
8 Reviews
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Original and Fun....
17 December 2010
Finally...something creative and delightful directed at teens and pre-teens...that parents could enjoy too. After having my teeth hurt from the over-doses of fake sweetness from the same fakeness on the Disney Channel and the other Nick shows...this onefactually is fun to watch..and it makes you understand just what some kids go through in school...stuff you probably forget about after you grow up. The main an average kid...who is trying to navigate through Jr. high school...with two of his good frieds...Cookie and Moze. One is a nerd and the other is a girl who seems to excell at almost everything..but is always humble with her friends. They get into all kinds of mischief together during the school hours. Since teens live a good part of their lives at school...this makes sense. It is their universe...and it is bringing them closer to being OMG...responsible adults someday...if they make it past the bullies, weird teachers and rather strange principal who is stuck in a 80s' fashion warp...sun glasses and all. They try to fit in as much as they can...but try to be themselves at the same time. It goes to show you even teens have issues that screw with the way their lives are going. There should be more shows like this one offered to teens on television instead of the over kill of fake grins and "perfect" teens that are the usual fare on other channels. Bravo Ned and company.
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The Tourist (I) (2010)
Not Going To Waste Time or Money....ever
17 December 2010
After hearing endless promos for this film..way before it arrived in theaters..I had already decided I was not going to bother to see it...even if one of the main stars was Johnny Depp. Why? Because it also stars the over-rated Angelina Jolie. The only film I have liked her in was "Wanted"...and even then..I liked her co stars better for the most part. She is always promoted as an amazing actress...why? The hype about the two of them being in a film together was expected...but from what the critics have was lacking in every way. was noticed by the Golden Globes?? Again...why? Popular actors in a big budget film...thats why. No thanks...I will save my money for something more entertaining. Someday, I may see it on that is where it is headed soon.
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Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam (2010 TV Movie)
Enough Already
7 September 2010
It seems that the only thing Disney can do is keep repeating itself over and over...with very little original anything being created. They are trying to promote another teen queen with using Demi Lovato in the starring role. While she can sing fairly well, her acting skills leave much to be desired. There is no depth to any of it. We are suppose to believe she is THAT upset about everything happening around her. The camp on the other side of the lake apparently has everything amazing going for them...and want to WIN the competition. The heck with having a fun and memorable summer...those kids are there because they ALL plan to be HUGE stars...soon...that is if their egos don't get in the way and they can prove they can actually sing, dance and perform. The well known Jonas Brothers show up..not as themselves...but as camp counselers...who are suppose to teach the younger kids how to be ROCK stars. Of course...two of the three seem to do OK..but one always seems to have issues...that we suppose to find funny..(Kevin..the now-married one...who never gets ANY love interest in any of their shows..)..While they do sing and play isn't anything memorable at all. We know who we are suppose to cheer for...the good kids...the ones who have heart and are responsible...with or without adult supervision...which there is very little of most of the time. Lets' see...teenagers..left the adds up to more than just roasting marshmallows over the campfire. At least in the real world anyway. These are clean-cut Disney Kids though...and none have thoughts of anything even remotely out of line. What got me was they way these kids the highest of fashion...very un-camping like attire. Who wears dresses and jewelery at camp? Both the girls and the guys were over-dressed big time. And yes...I is a movie for pre-teens and teens that haven't outgrown family oriented programing. Trust a few years...these same kids will think this stuff is lame. On to bigger and more adult themes...and then the next generation of Disney fans will come along. The way Disney crams their programing at everyone is ridiculous. It is like riding the rides in the Disney Parks...they are all fun the first few times you ride them...then after a get tired of it all and wish for something else that is different and more memorable. The Disney of old is NOT the same as what they are cranking out today. Pity.
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Good Burger (1997)
Slightly Silly....Lots Of Fun....For All Ages
15 August 2010
Once upon a time...NICK actually offered fun programing. Stuff your kids and you could watch together and enjoy. Now...most of what NICK dumps out is the same stuff repeated over and over. Disney has become a product generating machine...taking kids,pre-teens, and teens and turning them into "stars" as quickly as possible...because that generates lots and lots of money. Little concern is given to the actual creativity that might happen as well. My all grown adults...used to watch many of the shows NICK "All That" and then "Kenan and Kel"....which is where this movie was generated from. Kel...the rather slow-witted half of the duo works at "Good Burger"...(how he got the job in the first place does come to mind..) and Kenan...the smart mouth wise guy...who tries to get through life without doing much at in this funny film. As "Ed" and "Dexter"..they get into all kinds of crazy situations...all the while trying to make it through the summer. Adding to the storyline is the fact that across the street from "Good Burger" is a huge fast food place called "Mondp Burger"..and it has none of the charm of Good fact...the plan of the very psycho manager of the place is to put Good Burger out of business...for good...or as he puts the grinder. All the workers there are actually afraid of this guy..Kurt...why I have no idea. He looks about as fearful as a cotton ball. It looks like Mondo is going to take over the burger world...but accident....Dexter discovers that Ed has created his own special sauce....and suddenly...Good Burger is the most popular place in town to eat...and everyone is happy...for a while. In between....there is a teacher who seems to have it in for Dexter..who owns him money for a car accident he caused. Sinbad plays this character...and he looks like he is stuck in the 70s. He seems too mean for a teacher...but adults are never shown in a good light in movies like this one. Anyway...the show goes on and Dexter and Ed go through all kinds of chaos becoming good friends in the process. They also have to become heroes of sorts as well...unlikely ones for sure. They end up saving the day...and all is well. My kids watched this film years ago..and now younger ones in our family have watched it too...laughing and enjoying it just as much. This movie and these actors were pre-Hannna/Carly/Jonus....and much more fun to watch. While NICK is still cute and kids watch it no longer offers the same fun and creative programing it once did. The "kids" of Good Burger have all grown up and moved on...few we will hear about from time to time...but the fun of Good Burger remains for those who loved it then and will always enjoy it now...with or without kids being around.
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What Was This Suppose To Be?
8 August 2010
Was the writer of this attempting to do something quirky and off-beat with this film? I did not catch the first part of the movie...I tuned in mid-way through..but seeing it from the beginning probably would not have made much difference really. I kept waiting for it to be funny or interesting or for goodness sake...make sense...which is barely ever did. Harold...the dork/nice guy...who was in total love with a woman who really didn't seem to like him all that much...even though she did go on a date with him. He pours his heart out to her..but doesn't work.She walks all over his heart...right there in a sleazy Vegas themed motel room. Poor guy. The underdog who never wins. His lady-love is in love with a rock and roll Dylan McDermott. A bad-ass he is not...and is about as suited to the roll as Pee Wee Herman would have been. Despite the long rocker hair and bad attitude..he comes off as 3rd rate wanna-be idiot. What woman would swoon over that? Seeing Gladys Knight and Phillis Diller in this farce floored me. How do filmmakers get well-knowns to do low budget junk? I kept thinking this movie was attempting to copy off-beat stuff like Tarentino would do...without the blood and gore. never quite made it there. None of the characters made you believe they were real was clear it was make-believe. Bad writing, bad acting...bad everything really. The girl..Wanda...never seemed like someone any guy would be heartbroken over...I guess just being pretty and blonde was all it took to turn heads though...and all she did was wait I couldn't decide if Harold was trying to look like Clint Eastwood or some other country swooner...someone should have told him to shave off those unappealing might help a little. It was a very predictable plot line...the underdog gets the girl in the end. In between is a lot of mixed up junk that made no real sense. Some low budget stuff is great...this one is not.
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Good Luck Charlie (2010–2014)
It Is Funny....For A While
19 July 2010
Sure...adding a cute baby to any show usually boosts the ratings. It was done on "Full House" with the Olsen twins playing little Michelle back in the 80s. It was so full of sappy stuff our teeth hurt after a while. So now...they decide to do another show with a "regular" family..and the main star is "Charlie"...a baby of about 2...(actually I think the kid is suppose to be about 10 mths. old in the show...but a kid that age really can't act too well...)and she wreaks havoc on each episode. Laugh track anyone? Yep....its' there...every time there is some kind of humor being tossed around...which happens all the time! The kids...teens...are always stuck babysitting this kid...while the parents are elsewhere..working or whatever. The teens want to have fun and do teenage things..but are stuck with Charlie...which is not what they had planned at all. One of the shows I saw had the older girl finally having a study date with the guy of her dreams...only to end up having to also babysit Charlie at the same unfair..but she does it and her boyfriend doesn't seem to mind...too much. Un huh..sure...all boyfriends will be so welcome to doing that. From what I have seen...the mother has returned to work at the hospital..and the dad is a stay at home father..I could be wrong was kind of confusing really. My question is...if they are well to do people..can't they afford daycare or a babysitter now and then? Oh yeah...they have older thats' FREE childcare for poor Charlie...who must have been an unplanned kid...because she is causing so much chaos by her arrival. It really is a nice show...but too unbelievable in too many ways. None of the kids who star in it really stand out...but they seem to fit together OK in this show. It isn't an amazing comedy or an unforgettable show at all. It is just regular entertainment.
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Sonny with a Chance (2009–2011)
Barely Entertaining
19 July 2010
I am sure there are lots of "Sonny" fans out there...who tune in every day to watch her attempt to be hilarious while she interfaces with the other characters on the show. But...frankly..after watching just an episode or two of this mess...I almost cringe when the kids in my family grab the remote to watch it. Ms. Lovato may be Disney standards...she is wholesome and sweet much of that is too much? She acts brainless in too many of her scenes...while the rest of the cast doesn't seem to have many brain cells either. It is suppose to be a "show within a show"...cute idea for the most part..but do these kids ever actually go home? Where is home anyway? Apparently, the set is their entire world and they do NOTHING else that is interesting. The main characters...Sonny and Tawny do not like each other much...(well..Sonny tries to like is not in her syrup sweet nature to be rude)...but they are thrown together over and over by the people making the shows they are on. Craziness ensues...wisdom..we learned somewhere along the way too. Demi Lovato spends so much time grinning that HUGE grin...surely her face must hurt at the end of a filming day. We are suppose to believe these people are in Hollywood to do a popular TV show...but the sets and acting is anything but would be a show that might make it on local cable access TV...we cannot believe it is a BIG SHOW and these kids are BIG STARS. The snobs are different than Sonny or course...there has to be that in a Disney show. Opposites attract? You just know at some point Sterlings' character who is a snob from "Mackenzie Falls" is going to fall for the good girl..Sonny and not the snobby is just a matter of time...the quick moments of flirting already is happening. How predictable. The teen girls of Disney are all from the same mold and it is a shame that a creative company like Disney cannot create something more fresh and original instead of trotting out more of the same. They are all cute, talented and carbon copies of each other in many ways. How boring.
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Slightly Entertaining....But Offered Nothing New...
18 July 2010
Predictable. The first word that came to mind after the first 30 minutes or so of watching this movie. Cute, funny...sure...but it was also way too ridiculous. Are all tourists who travel to other countries act like this array of people do here? Most have little or no interest or respect for anything they have traveled so far to look at? The entire group was better suited to tour Walmart or the local flea market...they would have all been thrilled to do it. I get that this is a love story of sorts...we get that too from the moment the bus driver comes into the picture. She is a lost soul...and he is there with wise things to happens. I really like the actress/writer in this film...but all her movies seem to be repeats of each other...just some of the details are changed around to fit into this story. The way they presented some of the tourists seemed a little too disrespectful...they were made to be over the top characters I guess...but none of their jokes or performances were very good. I spent part of the movie talking with my friends who were also watching the film with me. It just did not keep our interest for long. I like Richard Dryfuss and some of the other actors in this film...but I am not sure why they chose to do the parts they did. A light hearted comedy it is...but it is also a poorly made film for the most part too. Most guys would say this is a chick flick..or a date night don't expect the men in your lives to want to sit through it without falling asleep.
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