is superb, the writing is good, the direction is on-point. Re-watching it, what surprised me is the story line with Hugh Grant. When I first watched this, I thought the character of the American President seemed over-the-top and unrealistic, but as I watched it tonight, I could not believe it! Billy Bob Thornton as the American President was playing Donald Trump. Wow!

Overall, I thought the movie captured the "agony of love", all its pitfalls, its joys, its mundaneness and its reality. If you have never watched this thinking it "another rom-com", give it a chance. It has aged well.
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Julie Depardieu is incredible
26 January 2016
This is one of those movies best viewed without knowing much about its plot. It's a story about two sisters living in Paris, their children, and their partners.

This is the first time I've seen Julie Depardieu and she's just so watchable, even in the beginning when she's made to appear drab and dowdy. As the movie progresses, JD's beauty begins to outshine her sister's overt, empty sexiness, as portrayed by Emmannuelle Beart. All three leads (Depardieu, Beart and Patrick Bruel) are top notch. EB has not been a favourite actor of mine but in this movie, she's nuanced in the portrayal of a spoiled, self-absorbed, bored entitled Paris housewife and mother. Of course, Emmanuelle Beart is a beautiful woman, but it's intriguing how she begins to look haggard as the movie progresses. The cosmetic surgery makes her face appear clownish--so that helps. Julie Depardieu's performance is subtle and believable. There's a scene between her and the actress who plays her daughter that is heart-wrenching--it could have easily become over-the-top, emotionally manipulative were it not for JD's restrained performance. And, of course, seeing the lights, streets and buildings of Paris make the movie watchable, indeed.

Worth watching...
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Stay (I) (2005)
Don't believe everything you see and hear...
10 November 2015
This is one of those movies that requires a second viewing to completely appreciate.

The first time I saw this movie, I found myself trying to figure out what every scene and symbol meant. I was completely off base as the ending was revealed!

Marc Forster (the director) infuses each scene with great imagery. One scene in particular stands out for me: the stairs in the theatre which Sam is climbing down. This reminded me of an Escher drawing. The main actors are all great (McGregor, Watts, Gosling); the cameos by Jeanine Garofolo and Bob Hoskins are a wonderful surprise.

All the while, the mystery carries you along to the ending which is a revelation. And once you re-watch the movie, the meaning of every sound and piece of dialogue becomes clear.

Great ride!
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5 to 7 (2014)
Lovely film for a rainy afternoon
10 November 2015
This is one of those small gems of a film which is best viewed knowing nothing or very little about its details. The acting by all is good; Frank Langella, Glenn Close and the main French actress are the standouts. The story is sweet, if a tad implausible, but then all good love stories must have an element of implausibility to capture our imagination. Despite what other critics have written, I thought Anton Yelchin was wonderful. He is awkward, skinny yet confident -- his style is endearing and believable.

This is an unconventional, small film which took me by surprise. Well worth the watch.
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