
8 Reviews
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Where Is The Diversity
11 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So... No ethnic diversity in the future. More and more of these films and serials being made cast very little diversity, meanwhile on the topic of casting... It's just foul. terrible acting all-round. And what TF is up with the on board computer. Irrational, emotional and wait what an overbite and a lisp, in a Manchester accent.. completely laughable. And where are the adults in the room, Mutiny and then one vote from a bleach blonde moron decides the fate of the entire crew, mission and world,
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Luke Cage (2016–2018)
A Real Cartoon
24 November 2016
Unfortunately I see allot of racism imbued in the comments I've read about this show so far..But thats kinda a typical for AmeriKKA .. so lets just move past it.. LC is probably one of the grittiest Marvel comics I have seen.. Ever... The actors are very good. the direction solid and inspiring. The sets are beautiful, particularly the club. The Villains are tasty evilicious.. The writing is is intelligent and on point. Mike Colter was the perfect pick for this Super Hero. and his portrayal as LC is actually what a SH should be of any stripe. Realistic.. A special shout out to the always wonderful and beautiful Rosario Dawson. Only thing the writers need to keep in mind.. Don't fall into the trap of relationship stereotypes .. Don't let him betray Claire emotionally and let them remain friends.. No Benefits.. Writers one word; X-Files
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Martyrs (2015)
22 January 2016
The problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves and wiser people are so full of doubts.

Why! Why! Why!.. Didn't you idiots watch the original at least once before you set out to destroy a near masterpiece of horror.. I always say if you want good film effed up .. give it over to the Americans.. First it's not in French.. Which alone destroys all sense of horrible beauty, that helped make the original so captivating. Country effing music.!, you have got to be kidding. Everyone associated with this film should be barred from ever doing anything in life but sweeping horse poo from the back of a carriage on rainy nites.. Scene after scene stolen from the original and twisted into unrecognizable pig shite.. The problem with most American actors is that they're so bloody transparent and unbelievably bad actors.. Since I turned it off at after 5 minutes.. I have nothing else to add to this review.. Except.. Do not waste good air on this crap or anything else from these directors.. They should be sued for bad plagiarism at the very least..They actually had the stones to put their names on the Marquee..
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Chi-Raq (2015)
31 December 2015
Best two hours I've spent in 2015 watching film.. Pure theater, outstanding performances by old-school and new school thespians. If you know anything about Chicago's history, and correlate that with current world events, then you will , if you haven't noted all ready, that Chicago Mayor's are little more than placeholders, in this city.. Gangstarrs rule... always have and most likely always will. Spike Lee has once again done a masterful job of story-telling politics du century, .. Somewhere on this set, Radio Rakeems, ghost was taking the this crew to task.. Wesley Snipes has paid his dues, but don't expect, Mo Better Blues' .. Can Angela Bassett ever not be beautiful, one of the most underrated and least pushed actresses in Hollywood, The choice between steady work for 30 years or 1 or 2 leading lady roles, an easy choice. Sam Jackson.. stop screaming.. and act.. please.. Teyonah Parris, Wow! .. beautiful.. talented, more please.. Jennifer Hudson, still an enigma, but hoping for more please.. Working with soo.... many beautiful, talented strong women must have been a dream come true or an absolute fear fest..Nick Cage. not bad..still not convinced you want to be an actor... . John Cusack, If Al Pacino sees this film, he'll know exactly where you conjured up this performance, the sermon in the church was masterful.. Not quite Al in City Hall.. but it's easy to see that you learned from the best. DB Sweeney, one of the best character actors around.. Overall a beautiful Shakespearean farce wrapped in Terrorism, engulfed and discarded by entertainment news. The conversation dismissed by a racist, willfully ignorant & backwards electorate, Fodder for an absolutely evil global system. .Spike as always.. You did the right thing.. Well.. that Vampire thing.. WT.. !.. Cheers,

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The Pyramid (2014)
As bad as it was
26 October 2015
It had some pretty good fun house moments.. But that Blonde Actress, her name is not important..Yikes, all that bloody whinging, It ever a character should have met their demise.. early and terribly... Directors used to have their names in lights right along side stars.. Thank heavens this fad is over.. This is clearly not the worst horror film of 2014.. I usually turn them over after 15 minutes of tiresome mind numbing character development, because invariably, it's all down hill from 15.01... The French still hold the trophies for the best horror cinematique .. Qui, Qui, .. L'interieur, Martyr's, Frontiers, l'Horde, although not French, Eden Lake, visceral horreur.. Why do white filmmakers stil believe skinny untalented blonde's are going to make them box office bank. Wake up people its the 21st century .. the world is a very diverse place...It's bad enough that 99 percent of Hollywood films are crap.. But to continue to do the same thing over and over and expect different results.. well.. As previously stated.. some pretty good fun house effects, props to the carpenters... and crew.. Everything else was simply window dressing..
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Braquo (2009–2016)
Hollywood., Pay Attention, this is what great TV looks like
30 August 2015
Giving Braquo a 9 because it's totally racist as is it's follow-up/ counter part Engranages. Apart from that excellent TV. not enough adjectives to describe the great acting, writing, makeup or lack there of & production. Shear gritty over the top violent beauty.. Episodes just continue to get better each time..As in life.. everyone is bad, but as the series show, plenty of us are very, very bad. You will have no time to feel empathy for any of the characters.. And there will be times when you'll be rooting for their demise..Especially the cops. If you're trying to learn French, forget about it.. These series are made for native French speakers.. The Subs are so so, sometimes pretty dreadful.. Since 2013, I believe Hollywood has seen the writing of it's own demise on the wall and have begun to collaborate with international actors and film companies from several European countries.. American Hegemony has been waining for sometime and thankfully it's also affecting the film business. It's not that international film has always been this good. It's just that American TV has always been very bad.
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Flight 7500 (2014)
7500 reasons not to watch
25 August 2015
if you're thinking of watching don't.. The Grudge, A Japanese remake in it's original form was barely watchable, but just.. At least "Snakes On A Plane" didn't even try to take itself seriously..Americans should leave horror films to the French.. "Frontier", Le Horde", "Inside", Martyrs', although not French.. "Eden Lake" What's even more interesting is that American horror filmmakers don't appear to watch great French horror, or if they do watch.. and still make awful films .. Then it would be painfully obvious that these people should never make another film, of any kind.. Even if you're the type that is skeptical of bad reviews.. trust me .. 4.9 is way over the top generous.. Okay so it's not 7500 reasons not to watch, but left you with plenty..
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Exeter (2015)
Leave Horror to the French..
15 August 2015
This film is absolutely the worst horror picture this year, and the contender's for bad American horror movies this year is huge.. Don't waste one second on this film.. All of the people and movies mentioned in the credits are terrible at their jobs and not one... of those films they worked on was scary.. Want to see scary.. Watch Inside 2007, aka "À l'intérieur" , Martyrs, Frontier , High Tension aka Haute Tension, not French but great "Eden Lake" .even "Le Horde" .this is horror film making.. Back Mask .. BackWash would have been more appropriate.. consists of a gaggle of cliché stupid white kids doing stupid unbelievable stuff.. that makes absolutely sense to no normal person. This film is an affront to your intelligence.. The script is as boring and stupid as every low budget horror film that's been made in the US. since .. well. forever..
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