
24 Reviews
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Bull (2021)
This movie is incredible, will have your heart beating out of your chest
1 June 2023
I went into this movie knowing nothing and was blown away. This is a slow burn that will literally have your heart beating out of your chest. The acting is phenomenal, especially Bull. I watch crazy horror movies daily, so for this to get my heart pounding.. 10/10. Neil Maskell was born to act and this movie is proof. David Hayman sold this as well. You get lost in a movie like this, it feels almost like real life until it ends..worst part is you don't want it to end, you want more my opinion he should've been brutal to David Hayman after what he did to his mother, made the guy really suffer. Watch this movie you will not regret it. When movies like this are over I always wish I could find another as good. Fyi check out Bone Tomahawk.
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Scream VI (2023)
I feel generous giving it this rating, doesn't deserve the title
20 May 2023
Between "scream 5&6" or whatever you want to call these embarrassments, neither is worth having the title. These are hacks, nothing compared to the originals, acting is garbage. I had to shut off both 5 & 6 because they were that bad. The acting in 6 from lead characters is horrible. Stop putting these horrible actors or actresses on pedestals, call it like it is. If your any kind of scream fan don't waste your time, acting/plot are hard to watch.

The original scream(s) the acting flowed, the jumps were real and the catch phrases were memorable..does the present/future suck so bad that they just can't let go of the past and actually make something new.
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Started off weak but finished strong, well worth a watch
30 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am somewhat of a hardcore texas chainsaw fan, so I gave this a chance. My favorite is the 2003 version, can't watch it enough times. This one I almost shut off at the beginning with the horrible personalities of the characters, young disrespectful trust fund type kids. Melody/Sarah's character was hard to deal with, loud mouth girl who thinks shes tougher than any of the guys..after first 5min I knew it would be worth it to watch her die lol once the mother died things really kicked off..the way people were killed was so graphic. The actor who portrayed her son was great, I was crapping my pants during the chainsaw cellar scene where she just wouldn't roll out of the way..I was watching it on a 85" tv immersed in a smaller room and I was literally crawling out of my seat at times. Give this movie a chance and you wont be dissapointed. I was pleasantly surprised and glad I gave it a shot. 6/10.
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Nope (2022)
Not really sure what I watched, though it was entertaining at times, no real plot
30 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So I rented this last night and still not sure what I really watched. There was no real plot, it was all over the place. So many different little stories that didn't fit together in any way. No real answers to any of the questions. The creative thought of the ship being alive and moving so smoothly was cool and executed well, up until the end when it transformed into what looked like sheets? Daniel killed it as usual, hes such a great actor, though I felt he was held back in this film, not much emotion shown. The female character ruined it for me, her personality was horrible. Why did she have to act like a tough dude who had to show off, no respect, spoke like a uneducated felon. Just shouldn't have been in this movie, anyone else would have been better. All in all I think this movie was rushed or Jordans head has gotten too big and he thinks anything he puts out will be brilliant, which this is proof that it won't be. What we need is a Get Out 2. This movie was a flop and waste of time and $. I dont recommend it.
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Good movie for a nic cage fan, interesting plot
17 June 2021
Not a bad movie. Weird for nic cage to be mute the entire movie but he still pulls it off. Fight scenes were ok, him playing pinball and having fun was amusing. Wish they'd stop putting these nobodies from youtube in movies. Nic cage was worth it, other actors were garbage. The girl dressed like a complete hoe..seems like thats the only way someone with no talent could make it in the movies. Next time just use cage and leave out the nobodies who contribute nothing to the film but bad acting. 6.5/10.
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This movie deserves a much higher rating..cult classic
3 June 2021
If your a fan of Tom Green, this is a must see. This movie was a favorite the 1st time I viewed it nearly 20 years ago. Very odd and just plain bizarre..but thats expected of him. Rip torn was great in this as well as Paul finch..Backwards man I can walk backwards fast as you can...timeless comedy..Tom Green is one of a kind.
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Fear Itself: Skin and Bones (2008)
Season 1, Episode 8
Best episode in the series
31 May 2021
The acting by the main character was phenomenal..crazy plot and crazy acting make this well worth watching. Huge horror fan and this one blew me away..main character was beyond creepy.
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Grand Isle (2019)
Nicholas Cage being crazy like usual, worth a watch
21 May 2021
4.6 outta 10 no way, this is at least a 6.5/10 Not a bad flick, nic cage is his crazy self, his wife is hot so thats a plus...did you see that mustang wow what a car...nic cage def loves his hot mustangs, guy has great taste. Def worth a watch, good thriller.
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Awesome comedy, well worth the watch
5 July 2020
This is a great comedy, acting and plot are supreme. I laughed more than usual, the mdma scene had me rolling. You won't be disappointed.
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It's interesting but not enough information
3 July 2020
It is long, hours long..not enough information. Basically its the "victims" telling their side of the story. Not enough info on the people that surrounded him, the almighties that silenced him. He had too much power, hes not dead, hes just hidden from society. This guy was connected to presidents and princes, they bent all rules for and autopsy faked, cameras malfunctioned..cmon..only complaint was the girls called survivors, obviously they want $$$. They were given money for their services, he gave them a plush lifestyle, college degrees in Spain..could've walked away but liked the that hes gone so is the $ and so the victims come out from hiding to cash in. Never understood the whole money will make it all better. Either way this gives you some info on this elite monster, but nowhere near enough.
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Wow..hour later I am still in shock to what I watched
15 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not much to say except if you like horror this. I watch tons of movies, scarier the better. This was twisted, pov camera but so lifelike, quality stuff. I love the feeling you get from a great movie, especially scary..I feel like I watched something that I shouldnt have..the part in the cave with her jaw, the attic part with demonic just wow..thanks for the scare!
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Tacoma FD (2019–2023)
Great cast, bad writing
5 April 2020
Awesome to see super troopers cast together, well some of them. It started out really good with season 1, then slowly started going downhill. The addition of the blond girl lucy who trys too hard, way too annoying with too many lines. Why can't she just act like a girl, why do all these girls try to out do guys these days. Lose her and bring in couple more cast from super troopers and you'll have gold. Keep it this way and it will be canceled by season 3.
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Not worth your time
1 February 2020
All that hype for nothing, constantly promoting this unfunny show. You can decipher the real reviews. Does comedy exist anymore, definitely not on comedy central. Sad how unfunny movies and show are now, creativity and ideas are dead. This is why we have shows like this and teen mom.
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Amazing movie that makes you appreciate life
29 November 2019
Wow not much to say..Robin Williams never dissapoints but man was thus movie sad/touching..not my type of movie but really got me on a few parts..watching him grow old as all his friends and loved ones die..and the ending..excellent movie if you enjoy sci-fi that'll make you cry lol
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I can smell your stinky finooter from here
22 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I boosted the rating to a 9 because 3.5? Geez I don't get it, this movie is so funny. It blows away the most recent remake of dumb dumber. Shia labouf, Eugene levy, Cheri Oteri, Bob Saget..the scenes with Harry wearing Jessica mom's suit to dinner, the bathroom scene with the chocolate bar on the heater, Jessica "doing it" with Lloyd at the school, captain Rob getting punched..cmon this movie is great! Maybe it's just me but I could watch it every now and then and time to watch it 4:20
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Odd movie with horrible acting
25 August 2019
I've never seen the original but all I can say is the movie had potential..they ruined it with the horrible child actress. So much screen time and the kid cannot act, just ruins the movie. Clearly she has a rich family the got her into the business because any movie she's in, she is just horrible at her role. The beginning with the chisel and hammer is probably the scariest part.
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Great documentary if your a fan of Kurt
20 August 2019
Loved seeing Kurt evolve into a rockstar..I had a similar childhood so I could relate..what a way to express your demons..he was beyond talented..his music will live forever as well as his die so young on top of the world..all I can say is..its too bad he met trash bag Courtney..he was happy towards the end..she was cheating and if not for her he'd probably still be here. Now she's 150mil richer and has fame..but only because of him..without him she was nothing..what an amazing soul he was
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Watch this with an open mind it'll open your eyes
15 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary will open your eyes to the truth. Poor Kurt was definitely murdered, his wife and friends were in on it. Courtney set it up, hired a detective to throw trail off her, had his friends turn on him for drugs esp dylan and courtneys ex. I wouldnt doubt courtney paid off Seattle police chief or detective on scene. How ironic is it he was cutting her out of his will and asking for divorce...then ends up dead..and with a 4ft long shotgun..cmon..and had his wallet next to him..a blind man could see he was murdered!
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The Founder (2016)
Incredible movie, great acting, unexpected ending
12 August 2019
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What a movie..I was skeptical as its not my type of movie..but Keaton was amazing as usual..the story started out great, he was an honest time goes on and his greed grew, he became a slimeball, leaving his wife, stealing patrick wilsons wife, doing the original mcdonalds guys dirty..then as if stealing their name wasnt enough, he puts them out of business..granted they made a couple million, he crushed their dream and did it in such a grimey way. Best part about this movie, imagining life in the 40s/50s when food/milkshakes were real, not soy and fake meat...overall a great movie
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Legendary timeless cult classic
11 August 2019
Seen this movie more times than I can many stars, so many laughs..rob never dissapoints. If you gave this movie a bad review, you take life too seriously. What I'd give to go back to the 80s..and stay there
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How High 2 (2019 TV Movie)
Why waste the sequel on trash
12 June 2019
No method man, no redman..low budget acting..this movie is about as good as today's rap music and so is their acting. What a waste, couldve had a great sequel but nothing but a cash grab with the title. Don't waste your time or brain cells.
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Started out ok ended up fast forwarding later on
31 August 2018
This movie started out ok, has Justin Long which is cool but not his usual peppy self. I jumped a few times..but this lead actress..she should consider something else besides acting..towards the end I found myself fast fowarding some scenes because her acting was that bad..but I had to see how it ends. I wouldn't bother if you haven't seen it.
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Double Dare (2018–2019)
Remove the host and you may have something
10 August 2018
How can they bring back our beloved double dare and not use the same host..basically put him on the sidelines and force him to watch this annoying talentless hack butcher the entire show. Why the nostalgia but with all the modern day bs pushed into it? Horrible host, tries too hard.."the og of dd"? Stop with the ghetto bs cmon already..leave our childhood alone and stop remaking shows movies and butchering them. 3 out of 10 because mark is in it..I watched 5 episodes in a row, deleted the rest..horrible idea with this young youtube "star" #stopmakingstupidpeoplefamous
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Shred (2008 Video)
Good movie for a rainy day
5 November 2010
I thought this movie was good, the rating 2 up from me that bashed it like crazy is totally off. This was a good movie and it was interesting to see the crazy Tom Green in a totally different character. I was so used to seeing him dangling meat and playing the piano that I didn't even know it was him till halfway through. Then a guy from jackass is on here too and its great to see them all together in this film. Its got some partying, some awesome snowboard action and a good plot. Full of comedy and emotion, definitely worth watching. "Backwards man,Backwards man, I can walk backwards fast as you can" LOL (tom green)
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