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The Capture: Made in China (2022)
Season 2, Episode 2
Excellently paced
30 August 2022
Building on the foundations set in episode one, the plot is starting to unfurl quite nicely now with various threads of interest appearing. It's extremely difficult to know who to trust with all the characters potentially having ulterior motives, which adds to the intrigue.

I've been boring my partner to tears with my various theories, no doubt all of them far from the mark, so I'm very much looking forward to seeing in which direction the showrunners take things. I suspect there'll be more than a few shocking and unexpected twists to come if this season is anything like the first. My (extremely far-fetched) hope is that we see more of Shaun Emery and the superb actor who brought his character to life so brilliantly in season one.

Thoroughly hooked.
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Gdansk (2017)
Short and not so sweet
9 October 2021
A snapshot of an alternative teutonic reality where a man, armed with only an old weathered axe, stands alone in front of his homestead and defends a terrified woman and child from an army of knights on horseback - and a 100 foot tall giant - with about as much success as can be expected in the circumstances.

As with all of Oats Studios shorts, this is designed to be a fragment of a story, intended to inspire other filmmakers and creators to expand the vision into something more significant and compelling. So as a standalone it will never be more than just a curiosity. Though it is in and of itself a small expansion of an internet-famous image by Polish artist Jakub Rozalski (who does other cool drawings that you may want to check out if this captured your imagination).

Whilst this is very brief and hence not truly satisfying, a series or a film in this grim world would certainly be of interest for me. And who knows? Maybe one day someone will grab this concept and run with it. Until then, may your imagination sustain you.
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Home for Christmas (2019–2020)
A moving and heartwarming Christmas treat
31 December 2020
My slightly Scandi-obsessed partner stuck this on during our Christmas hols and we fell in love with it right away and watched both seasons in the space of two days.

Whilst on paper you may feel like the show is running over well-trodden ground, in actuality it has a refreshingly original approach due to its Norwegian setting, witty and human exchanges between its left-field characters, and various events that will make you both laugh and cry.

The main character, Johanne, is played brilliantly. The actress does a fantastic job in making her feel like a truly alive character and you'll find yourself highly invested in her journey as she tries to find happiness both in herself and through the love of those around her.

Overall, we really, really enjoyed it from start to finish and it helped improve our coronavirus-impaired Christmas this year. Hoping for a season 3!
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Pretty Terrible (and not Terribly Pretty either)
5 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Whilst waiting for this film to come out I must admit that I nursed a growing sense of expectancy: the cast seemed strong; the original film has achieved cult status; the storyline is a classic dating back to Ancient Greece and from the trailers it looked aesthetically pleasing. In my naivety I couldn't see where Hollywood could go wrong, after all it's never let us down in the past! Right?!

With this being said, I was therefore completely taken aback when the final credits rolled on this dismal, dithering train-wreck of a film. Before I critique this film though I must warn you that there are possible spoilers below, so if you are definitely going to watch this film don't read on!

I find it difficult to know where to start with this film, I think I'll first outline the few positives: The CGI (especially of the Kraken) is very impressive, Gemma Arterton is a stone cold fox, it has a beginning, a middle and an end. There, that's just about it.

Now for the negatives: The dialogue is corny, unlovable, embarrassing to watch at times and so contrived that it actually makes you uncomfortable, the exact same can be said of Sam Worthington and pretty much every other character in this tripe. The plot seems to make no sense as the Director spends next to no time on the background to the story, things just seem to happen randomly and for no reason that you particularly care about. The action scenes are as boring and predictable as you could possibly imagine, the giant scorpions in particular had me yawning. I'm not even exaggerating.

On top of that I found myself not caring at all if the island gets destroyed at the end by the Kraken, as both Perseus and Andromeda are so bland and shallow as characters that I felt no connection with them whatsoever. The 3D is also below-par, with everything appearing blurry and unfocused, and it just seems like an unnecessary gimmick that was added on as an afterthought. The finale is also abysmal to the point of incredulity, I point to the fact that Perseus spends more time chasing down one of those Hades-bird-creatures than actually trying to kill the massive titan currently hell-bent on destroying a civilisation. I also point to the cringe-inducing "comic relief" of the scorpion, ridden by two instantly forgettable characters, helping out Perseus by killing one of the Hades-monster things.

My last point is focused at the anti-climactic defeat of the Kraken, I mean just showing it the head? Is that really all it takes? A titan which was powerful enough for Gods to fear it, being killed by a frightful stare? I know that was consistent with the original storyline but it was very disappointing all the same and you're left thinking... was that it?

This film is another black mark on the copybook that is Hollywood high budget rubbish. Clash of the Titans would fit in nicely alongside The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor and Transformers 2 as an example of how a big budget can totally ruin, instead of enhancing a cinematic experience.

Final Thoughts: Go see the formidable and wonderful How to Train Your Dragon instead of this sleazy, rambling, thoughtless, shallow, pedantic embarrassment of a film.
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Saved! (2004)
Awful, awful film
5 January 2010
Well I shall keep this short because reading lengthy negative reviews does get quite depressing and tiresome after a while. This movie is truly terrible on so many levels; the lack of any gripping storyline, the lack of any likable characters, the preachiness that seems to ingrain this film at every possible level amongst other problems.

Anyone watching this must prepare themselves for a film that is so boring and so unradical in any way that they will feel that they have watched it a thousand times before and that is where this film fails. There is nothing new or unique here, it is all recycled from other other films, and it feels recycled as a result.

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