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Powerful and Unsettling
21 January 2010
The White Ribbon is powerful and unsettling. Haneke's dispassionate look at a village and its unspoken problems only serves to heighten the audience's reaction to the systematic wrongs that are occurring. A sense of fear dominates every aspect of the film, and this is reflected in the general sense of apathy exhibited by all of the characters. The black and white cinematography gives the film a very distinct look, fitting for the film's pre-WWI setting while also adding to the uneasiness of the village's lifelessness. Overall, it is not always all that enjoyable; this is not due to a lack in craftsmanship but instead it is a by-product of the film's themes. That said, it is an important film that demands watching, even though it is not always easy to do so.

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Creation (I) (2009)
Science vs. Religion, Family vs. Melodrama
20 January 2010
The film is worth a watch, probably rented on DVD as opposed to in theaters. It presents an argument (science vs. religion) that has been raging since Darwin's time, and it does so without forcing the audience in either direction. No one can deny the importance of such an argument, and that alone gives the film some weight. Sadly, the film ultimately abandons this line of thought in favor of family melodrama, centered on Darwin and his wife. This is also well-executed, but it fails to maintain the very high initial level of interest. Nonetheless, in both halves Paul Bettany gives a noteworthy performance as Darwin himself.

After watching the film, I found the trailer to be rather misleading. It focuses solely on the first half of the film (science vs. religion), and frankly the film should have as well. In spite of this, overall it is a well-made period piece that people should check out. Fans of melodrama will probably enjoy it more than those who were looking for evolutionary debate, but it contains enough of both to keep audiences interested.

Full Review at MacGuffinFilmReviews.blogspot.com
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Disappointing and Bland
19 January 2010
Overall, I found The Book of Eli to be disappointing, but it was a disappointment that arose from watching it (and not from my expectations going in). It manages to hint at different ways in which it could set itself apart from other post-apocalyptic films, and these moments really add to the viewing experience. Nonetheless, it does not feature nearly enough of these moments to overcome the film's inconceivable plot, which ultimately sinks the entire viewing experience with an absurd ending.

For the most part, the film is really for fans of the genre. Audiences that like "end of the world" films will probably find this one enjoyable for those little ways it differentiates itself. Denzel Washington and Gary Oldman look like they are having fun putting on a show, and that definitely helps the minutes flow by. At the end of the day though, it is not nearly good enough to be a "must-see" for anyone that did not already want to see it.

Full Review at MacGuffinFilmReviews.blogspot.com
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Avatar (2009)
Great Visuals, Subpar Elsewhere
18 January 2010
Avatar is a film that is worth seeing in theaters. Its strength is in its CGI and special effects, and these are accentuated by a large theater screen. The added dimension of 3-D only bolsters the images, creating a film that is both visually exciting and engaging. This is definitely at the core of what holds the audience's interest.

Nonetheless, this cannot balance the fact that the film is very silly. The plot is derivative and simplistic (not to mention terribly predictable), and it features characters that are neither complex nor all that interesting. For all the ways that the visuals draw the audience into the story, the characters cannot hold the audience there, and I never felt like I really cared about what happened to any one of them. If the film did not take place on a fictional planet (and have all the CGI that goes with that), it would not be worth seeing.

At this point in time, everyone has an opinion about Avatar, based not only on seeing the film (which, regardless of box office numbers, not every person has done) but also on all of the publicity and attention it has received. Frankly, it is a film made to satisfy an audience familiar with blockbusters. If one goes to the theater looking to enjoy the film, he will find that he does enjoy it; if he goes looking to dislike the film, he will find plenty to hate. Personally, I found it to be an entertaining way to spend an afternoon, but a big part of that was seeing it in a theater. I could just take it all in, and the film definitely did not require me to do any thinking.

Full review at MacGuffinFilmReviews.blogspot.com
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Good Idea, Poor Execution
14 January 2010
So far as I can tell, this film is probably best for people who have read the book, as I have not read the book and failed to find the film engaging on an emotional level.

That said, the film's strengths are in Stanley Tucci's performance as well as the beautifully computer generated "in-between" world. There are also a few truly inspired sequences, such as the manner in which Peter Jackson presents Susie's murder as well as a climactic scene in the killer's house.

Its drawbacks include mostly uninspired acting and what I can best describe as an overall lack of focus. The film jumps around quite a bit, both in time and in tone, making a connection virtually impossible. Overall, an intriguing concept suffers from poor execution, forcing the audience to sit and wonder "what if" as opposed to being mesmerized by what was actually happening.

Full review at MacGuffinFilmReviews.blogspot.com
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