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A good thriller
2 February 2014
I expected very little from my admission ticket. And I must say that I was happily surprised to find an old fashioned action thriller with a good cast and lots of great moments. It is a throw-back to the 80's, that's for sure. Minimal CGI and a plot that holds together. it is reminiscent of films like DAY OF THE JACKEL, Russia HOUSE and the early Tom Clancy's. Don't want to give away plots twists or story points that demand a spoiler alert. The only minor quibble is that Chris Pine is a bit light weight as Jack Ryan. The rest of the cast is fine with Kevin Costner giving a performance that makes you recall why he has always been a fascinating actor. Do wish Kiera K. would get her teeth fixed. Pretty girl but oh those choppers are a shame.
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Better than the over-rated play.
9 January 2014
I actually enjoyed this movie version better than the way over-praised stage play it is based on. Saw the play at the National Theatre with most of the original New York cast and found it obvious and sit-com my. Oddly the film which by the way has lost all the laughs the play engendered, presents a much more serious and grim portrait. Meryl the magnificent is not so magnificent in this though she at times grasps the inner feeling of the mother. Unfortunately, she also tends to go way over the top a few too many times. Julia Roberts has been directed in a more angry and vindictive manner than the original Tony winning actress I saw on stage. I always love Julia but this is not her most pleasant role. The humor has been left on the stage and not made its way to the screen. At least the film avoids the glib, "oh, look at me, I am so clever" feeling of the play.
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Blue Jasmine (2013)
Watered down version of STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE
2 October 2013
This film is a sad disappointment. Woody Allen has seemed to put all his energies into Cate Blanchett's performance and forgotten there are other cast members floundering. It recalls the days when he tried something like this in ALICE with Mia farrow. Also very similar to his period when he was trying to be the American Inmar Bergman. remember he did all those dull and tragic films in Black and white. Somber and slow features with stars like Maureen Stapleton. It is a shame this is considering his best work in years especially since we had the brilliant MIDNIGHT IN Paris. I can't recommend this film as it left me cold with Cate as Blanche Dubois, Sally Hawkins as Stella and Bobby Canavalli as Stanly.
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Southland (2009–2013)
The best cop show in history of television
3 April 2013
Thank God, this show has a spot here on Englih TV. It is one of the fastest moving, personal and thrilling shows on TV at the moment. The cast is superlative and the back stories on theses folk keep you glued to the screen. Bravo to all involved and keep up the good work. Can't wait for season 5. This show has more to offer than THE WIRE did for me. It has few rivals for its grittiness and honesty. Perhaps the closest show which ticks all the boxes is JUSTIFIED. That is also a show to be proud of. They are the only two series I buy for my personal collection of dvds. Great television comes along more often than it once did and SOUTHLAND is certainly great.
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I saw this film in America when it was called "Notorious Gentleman"
25 January 2013
It is never an easy thing to watch a cad and bounder on film for 2 hours and come away feeling satisfied. But his film manages to do that because of it's wit and wonderful cast. Harrison is superb and Lili Palmer is at her very best. I had not seen this for 65 years and yet I remember it as though it was last week. One very odd goof in the film takes place in a car with Rex being driven by the character Jenny. He opens the door to get out before the car stops. He exits while the scenery goes whizzing by. One might expect to see him in a heap on the sidewalk. All in all, a lovely film with nice light touches and some very serious drama. GOOD SHOW
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A classic overlooked comedy
20 October 2012
One of my favorite films of the 40's. This mild mannered comedy western hits all the right notes. One might have imagined it made by Bob Hope and a Paramount lovely like Gail Russell or Diana Lynn. But instead it sneaks under the radar with a minor cast of Eddie Albert and Gale Storm who both deliver their best ever film performances. I can't prise this highly enough. It is a must see film for movie lovers. You will thank me. I recall seeing this in 1948 and thinking at the time how good it was and why didn't it make more of an impact. There are just certain films that time treats kindly and this is one of them. Small films that stay with you like THE GREAT DAN PATCH, THE LUCKY STIFF, OUT OF THE BLUE and IVY.
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The Newsroom (2012–2014)
The greatest since WEST WING
13 July 2012
Where can I begin? It is only the best television since West Wing, it is the best Television available to the public. The far right critics should be ashamed for such biased comments. Well, you tossers just don't get it. Sorkin is king and I am lighting candles that this show is on for as least 12 seasons. The cast is brilliant beyond words. Can'r wait to buy the DVD series one. The pilot episode is so wonderful I have watched it 3 times. Bravo to Alison Pill and Dav Petel. It is bad enough that Harry's Law was canceled because it appealed to an older audience. Must we dumb down to enjoy television these days? If you don't fall into the 18 to 49 category, the networks ignore you.
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The Tall T (1957)
Too close to SEVEN MEN FROM NOW and not as good
29 June 2012
I looked forward to seeing this film in the pantheon of the Scott-Boetticher films. I had so much enjoyed SEVEN MEN FROM NOW and anxiously awaited my viewing of this. Not to be a nitpicker but Scott looks less interested and the supporting cast other than Richard Boone who is fine lets the film down a bit. I think the presence of Gail Russell and Lee Marvin in MEN tips the scales. Also it has the same plot contrivance of traveling lady with a weak husband that works so much better in the SEVEN MEN film. Maureen O Sullivan's performance is almost out of the silent film era. She is way over the top in a few scenes. This film is not bad by any means and holds your interest but just doesn't quite measure up to standards.
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Westbound (1958)
Scott-Boetticher weaker entry
29 June 2012
Sadly, this is an ordinary western so unlike the sterling SEVEN MEN FROM NOW. So many of the stories have a familiar classic ring to them so it really comes down to how well then are preformed. This entry in the Scott-Boetticher cycle is poorly performed by the supporting cast. Unlike "SEVEN MEN" with the brilliant Lee Marvin and also the wonderful Gail Russell, this oater lets us down by the stars. Also the script doesn't have the dynamic of their other films. The love feelings or sometime love affairs of Scott with his leading ladies in these films is a key to the total enjoyment. Unfortunately, this film has little of heartfelt emotion that Russell and Scott provided in "SEVEN MEN"
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Harry's Law (2011–2012)
NBC keep this one. It is a winner
6 February 2012
The first season of HARRY'S LAW had me from the first episode. I was a sold viewer. First of all Kathy Bates is so watchable and the show has a typical, maybe a little too typical David Kelly feel to it. Kelly sometimes reworks his old characters like Denny Crane into the new Tommy played well by Chris MacDonald. The first season was excellent and now come season two (thank heavens) and we have many cast changes and a whole new feel to the series. I am not 100 per cent sure it was for the better but the the 3 episode arc with Jean Smart and Alfred Molina was superb. Please bring back Jean Smart. She is dynamite as always. Just pray NBC is patient with this series. Some have called it old hat but there is room for good comfortable TV series like this one.
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Calcutta (1946)
Ladd and Russell, a great combo
14 January 2012
This film, which actually was one of Ladd's most financially successful films of the 40's, is a fun ride. Surprisingly, it's reputation has been one of a potboiler. It moves swiftly and has many good twists and turns. Gail Russell is wonderful and breathtakingly beautiful as the mysterious femme fatale. Alan Ladd was very well matched with Gail Russell. More so than Veronica Lake with her stony blonde beauty. The beautiful darkness of Russell and the Blonde Ladd was much more interesting. They were close friends and it shows in their two feature films together. A lot of the TV prints of this films have scenes missing that are crucial to the plot so if you can get a hold of a complete version of Calcutta you will be very lucky. A fun film from the 40's that you should try and catch up with.
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The Lawless (1950)
Finally on TCM..................a really worthwhile film
14 December 2011
THE DIVIDING LINE originally called THE LAWLESS in the States is a brilliant film from Joseph Losey. I suppose the American title may have sounded like a Western film so they changed it for England. What it is, is a indictment of the racial emotions and fears of the 1950's in America. The cast is superb. MacDonald Carey has never been better and he has always been an under rated performer in films. Also Gail Russell gives a performance of such honesty and naturalness that you feel you are seeing her for the first time. She was always a great beauty and good leading lady but here she proves that her early death is even more tragic because of what we know she was capable of. The film is unmissable.
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How bad can a film be? Try this one.
14 December 2011
This film originally titled NO PLACE TO LAND opened on a double bill with an Ed Wood film. I cannot decide which was more ridiculous. This Republic "B" stars John Ireland, Gail Russell, Mari Blanchard and Jackie Coogan. I am sure none of the above would want it on his or her resume. Ireland walks through the film knowing what he got himself mixed up in. Mari Blanchard is totally ludicrous as the femme fatale wiggling her rear end for 77 minutes. The only person in the film who tries to say the lines with a straight face is the lovely Gail Russell. This was her next to last film before she died tragically from alcohol abuse. Sad to see her go out this way but she at least doesn't embarrass herself like the others do. Her beauty lives on in our memories from films like THE UNINVITED, ANGEL AND THE BADMAN and MOONRISE.
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Studio 57: Time, Tide and a Woman (1956)
Season 2, Episode 33
a fun little episode from STUDIO 57
3 August 2011
It is amazing that these episodes even still exist. At least it is a chance to see Gail Russell on TV. She only did 3 television episodes in her career. This was just around the time of SEVEN MEN FROM NOW and TATTERED DRESS so Gail still looked lovely. The plot is silly and a little like her role in CAPTAIN CHINA from 1949. She manages to board, with her father, a tired old cargo ship as a passenger. Then she is lusted after by the crew members and has to figure out a way to prevent a mutiny along with 2nd Captein, John Baer. These gems keep popping up for we collectors. may they long continue. Especially when they let us get a view of the wonderful stars like Gail Russell from films.
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A wonderfully entertaining comedy drama from Andrew Stone
3 May 2011
What a surprise. I hadn't seen this film since it played on Million Dollar Movies in Los Angeles in the 50's. I is a rare comedy drama with a bit of music thrown in for good measure. It stars Gail Russell in a role that shows off exactly what she was capable of. A delightful romantic lead and so beautiful as the lead character, Eileen. The cast around her couldn't be better. It has Claire Trevor, Ann Dvorak, Jane Wyatt, Adolphe Menjou and Billie Burke. It is a lost film and can hardly ever be seen anywhere. I got a copy from a collector and was amazed how well it holds up. Four girls who work in a department store adopt a mom and dad so they can share a mansion on Long Island to trap rich husbands. A chestnut of a plot to hang some wonderful performances on. It is a total delight and is a film you should search out. Gail made this film just prior to Angel and the Badman and it is no wonder she was selected to star as the Angel opposite John Wayne. Has there ever been a more beautiful girl on the screen? If there has been, I have never seen her.
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Raising Hope (2010–2014)
A brilliant new sit-com
20 November 2010
A wonderful comedy has come on TV in England and once gain it has been sent by America. RAISING HOPE is a delightfully offbeat piece of writing that fits perfectly in the MODERN FAMILY to make a smashing hour of laughs. The casting is spot on and the writing is fresh and hits all the right targets. Long may this show run. It had me laughing from start to finish and I can't wait for next week's episode. Thank you 20th century Fox for another great program. It is good to see Cloris Leachman back on the screen. She like Betty Wite is a grand old gal of comedy ans she enhances any show she is on. And it is about time Martha Plimpton is back on TV in as a series regular. I have loved her ever since she was a child actress.
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A fine lost treasure from UNIVERSAL. A must for musical fans.
1 July 2010
A real joy and big surprise of entertainment. I couldn't imagine a "B" Universal musical fantasy from the 40's holding my interest but was I shocked to find it funny, moving and musically A-1. Peggy Ryan is fabulous as the grand daughter of crotchety old Gene Lockart (wonderful in the role) and daughter of the lovely June Vincent. Jack Oakie has one of his best roles as the deceased dad who comes back after 15 years to right a few wrongs and protect his daughter. Don't miss this one if it is ever on Television. It should definitely have a DVD release. Please UNIVERSAL, open those vaults and release some of your hidden classics.
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A western for the ages. Perhaps the best of it's kind.
22 August 2004
Seven Men from Now is a must-see for all fans of the western. Beautifully directed and acted, this film is just under 80 minutes and yet manages to do more in that time than the over-long mega-films of today.

Randolph Scott who replaced John Wayne (due to Wayne's schedule) is excellent as the silent man of the West who is out to avenge his wife's murder. Gail Russell in her comeback role is marvelous and touching. Produced by John Wayne, he(Wayne) insisted that Gail be given the leading lady role even after he himself was forced to desert the leading role. He was determined to help the troubled Miss Russell restart her career. They had worked so beautifully together in two previous films, ANGEL AND THE BADMAN and WAKE OF THE RED WITCH. U.C.L.A archives has preserved this film in pristine condition and gorgeous Technicolor. We must make an effort to do a write in campaign to Warner Brothers to release it on D.V.D. so it is not once again lost to the world.
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Wayne and Russell at their best
28 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Wake of the Red Witch may be John Wayne in his most demanding role. He plays Captain Rawles who skuttles the Red Witch to later go back and rescue it's treasure in gold bullion. Wayne has never has so many colorful character elements in any film. And along side the beautiful Gail Russell, he manages his best performance. Ms. Russell as Anglelique is at her most beguiling and tragic. Her death scene in which Wayne carries her, dying, to look at the sea once more is as powerful as the death scene in "Wuthering Heights" which it is lifted from. The main advantage here is that Gail Russell is more vulnerable and beautiful than Merle Oberon was in "Heights" And the last scene with John and Gail at the wheel of the ghost ship, Red Witch is a never to be forgotten Hollywood film moment.

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A delightful film for all ages.
28 July 2004
A charming comedy which unfortunately has not been released on video or DVD. Both Gail Russell and Diana Lynn give lovely performances. It is a shame Gail did so few comedies as she had a wonderful style for it. The sequel was not as good and that is a shame because it could have rivaled the Henry Aldrich series. The sequence with the "geezer" and the sequence where they are stuck on top of Notre Dame at night are hilarious. the last scene with Beulah Bondi on the ship sailing back home from Europe has a wonderful kicker for the end of the film. Paramount should release this on DVD. it is a lost treasure.
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