
41 Reviews
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Junk food for the masses
5 February 2006
I was surprised to see such high rating for such lowly piece of movie.

Let alone the facts that you get hardly anything portrayed from this vampire world and what little you get is one stereotype after another...

But honestly you need to decide if the following matters for you when choosing a movie to watch: - stupid speeches in the middle of a fight scene, - out of nowhere and sloppily performed travesty for a sex scene, - ridiculous "I'm your father, you're my son" reasoning to fill the holes in the script, - zero character development; in fact hollow characters altogether, - straightforward reminder flashes for the dim-witted.

I believe that where the first movie barely succeeded in terms of a plot, this linear sequel fails completely. Don't expect any surprises, everything is laid before you like a paved road in the desert. But do expect components I have mentioned above.

I would also like to say that there is a complex and thrilling world where vampires walk the Earth and I would love to see some movie based on that since vampires get more and more attention in media in the last years. It's called World of Darkness or Vampire:the Masquerade and I'm sure some of you know the books or pen-and-paper RPG games or a card game or even computer games based on this setup. Most notable piece of perfectly executed vampire story is the latest computer game from World of Darkness named Bloodlines. The plot is as thick as a pitch and the dialogues are just polished and rich (I produced a rhyme by accident :). Comparing Bloodlines to U:Evolution I can only laugh how weak this movie is. Truly a junk food for the masses powdered with flashy eye candy.

I do not recommend this movie to anyone, not even the vampire fans.
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Sin City (2005)
Wow to first comic adaptation for not being an utter bulls*it
11 September 2005
I don't want to sound overly zealous or anything but still I'd like to express my loathing of comic adaptations that were created in past few years, including Xmen, Daredevil, Hulk, Fantastic4, Spiderman and whatnot. For most of them I only had to endure a trailer or a commented review on TV though...

And though I'm not a comic book fan, I know that Sin City differs from other comic franchises. It's black-and-white, it's ultimately dark, it has its own black humor and overall style.

Reluctantly I went to see Sin City on tape. The first scene suggested that the style from the paper version would be preserved. Subsequent credits indicated that Frank Miller had much to say and decide during the production. And next... from start to end one hell of a satisfying ride.

The flick has a noir style that is near to perfect. That may be the case of other comic adaptations as well (just cut "noir") but Sin City is supported even by the characters. Almost every single one of them has a believable personality - acting was surprisingly good for me.

Next thing is a fine combination of reckless violence and humor. It goes so well together in Sin City. I won't spoil anything though because I believe this movie deserves to be seen even if you are not into comic books in general.

Just go and watch deadly little Kevin and deadly little Miho, to name the few, in action.
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Not a surprise for me... piece of crap
9 June 2005
Remembering the awkwardness from episode one and two I didn't really expect Revenge of the Sith (ROTS) to be any better. And it wasn't.

I will spare you the lengthy sermon about how the thing was awful etc. Just want to say this. I like the Star Wars universe in overall as some of the video games like Knights of the old Republic or Jedi Academy are my favorites. I can tolerate the whole lot of silly aliens or linearity and simplicity of the plot.

But what I can't tolerate in a movie is this: clichés, bad acting, stereotypes, bad jokes, bad dialogues and pathos. And sadly ROTS is just full of that. Except for Ian McDiarmid you'll have a hard time to find the hint of acting performance, almost every line someone speaks is a blunt banality, battle scenes are stupid imitations of medieval war encounters, dialogues are mostly clichéd stereotypical disasters without a spark, not one attempt on a joke hit the spot and so on.

But it is all packed in flashy, colorful wrapping, it's enough for the shallow audience to get entertained, it got a huge hype and that's what counts. Whatever.

One more thing. Nothing beats the worst actor of this film, which is Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan. Truly sad.

The flick has its merits but they are really marginal and everyone wants to spend their precious money on this movie anyway, so let them go and find them.

My mark for ROTS is 4/10 and I'm done with this crappy trilogy.
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Mind Game (I) (2004)
Touching the limits of imagination
8 May 2005
I saw this piece on local Animefest and I tell you what. I honestly thought my head will blow. Such seemingly never-ending torrent of originality and imagination is truly unprecedented. There are numerous animation techniques mixed together, loads of standard anime exaggeration (no manga though), psychedelic trips, serious issues and silly sarcastic humor. There's no way an intelligent non-shallow adult would not like this masterpiece. Consider yourself as unprepared for what you will see but be ready to be surprised when you do and mentally exhausted once you did.

By the way, describing the plot of Mind Game would be utterly stupid. It's a mind game alright, you will get the message one way or another.

Straight 10/10
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Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995–1996)
Anime at its best.
27 January 2005
Evangelion blows your mind. First few episodes may seem like regular giant-robot-post-apocalyptic nonsense for kiddies but soon it begins to unmask itself. The background story is very complicated and not every detail of it is ever revealed. Characters are developed more than in many regular movies out there. Simply lovable.

The show can feel ultimately silly, weird, technologically naive, even insane. But it has a purpose - you shall experience every mood and emotion thinkable over the episodes. Pure originality seeps out of the series all the time. But it's all just the beginning. The real weirdness, packed with substance nonetheless, comes in the last three episodes. No matter how you will anticipate the story would end, it won't be anywhere near the real conclusion. I can't describe it without spoiling it. Evangelion just blows your mind.

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Review for Unrated version only.
6 December 2004
I saw theatrical version of Riddick a while back and I was kinda disappointed. But I knew that version was not only shortened, the story was toned down for stupid people to understand it and some slightly more explicit content was censored so the movie could obtain PG-13 rating. I decided not to review it until Director's cut was out.

Now when I saw DC version I can rejoice for being patient. Everything that was good in theatrical version is still there: great special effects, good action and plot twists. Minor things, really. What is better in DC version is that we get deeper insight into Riddick's origins, we get better motivations for characters, some more of a story is portrayed, some stupid dialogues lines are out and finally, explicit content is there. It's nothing much but in whole I got the feeling the flick made more sense. In terms of acting, let's just say I find the performances appropriate for the genre. One thing I have noticed in dialogues: not once had I heard line "Are you alright?" or "Everything is gonna be okay". Not once. This kind of stuff counts... for me.

I think Riddick made it after all, but please avoid theatrical version.

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Ginger franchise is going out of steam...
3 November 2004
As I have noticed mostly the fans of the prequels of this prequel :-) supply the comments for this flick. Same it is here. I loved Ginger Snaps and enjoyed Unleashed. But this, this is something else. Something bad for the series...

It's certainly worst achievement out of three. And it's not even the acting or the plot or the modern language in 19th century what drags it down. It's the lame and corny dialogs, stupid predictable spooks and stinking boredom from now and then. The movie has its merits despite the cheap budget and spin-off production, even some twists are there and camera is quite impressive - just watch Brigitte in her dream and she shall be in yours :-).

But in overall it's a bummer. I have to admit though that if you see Ginger Snaps Back prior to any other Ginger, you might rate it higher but then you spoil yourself the experience from Ginger Snaps... It's kinda vicious circle - if you see one Ginger you won't like the other one that much because they are too much alike.

Therefore just 5/10 from me.
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A movie that saves the genre
28 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I'm really sick of Bond stupidities and all top-secret-super-human-special-agent crap like Mission impossible and whatnot. And here we have another movie of the same genre that has almost nothing in common with the aforementioned junk. Bourne Supremacy along with its prequel Bourne Identity is polished and professionally made action thriller with thick plot, distinguishable characters, gadgets and more.

The necessary romance is subtle and believable (or the one in Bourne Identity), fight scenes have real and frantic feel to them without demented one-liners, explosions are blissfully devoid of American fireworks I despise so much, the environment is all European which I like even more. Musical score is truly remarkable, one you easily remember and recognize if you hear it again. Many complained on shaky camera work but for me, it was another thing that added to the atmosphere.

The pace of the movie is fast, but I felt that every needed detail was there, I was not able to notice any major logical plot holes or outright nonsense apart from some errors in scene scripts. That's why I liked the movie so much, for me it was pretty much believable as a whole and in the set context.

(Minor spoilers: well, I didn't know they have armored cabs in Moscow, nor do I think the police all over the Europe is so disciplined and perceptive in chasing the fugitive, but as I said, this is nitpicking.)

As a bonus you get one of the most memorable car chases out there... This movie is in my opinion real accomplishment and it's kinda good there are so few of them because these are the ones that define the quality in its genre.

And one more thing: Supremacy though it is a sequel is not notably worse compared to its predecessor which is surely a good thing. 8/10
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King Arthur (2004)
Try not to pay for watching this
26 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Some time ago I've read somewhere comments of Keira Knightley where she said something like she's not worthy to be called an actress yet. Unfortunately it was before I saw her latest performance in King Arthur. On the other hand I can at least acknowledge the comment.

Still, trying to be fair, it's not her fault entirely that this movie sucks. According to other reviews, I feel lucky not to know the actual legend, because this adaptation is told to be completely stupid mess in terms of historical facts. It wouldn't bother me if it wasn't for other things like boring and predictable plot, boring and awkward dialogues everyone has heard about one thousand gazillion times in other stupid Hollywood junk, or unconvincing performances... The action scenes and stylish set pieces weren't enough to conceal the shallowness of it all.

For those of you fond of spoilers I've picked some real pearls:

The snipers like we know them now simply can't compete with ancient archers. You hardly ever see an arrow that misses its target. It's easy to win against impossible odds when you have such unerring task force.

Really, seeing frail little cute Guinevere charging into battle with a blade even in her off-hand is quite funny too. No disrespect intended but with that battle dance she performs there she would have suffered from dislocated shoulder in no time. Not to mention she is virtually naked against decently armored grunts...

Saxons are portrayed like complete and utter imbeciles. Best part is when the whole contingent of them shrivels with fear and herds together on a frozen lake endangered by a handful of archers sniping them from the distance of several hundreds meters.

But what sucks even more is whole romance between Arthur and Guinevere. It's simply impossible. My impression from it was that Arthur was bitter and just wanted to get laid and Guinevere decided to make the sacrifice for a worthy cause - that dull it seemed to me. The wedding scene is stupidest scene ever, I thought it was just meant to be on DVD non-serious bonus material and got to actual movie by mistake...

Here end the spoilers.

Only piece of real substance I've noticed were very rare and brief interactions between Lancelot and Guinevere. Almost everything else was just artificial, like it was some failed rehearsal or something.

3/10 because I'm nice
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surrealistic piece of art
15 October 2004
This movie is just beautiful blend of so many things I can hardly count them all. Let's try:

It has classic animation and it has 3D animation. It has scenic music and it has classic music. It has comedy. It has parody and it has political satire. It has drama and adventure. It has action and violence. It has melancholy. It has musical and crime. It has well-portrayed characters and it has even a plot. Every single thing in it is exaggerated to no end. It's original and it has whole lot of gimmicks for those keen-eyed.

If I was to criticize something then it would be one or two somewhat outdated gags and not so lasting impression. But in overall I recommend it to anyone ready for some witty humor.

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Fan of the game series here
15 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This review is completely edited because as a fan translator I've made myself to produce subtitles to my language for this movie which really changed my view of it.

I would like to stress the prerequisites for this flick very strongly because on them depend how you will or will not like it. Firstly you virtually have to like scifi-horror-zombie flicks as a genre. Secondly you should be the fan of related game series and be decently acquainted with its style and content. Some tolerance towards cheesiness comes in handy too. If you do not meet any on these requirements, please don't bother watching this movie because there's only a slim chance you would like it. Despite the fact the authors of the movie try to speak to the broadest audience I believe only RE fans and people who simply love action flicks for action can be appealed.

Apocalypse connects to previous RE movie very tightly and there are tons of things you would recognize in it if you played the games. Acting is not bad but certainly not brilliant which is very understandable considering the genre. In fact I liked Jill and Carlos, the were both nicely laconic and tough but not overly tough. Action scenes in Apocalypse have their excesses better labeled as stupidities but sometimes they can be explained. If you are capable to ignore corny padding around the scenes, you realize the plot actually makes a sense and pays homage to overall RE storyline.

****SPOILERS**** For those who complained about some things they didn't understand in the movie I offer here some explanations. Through her adaptation of T-virus Alice became superhuman which explains most of stunts she had made. She was also capable to smell infected humans and monsters a mile off. That's why she charged into the church - not to save anyone but to kill those licker bastards. The wall around the city shown at graphical model wasn't the actual real wall. It was just the simplest way to show all the exits were sealed. The zombies crawling out of their graves were just scene borrowed from the game (in this case RE: Code Veronica); I still consider it a weak spot. Same as Alice's new psychic powers, how got Dr. Ashford infected or why the heck was Angie there at the end of the movie...

All in all Apocalypse is very flawed but as a fan of the game series I only took the good parts from it.

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Strictly worst of the tetralogy
6 September 2004
But still quite enjoyable.

While the first Alien is a perfect blend of scifi and horror, Aliens is a perfect blend of scifi and action, third Alien is a perfect blend of scifi and thriller, Resurrection is merely perfect blend of scifi and visual effects. It's not like the flick is devoid of story or some good ideas but in terms of acting and overall feel, Alien: Resurrection is bit of a disappointment, at least in comparison with the prequels. Same old formula of a band of survivors dying one by one is maintained but with aliens around, that's the point I guess.

But as a fan of the genre and Alien universe, I still had fun and give it 7/10
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truly an art film
19 July 2004
How can a movie about the creation of art pieces not be an art film? So it's an art movie, granted. It's just that from my perspective it was also boring one. One thing is I don't generally like historical movies. They are too prim and trivial to my liking. This holds true for Girl with a Pearl Earring. The whole plot is actually quite dim and nothing really happens there.

Another thing is the editing is pretty choppy. The images are often just concatenated without real succession and some shots are in my opinion completely amiss. And as much as I can appreciate minimalism, this piece really left only one impression on me - Scarlett Johansson. Not that she gave some extra polished performance - she had never a space for it - but at least she perfectly fitted into her role as you would see if you watched the movie till the end.

All in all Girl with a Pearl Earring is an average achievement, 5/10
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Bad Santa (2003)
Actually, good Santa
7 July 2004
After seeing absolutely amazing ten-star Ghost World I looked forward this new instalment of Terry Zwigoff. First important thing is that Bad Santa is another genre, hence the unrealistic plot. Second important thing is that the ultimate sarcasm and cynicism we've seen before is there once more. Third important thing is that the acting is close to flawless and the movie isn't boring even when no funny thing is happening. Fourth important thing is that there actually is a strong moral coming from this movie, no matter what those who didn't like the flick say.

And that's about it. Comedies are not among my favorite genres because I rarely come upon truly intelligent and well-performed one. But I truly enjoyed this exception. And I tell you, the f word is like a very good spice in this movie - you won't consume it alone but you wouldn't like the meal that much without it... Sometimes I think the only result of keeping the kids from the f word-harm's way are the individuals who can't enjoy movies like this, because they are sooo rude and crude and blah, blah, blah to them. Well, the imperfection is theirs :-)

9/10 for Bad Santa
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Pretty intense for the first time
28 June 2004
I was just glad to pick this one. Thriller combining two causal theories like chaos theory and theory of 'possible worlds' (I do not know exact English term, but this might as well be it), I do not recall to have ever see in my life. So there go the points for originality from me.

Acting was pretty good too, especially when almost whole cast acted each in several different roles as the timelines switched... The pace was steady and I was intrigued till the (little cheesy) end. My impression from the movie was good.

___________possible spoilers follow.

It was only then, when I thought about it, what was missing and how it all fitted together. My conclusion is the whole storyline is rather naive, since it only deals with a dozen of people in more or less the same environment. As I understand the chaos theory, even the smallest change can lead to unpredictable, incomparably more substantial consequences. Yet what we see are only mild changes in lifestyles of the protagonists (though they are viewed subjectively as radical, of course), nothing else.

Moreover, the main character doesn't really know what's happening, and he thinks linearly, such as one decision made otherwise could fix the timeline, only with his personal narrow goals in mind, which is obviously untrue. Such ignorance is quite understandable, but the audience gets equally narrow results from the interventions to the timeline and that is the flaw I have in mind - constant effort to keep it simple.

The next thing I find little bit over the edge is how easily he can jump from one possible world into another with exact memories from the current and all previous ones. That's in my opinion directly forged trick. The ability of mind to switch the timeline is wild enough so more subtlety would be in order.

But it is all just nitpicking I guess. For the sake of the plot things had to be trivialized a lot, or maybe didn't have to but were...

All in all I really enjoyed the flick but I probably wouldn't want to see it again.

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complex in simplicity
19 April 2004
City of lost children is a fable not for kids but for grown-ups, it is about the kids who behave like grown-ups and grown-ups are like the kids. Got it?

Although the plot is quite straightforward, many scenes are done with extraordinary finesse and subtle humor, so, once again, style wins over the substance and we've got here kind of easy entertainment, not particularly shallow either. Special effects are pretty decent too. English dub for this movie is pretty good. So if you got even the vague feeling it would be worth it, go and see it. It is worth it I guess.

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Earth (1996)
amazingly amazing
24 March 2004
It would be easy to let your personality split in two if you'll get caught in situation like Angel from Tierra did. Except he had kinda split personality in advance...

I guess you've never seen story about love this exceptional. There's a lot of strong symbolism, compelling plot, absolutely perfect camera, absolutely lovely characters, flawless acting, dreamy atmosphere, unexpected twists in storyline and more.

In whole this movie is special, original and ultimately appealing. I tried to find something to reproach, some imperfection, and though I've already seen the movie three times over the years, I can't help but to award it with 10 out of 10.
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united artists did it again
23 March 2004
What Pieces of April reminded me most strongly of were the movies made under the Dogma 95 manifest. Humanistic plot, full spectrum of issues, stress put on acting instead of style, no special effects, mild humor and I don't know what else.

Except this piece was american. All american indeed. I wouldn't have thought it was possible I will actually love it. But it happened. So if you're past the period when you need some action and violence and straightforward stupid gags from a movie to like it, I recommend Pieces of April to you highly. Actually not the pieces, the whole of it...

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So Close (2002)
So cool
8 March 2004
Let's talk about prerequisities first.

If you hate American action flicks, if you don't revel in nerve-wrecking psycho-dramas too badly, if you can appreciate style over substance and if you're into asian cinematography, pick So Close.

Rest assured there's plenty of nonsense in this movie, even cliches from time to time, but there's not enough of it to prevent you from enjoying it. Really, even acting was fine with me. Action is exquisite, girls are lovely, effects are cool, plot is trivialized but sufficient I guess. It was meant to be easy and fun and you know what? It's easy and fun alright.

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This time Brigitte snaps...
26 February 2004
As usual the sequel is less appealing than original but honestly everyone expected that I guess. Moreover, Unleashed uses another style in storytelling so it's actually kinda hard to compare.

Still this movie is worth watching provided you liked the part one and like horrors in overall. Emily Perkins is definitely my new favorite actress by now. Special effects are not that special and the pace is rather slow at times but if you're willing to take my advise, go watch Ginger Snaps and if you like it, go watch Unleashed. I had fun...

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Clerks (1994)
What can I say??
26 February 2004
After I've read some moronic strictures about how this movie sucks because it's b/w and without the real action and crap like that, I can't help but think this movie is for intelligent and non-prejudiced people only.

Actually it's got more of content than most movies out there. The fun mostly comes from conversational level and it can get pretty intense especially when you watching it for the first time. Acting is pretty good too, the whole thing has only few weak spots. I recommend it highly.

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stupidest movie ever
23 February 2004
Someone may consider the following as spoilers...

Let's review. Plot: One mentally immature "scientist" stupidly causes the death of his mate so he builds some grotesque contraption that seems to travel in time like it was the most ordinary thing in the world. He wants his mate back but heck, it doesn't work to go simply to the past and claim her. During his trip to the future he meets some stupid people then smacks his head and travels right to the year 800000. There he finds some society of dark-skinned people who speak English and behave just like stupid Americans in any given Hollywood flick designated for shallow audience.

Then all of the sudden bad guys appear so our "scientist" becomes self-made savior who knows exactly what is right, kills everyone who looks ugly (and therefore is evil, mind you) and wins another mate.

Suffice to say I was busy with other things while watching and only made it through to write this review.

Characters and acting: none and none if we don't count stupid characters and pathetic performances respectively.

Dialogues: none if we don't count stupid cut-and-paste lines from universal B-movie pattern.

Special effects: Polystyrene set pieces and unimpressive animations.

Overall score: stupid even for kids, boring as hell, total trash, 1/10

I don't care how good the book was but I'm totally convinced that if you liked this movie you must be stupid (or too young maybe).
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Swimming Pool (2003)
Pretty solid actually...
18 February 2004
After the first twenty minutes of Swimming Pool I honestly thought I would simply die from boredom. Luckily I knew better and sat tight. Actually it was hardly luck cos I've run into solid movies with weak comings before.

Just for you to know; Swimming Pool is mostly about sex and lust (like is the life itself, I might add). It uses intentionally provocative and luscious imagery. I wondered if it was to keep the male audience in their seats. Why not anyway.

In any case, it has also another message to say and don't except me to spoil it for you. Even if you get to see the version with unsubtitled French parts (and your French as bad as mine) I think you figure out the meaning of dialogues in question just fine. If you're into tense uncrowded little dramas then you know what...

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Worst of the trilogy...
4 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I guess I saw it coming... I only write the review on this one cos there are enough positive comments on the previous parts already.

And I liked the first and second part. But Return of the king was such a dissappointment...


I think none of those fanatical admirers will give a damn about the following elements that truly spoiled the movie for me... Cliches were everywhere, I was yawning all the time to those stupid stupid dialogues spread throughout the movie. Some of the characters had nothing but pompous phrases to say (Gimli), some had nothing to say at all (Legolas). The last 20 minutes was so melodramatic, it was completely unbearable. Shortcuts like Sam sitting at the table and next moment he's married... yeah, right. Coronation at Minas Tirith heliport was sooo unoriginal it was plain stupid. Ghost army in action was completely unimpressive; just a moving green mass, boring. I can't recall more stupid thing than that Legolas and war elephant acrobatics. Not worth even commenting. The battle subsided every now and then so someone like Gandalf or Eowyn had a time for their melodramatic chatter. Gandalf, supposedly most powerful wizard didn't cast at all during the whole movie save that light bulb that repelled the wyverns. I don't get it, was he retired from casting or what? And how exactly is it that one ring keeps whole Mordor from turning to rubble. Or did the whole land break up that way, so even the mentally retarded individual understands that Sauron is no longer in charge, giving the satisfying impression of grand climax?? As a bonus the soil sank only under orcs' legs, the humans observed, all safe. What a smart deus ex machina... Not to mention the orc army though coming from one direction (Black Gate) surrounded the human contingent within what, one minute? And more, hobbits lying one meter from several streams of hot lava, only barely sweating. Please.

Shame on Peter Jackson for these things. Some can call them minor details but all together they melted the good impression I had from part one and two. Sure not the whole movie was bad, animated effects, scenery and overall technical quality was superb as usual but that is just NOT enough for me. Oh well, just another movie diluted with cliches and nonsense; everyone else seems to be happy after all so what's the big deal?

My score: 6/10
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Cabin Fever (2002)
Clearly for horror fans with not so many horrors behind them
2 February 2004
I shall present this review as a reaction to other comments.

Many of them complain there little of a plot "cuz I dunno where dat disease came from." Come on people. This is meant to be an easy teen horror so such details are totally irrelevant for the sake of the movie.

Many of them complain about trashy acting. Well this is somewhat true but it could have been worse.

Many of them complain about utter predictability. I beg to differ. There are predictable elements to be sure but fortunately there are plenty of new ideas as well (at least for me).

In terms of gore, Cabin Fever is a mess (in good sense). I can't help it, this flick wasn't that ordinary and boring to me. If you want truly idiotic recent horror to fall asleep by, go and see Wrong Turn. 6/10 for Cabin Fever
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