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Hereditary (2018)
A masterpiece
23 February 2019
From the opening shot you know what sort of film you are getting in to. It's slow and methodical, brimming with atmosphere and music that sets the tone just right. It's been compared to the Exorcist but I think its better compared to The Shining. I wont spoil the story, but recommend this as one of the best horror films and my second favourite film of 2018 only slightly behind First Reformed. Watch it now!
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The worst movie I've seen in a long time
27 May 2011
I haven't written a review in a long time but felt it necessary to try and warn people about how bad this movie is. It's unfunny and most of the plot and cinematography is copy & pasted from the first picture (which I loved.) The jokes are often crude and there are only one or two strong laughs mainly coming from Galifianakis. People will like this film or pretend too, just because of the first movie, for example laugh when Alan or Phil do anything out of the ordinary, like most of the audience did at my theatre. Overall an extremely unsatisfying and at times tedious sequel to a brilliant first act, that like so many comedies before it, didn't know when to quit.
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Predators (2010)
Predators Almost Hits The Mark
13 July 2010
Predators Review

In A Nutshell...

Eight of Earth's most dangerous Soldiers and Criminals awaken falling into an unknown jungle – on an alien world. As they try to work together to stay alive, an invisible enemy hunts them for sport.


In 1987 John McTiernan directed a testosterone filled action flick, which pitted Arnold Schwarzenegger against a bad-ass alien, it did well with its worldwide audience and is still considered a solid action film today. But after a poor sequel, which replaced The Terminator himself with Danny Glover (bad idea) and two laughable spin-offs, it seemed the predator franchise was all but dead and buried.

Twenty-three Years later producer Robert Rodriguez (Sin City) and director Nimród Antal (Vacancy – but don't be put off just yet) have come together with an unproduced 1994 script by Rodriguez – who has been eager to get the picture made for quite some time. The film does well with the original formula, a jungle, a group of mercenaries with big guns, a strong leader — who in this case is Oscar winner Adrian Brody (The pianist, King Kong) who has bulked up for the role of Royce, but is merely a shadow of Schwarzenegger's Dutch in size. But what Brody lacks in statue, he makes up for in pure acting talent, and brings a well needed central performance, to a film that ultimately lacks in dialogue.

The supporting cast unlike other movies of this genre, don't just play the part of a large body count, but have a likable mentality (well some do) similar to James Cameron's Aliens – but don't get me wrong, none of them are by any means Bill Paxton's Hudson. An honourable mention goes to the Katana wielding yakuza Hanzo (Louis Ozawa Changchien) whose sword skills are somewhat deadly. Unfortunately one of the biggest disappointments of the film is how the predator is handled, with the introduction of the new berserker Predator, which hunts the humans and Predators alike. You would think they would be ten times the hunter that the first was – But actually they are a lot sloppier in comparison to the 1987 original.

Final Thoughts

The first half is a brilliantly paced action movie which lives up to expectations, in many ways surpasses them. Unfortunately due to a few minor hick-ups and a dull climax it suffers in the third and final act. But overall a well earned three star effort, which should grant Nimród Antal another bash at the recovering franchise.

3/5 Stars
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"A re invention of a timeless character"
7 February 2010
With a rather poor run at Box office, Director Guy Ritchie Redeems himself with a not-so Faithful film adaption of the world's most famous detective. The film is set in nineteenth century London, filled to the brim with black magic, Underground boxing and murder. Sherlock Holmes (Downey. Jnr) is brought to life perfectly by the charismatic actor, Using his wit and charm to win you over. The detective is challenged with a rather tricky case, but always seems one step ahead. Ever aided by his faithful right-hand-man Watson (Law) – who is equally as good. He is ready to face whatever is thrown at him.

But not everything about this film is great. It's rather sloppy at points, scenes drag for far too long and a few pointless moments could have been cut from the final film. But don't get me wrong, it's good; the fresh new approach on the characters brings new life to the classic story. Guy Ritchie has set the stage for a re invention of a timeless character, Expect more to follow.
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CrazyAboutFilm Movie of The week!
7 February 2010
Jacques Mesrine (Cassel)one of France most notorious criminals, Wanted for murder and robbery. Easily escaping from every maximum prison thrown at him. He was certainly a colourful character. This amazing two part film literally blew me away. The action, characters and plot are all well thought out and directed by Jean-François Richet (Assault on precinct 13). In many ways his life mirrors that of john Dillinger's (Public Enemy) who was also a publicly acclaimed Anti-hero. As you follow the troubled front man, you start to understand that he had more in his sights then smash and grab hold ups.

Vincent Cassel is brilliant as the "honest bandit". I decided to watch part one (Killer Instinct) after that, I couldn't get enough of this rather vivid bio. Both parts of the story are equally as strong; the first being may be more accessible then the latter. But for the full effect I recommend you watch it back-to-back. It's a roller-coaster ride that leaves you wanting more.

But as the dust settles and Mesrine accepts his inevitable decline "If you are listening to this, then I have been sent to a cell, for which there is no escape" simply amazing cinema! Reviewer: Joshua Roberts For more weekly reviews go to
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The Descent (2005)
A rather enjoyable chiller!
7 February 2010
Fresh off the heels of his first Feature (Dog Soldiers). Horror enthusiast Neil Marshall shines with his claustrophobic nightmare. The British Film maker brings out the big guns for his second outing in the Directors chair. We follow a group of "adrenaline junkies" cave diving in America (how fun) – but don't be put off just yet. Everything takes a turn for the worse- when they quickly find out they are not alone in the dark. At centre stage is the recently widowed Sarah (MacDonald) who is haunted by the loss of her family. A women obsessed by her daughter's tragic demise.

Once it kicks in, anything outside the cave can be forgiven. Anything inside won't be forgotten any time soon. The horror it top notch, up there with the likes of "28 days later". But nothing is taken lightly. There are no mindless jump points, everything has a reason. The cast are forgettable but the cinematography and direction is masterful in this rather enjoyable chiller.

Reviewer Joshua Roberts For more Weekly Reviews check out
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CrazyAboutFilm Movie of The week!
7 February 2010
Jacques Mesrine (Cassel) one of France most notorious criminals, Wanted for murder and robbery. Easily escaping from every maximum prison thrown at him. He was certainly a colourful character. This amazing two part film literally blew me away. The action, characters and plot are all well thought out and directed by Jean-François Richet (Assault on precinct 13). In many ways his life mirrors that of john Dillinger's (Public Enemy) who was also a publicly acclaimed Anti-hero. As you follow the troubled front man, you start to understand that he had more in his sights then smash and grab hold ups.

Vincent Cassel is brilliant as the "honest bandit". I decided to watch part one (Killer Instinct) after that, I couldn't get enough of this rather vivid bio. Both parts of the story are equally as strong; the first being may be more accessible then the latter. But for the full effect I recommend you watch it back-to-back. It's a roller-coaster ride that leaves you wanting more.

But as the dust settles and Mesrine accepts his inevitable decline "If you are listening to this, then I have been sent to a cell, for which there is no escape" simply amazing cinema! Reviewer: Joshua Roberts For more Weekly Reviews go to
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Up in the Air (I) (2009)
A Breath of fresh Air
23 January 2010
In A Nutshell....

Ryan Bingham (Clooney), frequent flyer and corporate downsizer, has his life just how he likes it: no emotional ties, plenty of in-flight perks. That is, until he falls for the enigmatic Alex (Farmiga), and is saddled with work-partner Natalie (Kendrick)


Jason Reitman has done it again, first with the perky teen comedy with heart (Juno) now the likely Oscar Front Runner (Up In The Air). He is quickly establishing himself as a major player in Hollywood. Reitman, who recently won a Golden Globe for His Up In The Air Screenplay, is receiving awards left, right and centre, but what is all the fuss about ? And what makes the film Stand out above the rest.

Let me introduce Ryan Bingham (Clooney) a workaholic, corporate downsizer who enjoys the luxury of flying, and the perks along the way. To him an airport lounge is home, being comforted with the delights of a high ranking member's status, and the familiar joys that entail. Obsessively collecting the flyer miles as he travels from airport to airport (10 million is the goal). Bingham is content with his life out of a suitcase, little to his knowledge that everything is about to change. Clooney Shines as Bingham, Bringing soul and personality to the movie, he is the anchor and drives the film forward, in turn brings an emotional and Oscar worthy performance.

There are two female supporters in the film, the enigmatic Alex (Farmiga) and love interest of Ryan's. She describes herself as "just think of me as you with a vagina" constantly working, flying from place to place, looking for a bit of harmless fun(but nothing serious) along the way. The second is Natalie (Kendrick) The enthusiastic and harmless employee who threatens Bingham's way of life, trying to prove, that you can fire the poor folk over the internet, instead of face to face. Naturally Bingham refuses the idea, and stating that Natalie doesn't have the right experience, He is sent out with her to "show her the ropes" by the boss (Bateman).

Along the way, Ryan gives Natalie mentoring on how to fire people the right way, try not get to personal and encourage them about pursuing their real dreams, with the help of a trusty Pamphlet and a pat on the back. Bingham's constantly trying to prove that firing someone over the internet will not work, and requires a more sentimental approach. Occasionally meeting Alex along the way, something starts to change, as he finally starts to realise that he is lonely.

The films pace is masterful; it leads from one enjoyable scene to next, It's beautifully shot with quick editing and some quite funny narration by Clooney. It's full of enjoyable performances and it's emotional as hell. You rarely find yourself bored and it leaves you guessing until the end. The only criticism I have is that the film doesn't know what it wants to be, at times it's a romantic comedy and at others it's a serious drama full of heartbreak. It manages to win you back towards the end of the film, anyone who complains about the ending is truly misguided, it's one of the most satisfying I have seen in a long time.

Final thoughts: The film is a delight, with a strong plot and colourful characters; it is defiantly an Oscar favourite and should win for screenplay and actor for Clooney, whether it will snag the big two is yet to be seen. The scene transition is fast and smooth; you will rarely find yourself bored. It's an amazing film, that has a deep message engraved into it, how you perceive that message, is up to you.
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Avatar (2009)
Welcome to Pandora
19 January 2010
It's been 12 years since we last saw James Cameron's visionary directing on the big screen. He previously graced Our Cinemas with the Likes of The Terminator, Aliens and the rather popular titanic. The latter went on to gross more than 1.8 billion dollars worldwide and bag 11 Oscar's. Now he's back with another epic, Avatar. It's been 12 years in the making, now it is being realised in glorious 3-D.

The story is set hundreds of years from today on the distant moon of Pandora. The planets a lush, vivid place full of beautiful and deadly creatures. The population that inhabit this planet are the Na'vi, they are big, very fast and athletic with a knack for not taking the humans lightly. The film centres on Jake sully (Sam Worthington) a paraplegic marine who is offered a second chance at being a soldier. He is asked to fill in his recently deceased brother's boots and head to Pandora. The First thing you will notice about this film is that it looks incredible. Every single blade of grass has been fully detailed. The motion capture technology brings the Na'vi to life, with every emotion being realised. This is truly from a visionary point of view, a work of art.

You are transported to the Moon of Pandora and it's a marvel if you are seeing it in 3-D, as intended. You are then introduced to the main characters of the film. First you meet the rather joyful and impressive colonel Quaritch (Stephen Lang) He gives a stand out performance as a stereotypical American Grunt, a rather over used cliché by the Canadian director. You are then introduced to Dr. Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) who has affection for the Na'vi, and looking for a way back into the indigenous population's community.

You will notice through the film that there are many references to James Cameron's previous work Aliens. There are a few small similarities' and one big, Aliens is arguably Cameron's best work, so it's not a negative. The role of Parker Selfridge (Giovanni Ribisi) will remind you of Carter Burke, the slimy all business Executive from Aliens. The score by James Horner, who also worked with Cameron on the 1986 hit leaves a familiar taste in your mouth. Cameron originally wanted Michael Biehn to play the role of Quaritch but thought the audience would get confused as Sigourney Weaver is also in the movie.

The introduction of neytiri (Zoe Saldana) is powerful and exciting, You get the impression that she knows how to handle herself, This is a trait of all Jim Cameron's heroines. She introduces us to the Na'vi culture, and in the process, we start to care for and understand the advanced race.

The film flows well; it can drag at times, especially in the middle act of the film. This could have been improved with an extra RDA encounter, to further mount the tension between the Na'vi and the inpatient humans. The Action in the film is amazing, real hard hitting stuff. But it is in no way mindless. Every scene of action has been carefully crafted, by the trusty hands and eyes of James Cameron, Who has a knack for getting the audiences, pulse racing. The final battle lasts around 40 minutes long and it is defiantly a sight to be seen.

Final Thought's: On a technical level the film is a triumph with moments of wonder, the action is top notch to boot. The script and story can let it down at points, but that is no reason not to see the movie.Avatar is like a beautiful painting. What you see is what you get, and what you get is nothing short of epic.

A moment of brilliance: The final battle scene is as good as they come. The last time you had Goosebumps like this, was when a well known farm boy, destroyed a death star.

Reviewer: Joshua Roberts
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