
18 Reviews
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24 June 2023
How did they even get the funding to hire all these great actors and why on gods green earth did they accept this horrible , terrible script ! This has got to be the biggest waste of talented actors in the history of film . Someone please stop this director from ever making a film again and please Morgan , don't lower yourself too this junk ! You're better then this , did they put a spell on you to accept this role ? Dear god it was awful I almost felt sorry for you all . The storyline the flow the disjointed mess that I just experienced was below you all . I honestly don't know what else to say besides even the 7 dollars I paid to rent this movie , I want back !
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Forget it
27 January 2023
It was absolutely awful , bad script that jumped all over the place , the story sucked , the acting was only as good as the script and the script was bad , really bad . It was seriously all over the shop , hard to follow abs just damn right boring if I'm honest . It barely held my attention throughout the entire two and a bit hours . It just all seemed too fake and half assed or maybe even over acted , it really just didn't seem like any thought was put into making it . I couldn't take it seriously and they've let the fans down in a big way . It's hard to get a good movie with a great story behind it these days it's a rare commodity .
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Our Universe (2022– )
24 November 2022
As soon as I read that Morgan freeman was narrating it with his magical smooth story telling voice I was pulled in by gravity . This documentary series was the absolute best explanation to the mechanics of the universe and energy I have ever had the pleasure of watching it be explained in a visual easy to understand story telling manner . It really made you feel the journey and apart of something greater than but apart of everything around us , within us and what is too come . Netflix and the BBC made an absolute gold standard documentary here and it was a real treat to have Morgan freeman take me along for the ride .
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Skymed (2022– )
2 November 2022
This was really bad . Bad script , bad acting , just cheesy and fake . Low budget crap , terrible it was actually really awkward to watch .

I think australia had the flying doctors and it was 100 times better and more believable then this rubbish . Seriously even the basic first aid was wrong let alone trying to have us believe that emergency management aircraft don't have so much tech on them these days the flight paramedics can literally do just about anything for a patient in those aircraft . This just wasn't believable, it had promise but it's just too corny . Maybe try again and take some pointers from real modern flight paramedics and the aircraft they use today .
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The Lazarus Project (2022–2023)
Really Good Addictive
17 July 2022
I really enjoyed this show , couldn't help but binge watch it . Anything Time Travel , End if the World , Secret Government Organisations , it had it all , very impressed . Shame it only had so few episodes , I hope we don't have to wait more then a few months for the next season as I tend like most people to loose interest in shows when you have to wait to long for a new season . Anyway I hope the renew it , it's definitely worth keeping goin if season one was any indication . Good Job everyone .
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28 June 2022
I actually really enjoyed this movie and there was great chemistry between the actors . It was a fun ride . Don't know why so many people are dumping on it .
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The Line (2021)
Good Documentary
3 March 2022
Anyone judging the Ukraine situation right now should watch this , especially the last and final fourth episode . Where's the war crimes tribunal for the states ? I hate the hypocrisy of this world , I really do . In the end it's the innocent that suffers not the heads of states .
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Vigil (2021– )
Great British Drama
6 September 2021
I really enjoyed Vigil. Typical British crime show gold with a great story line and the mix of the investigation on land and in a sub made it even more interesting .
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Unbelievable (2019)
Award Winning
13 September 2019
Honestly this was the best series I have seen on TV in years . It was perfectly crafted , Acted and Written. I can't give this enough praise , I really do hope it wins an award .
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2 August 2019
Netflix again brings home a great movie , awesome story and the acting was superb. Couldn't ask for more really and learnt something along the way . Well done
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Beyond Disgusted
20 May 2019
I literally am just absolutely disgusted in this last season . Anger and disappointment and feeling of total bewilderment touched with a undertone of underwhelmed . Worst ending in the history of television . The producers and writers should hang their heads in utter shame ! I hope you never get hired to do anything again . You're pathetic
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The Society (2019)
Binge Worthy
12 May 2019
Definitely worth watching and the acting and story line is actually really impressive . Looking forward to season 2 , I just hope we don't have to wait another 6 months to watch another season . Time (long waits) kills all good shows these days . Well done to everyone involved in making this new show .
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Roswell, New Mexico (2019–2022)
It's a insult to the Original
19 January 2019
I couldn't stomach after 20 minutes I had to turn it off . The acting was pathetic , the story line over politicised . It felt fake and disjointed and had to resemblance or respect for the original Roswell I knew and loved . I'm utterly disgusted in this monstrosity . I really do hope it fails spectacularly and the actors are sent back crawling to acting school . How dare they ruin a legacy fans of the original hold so dear . Hollywood has a habit of butchering masterpieces these days , they don't have a original bone in their bodies and only half a brain . What a complete shambles .. utterly disgraceful and B grade .
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Detroit: Become Human (2018 Video Game)
Brilliant ! Moving ! A Gaming Master Piece !
16 June 2018
This is the quality of game I dreamed of when I was a kid in the 80s . What I envisioned games would be one day . Not only did this game have me hooked from the momment it started but it had me visibly emotional at the end . There were many times I forgot I was even playing a game even tho I was , it was so emersive , the actors were brilliant along with the story lines . The game play was great although I would have liked the directional control on the left hand side of the controller as having it on the right wasn't intuitive but made you aware that you were actually playing a game at times . The graphics were next level , a truly Massive jump in quality gaming . I can't wait to see what comes next . I mean I seriously thought some of the male androids were sexy lol that's how life like it was getting as you sometimes forget you're looking at computer generated graphics . I can't wait to see what's next , as long as they take the time to be as meticulous as they were with this game just to pump out new games for profits . This was the first game ever where I didn't complain once about the 99 dollar Australian price tag as I believe it was worth every last cent . Well done everyone !
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Dynasty (2017–2022)
14 May 2018
I love this show ! I wish we got a episode every week .. I don't want to wait months for new seasons . Seriously it's the best show on Netflix . Love Fallon but great story line and excellent acting and every episode just goes full throttle but balanced and progressive . I hope CW doesn't cancel this show and takes into consideration the rest of the world that watches and loves the show as well . It's a global market now and that means it should be judged on global ratings not just American ones
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The Rain (2018–2020)
12 May 2018
I actually really liked it . I don't know why everyone has to be so negative all the time .
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The Alienist (2018–2020)
Engaging show
8 May 2018
I really enjoyed watching this series on Netflix . I thought the story was interesting enough that it had me binge watching for hours . I especially loved they actors who all did a wonderful job and the attention to detail was really nice . I think this could become a series if it wanted too and could retain the original actors . Wel done in a great story
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Epic Fail
16 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
FAIL! That voice wouldn't scare a cat , Didn't sound like Freddy at all , congratulations Michael bay and whoever the other young tossers are who made this film you totally spat in the face of an ICON that was around long before you were even in nappies . Even the makeup was an epic fail compared to the original. Still should have got Robert to do the part of Freddy , Here's a thought instead of re-imagining other peoples work come with your own original idea's ! Losers!! ...*sits back and watches you morons milk the franchise for all its worth before it turns into some B-grade franchise from someone like peacock films*. Congratulations you ruined a legend! I Hope Robert Englund Visits the producers of this "epic fail of film" in their sleep ...and does what he does best! 1.2...Freddie's coming for you...
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