
15 Reviews
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One of the worst movies I've ever seen
27 July 2021
It's just a series of disjointed scenes where we see anguish and hear mumbling and never really get into a flow for the story. I suppose if you like artsy movies that make you think about what the hell they are trying to say, then this may be for you. For me, it's just a horror show - literally one of the worst movies I can think of ever seeing.
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Somewhat Unwatchable
6 March 2021
Cool to see so much of the original cast back 31 years later, but it's just not good. There are a few laughs, but the plot isn't engaging and the acting is bad, and it's generally terrible. Was tempting to turn it off in the middle, but with so few new movies right now, I endured it.
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Extraction (II) (2015)
Better than the ratings on here
14 July 2020
This is definitely better than a low 4 rating. It's entertaining and kept my attention the whole time. It had a lot of flaws too - some questionable acting, poor photography (who on this film is in love with gaudy green color casts?) and some lazy writing. but the action was good and overlooking the lazy writing the story was good. Definitely better than the ratings to date.
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6 Underground (2019)
Entertaining but Poorly Developed
14 December 2019
It has some redeeming qualities. Ryan Reynolds doing his normal shtick (Deadpool, anyone?), and it has some entertaining action scenes, but the characters aren't properly developed, and the disjointed nature of the movie makes it tough to follow at times.

I would call it disappointing, but not the worst thing you could watch on a Friday night. If I had paid $20 for it on Apple TV, I'd be pretty annoyed. As part of a Netflix subscription, it's okay.
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American Made (2017)
What a disgrace that this movie tried to blame Reagan for something he didn't do
11 July 2018
Without spoiling it, this movie attempts to assign a heinous act to Ronald Reagan when he was in no way responsible. I'm not talking about Iran-Contra in general, but watch near the end of the movie the way they try to frame him as a heartless person who puts someone's life in danger. It's BS - he never did that. Read up on the facts of this operation.
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Grossly Underrated
16 December 2017
I don't understand why people can't embrace a movie like this. It's silly, it's fun, and it's awesome to enjoy when you want a laugh. It's a great cast too, with a lot of fantastic comedic actors.

People complain about the script. Personally, it's good enough for me to make the jokes work. If you're looking for a deep and meaningful story, this isn't it. If you want to relax and laugh, and enjoy a good Christmas movie, this is awesome.
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Ted 2 (2015)
Could have been (a lot) better
26 June 2015
There were a lot of funny bits in this movie, but when you hear one sex joke after another for the entire movie (especially the first 30-45 minutes) it just gets disgusting and old. I alternated between having some good laughs and wanting to just get up and leave.

Also why does every recent comedy have to throw one gay reference after another at us? We get it Hollywood - you want to desensitize everyone to gay men. Take a deep breath and give it a rest.

If movies like this just resisted the urge to go to the well over and over with the same tired jokes, and stuck to what made them funny in the first place, they would be so much better. I still think the concept of Ted is great and there were enough good jokes to make it funny, but I'm not sure I'd even watch it again because of the cringe factor from all the raunchy jokes.
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Enlightening but Slanted
6 June 2015
I can't say I "enjoyed" this - more like it horrified me that there was such segregation and racism still alive. The whole "black prom" and "white prom" is sickening to me.

So it was very enlightening, but I felt like the main story of Norman Neesmith was pretty slanted and unfair. The whole time I was just saying "Where the hell was the daughter?" I don't want to write a spoiler, but none of this murder smacked of racism to me. The guy seemed like maybe he was in a rage, but the issue of the daughter wasn't raised until the very end, and her involvement and response to everything that happened that night was muted, at best. Also the lighting to make her look more white was kind of sad.

Don't get me wrong, Norman Neesmith seems like something of an idiot and his whining about all this affected him makes you want to puke. But he raised a black child, had black children to his pool, and generally was anything but a racist.

But the bias that you'd expect in a liberal activist's work aside, it really was interesting and moving.
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Great Tribute to a True Hero (who was NOT like a Nazi and who was NOT evil or crazy)
15 February 2015
I knew a fair amount about Chris Kyle before seeing this, so I wasn't watching it waiting for any surprises (other than creative liberties, which made it even more interesting). This was well done, and I have a new respect for Bradley Cooper that he could play a role like this so well.

What I don't understand are the people who review it or comment on it and say "Oh, he called the people he killed savages" (they were) or how he equates to a Nazi sniper (he doesn't).

The people he killed WERE savages, and what people have troubles understanding (for some reason) is that isn't the same as calling all Iraqi's or all Arabs savages. He did not randomly shoot people - he shot the enemy after studying them and determining there was a threat to the troops he was assigned to protect. That is a big difference from randomly shooting people, as a Nazi may have done.

As for any erratic behavior he may have had afterward (and he did not claim to kill people during Katrina), I think if anyone had to shoot 160 people to protect his troops, and through the stress of oversight every day, they would have some readjustment issues as well. But instead of being grateful, there are those who hate America who insist he was "Psycho" or use other derogatory terms to describe him. I feel sorry for those people who are such shallow thinkers and can't see Kyle for what he was - a great American hero.
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Liberal Racist Garbage ruined an otherwise good movie
10 October 2014
The concept of the movie is interesting and would have made a good movie. The way they went about it as a political statement and how the "rich white people" want to get rid of the poor and minorities is just more liberal garbage. When they weren't entrenched in that nonsense the movie was entertaining, but mocking the conservative movement and painting them as racists by repeating "the new founding fathers" 100 times makes anyone with a brain want to pull their hair out.

I bought the "purge bundle" on iTunes and the first one was okay except for it's mostly veiled references to political message of "rich white people are preying on the poor and minorities". This second one just jumped head first into that garbage.

I think my favorite part was the iTunes "extras" which was a behind the scenes look consisting mostly of, you guessed it, rich white guys talking about how "other" rich white guys want to purge the poor and how that's where "society is headed" and is currently "not far from that right now". Funny how the rich white Hollywood types don't include themselves in the problem of income inequality. It's always the "other" rich white folks.

Why does Hollywood strive so hard to keep racism and class warfare alive?

I'm amazed that I lasted until the end of this movie. I wanted to turn it off several times, but then it would veer away from it's political message and be interesting on its own merits. They should have stuck with making a movie that entertains you and avoided trying to become the voice of the "other" white peoples' conscience.

I wish I hadn't paid $20 for the bundle but I'm sure the studio and other benefactors (e.g. rich white guys) of the movie will donate it all to the poor. After all, Frank Grillo, who commented in the extras about income inequality, donated his salary from the movie, didn't he? I'm sure they practice what they preach.

Now I will "purge" this from my iTunes library.
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Good Guy Comedy
19 September 2013
This is a good guy wife yelled "oh gross" five times before I turned it off and waited until she went to bed to finish it. Somehow though, a Katherine Heigl flick is a cinematic masterpiece :-)

This was a great concept with the self-portrayals, and a great cast - just funny, mindless stuff, which I love. What I don't understand is how something like "The Watch" gets a 5.6 after a year, so it's maybe 2 points below this. They are the same thing! Mindless guy fun! I don't care if you're 18 or 50 - this is enjoyable, as was The Watch.

Don't have "any" hopes for scintillating plot points because there aren't any. Just enjoy it...that's what a movie like this is all about.
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House of Lies (2012–2016)
Love it - I can't wait for Sunday night!
10 February 2012
First off, I have to say I don't watch a lot of "TV". But by TV I mean regular shows or sitcom type material (if they still call it that). I watch movies or sports, news, etc...

But I saw the trailer for this and thought it looked great so I watched it. Now I just love it. It's raunchy and something you're embarrassed to watch with your adult kids, but it's still utterly hysterical. Cheadle makes the whole thing go - but Kristen Bell is excellent as she shows some business savvy with the comedy as well. The other two...well, they are kind of straight men so that's okay. I can watch the same episode three or four times and still laugh and enjoy it.

Personally I think Cheadle is one of the best and most underrated actors around. He should be more of a feature star than doing a cable show, but I'm thrilled he's doing this.

Having said all that, I'm in business. Not Management Consulting, but on the other side, and heaven knows I have encountered their types and typically loathe them. Maybe that's why I find this so funny. If you have no business background, I still think it'll be funny for you, but being in the corporate world makes you laugh that much harder.

Excellent...just excellent.
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Great except for liberal spin
27 September 2011
I really enjoy this movie - it's just plain funny and there are so many parts where you get a great laugh. But the liberal spin and how Corporate America is full of nothing but crooks just gets on my nerves. The closing credits with the distortions and flat out lies about what executives make (unless you believe in a loose definition of an "executive") are just too much. Just make a funny movie - keep your liberal views to yourself!

I did enjoy the one part in the closing credits about a Ponzi Scheme. If you watch that in light of Rick Perry's comments about Social Security being a Ponzi Scheme the graphic / animation fits perfectly! Unintended consequence on the producer's part for sure, but gave me a good laugh when I watched it "again" tonight!

Good movie though - funny stuff and one you can watch a few times and still find new things to laugh about.
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One of the greatest movies I've seen
19 September 2011
I originally saw this movie in the theaters while killing a little time waiting for my son while he was at an event. I had very low expectations - the trailers looked sort of silly to me, but there wasn't much else and it was playing in the VIP section which I love (nothing like a big comfy chair and a beer at the theater).

Anyway, I loved it and I have seen it (not always in its entirety) probably 50 times since (when it did a recent run on one of the premium channels I watched at least parts of it almost every night). Only two things I don't care for:

1. The scalping scenes are too gruesome for me so I tend to look away. 2. I wish they had done a little less in subtitles. Yes, it adds to the "authenticity" but is anyone watching this movie for authenticity? It's a dark fantasy movie so who cares if they speak more English. It worked just fine in everything from Valkyrie to Hogan's Heroes.

Brad Pitt is outstanding and really - the entire cast delivers big. The end was unexpected but great and I count this among my top 10 movies of all time.
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Good but Racist
29 August 2010
I thought this was a great movie - very entertaining and you don't know where the twists will take you. All of the acting is strong - you are really led to like or hate certain characters. Jamie Foxx and Clive Owen make a great team...kind of a DeNiro / Pacino chemistry.

I agree with a previous review that the recital is cliché. I won't say what that's about since it might qualify as a spoiler, but honestly - ban the recitals!

But it figures the white guy is framed as the bad guy while the "good guys" including the mayor and lead prosecutor are black. This seems to be a trend lately with films like Obsessed and others. Where is the social justice? Why does the guy you are led to believe is the bad guy have to be white?
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