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Deer Crossing (2012)
An effective and intelligent thriller.
27 September 2012
The film centers around retired police detective Derrick Stanswood, who is called by a successful doctor about an unsolved case involving his wife Maggy and their son, Cole. Chasing after loose ends in a backward rural town, Derrick has no idea that Maggy has been held captive for the past eight years by farmer Lukas Walton, who is raising Cole as his own son in a wrongful world that holds its own horrors.

"Deer Crossing" starts off as Maggy and her son Cole head out to visit her Husband's mom. When she detours she ends up hitting a deer and her and her son end up passed out after their car hits a tree. It doesn't take long before a truck pulls up and a bearded older man steps out and takes Maggy and her son. This older man who goes by the name of Lukas Walton keeps Maggy chained inside an old shed and he raises Cole as if he were his own, 8 yrs. pass and the husband, Michael still has no answers. But after receiving a phone call from someone claiming to be his son Michael decides to call retired Detective, Stanswood for help but the Detective has his own personal issues as well so at first he declines. Eventually the Detective decides to look into the disappearance which leads him to Carvin Country. From there the story begins to unfold and you find out there's a lot more going on in this little town, most of it is illegal and it seems like everyone is on the take.

"Deer Crossing" is a complex story with different sub-plots going on all at once and there are a number of different characters in the film that are all intertwined. To be honest I was expecting more of a horror/thriller here but instead the story is more about what bad people are capable of doing, it's a very realistic yet disturbing film. To think that there really are people like this out there is more scary than any horror movie could be. The film is really hard to talk about because there is so much going on in the and so many characters that are involved in some kind of bad doings. If I were to talk about it all I would surely ruin the film for those waiting to see it but I can say that this is a well-written film that really draws the audience in.

If the complex story wasn't enough the film also has an incredible cast which features Ernie Hudson as Captain Bailey, Christopher Mann as Detective Stanswood, Laura Lynn Cottrel as Maggy, Warren Hemenway as Michael and Doug Bradley as the crooked Sheriff, if the name doesn't ring a bell Bradley was the original "Hellraiser." Like I said the entire cast was terrific but the stand-out performance here was by K.J.Linhein as the evil monster, Luke Walton, this was a perfect casting choice and I doubt the film-makers could of picked anyone better to play the villain.

Production wise the film looks great and the set locations were perfect as well as the film's score which really helped in creating the right atmosphere.

"Deer Crossing" offers up plenty of things to like, there's intrigue, a bit of mystery, suspense and a good dose of terror and violence. Writer/Director, Christian Grillo not only has an eye for the genre but he knows how to tell a story that grabs a hold of the audience. I see he is making a sequel, I cannot wait to see where he goes with it. He is a talented film-maker I will be keeping my eye out for.

If you like a good thriller then I highly recommend picking this one up, it's not often you get to see a film that is this intelligent and effective.
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Thoughtful, Sensitive love story
9 July 2012
The basic premise of "Falling Overnight" might make some think that the film is a real downer but it's really not, sure the general plot seems bleak but there's more to the film once it gets going.

The film is about Elliot, a 22 year-old who has been diagnosed with brain tumor. Between the headaches, nausea, sensitivity to light and not sleeping Elliot is certainly not in a very good frame of mind and the uncertainly of his future makes it that much more difficult. That is until he meets the beautiful Chloe at her day job when he stops in to buy a drink. He notices an ad for an art show, Chloe's art show and after they chat a bit she invites him to come. With his surgery due the next day Elliot decides to go since it will help get his mind off things, once there the two begin talking a bit more and seem to hit it off. The evening is full as they go bike riding and attend a few parties with friends of Chloe. What starts off as a growing friendship soon begins to develop into love between the two. As morning draws closer Elliot decides to tell Chloe about his surgery which she doesn't take very well at first but soon she becomes supportive and the two spend some very meaningful and loving time together.

What I really liked about the film was that it kept a positive attitude even tough no one is sure of Elliot's future. The film deals more with the time the two young lovers spend together, even though it's a very short time it's time well spent. I also loved the cinematography and they way it placed me right there in the moment.

Another reason I loved the film so much was it's cast, Parker Croft is simply amazing as Elliot, his performance makes you fell each and every emotion and it allows you to create a bond with him. Emilia Zoryan is also terrific as Chloe, this was her acting debut but you would never know it by watching her performance. Emilia is a very beautiful and talented young actress and I hope to see a lot more of her in the future. The rest of the cast also did a great job playing their roles as well.

"Falling Overnight" is a thoughtful love story told in a sensitive way. It handles the subject in a classy and loving way and it tells us that life is beautiful so live each day as if it's your last. A heart-felt film about finding love when you least expect it. An award winning film and for good reason, Director, Conrad Jackson shows great ability in telling a warm and realistic tale, this is a very impressive debut and I look forward to seeing what he and the amazing cast of actors all have coming next.

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Realistic, suspenseful and unique
21 June 2012
Apocalyptic films are popular right now but there's several things about "After The Dawn" that separates it from all the rest. The film focuses on Cassie, a survival of a horrific chemical attack that has left many dead and many others infected. As she travels alone in hopes of finding more people like her and as well as finding her brother and boyfriend alive she stumbles upon a little boy who she takes with her.

After watching the entire film I realized this was something special but I also knew that if I went into plot details here I would only ruin the film for those that are waiting to see it when it comes to DVD on 9/25 so I'm going to stay clear of any spoilers here. The film is a slow burn that might not be for everyone, it's more a character-driven drama with suspense and horror mixed in. The story is played out in segments which are separated by the seasons starting with winter. There is also a good amount of flashbacks used so you get the back story on Cassie and her life before which is very important in a film such as this. By the time the 3rd act comes around the film takes on a new twist, it's a turn of events I never seen coming.

Director, Mitchel A. Jones and Writer, Nicoel Kruex have combined to bring you an apocalyptic thriller that is both dramatic and thrilling. As far as the acting goes the cast did a great job, Nicole Kruex who wrote the script did a great job playing Cassie and Tommy Propson is exceptional as the little boy she calls Jake. The rest of the supporting cast are all fantastic as well. Production wise the film looks great, the empty streets and wooded areas create the perfect sense of isolation and danger and it plays much bigger than it's budget might suggest.

"After The Dawn" is a unique film in it's genre that delivers with plenty of with characters you are immediately taken in by and care for, there's also drama, thrills and just the right amount of action. This is a thought-provoking thriller that will have you glued to the screen the entire time and it leaves you thinking about it long after it's over. Bravo to all involved in creating this gem. A clever, engaging film that I was blown away by. Make sure you bookmark the date on this film's release and be sure to pick it up.
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Soda Springs (2012)
Highly Enjoyable
14 April 2012
"Soda Springs" is a Western/Drama about a man looking for redemption and just wanting the chance to proof he can belong again. Right from the start of the film I knew I was in for something special, Eden was a character I immediately attached myself to and no matter what happened in the past I wanted the best for him going forward so I was engaged and set to see it through. Eden isn't the only character in the film that you take notice of right away, every character is well-written and realistic and when you combine that with a terrific story, beautiful landscapes and amazing music you got your self a gem and "Soda Springs" is just that, it's a dramatic triumph. The film tears at your emotions, from happy to sad the film draws you in and never lets up.

There's a lot going on in Eden's life after he returns but to talk too much about the details would only ruin the film for those waiting to see it. This is one of those stories that reminds us why we fell in love with cinema in the first place, sadly you don't get to see many films like "Soda Springs" anymore so when one does show up it's not only a surprise but a joy as well.

The entire cast did a terrific job, Jay Pickett is incredible was Eden and Tom Skerritt gives a powerful performance as his father in a limited role. I can go right through the cast but instead I will just say everyone is fantastic in their roles. If you like a good drama then I highly recommend picking up one of the best films I have seen so far this year, I am confident it will find a huge audience on DVD with strong word of mouth.

Do yourself a favor and make sure you pick this up, you are going to be glad you did. Let me finish by saying Director, Michael Feifer has a talent for telling a good story, my hat goes off to him and I look forward to seeing what he has coming out next.--Patrick
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Fitting Tribute
6 January 2011
4192: The Crowning of the Hit King is a must for any baseball fan, even if Pete Rose was one of those players your hometown team played against against there is no denying the man's drive and determination and his passion for the game. The film highlights his career with interviews with Pete himself as well as with teammates and other sports personalities. I grew up a Pittsburgh Pirates fan for obvious reasons so I was one of those guys that hated him simply because he was so good and he always as a pain to any opposing team. After watching this film I was really take back by this man's demeanor when it came to being the best player he could possibly be. He wasn't born the most gifted baseball player to ever play the game but his hard work and drive for winning made him the best. Watching this film took me back to when baseball was a great sport to watch, there just isn't those type of players anymore. Things have certainly changed but the memories I had a chance to relive while watching 4192 will have a lasting memory for me. Cincinnati and their "Big Red Machine" had one of hell of a ball club but Pete was the heart and soul of the team. He set the bar for everyone else, the examples he set by just never quiting on any play or any game for that matter had to of rubbed off on all his teammates. I can imagine his focus on being the best player he could be was something he used in his personal life as well, he was a driven, motivated man that I am sure gave inspiration to a lot of people. The film takes a look at his amazing career, not just the history making hit but his entire career, It covers Pete Rose's young years up to the time he broke Ty Cobb's record. We all remember him running to first base on a walk or diving head first into the base and we certainly remember him mowing over unfortunate catchers who came between him and home plate, these things also drew some negative comments about his sportsmanship but when you look back at it all now you see that the man was just one of the most devoted players to ever put on a uniform. I said earlier this is a must for any fan of baseball but I take that back, this is a must for any sports fan period. There has been some very good films made about baseball over the years but none of them match up to this one. I was glued to the screen the entire time and was not only over whelmed by the man's play but his over-all attitude as well, I was sad to see it end but I not only had a great time reliving the glory days as far as baseball goes in my life time but the film even gave me more respect not only for Pete Rose the ball player but the man as well. I also thought is was fantastic that the Hall of Fame stuff was left out of the film, I am sure everyone has an opinion on all that but this is a film to celebrate the career of one of the best to ever play the game and that is exactly what it does. Today it is hard to justify buying many movies to add to your collection because most are really only worth a one time viewing but this is one I highly recommend buying. It is a film I plan on revisiting soon and getting my family to watch as well. I congratulate all involved in making this including Director, Terry Lukemire and writers Ryan Tungate and Mark R. Turner. As for Pete himself, all I can say is thanks for the memories, you might of given this Pirates fan headaches but after it was all said and done you stand among the best to ever have played the game.
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Radiant (2005)
Worth the watch if given the chance
28 June 2010
The story here is a captivating one, four people three of which are accidentally infected by this man made virus which is suppose to kill off other viruses but hasn't been tested enough to be sure of what it really does. As they wonder and wait in fear to see what will happen they decide to flee into the desert rather than become guinea pigs in a lab somewhere and wait it out to see what happens without infecting other innocent people. I see some other reviews for Radiant that suggest that the film is boring, well I think one of the problems is the ways the film was promoted, this isn't your typical "Hollywood" zombie like film but it was never made to be that type of film. Instead this is a character driven sci-fi thriller that instead shows a much more realistic take on what could possibly happen in case something like this were to ever occur. In spots you can see where the film suffers a bit from it's low budget but over-all the settings and acting give the film a realistic feel, the cast did such a terrific job, I was taken in by their characters and really began to care for them. The story is slow but it is deliberate, you are not getting a horror film here but instead a science fiction film that is just that so don't go into this thinking you aer going to watch another "Resident Evil", and you are going to find it to be as thought-provoking as I did. I thought that the film-makers did a great job at creating a thinking man's sci-fi, the kind that are never made anymore. This is Writer/Director, Steve Mahone's debut film and if this is any indication of the kind of cinema we are going to see from this man then I certainly look forward to what he has to offer next. The bottom line is you need to know what you are getting here and I hope my take on it helps in doing so, if you get a chance to see the find do so and make your own mind up on how it is, I thought for the budget the story and characters did a terrific job at setting a mood that is certainly desperate.
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