
2 Reviews
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Dark Water (2002)
Hideo Nakata has done it again!
24 September 2003
What a man, he has made all of the films that have scared me and creaped me out the most. First ringu for which I was compleatly unawear of the end and is probaly the most intence peace of cinimar I have ever watched, now dark water probaly just as good.

Just seen it to day at the cinimar, me and 4 other people, I realy dispare and only for a one day showing. However no talking and thats nice, this film may not jump out like the ending of ringu but all the way throught its creapy.

I loved the ending, just remembering the part in the lift. Enought everyone go see it now, its just as good as ringu and probaly every time it rains or something leaks I will have shivers going down my spine.

Forget all the negative reviews, their just babling because it does not have the ending of ringu. Its a diffrent film, same style, diffrent setting, diffrent format but just as good.

10 out of 10
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Ringu (1998)
One of the best horror movies ever made, if not the best!
21 September 2003
I watched this film during the day, not the sort of time you should be watching a horror film, their for night time. I was so glad I did, this is the scarest film I have ever seen, I serious I still cant look at an off TV with out thinking about Sadako!

FOrget the crapy American re make which so many people seem to like, I've watched and it sucks. This is a film that never needed to be re made, unless your highly intolerant of other cultures which holloywood seems to think America is.

The film being based on a book has a very intresting plot, perfectly adapted into movie format. Many mistorys are make by the end, the sequale exsplains some of them and makes some more.

For me the reason this film worked so well was because it was so un hollywood, it did not rely on cheap jumps and gore. Instead it relyed on tension and un ease, each scene took as long as it liked.

It never realy tryed to show you that much, it left alot up to your imagination. This is why its so scary because you have to visualise it, all the way throught I was wondering what she looked liked.

That sticks with, the ending is the best I have ever seen in any horror film ever. Forget the american version it will only spoil the end of this one, watch the two sequals as well.
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