
18 Reviews
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Star Wars: Visions (2021– )
Some hit and miss
22 September 2021
Without spoiling much there are some episodes that are brilliant and some others that are just crap.

I give it a 7 because the good ones are REALLY good, even though the bad ones are bad it's a nice and refreshing change.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
A wild ride
25 May 2021
I watched this just knowing "Jason Statham" and the title, "Wrath of Man" and I knew I was in for an action packed movie.

And boy does this not disappoint, it is a wild ride and the less you know the best you'll enjoy it.
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The Watch: The Dark in the Dark (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
Small details make the whole thing fail
5 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As a DiscWorld fan, I can understand the Cheery cast (which I find beautiful despite the fact that Cheery was small as fk) and the fact that they avoided Nobby Nobs and Fred Colon (I mean... how do you do Nobby Nobs?). What I cannot forgive by any means whatsoever is putting a song that talks about "the anti-christ"

This is Discworld... there's no christianity here, no Jesus, no Christ...

There are tons of gods and semi-gods and you go and choose that song? Looks like a "we really don't care" to me...
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I Am Greta (2020)
Powerful figure, kind of meh documentary
15 November 2020
I've been following her since this started to snowball and watched this wanting to know more of her.

We see her and we learn about her and see her growing through the months but I find the documentary omitted an important bit which happened just after the "how dare you" moment. She realized she should not be the main figure and instead started asking people to research and, among all, read the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report.

I know that part is boring, it is, but is also very important.

I cannot strike enough how I didn't even knew what that was until she mentioned it, over and over again. So, thank you Greta, for your job and your movement.

The documentary though is kind of meh.
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Glue (2014)
A series of unfortunate decissions
11 October 2020
Following the finding of a 14 y.o. boy killed we get to explore a beautiful scenery, amazing teenagers trapped in a small village and discover their lives, experiences and feelings.

Although there some parts skippable the whole of it is an amazing experience.

Didn't honestly expected that from a show based on a murder, truly worth your time if you have it.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
Not for everyone, but that's ok
10 September 2020
If you are a fan of Star Trek and you have ever enjoyed Terry Prattchet books you'll like this one.

Some jokes are obvious some are witty, but it has managed to hook both me (a hard trekkie) and my gf (hasn't watched much trek at all, not her style)

I find it fun and refreshing.
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Serie B story with amazing visuals
27 April 2019
Visually awe-inspiring, acting quite good to be honest but the story... come on!

To take with you the whole planet instead of making spaceships for everyone (which would've been better) is stupid. The whole idea is all kinds of silly.

Then a few things that happen during the movie don't make any sense whatsoever. It reeks of serie B but it has the money to become a blockbuster.

Honestly I usually like anything space related but the story is so bad that I couldn't invest in any character or even the movie.
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A good origin story
9 March 2019
Captain Marvel introduces to Mavel's most powerful superhero, to a dismay of many people she's a girl (has anyone criticizing this even read the comics?)

As an origin story I found it definitely not boring, well explained, and with some well-adjusted tropes - because nowadays you cannot do a superhero film without checking at least two or three checkboxes.

The best of the film imho is her chemistry with Nick Fury, although there are some brilliant moments here and there that make this less than 2 hour movie a fun and endearing experience.

All in all a fun, exciting, well-acted, visually impressive movie.
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IO (2019)
19 January 2019
You know those movies that you keep expecting something to happen and what happens is the end credits? This is one of those, with the difference that there is nothing at all keeping you watching except the hope that something will happen at some point.

I give it a 4 because I really liked the looks of the post-apocalyptic city, but the rest of it? Pure boredom.
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A funny new take on spy stories
2 December 2018
I was honestly surprised by this.

I found it funny and engaging. You can feel the chemistry between Mila and Kate throughout the whole movie and it takes things to absurd places (kinda like the banana in Beverly Hills Cop). The fights are quite well done as well.

They are not shy to the gore either and some deaths will make you laugh with a capital O.

I'd watch it again.
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The Beyond (2017)
Hard SciFi in a movie
29 August 2018
This film is half of it in a documentary style not much different from Europa Report, and explores and asks some really good questions under a hard scifi prism.

Both the questions and the angle it provides complete with a fitting soundtrack and really good effects makes me give it an 8. Some actors don't perform as good as the score but the overall movie is brilliant.

If you like hard scifi (and are not scared to pause, google, understand and continue) this movie really deserves a chance.
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Blue Bloods: The Devil You Know (2018)
Season 8, Episode 21
Oh god, not with the privacy
5 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a regular follower of this show and usually I love the episodes, this one? Not so much, up to the point that I felt I had to say something.

Situation where a bomber dies and his phone is unlockable by the police, we know that one. On this episode the Comissioner (who's always been a bit dinosaur from my point of view, but always within reason) insists that to "protect millions of people" needs to access that phone.

Well, that's just the thing, ain't it? Sorry to disagree with the showrunners, writers and all but the right to privacy must take precedence, if not what you get is a police state.

We know we cannot trust anyone with that because, at the end of the day, they're just people and thus can be manipulated, blackmailed or worst. That's why encryption and the right to privacy are more important than any live, even if that means millions of lives.

So yeah, I really hated this episode and for the first time really hated the Comissioner with his 20th century way of thinking.
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Game of Thrones: Stormborn (2017)
Season 7, Episode 2
The last minutes ruined the episode
24 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Brilliant episode until the last minutes.

Spoiler starts here: Are you people for real? A few ships filled with Ironborn couldn't see "the greatest armada this world has ever seen" coming their way?

Why, because it was at night and the ships are black? And the lookout didn't know how to read the water? Or listen to the wind?

Lazy writing ruined the strategy, the episode and most probably the whole season because of that.

Absolutely bloody awful.
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
9 July 2015
I've been working in IT for 20+ years so I think I know a bit (just a bit) about that world. I couldn't even bear myself to even finish the first episode, is THAT bad.

There are some references that looked like someone just searched "IT jokes" and decided to put them in the mouth of this guy.

If you like/work in IT don't watch this... is horrible; is even worse than Nikita using IPs with octets over 2000.

Oh! And the main character is supposed to be autistic or genius or something, whilst the only thing he shows is ignorance... again, those searches about "IT jokes" were done by the intern otherwise I don't understand it.
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22 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First it was Falling Down, now is turn for God Bless America.

Brilliant way to criticize the world we're living in, with all the decadence that surrounds us.

Some say that Idiocracy or other films did it better but I believe this follows the line drawn by Falling Down, is not only trying to expose how f***d the world we live in it is but, it also shows something that most people, will experience themselves sometimes.

Joel and Tara make a wonderful job showing us how this society can burn you out no matter what your age is and I really loved the fact that they didn't want to go into the easy bit that would be sex between them.

Brilliantly written, really well though.

I loved it!
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Black Mirror (2011– )
9 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Say is surrealist is not enough.

Come on, a guy can take a picture of the actor like that? Where is the security? And the finger... come on, aren't there any specialist who know the difference between a MALE and a FEMALE finger? And the news girl, come on, can anyone SERIOUSLY believe she can go there so easily?

What are we? 6 year old children who don't see those details? Are we that stupid?

Unbearable. Remember, the devil is on the details.

P.S. The acting is good though, a shame they didn't look for the same level of detail when taking those things into account.
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Tidal Wave (2009)
Best disaster movie I've ever seen
8 September 2011
Usually the disaster movies take a few minutes to explain what's happening and the rest of the movie is how they face the disaster.

After seeing Haenduae I think that is the way a disaster movie should be. First, let me know the characters. Love them, hate them, laugh with them. Then, only then, show me what is happening so I can tremble when they run, cry if they die and laugh with joy if they survive.

It was the first time I saw a korean film and I enjoyed every single piece of it. Brilliant.

I don't understand the reviews saying that is bad... for me this is how all disaster movies should be.
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Blue Bloods (2010–2024)
Police with comments
11 October 2010
I was looking for new series for this winter and decided to try it cause I saw Tom Selleck and thought to myself "I loved him in Magnum when I was a child, let's try it to see what happens".

And it was a nice surprise, 4 generations of cops in the same family and two lawyers.

The best thing in this show (imho) is when they all sit on the table and talk about the case, someone will say what you're thinking and they'll argue and exchange their point of view and what they feel. After three chapters I must say I will follow the first season to see how the characters evolve.

Something different in the world of police series.
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