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So goood!!
14 January 2024
For a simple, generally low-stakes premise (teenage little sister is struggling to process change in her life, namely her older sister's wedding and a mounting anxiety about forging her own path, which does not involve becoming yet another south asian doctor), this film was such a treat.

The acting was on point, the visuals and vfx were maximalist (some scenes even teetered on surreal) and served a great purpose in the film. Nothing was gratuitous. From the little clever one-liners, to the INCREDIBLE wedding dance (i wish that scene was way longer, priya killed that scene), to the ridiculous plot twists, to the sweet moments of sisterhood between friends and family... this film was amazing from start to finish. I absolutely loved the last scene.
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i reluctantly admit this is a great remake
19 June 2023
Admit it: the original WMCJ was boring, repetitive, and superficial: two men con each other bc they're pressed for cash and end up becoming friends, all the while cracking jokes about black-white race relations in LA (reminder: this film was released mere weeks before the 1992 LA riots). The first film wasn't bad at all-- it was interesting and was very well-casted. But the 2023 film honestly exceeded my expectations.

Calmatic did an amazing job directing this; every scene had energy and felt grounded in the present. Some scenes paid homage to the 1992 original, with westside landmarks celebrated in the background. But the point is that both the director and the writer director were ACTUALLY BORN IN LA, and you can hear and see that authenticity in this film (it was way more authentic to what it's like to be a 20something in LA).

I'm not a fan of jack harlow as a rapper at all, but he def killed this role. He's a natural onscreen, and they updated his role (and Sinqua's role) perfectly for this 2023 remake. Sinqua was an incredible lead, Lance Reddick was amazing as always (rest in power to a legend!), and Vince staples is always a joy onscreen. We never found out what happened with Jeremy's pill addiction though... weird.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
just admit it... this blows other remakes out the water
27 May 2023
This is one of the best live action remakes, hands down. The cast was incredible and the underwater, vibrant vfx were amazing!! Watch this in a dolby theater if you can!

The premise of the little mermaid is a simple one, and if you watch disney's 1989 animated version today, you'll see that they leaned really reallyyyy heavily into fairytale tropes... the most obvious one being they myth that a fleeting, superficial attraction = true love.

I loved this 2023 remake of the little mermaid bc it strengthens this central theme of the story. Ariel doesn't fall in love w eric bc he's a hot prince. This film makes a point to develop eric's character, to present eric and ariel as complex characters: two young, brave people on the precipice of life w helicopter parents who keep thwarting their plans for adventure. Every character in this film is very well developed, even their parents.

Some of y'all just hate live action remakes, and you should just say that. We get it, animation is fun... you miss seeing magical animals w big disney eyes-it's what makes these fairytale/kids movies instant classics. But live action gives actors, animators, AND visual effects artists the range to reimagine iconic films for a new audience. I'm not a huge "live action remake" fan, but this one blows every other out out the water- PUN INTENDED :)
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Dear Mama (2022– )
honest and powerful
24 May 2023
I'm still processing so many emotions... gratitude for afeni and tupac, their transparency, their dedication to improving the lives of black people... the love that made them both stand out as activists and artists and leaders in the black community... their legacy lives on.

This doc did a great job honoring their life stories, and didn't shy away from commenting on the complexities and contradictions (love, rage, violence, care, loneliness, community) that marked tupac and afeni's lives.

This was a beautiful, powerful documentary. You can't know or love tupac without knowing or loving afeni. I spent most eps wishing i could see more footage of afeni speaking onscreen but the last few scenes were a very pleasant surprise.
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Fleishman Is in Trouble (2022–2023)
unoriginal and lacking depth
23 March 2023
This show wanted to be so many things that it ended up being about nothing. It could have been a deep dive into the experience of living and loving in your middle age, recovering from a decade-long unhappy marriage, and coming to terms with the clash of multiple identities (heartbroken adult, devoted parent, hardworking professional, etc).

This show ended up being so superficial, forcing us to watch the lives of rich elites who live in an ethnically insular bubble in new york and complain about the most predictable first-world problems. Rachel's backstory felt like it was hastily constructed-- her character was the most intriguing... and after countless flashbacks painting her as the stone-cold frigid binj, i was looking forward to hearing her side of the story.

Her character is so one-dimensional and unlikeable that it solidifies how one-dimensional and unlikeable literally everyone on screen is. Everything felt underwhelming and forced.
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Do Revenge (2022)
eleanor's hair, chiiiiiiile
15 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Whew. Who did eleanor's hair on set???? Bc it was SO distractingly bad. All the critical reviews of this film are accurate.

It starts out like a mediocre, modern-day retelling of a teen drama set in an uber-wealthy suburbs and then about 20 minutes in it veers into the deep end and never ever ever attempts to make any sense along the way.

Pros: a consistent visual aesthetic that was fun and vibrant and was def influenced by instagram and tik tok and fast fashion brands. The open secret that a lot of ivy leagers are valid trust fund babies who are stressed about maintaining appearances. The tongue-in-cheek critiques about third wave feminism and men rarely being held accountable for their wrongdoings. That one scene when the popular guy was like "we're all performing".

Cons: eleanor's horrible hair. The confusing dynamic bw eleanor and drea (eleanor was drea's pawn and nothing about their time together looked like friendship). Multiple characters having their lives blown up but eleanor and drea face no consequences. Aimless plot points where each character's motivations are unclear. Characters conveniently disappear and reappear. Drea drugging her entire class (horrifying + illegal) and the scene plays as humorous and ofc drea gets away w it, which subverts the initial message of the movie (respecting consent). Drea calls herself a psychopath in the beginning and by the end of the film i guess we're supposed to accept that psychopathic behavior among teenage girls is okay bc now drea and eleanor are driving into the sunset singing "b!tch" by meredith brooks???!?
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The Bisexual (2018)
So good
2 July 2021
This was just a really good, perfectly odd show. It felt so much like a slice of life, so intimate and honest. I really loved everything about Deniz for some reason. It's a bit bittersweet that there was only one season of this show, but I think it ended in a very real (if not slightly confusing?) way.
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Yikes because the hosts have no chemistry
28 June 2021
Would have been better to have hosts who were *actually friends* and could showcase their expertise. Netflix went with a very tired cookie-cutter framework for this show, and beyond the visuals it's very very boring. There's nothing compelling about this show.
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Hacks (2021– )
Oddly good
19 June 2021
I can't figure out what makes this show so good besides Jean Smart being an incredibly actress... it relegates all the actors of color to supporting roles in a way that I find very late 90s tv industry, and its pacing is needlessly show in the first half of the season.

But there's something about Deborah and Ava's complicated relationship and the random side characters' non sequiturs that I LOVE. The music and editing is brilliant and did I already say that Jean Smart is absolutely perfect in this role???
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Mythic Quest: Everlight (2021)
Season 1, Episode 11
A Perfrect Episode
20 May 2021
I loved the DQD and Quarantine episodes so much and didn't expect another Very Special Episode in season 1, but Everlight made me cry. It was so well constructed, everything set up perfectly for the final battle. It got me right in the feels. Thank you.
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A Black Lady Sketch Show (2019–2023)
As a Black Lady
10 May 2021
As a Black lady, I'm extremely glad this show exists because, from the performers to the writers to the crew, there's so much talent. But to be honest with y'all... the writing is still weak. I am excited for the rest of season 2 and I'll keep watching because the cast is so strong, but the writing for sure needs work.

Some sketches are straight-up confusing (for the baby shower one in season 2, it took me forever to understand who was related to who), the subplot about the apocalypse is so drawn-out that it's hard to care about, the pacing of some sketches fizzle out almost immediately, and some sketches rely SO heavily on tired stereotypes that I forget we're in 2021.

I do love the general premise of most of the sketches though, and Robin is such a comedic force. There is so much potential in this show, and I think the show could benefit from taking a wittier, more subtle approach instead of being so heavy-handed.
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Home Economics (2021–2023)
Gives me a stomach ache
9 May 2021
I can't tell if the problem is Topher or if it's the way his character Tom is written, but everything about that character is SO BORING it makes my stomach hurt. I'm 3 episodes in and every time he's in a scene I groan because he brings absolutely nothing of importance to the show.

The fact that the show opens with him narrating and driving the plot is irritating, because he's just. So. Boring. In fact, the premise of the show itself (financial instability in the family and the secret about who Tom's book is about) is presented in the most superficial and predictable way. Nothing that happens in the show is memorable enough to warrant those dramatic narrations at the end.

Jimmy Tatro is doing a great job balancing the serious elements of the show with comedic levity. He's a natural, we know this. The rest of the cast is doing ok with what they're given... But the show isn't written well enough and there's not enough cast chemistry for me to give a dam about anything going on right now. And that sucks because the concept of financial instability (especially in the Bay Area) is such a relevant one, and to explore this in the context of a family is even more special. But this show feels like it was written and produced by robots?? It's also filmed in this weird, clinical way and the color treatment is all washed out and gray. Odd for a comedy.

If this was created and pitched to be *anything* like Modern Family, they need to change up that writer's room AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (I spelled out the acronym so you know I'm serious about this).
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This film isn't the existential escape you're looking for
17 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of reviews mention how repetitive the film is without appreciating that real-life arguments like this tend to be repetitive. Arguments with a loved one are often tense and rambly and passive aggressive and have their lulls and climaxes-- just as we saw with Malcolm and Marie. If you couldn't get through this film, maybe it's because there's someone in your life who you need to make some peace with...? Maybe?

I appreciated the messiness and moral ambiguity of both characters, but I fully hated Malcolm's long-winded rants about filmmaking-- and I'm a Black media nerd. Malcolm's character felt too much like a vessel for directors' gripes about The Industry, and for the life of me I couldn't understand why Marie chuckled at him like his belligerence was charming. (But maybe *deep sigh* it's because she really loved him) The erratic emotions were raw and real and I honestly think it pays off in the end.

Things I hated: the fact that they didn't just go tf to sleep when they got home Things I loved: the soundtrack
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Mr. Mayor: The Sac (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Needs a trigger warning, honestly
24 January 2021
For the tryptophobia. It was kinda funny but mostly awful.
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Mr. Mayor (2021–2022)
As a millennial born and raised in LA
24 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There were so many millennial and LA-centric references, more than what I'd expect from a run-of-the-mill NBC comedy. I chuckled at a lot of references and one-liners, but they were pretty hollow chuckles because everything felt so forced. Even by episode 3 there doesn't seem to be much chemistry with anyone.

While watching the first ep I kept wondering, "Does America REALLY need a show like this?" Like what exactly does this show offer when it comes to understanding the human experience? Other shows explore father-daughter relationships, progressive politics, and office humor MUCH MUCH BETTER. I did love the random song about Sacramento, Sacramento is so iconic but always gets overshadowed by LA and SF, so it was cute to see Sac get a shout out.

Honestly, I think the writers shot themselves in the foot by failing to focus more on the municipal politics and the personalities that exist within government buildings. Didn't they learn anything from the success of Parks and Rec?
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Mythic Quest (2020– )
The Quarantine Special deserves an Emmy
12 January 2021
It took me until the DQD episode (ep 5) to start falling in love with the show and its characters. I don't know what was going on in the first 4 episodes, but I only stuck with the show because I love the entire Sunny crew (David Hornsby is perfect casting *chef's kiss*, and it's good to see Rob and Charlie working together again) as well as Aparna Nancherla and Naomi Ekperigan.

I don't know what it was about the writing, but the second half of the season brought a little more harmony among a cast that seemed to lack chemistry + initial plotlines that seemed to lack any depth/stakes. The 5th episode was so good (an amazing palate cleanser) and provided a tonal shift that made me feel slightly more aware of the themes of the show as a whole.....

but anyways THE QUARANTINE EPISODE DESERVES AN EMMY. Quarantine episodes for other shows have been hella cringe and forced, but this one was honest in a seemingly effortless way.
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Kim's Convenience (2016–2021)
Can't believe I slept on this show
8 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly ignored this show for years, probably because it's Canadian and not enough people I knew were talking about it here in the US. BUT IT'S SO GOOD. I'm a first gen immigrant millennial, so I immediately identified with pretty much every plot line and every character. I'm not Korean, but this show is so well-crafted and so well-performed, that the themes of family, identity, perseverance, and progress shine through in every ep.

At like 45 seconds into episode 1 I knew I was falling in love with the show, but it was the bittersweet Appa/Jung situation that let me know this wouldn't be a run-of-the-mill superficial comedy. I can't get over how well-written and nuanced the show is. Even Umma and Janet have a mother-daughter tension that is SO REAL when it comes to immigrant mamas and their daughters. Appa and Umma are 1000% the reason why this show is so good. I'm BEYOND excited for more seasons.

More things I love:
  • ALL of the fellow immigrant business-owners and recurring customers (Enrique!!!, the stringy-haired white guy, Mr. Mehta, Frank). These characters are portrayed so perfectly, it's ridiculous. It always feels like a treat when one of them walk in the store.
  • The establishing shots/b-roll of Toronto. The shots are either super inventive (i.e. the reflection of the Kim's Convenience sign in a puddle outside of the store) or super mundane (i.e. a random elderly person sitting on a park bench) or super random, but I kind of like seeing these little bits of Toronto.
  • The deep love Appa and Umma have for each other, even with the hijinks and sneak attacks. I love seeing how they support each other and choose each other every day.
  • How Stacie is always just counting down the minutes until she can clock out, and how delightfully naive Terence is. UGH ALL THE SUPPORTING CHARACTERS ARE SO GOOD :)

Things I don't like:
  • The fact that in all of these seasons we still haven't seen Toronto in the snow. It snows over there, doesn't it??
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The L Word: Generation Q (2019–2023)
Refreshingly good
27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
With all the charm of a millennial-driven, diversely-casted drama, this well-written reboot endeared us to its characters and their complicated relationships. The blending of the OG cast with the new gen felt pretty natural, and I loved that there's a sense that everyone belongs to this big ol queer family in LA- that between all the friends and lovers and professional connections, there's lots of love and knowledge to go around.

I was excited to see each character grow, and with the exception of Lena (where did she go??), we did see pretty satisfying arcs from each of the characters. Other great things about season 1: the camera work and editing was AMAZING + the soundtrack was ON POINT. Umm, I also would love to know if Sophie's grandma is doing okay?? Like in the middle of her abuela's health crisis, Sophie is really bout to board a plane for an impromptu vacation??? But I digress. I'm VERY excited for season 2 (if only to learn more about the health status of Sophie's abuela).
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Moonbase 8 (2020)
your last 3 brain cells
18 December 2020
This show is your last 3 brain cells trying to accomplish any difficult task. LOVE watching fred, john, and tim be weirdos in the desert. The ending was equally adorable, sad, and terrifying.
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Black Monday (2019–2021)
Such a clever, clever show
9 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The casting and writing is IMPECCABLE. I am so glad I gave this show a watch-- it showed me how shockingly good Don Cheadle is at portraying the complexity of Mo and how good the vibe is among the cast. Cheadle really acts with his whole being, and he shined in every scene he was in. Same with Ken Marino and Yassir Lester. The rest of the cast are comedy icons and were so much fun to watch (Is there ANY way we can see more Casey Wilson??). I just can't get over how great the casting was.

All the BLACK moments were my absolute FAVORITE. The country club scene where Regina gets mistaken for The Other Regina, the tap dance scene at the Halloween party, the entire sushi double date saga-- all well-written and beautifully-executed scenes that made the show feel so solid. There are so many twists and turns + quite a bit of double-crossing, but the writing is paced so well, I never ever got whiplash.

The only thing that was starting to get tired was all the characters' commentary on the wordplay, which felt clunky at times and kind of slowed down scenes. But the actors flowed with it all and by season 2 I accepted all the puns and double entendres as a part of the show's charm. It really is a charming, wild show.

Ooh and I loved the thinly-veiled sociopolitical commentary. The season 2 finale was very, very bittersweet, but it was good to see everyone's morals exposed like that. Can't wait for season 3.
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Maybe slightly too absurb
7 December 2020
The fact that there was so discernible plot with this fictionalized version of Sarah Cooper made this really difficult to watch. The cameos were mostly hit or miss, and felt gratuitous and not well thought-out. Sarah's bit with Helen Mirren was IMPECCABLE and the reason why I rated this so high. The special is worth watching just for that bit and how perfectly unsettling it is.
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Industry (2020– )
Intriguing Show, Great Acting, Aimless Characters
4 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you're even a little bit interested in this show, PLEASE watch it past the first few episodes. The gratuitous drug use and steamy sex scenes are HBO's trademark/mark of infamy, but I do think they add to a feeling of recklessness and hubris that pervades the financial industry AND any group of young 20somethings in London.

What drew me in was Harper, who was portrayed in such a refreshingly raw and honest way, so much so that it didn't feel like Myha'la was acting AT ALL. The show doesn't focus on her being a stereotypical black-girl-outsider like another review assumed it does-- we see Harper acclimate to her surroundings and find her footing in interesting ways, to the horror of the people around her. By the end of the season you're starting to think Harper was actually made for a place like Pierpoint.

The other young grads we're introduced to seem to have relatively solid backstories. All the characters are portrayed so well by the actors, but it was hard to follow just what the hell was going on. What was going on between Harper and Greg? Harper and Rob? Harper and Eric? Yas and Rob? What was the point of it all, in the end? Are we supposed to see all of these people as needlessly complex and unpredictable, with no clear motivation for their being at Pierpoint? It did kind of feel like the characters were wandering around aimlessly from episode to episode, getting jostled around by Pierpoint drama for the sake of it.

The cinematography was great, and the way the camera built tension in every episode? *chef's kiss* The soundtrack was ok, kinda hit or miss. Like I said, the acting was great and that's the biggest reason why I hope there will be a season 2.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Surprisingly great
24 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I definitely avoided looking into this show because it just... didn't seem good. If I didn't get a free year subscription of Apple TV with my phone, I would've NEVER watched it, even with all the awards/buzz it got this year. But wow. The casting is phenomenal, like many people have said.

To cast stars who have been fixtures in Hollywood for decades was a bold and almost unsettling move. Seeing these characters emote and garner sympathy (or anger), all the while knowing that the actors who play them are also caught up in a changing film/tv industry due to the Me Too movement... it was a lot to take in. I felt like many of the characters were beautifully (almost frustratingly) complex, and I appreciated that.

Some of the characters (Bradley and Hannah in particular) had moments where they were written to be conveniently naive... moving with an innate confidence in some moments and then acting as if they don't know how the industry works in other moments.

For Bradley, deciding to meet with Mitch by herself, when she knew his history and his level of desperation-- that seemed like a rookie move for an experienced journalist who wants to get to the bottom of Mitch's misdeeds. For Hannah, going straight to the head of UBA, an older wealthy man, to report the misconduct of Mitch, another older wealthy man, seemed like something most women in a hierarchical setting like that know not to do... I can concede that she was incredibly upset and, as she said, "acting out of character" (+ she later reported Claire's relationship with Yanko to HR, seemingly as a way to right her own wrong for never going to HR about Mitch).

But as a woman of color, I cringed hard, watching that scene when she, in a moment of deep pain and confusion, exposed her vulnerabilities to the wealthy white man who leads the entire network-- no back-up or blackmail or anything. I think maybe my frustrations with her character are a result of having so little faith in/respect for institutions that operate in the shadows like that. It was a great scene. Another phenomenal scene was Alex going to visit her daughter in boarding school. Just exquisite, the way their entire conversation unfolded.

I'm excited to see more of Audra + the "Minority Report" folks in season 2. They deserve more than to be relegated as a side plot and everyone knows it. Cannot believe they made us watch Alex and Cory sing an *entire* show tune but couldn't spend time on a backstory for Alison Yamazi.
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On the Rocks (2020)
19 November 2020
Very very little depth. An extremely miniscule amount of depth given to the characters. I did love how father and daughter tried (in their own ways) to reconcile their relationship with each another, and in general I love Rashida in most things. But this film was largely forgettable.
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it's actually
17 November 2020
Really really good. pretty accurate to what life is like for lots of 20something yo white kids living in socal suburbia. the writing is mad entertaining, the chemistry between the cast feels really authentic. i honestly can't get over how much i love this show lol. it's so good to see how far jimmy and christian have come. CANNOT WAIT for season 4
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