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Hannah Gadsby: Nanette (2018 TV Special)
Get Woke....go broke.
8 December 2018
Just watch, this will kill her career. Just like everyone who gets sucked into the self-absorbed nonsense that is identity politics. I want to say I feel sorry for her, but she isnt a very nice person.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Not bad...but a bit ripped off.
22 May 2018
Really, not a whole lot different than the plot from Gangs of New York. I dont know why, but I kept thinking of Rocky 3 and 4 throughout the series. However, Daniel-sons wife was MAJOR annoying. Did no one else notice how she made Daniel look like a weenie in almost every scene?...especially near the end. Sorry, but Daniel-son "the man" is too weak to carry the role that is needed here.
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The New World (2005)
Love and Hate
19 July 2017
I really liked this movie a lot. First off, this is an "art-house movie". Most movies done like this are rarely given a blockbuster size budget to make, but this one did. All the performances are excellent, the cinematography is astounding, and although it may seem a bit slow at times, its perfect. Yes, there probably was some historical inaccuracies. But with all the mystery surrounding the relationship between Capt. Smith and ole' Poky, its a perfect opportunity for an interpreted story. I've seen this movie on two separate occasions, sober...and high. When I was high this movie made me did.
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Still a classic to this day!!
3 May 2016
The only sad thing about The Holy Grail is that they didn't make another one! Sadly, I see that there are many reviews that are 1 star. I just don't get it. Or maybe, they didn't get it. Several reviews remarked that "it looked cheap", or it was "silly", and that there was "poor acting". The only thing I can figure is that these reviewers must be under the age of 13, or at least have the IQ of someone under thirteen. You do need to have studied a bit of English history or at least watched one of the many King Arthur movies made in the past 50 years. Do high school kids read the Canterbury Tales anymore? But if you're under 12 or limit your movie watching to "kick in the crotch" comedy, this might be a little over your head. What are kids learning about in History nowadays? I only ask because neither my 17 year old nephew or any of his friends found this movie funny. They just stared at it like they didn't understand WHY it was funny! Maybe the dumbing down of our education system is really happening after all. Anyway, if you know anything about the story of King Arthur then you will find this movie extremely funny!
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Powder (1995)
A good movie....until I found out.
16 August 2014
The movie is not that bad when you watch it with a blind eye. However, Disney will no longer be supported by me or any of my family after I found out the God awful truth about the director of this movie, and how Disney has betrayed the life blood of their business. Everyone knew Disney was one of the first major corporations to strongly support gay rights as far back as the 80's. By the 90's they were honoring gay unions for employees. Honestly, that's fine. Its their company and they can do whatever they please. But I think they committed the cardinal sin of "looking over" things about employees that NEVER should be done. Disney "tried" to claim they didn't know about Victor Silva's past and him conviction of child molestation. What made it especially bad is that is was done to a child actor while he was making the movie! Honestly, how does Disney not see this as a problem?! They make movies for KIDS for crying out loud! Silva is gay and I think that blinded Disney into looking over the molestation. I personally think there is a lot of "looking over" as it pertains to the gay community, but that's just me. However, making a man rich who is obviously a total scumbag goes beyond the pale.

Don't watch this movie. Send a message to Disney and to others that this kind of "support" cannot be tolerated!
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Xanadu (1980)
19 February 2014
This movie was just bad. I remember watching it when I was 7 years old and going to school and bragging about seeing it. Thank God I transferred to a different school a year later. The movie is embarrassing to watch. The dances and acting are so overblown and over-the-top it makes your toes curl as you watch. The only thing I can think is Hollywood was DESPERATE for musicals to make a serious comeback into the mainstream. All the dancers just danced too hard and their smiles were too big! It was just embarrassing to watch. You could say its a great "camp movie" but that's not so either. Camp movies were never meant to be blockbusters, this was. If you want to see a good camp movie from the 80's see Earth Girls Are Easy or Trancers!
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Bubble Boy (2001)
Last great Camp movie!
3 June 2013
I was actually one of the few who saw this movie in the theaters 10 years ago. I thank Seinfeld for spawning this movie. If he hadn't "broke the ice" with HIS bubble boy, we would have never been able to enjoy this one. First off, this movie offends EVERYBODY! Its great, all stereotypes are represented here. But its all done in a tasteful way. Hey! Its camp, that's what they do! If your one of those uptight, politically correct types who doesn't know how to laugh at yourself or others, you probably will be offended. But honestly, you were going to get offended by anything anyhow. Glad to see it on TV today. We need more people in this country affected by this courageous BUBBLE BOY!
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Fudge: Fudge-a-mania (1995)
Season 1, Episode 1
Don't even bother
2 March 2013
Everyone I knew growing up read at least one of these books if not all of them. However, this movie is an absolute joke of "bringing to life" these great stories. Peter was a kid we could all relate to but instead we are given a vaudeville interpretation of his life. Peter was always a little more mature for his age and always delved deep into his feelings on every topic. However, its hard to get to his feelings in this movie with the soundtrack for "Problem Child" playing in the background the entire time! Like I said in the intro, don't even bother wasting time with this movie. Not only is it an insult to our past but all I see here is Hollywood making a few bucks. Once again, Hollywood cannot do anything these days without being politically correct. Hollywood is no longer allowed to made a movie that doesn't include a minority. So what do they do? They change Jimmy Fargo into Peters black friend!! Why didn't they just add a black character? That would have been a lot less of a change then turning the Jewish Jimmy Fargo into an African-American.
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The Big Bang Theory (2007– )
Used to be good
21 January 2013
This show deserves more than the 1/10 I gave it, but there are a few MAJOR issues I have with this show. First, its a very clever show that has tapped into a segment of society that is not given much air time on prime time television....nerds. Also, for the most part I think they have respected Christianity better than most new shows do and I appreciate that. What does bother me is the dedication in corrupting the brilliant minds that are the main characters of the show. Once again, sex is the only thing that seems to matter to most of the characters and the only one that doesn't care for sex is the "outcast". What really disturbs me is the use of "blackout sex" as something comical. Anyone who has experienced this or knows someone who has knows that is a very big problem. Anyone who does blackout while drinking is most likely a severe alcoholic, weather they believe it or not. It bothers me how Chuck Lorre uses this plot device to excuse "sleeping around" with his characters in most of his shows. This show is targeted towards young people like myself and with all the dangers of sex now-a-day, the most irresponsible thing that can be done is to promote very dangerous behavior as "normal". My niece likes to watch the show but I did make a point to fill her in on this subject. I suggest those who know others that watch this show to do the same.
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Ancient Aliens (2009– )
History is going the way of the Discovery channel
18 January 2013
The Discovery Channel used to have great stuff. A wide variety of shows with topics that always kept my interested. It appears the History Channel has somehow "run out of history" to make shows about. Is that possible? Anyway, if your under the age of 12, you might get sucked into this nonsense that assumes everything that was ever invented, created, or thought of was due to aliens. As bad as the information presented is, the idiots they "dress up" to look like legitimate scientists are almost comical. They dress up one guy with wild, high hair so he appears to be more like Einstein. HA! Then the bring in one "expert" after the next to confirm whatever wild-eyed cockamamie theory they are trying to push. By the end, you cant help but feel a bit duped into watching something where the commercials were more entertaining than the show. Do not waste your time with this junk, unless your really drunk and you want to make fun of nerds!
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Still got it.
18 January 2013
Im glad to see the Big Bang theory has not decided to become too political now that they are a big show. The office went straight down hill once they started pushing political agendas on its viewers. Im not going to say too much about this episode as I don't want to ruin it for anyone. However, if you have never watched the show, this is a good one to start with. Sheldon is his classic, genius, clueless self. I do miss Howard and his antics since he got married. I was reading the reviews on here and I have to say they are just embarrassing! There should be at least an age requirement to post reviews on IMDb. Anyway, great show. Worth the 30 minutes of your life.
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The last great teen movie
14 January 2013
I liked this movie a lot. It had all the elements of a great teen movie without the whinny, class warfare of the 80s teen flicks. Seth Green was excellent in his role and has a lot of one liners that we still use around our house today. Its hard to really critique this movie on a normal basis because it lacks real depth. But if you want to laugh a lot and have a good time with friends, this is the movie to break out of the DVD collection. Like I said before, this is truly the last great teen movie to come out of Hollywood. I've heard that the directors cut is better but the original has enough laughs to make it watchable. Watch it....and watch it again!
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America Unearthed (2012– )
Wasn't Ancient Aliens enough?
8 January 2013
I have a question for the history channel, isn't Ancient Aliens enough BS for this channel? This show is an absolute joke. Its one thing to claim to be entertainment, but this show does everything it can to drag you in on the premise of "real science". Scott Walter got his 15 minutes of fame as the guy in the Kennsington Runestone show that was very good. However, its getting tiresome how all these cable stations are using one good show to spawn so many bad ones. This has become routine for the history and discovery channel. The Biography channel seems to be following suit with all the "a haunting of.." (embarrassing to watch)shows that got the go-ahead due to the very successful and very believable 2-hour special of "A Haunting in Georgia", the only "real" haunting. Don't waste you time with America Unearthed, not only is it totally ridiculous, nothing ever gets "unearthed"!!
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
A good start to a new set of "Alien" movies
6 January 2013
I was really impressed with the direction and subtle approach to the origins of the "Alien" franchise. David is the best "android" yet. The "invitation" seemed a bit of a stretch seeing how there are no cave paintings at all of early man worshiping stars and large beings. Would have liked for Scott to have used something more historically real. No big deal, I just like being titillated by a little history that somehow connects our future. I like Scotts approach to fate. Its so much more mature for a director who respects the fact the more than 80% of the planet believes in some form of Diety. Its nice to see someone in Hollywood respecting people of this planet as opposed to mocking them. It obvious from the people who "hate" this film, there is a large portion who dislike it based on the "faith" premise. I understand not believing in a God, I was one myself for 30 years. But the new batch of anti-Christians (they are really anti-Creationist, but as most only seem to criticize Christianity, that what I call them) just flat out cant handle any kind of mention of faith at all. Its sad really, don't we all deserve respect for what we believe? This movie does a good job expressing that respect.
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The Hobbit: An Unnecessary long film
26 December 2012
This movie was really disappointing. Let me say that although I didn't read the LOTR books, I loved the movies. However, I did read The Hobbit. Just got back from the theaters a few hours ago so I've had a few hours to think about what I liked and didn't like. First off, one hour into the movie I found myself getting sleepy and closing my eyes for a few minutes (I have never done that). I thought, "maybe Im just exhausted from Christmas" but after the movie my Mom, cousins and uncle all said they did the same thing! We actually got a little laugh about it as it was the only reason we could find to smile after seeing the movie. It just took too long for "the adventure" to get started, and there was little reason to understand WHY Bilbo changed his mind and decided to go! Second, Im done with IMAX,3D movies that are set in dark locations like this movie. Its physically too hard to follow the action and I find myself exhausted trying to keep up with "whos getting killed" or "who lived". Speaking of getting killed, NOBODY DID! About half way through the adventure it just started to get ridiculous how these puny dwarfs were surviving everything they were going through. I know its a fantasy movie, but gimmie a break! By the end I knew everyone was going to live through everything, making the battle scenes very boring. Bilbo had to be the most disappointing character in this movie. The book was written through his eyes and it made you sympathize with his struggles. I had ZERO sympathy for Bilbo! I almost feel guilty saying that as I almost cried watching the cartoon when I was a kid! Lastly,(and I might be the only person who didn't know this going in) when the movie ended I got a real sickening felling deep inside. The Hobbit was ONE short book! Why are they trying to make it into 3 very long movies!! All of a sudden I realized I had been duped. Duped into a typical Hollywood money-grab riding on the coat-tails of LOTR. At that point I realized why this movie was so bad. Its just trying to be something it is not. If this movie was made as a one movie blockbuster it would have been great. John Carter could have done the same thing but instead, the writers put all the books into one movie and it turned out great. This is the exact opposite. Parts 2 and 3 of this story will be seen by me at the dollar theater. If your a die-hard fan and find that you "must" see this at the theater, that is my advice to you as well.
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Total Recall (1990)
Best Aw-nuld movie all time!
22 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Had to come here and leave a review, seeing how I just watched the new Total Recall and thought I was going to puke! There were plenty of things about this version that could have been better but after seeing the new one I have to say it was just right. The new Total Recall is completely devoid of any humor, terrible soundtrack, and too much action. I would expect a re-make to take whats good from the original and try to improve upon it. But instead, they included the few cheesy scenes from the original and dumped everything that made the original great. The violence is this version could have been toned down as at many times it seems more than just excessive. I've heard that the original cut was so excessive that it was given an "X" rating for violence. Is that possible? Anyhow, if you haven't seen either one, don't bother with the new one. That is unless your under the age of 15. Not to mention they made the women in this version tough, but not too tough that it was not believable. The new version is just ridiculous. Skinny, supermodel types like Kate Beckinsale don't go around kicking the crap out of men twice their size. The new "Wonder Woman" powers that modern movies give to women is just silly and makes a lot of people in the theater feel a little uncomfortable.
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Total Recall (I) (2012)
Are you kidding me?
22 December 2012
I've seen a lot of remakes in my day. Some good, some bad. But this one was hands down the worst one I have ever seen. Ill admit that the original had some cheesy elements that I thought, "if they ever remake this movie I hope they make it a little more realistic". This movie had ZERO emotion as there wasn't much difference between the storm trooper cops and Dennis Quaid! And why oh why did they eliminate Mars from the storyline?! Why was the "Recall" office more like a church than a two-bit hustle like in the original?! Wheres the mutants?! Wheres kuato?! Where the hell is Richter!!! Looks like the new director is following the new protocol with women in movies today: make them as tough as the guys. So it appears hes eliminated Richtor and put his muscles into Laurie. Whatever! Im sick of Hollywood trying to convince us women are just as tough as men. Its getting embarrassing how almost every action movie these days try to re-write genetics.

I understand that directors don't like to make exact replicas of previous movies, but they took out all the good stuff that made the original great! I think the final straw was when he gets his "money" and there's Obamas face on the "50" dollar bill. I guess spending us into oblivion is better than Grant bringing the nation back together. I could go on and on about the failures in this film, but I grow tired.
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Nixon (1995)
Four Oscar nominations for this!?
8 November 2012
Honestly folks, I really went into this movie with a lot of hope. My friend and I watched JFK when we were 16 and were blown away. We became conspiracy geeks for a couple of years after seeing it. But by the time this movie came out we had already done a lot of homework on the JFK conspiracy and found out that Oliver Stones JFK was filled with a lot of speculation made to look like facts. We were a little more skeptical of this Oliver Stone movie knowing we were somewhat duped by his last picture. We had done a lot of studying on Nixon and Watergate and knew quite a bit about what had happened. Truthfully, Stone went even further this time in assassinating Nixons character and the truth in general. I look back on movies like JFK and Nixon and it pisses me off like nothing else that someone can manipulate the facts like this man has! He has misinformed sooo many people who don't do their homework and take what this movie presents as the absolute truth. What really bothers me is that Hollywood thought this boring, pathetic movie that tries to manipulate its audience into believing "facts" about Nixon and Watergate is simply political hogwash! Why else would a movie that was very boring and hard to follow given so much attention? Honestly people, aside from Michael Moore and his "ficticious documentaries" (if there can be such a genre), Stone is a lot like the snake in the garden = Present you with something that looks good, but is all lies and manipulation in the end. Even if your a liberal, don't bother with this politically bias crap. Using this movie to bolster your argument will only make you ignorant in the end.
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Mean Girls (2004)
Total rip-off
5 November 2012
This movie took a lot of its material from other movies, especially Clueless. Those who do like this movie and are using Clueless as a comparison are just that....clueless! Clueless was about a girl who didn't realize what a snob she was and rectified it all in the end. This movie was filled with so much "us vs. them" mentality that it ended up coming across as disturbing! Leave it to Tina Fey (the reason why SNL is no longer popular)to try to politicize this entire movie! Notice how gays, outcasts, and smart people are all heroes. While the rich, beautiful people are the narcissistic villains. Truthfully, this movie is "anti-Clueless", as the characters who are bad are more like Cher! I don't mind a movie that stereotypes characters, but this movie seemed to make them so unlikeable that you wanted to hate them. Unless you have absolutely nothing else to do, them give the movie a look. But don't expect to come away with a smile or feeling fulfilled in any way. Just a bad movie.
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Waterworld (1995)
1 November 2012
This movie could have been much better if it didn't have such a political slant to it. What is Costners' problem with Christianity? Every movie he makes has evil people with Christian names or ideals. I certainly understand trying to make a point with this, but Costner is so politically driven by his own out-of-touch ideology, that it gets in the way of making movies that we can all enjoy. Yeah, I liked Dances with Wolves. But Costners ego was sent into the stratosphere due to its success and hasn't made a decent movie since. Problem with this movie is that it was made during the height of the global warming scare that has been largely de- bunked and most reasonable people didn't buy most of the scare anyhow. If you paid to see this movie than I feel for you. If you haven't seen it, don't worry, you didn't miss anything.
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Frankenweenie (2012)
No, this one didn't work.
14 October 2012
Got to tell you. Most of what I saw in the movie was more marketing. I have many Nightmane before Christmas figurines, so I guess they want to sell me something new. Tim Burton is a great director, but he has not made a "blockbuster" in my opinion since Big Fish. I was excited to see this movie because I know its an older short film of his with new animation. Sounded like a cant miss. Well, there is a reason this wasn't a hit in 1984 and has been panned for almost 30 years! The story is weak at best. Most of the elements are borrowed and predictable. There are a few scenes as well where my kids felt a bit squeamish in the theaters. The part were the girl shows her cat turds to a very zoomed in camera was not pleasant to a person who was eating popcorn at the moment, me! And the part where the boy was "re-animating" the dog was a bit disturbing to anyone who has had a pet die. Its one thing for a mad scientist to bring Fankenstien back to life, most people will accept that. But a nice, well mannered kid? It just came across as disturbing. The ending might have been the worst of all the Burton movies I have seen. It was completely devoid of any type of moral lesson. Im not saying that a movie has to have morals, but the entire movie was set up (even the ending) to show some kind of message to all of it. None. Everyone has had a pet die and the growth we obtain by learning about life and death are lifelong and special to all of us. Yet this movie says, "the heck with that"! I know Burton lives in a world of his own and I love him for that. But somehow it seems he has crossed some kind of line he shouldn't have crossed with this movie.
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The Babe (1992)
Are you kidding me?
20 September 2012
This might not be the biggest flop in baseball movie history, but it was definitely the biggest baseball "blockbuster" flop of all time. There was a lot of hype for this movie when it came out so a lot of people went to see it, me included. I couldn't have been more disappointed. It was just so cheesy! Almost to the point that I was embarrassed to be in the theater! That scene where Ruth hits a pop fly in the infield where no one can find it while he rounds all 4 bases was so over the top I had to excuse myself to go get some popcorn. I understand that directors tend to change the story of historical figures a bit to make the story more interesting, but most of what was shown in the movie wasn't even remotely historically accurate! John Goodman did an OK job as Babe Ruth the man, but his baseball play was just painful to watch. The next time a Hollywood director wants to make a sports movie they need to at least know a little about the sport they are making the movie about. Don't even bother watching this movie, its a waste of time and an insult to the great Babe Ruth.
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K-PAX (2001)
Good movie and even better soundtrack
5 September 2012
This is a movie for those who are into aliens but don't believe people are randomly abducted and experimented on. Its compelling, driven and at times comical. Im really starting to get annoyed by those out there who are mad because "they thought this was an alien movie". Seems to me the new generation of "alien lovers" out there are furious when a movie steers away from anything that doesn't get its inspiration from Star Wars or Avitar. If you like a good mystery that falls into the Sci-Fi genre, then this movie is for you. Not to mention the soundtrack is perfect for this flick. Jeff Bridges and Kevin Spacey are perfect in their roles. I gave it 9 out of 10 only because there was an obvious rip-off of "Man facing Southeast", and its all too typical that they stripped all the Christian references out of it. None-the-less, a good movie.
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A real Documentary
17 August 2012
This movie probably didn't deserve 10/10 but because its a real documentary and not a manipulative political piece (feirenheit 9/11, Bowling for Columbine)I gave it an excellent rating. I love documentaries and have watched them all my life, but Micheal Moore has used the "documentary" genre to cover up the "un-truths" he is trying to convey based on how he sees them. These movies are manipulation, pure and simple. These false documentaries have opened the door for almost every director out there to use this genre to push personal political beliefs and somehow we are supposed to believe that all of the info presented is true because its a documentary. As I follow politics closely, nothing in here was really new to me. But to a lot of Americans who haven't paid much attention to current politics, it will be an education in a non-bias manner. It may come across as one sided to liberals but to the average independent its nothing more than getting to know the man they may have voted for. Its not real exciting, but rather an education. If your into that, this movie is for you. UPDATE...2016:Obamas America WAS NOT NOMINATED FOR AN ACEDEMY AWARD EVEN THOUGH IT MADE MORE MONEY AT THE BOX OFFICE THAN ALL 15 DOCUMENTARIES THAT WERE NOMINATED THIS YEAR...COMBINED! That in itself should be enough to tell you that Hollywood is so "up its own ass" it wouldn't know its own way out. BOYCOTT THE ACADEMYS!
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Sphere (1998)
Too many unanswered questions
15 August 2012
The first 30 minutes of this movie was compelling but after that it just fell flat. With all the new technology in the ship wouldn't 5 geniuses be a little more interested in what was inside? Not to mention the Sphere itself. With something so interesting you think the director would want to titillate us a little with its powers. Did anyone else notice how emotionally detached the characters were? After every tragedy that included deaths of supposed friends, there just sitting around sipping coffee trying to figure out what happened all the while, smiling!? This really could have been a great movie, its got all the elements. The director just blew it.
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